20,678 research outputs found

    Understanding user experience of mobile video: Framework, measurement, and optimization

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    Since users have become the focus of product/service design in last decade, the term User eXperience (UX) has been frequently used in the field of Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI). Research on UX facilitates a better understanding of the various aspects of the user’s interaction with the product or service. Mobile video, as a new and promising service and research field, has attracted great attention. Due to the significance of UX in the success of mobile video (Jordan, 2002), many researchers have centered on this area, examining users’ expectations, motivations, requirements, and usage context. As a result, many influencing factors have been explored (Buchinger, Kriglstein, Brandt & Hlavacs, 2011; Buchinger, Kriglstein & Hlavacs, 2009). However, a general framework for specific mobile video service is lacking for structuring such a great number of factors. To measure user experience of multimedia services such as mobile video, quality of experience (QoE) has recently become a prominent concept. In contrast to the traditionally used concept quality of service (QoS), QoE not only involves objectively measuring the delivered service but also takes into account user’s needs and desires when using the service, emphasizing the user’s overall acceptability on the service. Many QoE metrics are able to estimate the user perceived quality or acceptability of mobile video, but may be not enough accurate for the overall UX prediction due to the complexity of UX. Only a few frameworks of QoE have addressed more aspects of UX for mobile multimedia applications but need be transformed into practical measures. The challenge of optimizing UX remains adaptations to the resource constrains (e.g., network conditions, mobile device capabilities, and heterogeneous usage contexts) as well as meeting complicated user requirements (e.g., usage purposes and personal preferences). In this chapter, we investigate the existing important UX frameworks, compare their similarities and discuss some important features that fit in the mobile video service. Based on the previous research, we propose a simple UX framework for mobile video application by mapping a variety of influencing factors of UX upon a typical mobile video delivery system. Each component and its factors are explored with comprehensive literature reviews. The proposed framework may benefit in user-centred design of mobile video through taking a complete consideration of UX influences and in improvement of mobile videoservice quality by adjusting the values of certain factors to produce a positive user experience. It may also facilitate relative research in the way of locating important issues to study, clarifying research scopes, and setting up proper study procedures. We then review a great deal of research on UX measurement, including QoE metrics and QoE frameworks of mobile multimedia. Finally, we discuss how to achieve an optimal quality of user experience by focusing on the issues of various aspects of UX of mobile video. In the conclusion, we suggest some open issues for future study

    Service Platform for Converged Interactive Broadband Broadcast and Cellular Wireless

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    A converged broadcast and telecommunication service platform is presented that is able to create, deliver, and manage interactive, multimedia content and services for consumption on three different terminal types. The motivations of service providers for designing converged interactive multimedia services, which are crafted for their individual requirements, are investigated. The overall design of the system is presented with particular emphasis placed on the operational features of each of the sub-systems, the flows of media and metadata through the sub-systems and the formats and protocols required for inter-communication between them. The key features of tools required for creating converged interactive multimedia content for a range of different end-user terminal types are examined. Finally possible enhancements to this system are discussed. This study is of particular interest to those organizations currently conducting trials and commercial launches of DVB-H services because it provides them with an insight of the various additional functions required in the service provisioning platforms to provide fully interactive services to a range of different mobile terminal types

    An autonomic delivery framework for HTTP adaptive streaming in multicast-enabled multimedia access networks

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    The consumption of multimedia services over HTTP-based delivery mechanisms has recently gained popularity due to their increased flexibility and reliability. Traditional broadcast TV channels are now offered over the Internet, in order to support Live TV for a broad range of consumer devices. Moreover, service providers can greatly benefit from offering external live content (e. g., YouTube, Hulu) in a managed way. Recently, HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) techniques have been proposed in which video clients dynamically adapt their requested video quality level based on the current network and device state. Unlike linear TV, traditional HTTP- and HAS-based video streaming services depend on unicast sessions, leading to a network traffic load proportional to the number of multimedia consumers. In this paper we propose a novel HAS-based video delivery architecture, which features intelligent multicasting and caching in order to decrease the required bandwidth considerably in a Live TV scenario. Furthermore we discuss the autonomic selection of multicasted content to support Video on Demand (VoD) sessions. Experiments were conducted on a large scale and realistic emulation environment and compared with a traditional HAS-based media delivery setup using only unicast connections

    Stay Tuned: Whether Cloud-Based Service Providers Can Have Their Copyrighted Cake and Eat It Too

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    Copyright owners have the exclusive right to perform their works publicly and the ability to license their work to others who want to share that right. Subsections 106(4) and (5) of the Copyright Act govern this exclusive public performance right, but neither subsection elaborates on what constitutes a performance made “to the public” versus one that remains private. This lack of clarity has made it difficult for courts to apply the Copyright Act consistently, especially in the face of changing technology. Companies like Aereo, Inc. and AereoKiller, Inc. developed novel ways to transmit content over the internet to be viewed instantly by their subscribers and declined to procure the licenses that would have been required if these transmissions were being made “to the public.” However, while these companies claimed that their activities were outside of the purview of § 106(4) and (5), their rivals, copyright owners, and the U.S. Supreme Court disagreed. Likening Aereo to a cable company for purposes of § 106(4) and (5), the Supreme Court determined that the company would need to pay for the material it streamed. Perhaps more problematic for Aereo (and other similar companies) is the fact that the Court declined to categorize Aereo as an actual cable company, such that it would qualify to pay compulsory licensing fees—the more affordable option given to cable companies under § 111—to copyright holders. This Comment shows that, while the Court correctly ruled that companies like Aereo and AereoKiller should pay for the content transmitted, its failure to address whether Aereo is a cable company could frustrate innovation to the detriment of the public. It suggests, therefore, that these companies should be required to pay for the content that they transmit in the same way that cable companies do until Congress develops another system

