58,937 research outputs found

    Laser induced surface acoustic wave combined with phase sensitive optical coherence tomography for superficial tissue characterization:a solution for practical application

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    Mechanical properties are important parameters that can be used to assess the physiologic conditions of biologic tissue. Measurements and mapping of tissue mechanical properties can aid in the diagnosis, characterisation and treatment of diseases. As a non-invasive, non-destructive and non-contact method, laser induced surface acoustic waves (SAWs) have potential to accurately characterise tissue elastic properties. However, challenge still exists when the laser is directly applied to the tissue because of potential heat generation due to laser energy deposition. This paper focuses on the thermal effect of the laser induced SAW on the tissue target and provides an alternate solution to facilitate its application in clinic environment. The solution proposed is to apply a thin agar membrane as surface shield to protect the tissue. Transient thermal analysis is developed and verified by experiments to study the effects of the high energy Nd:YAG laser pulse on the surface shield. The approach is then verified by measuring the mechanical property of skin in a Thiel mouse model. The results demonstrate a useful step toward the practical application of laser induced SAW method for measuring real elasticity of normal and diseased tissues in dermatology and other surface epithelia

    Intrusion Detection Using Mouse Dynamics

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    Compared to other behavioural biometrics, mouse dynamics is a less explored area. General purpose data sets containing unrestricted mouse usage data are usually not available. The Balabit data set was released in 2016 for a data science competition, which against the few subjects, can be considered the first adequate publicly available one. This paper presents a performance evaluation study on this data set for impostor detection. The existence of very short test sessions makes this data set challenging. Raw data were segmented into mouse move, point and click and drag and drop types of mouse actions, then several features were extracted. In contrast to keystroke dynamics, mouse data is not sensitive, therefore it is possible to collect negative mouse dynamics data and to use two-class classifiers for impostor detection. Both action- and set of actions-based evaluations were performed. Set of actions-based evaluation achieves 0.92 AUC on the test part of the data set. However, the same type of evaluation conducted on the training part of the data set resulted in maximal AUC (1) using only 13 actions. Drag and drop mouse actions proved to be the best actions for impostor detection.Comment: Submitted to IET Biometrics on 23 May 201

    Impaired Spatial Reorientation in the 3xTg-AD Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.

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    In early Alzheimer's disease (AD) spatial navigation is impaired; however, the precise cause of this impairment is unclear. Recent evidence suggests that getting lost is one of the first impairments to emerge in AD. It is possible that getting lost represents a failure to use distal cues to get oriented in space. Therefore, we set out to look for impaired use of distal cues for spatial orientation in a mouse model of amyloidosis (3xTg-AD). To do this, we trained mice to shuttle to the end of a track and back to an enclosed start box to receive a water reward. Then, mice were trained to stop in an unmarked reward zone to receive a brain stimulation reward. The time required to remain in the zone for a reward was increased across training, and the track was positioned in a random start location for each trial. We found that 6-month female, but not 3-month female, 6-month male, or 12-month male, 3xTg-AD mice were impaired. 6-month male and female mice had only intracellular pathology and male mice had less pathology, particularly in the dorsal hippocampus. Thus, AD may cause spatial disorientation as a result of impaired use of landmarks

    A Laser-Guided Spinal Cord Displacement Injury in Adult Mice

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    Mouse models are unique for studying molecular mechanisms of neurotrauma because of the availability of various genetic modified mouse lines. For spinal cord injury (SCI) research, producing an accurate injury is essential, but it is challenging because of the small size of the mouse cord and the inconsistency of injury production. The Louisville Injury System Apparatus (LISA) impactor has been shown to produce precise contusive SCI in adult rats. Here, we examined whether the LISA impactor could be used to create accurate and graded contusive SCIs in mice. Adult C57BL/6 mice received a T10 laminectomy followed by 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 mm displacement injuries, guided by a laser, from the dorsal surface of the spinal cord using the LISA impactor. Basso Mouse Scale (BMS), grid-walking, TreadScan, and Hargreaves analyses were performed for up to 6 weeks post-injury. All mice were euthanized at the 7th week, and the spinal cords were collected for histological analysis. Our results showed that the LISA impactor produced accurate and consistent contusive SCIs corresponding to mild, moderate, and severe injuries to the cord. The degree of injury severities could be readily determined by the BMS locomotor, grid-walking, and TreadScan gait assessments. The cutaneous hyperalgesia threshold was also significantly increased as the injury severity increased. The terminal lesion area and the spared white matter of the injury epicenter were strongly correlated with the injury severities. We conclude that the LISA device, guided by a laser, can produce reliable graded contusive SCIs in mice, resulting in severity-dependent behavioral and histopathological deficits

    Are mice good models for human neuromuscular disease? Comparing muscle excursions in walking between mice and humans

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    The mouse is one of the most widely used animal models to study neuromuscular diseases and test new therapeutic strategies. However, findings from successful pre-clinical studies using mouse models frequently fail to translate to humans due to various factors. Differences in muscle function between the two species could be crucial but often have been overlooked. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare muscle excursions in walking between mice and humans

    Overexpression of the type 1 adenylyl cyclase in the forebrain leads to deficits of behavioral inhibition

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    The type 1 adenylyl cyclase (AC1) is an activity-dependent, calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclase expressed in the nervous system that is implicated in memory formation. We examined the locomotor activity, and impulsive and social behaviors of AC1+ mice, a transgenic mouse strain overexpressing AC1 in the forebrain. Here we report that AC1+ mice exhibit hyperactive behaviors and demonstrate increased impulsivity and reduced sociability. In contrast, AC1 and AC8 double knock-out mice are hypoactive, and exhibit increased sociability and reduced impulsivity. Interestingly, the hyperactivity of AC1+ mice can be corrected by valproate, a mood-stabilizing drug. These data indicate that increased expression of AC1 in the forebrain leads to deficits in behavioral inhibition

    GPU accelerated real-time multi-functional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm.

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    We present a GPU accelerated multi-functional spectral domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm. The system is capable of real-time processing and display of every intensity image, comprised of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines acquired at 20 frames per second. The update rate for all four images with size of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines simultaneously (intensity, phase retardation, flow and en face view) is approximately 10 frames per second. Additionally, we report for the first time the characterization of phase retardation and diattenuation by a sample comprised of a stacked set of polarizing film and wave plate. The calculated optic axis orientation, phase retardation and diattenuation match well with expected values. The speed of each facet of the multi-functional OCT CPU-GPU hybrid acquisition system, intensity, phase retardation, and flow, were separately demonstrated by imaging a horseshoe crab lateral compound eye, a non-uniformly heated chicken muscle, and a microfluidic device. A mouse brain with thin skull preparation was imaged in vivo and demonstrated the capability of the system for live multi-functional OCT visualization
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