    With the Support of Listeners Like You : Lessons from U.S. Public Radio

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    This chapter provides an assessment of public broadcasting in the United States. It asserts that European public service broadcasting (PSB) could learn from U.S. practices that may prove to be particularly relevant in the current PSB climate

    Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet

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    [DE] World Wide Web is the greatest boon towards the technological advancement of modern era. Using the benefits of Internet globally, anywhere and anytime, users can avail the benefits of accessing live and on demand video services. The streaming media systems such as YouTube, Netflix, and Apple Music are reining the multimedia world with frequent popularity among users. A key concern of quality perceived for video streaming applications over Internet is the Quality of Experience (QoE) that users go through. Due to changing network conditions, bit rate and initial delay and the multimedia file freezes or provide poor video quality to the end users, researchers across industry and academia are explored HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), which split the video content into multiple segments and offer the clients at varying qualities. The video player at the client side plays a vital role in buffer management and choosing the appropriate bit rate for each such segment of video to be transmitted. A higher bit rate transmitted video pauses in between whereas, a lower bit rate video lacks in quality, requiring a tradeoff between them. The need of the hour was to adaptively varying the bit rate and video quality to match the transmission media conditions. Further, The main aim of this paper is to give an overview on the state of the art HAS techniques across multimedia and networking domains. A detailed survey was conducted to analyze challenges and solutions in adaptive streaming algorithms, QoE, network protocols, buffering and etc. It also focuses on various challenges on QoE influence factors in a fluctuating network condition, which are often ignored in present HAS methodologies. Furthermore, this survey will enable network and multimedia researchers a fair amount of understanding about the latest happenings of adaptive streaming and the necessary improvements that can be incorporated in future developments.Abdullah, MTA.; Lloret, J.; Canovas Solbes, A.; García-García, L. (2017). Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(1-2):85-125. doi:10.5296/npa.v9i1-2.12412S8512591-

    A DASH server-side delay-based representation switching solution to improve the quality of experience for low-latency live video streaming

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    [EN] This work addresses the integration of real-time transmission systems, including IP cameras and production systems (like OBS or vMix), that use protocols such as RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), with content distribution technology based on LL-DASH (Low Latency DASH -Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP-), taking advantage of the fact that DASH offers significant well-known advan- tages for content distribution over the Internet and via CDNs (Content Delivery Networks). Considering the limitations of the LL-DASH standard regarding the adaptation to network conditions, this paper proposes a new solution called Server-Side Representation Switching (SSRS). SSRS uses an approach based on the server measuring the delay in the requests made by clients, whose variation may be due to a decrease in bandwidth, as occurs in Wi-Fi networks with a high number of clients. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution, a testbed has been developed that allows the performance evaluation of both the LL-DASH system and the solution based on server-side decision-making. In addition, the developed solution has been compared with known al- gorithms (L2A and LoL+) integrated into the Dash.js player. The results show that the Server-Side Representation Switching solution offers a good trade-off between the transmitted quality and the final delay measured at the client, compared to the other algorithms evaluated. Moreover, it holds the advantage of being straightforward to implement and does not require any modifications to the players used.This work is supported by the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) from the Government of Spain under the project "Nueva plataforma a bordo basada en redes 5G y Wi-Fi 6 para medios de transporte terrestre" (CDTI IDI-20210624).Belda Ortega, R.; Arce Vila, P.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; De Fez, I. (2023). A DASH server-side delay-based representation switching solution to improve the quality of experience for low-latency live video streaming. Computer Networks. 235:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2023.10996111523

    Transmissão de video melhorada com recurso a SDN em ambientes baseados em cloud

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    The great technological development of informatics has opened the way for provisioning various services and new online-based entertainment services, which have expanded significantly after the increase in social media applications and the number of users. This significant expansion has posed an additional challenge to Internet Service Providers (ISP)s in terms of management for network, equipment and the efficiency of service delivery. New notions and techniques have been developed to offer innovative solutions such as SDN for network management, virtualization for optimal resource utilization and others like cloud computing and network function virtualization. This dissertation aims to manage live video streaming in the network automatically by adding a design architecture to the virtual network environment that helps to filter video packets from the remaining ones into a certain tunnel and this tunnel will be handled as a higher priority to be able to provide better service for customers. With the dedicated architecture, side by side, a monitoring application integrated into the system was used to detect the video packets and notify the SDN server to the existence of the video through the networkOs grandes avanços tecnológicos em informática abriram o caminho para o fornecimento de vários serviços e novos aplicações de entretenimento baseadas na web, que expandiram significativamente com a explosão no número de aplicações e utilizadores das redes sociais. Esta expansão significativa colocou desafios adicionais aos fornecedores de serviços de rede, em termos de gestão de rede, equipamento e a eficácia do fornecimento de serviços. Novas noções e técnicas foram desenvolvidas para oferecer soluções inovadoras, tais como redes definidas por software (SDN) para a gestão de rede, virtualização para a optimização da utilização dos recursos e outros, tais como a computação em nuvem e as funções de rede virtualizadas. Esta dissertação pretende gerir automaticamente a emissão de vídeo ao vivo na rede, através da adição de uma arquitetura ao ambiente de rede virtualizado, que auxilie a filtragem de pacotes de vídeo dos do restante tráfego, para um túnel específico, que será gerido com uma prioridade maior, capaz de fornecer melhor serviço aos clientes. Além do desenho da arquitectura, scripts de Python foram usados para detectar os pacotes de vídeo e injetar novas regras no controlador SDN que monitoriza o tráfego ao longo da rede.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic