14 research outputs found

    Introduction to the special section:Designing a better user experience for self-service systems

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    June 2013 issue of IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication features a special section on 'Designing a Better User Experience for Self-Service Systems'. Self-service systems offers the users the benefit of 24/7 access to an ever-growing range of services and perhaps also a strong sense of autonomy and fulfillment. Three papers in this section approach the design of the user experience of self-service systems in an integrated way and show the readership of this journal what methods and techniques can be used in this type of design process. These are, 'Identifying User Experience Factors for Mobile Incident Reporting in Urban Contexts,' by Bach, Bernhaupt, and Winckler, 'Improving User Experience for Passenger Information Systems. Prototypes and Reference Objects,' by Wirtz and Jakobs, and in 'A User-Centered Design Approach to Self-Service Ticket Vending Machines,' by Siebenhandl, Schreder, Smuc, Mayr, and Nagl

    Dashboard settings design in SVARA using user-centred design method

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    SVARA is the first Social Media audio application in Indonesia developed by PT. Zamrud Teknologi Khatulistiwa. At present, this application does not have feature settings to display content and other basic settings on the user's side. This situation results in users not having the role to manage the appearance of the dashboard according to their preferences. Settings are done entirely by administrators using scripts and must take APIs with regular PHP scripts. And this is very troublesome. So to give a role to the view of user management, the application needs to be made a dashboard setting feature as a follow-up. Through this paper, the researchers propose designing this dashboard feature using the User-Centered Design (UCD) method. The design results show that this method has a positive correlation with user involvement support in the application development process

    Evaluating and Redesigning the Self-Monitoring Tool

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    In order to facilitate self-monitoring interventions designed by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia, a web-based self-monitoring tool was created. This paper aims to evaluate the tool regarding its usability and user-experiences prior to its wide adoption. The User-Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) and the System Usability Scale (SUS) were used to evaluate the self-monitoring tool. The tool was implemented in a Human-Computer Interaction course during odd semesters and the evaluations were taken by the participants of the course. The evaluation results were analyzed to help determine whether the tool needs to be enhanced or improved. Based the results, a new design of self-monitoring tool was developed using the interface design principles

    Evaluating and Redesigning the Self-Monitoring Tool

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    In order to facilitate self-monitoring interventions designed by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia a web-based self-monitoring tool was created. This paper aims to evaluate the tool regarding its usability and user-experiences prior to its wide adoption. The System Usability Scale (SUS) and the User-Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) were used to evaluate the self-monitoring tool. The tool was implemented in a Human-Computer Interaction course during odd semesters, and the evaluations were taken by the participants of the course. The evaluation results were analysed to help determine whether the tool needs to be enhanced or improved. Based on the results, a new design of self-monitoring tool was developed using the interface design principles

    Responsive inclusive design (RiD): a new model for inclusive software development.

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    The design and development of technological solutions based on software for all types of people, including people with disabilities, is still a pending issue in most software application development projects today. Situations like the 2020 pandemic drastically reflect how people with disabilities tend to be left outside the application design and construction guidelines. There are multiple initiatives and previous works that advocate user involvement from the beginning of the project; however, in this work, we go a step further by presenting a model for designing and constructing software applications (RiD—Responsive inclusive Design) defined for inclusive software. RiD extends the involvement of the user with disabilities to the entire software life cycle, in different roles, and taking into account the changing nature of the user profile in the evolution of the product. This article also presents the EDICO case study, an accessible and inclusive scientific editor for the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE), which was successfully implemented applying the RiD principles.post-print1229 k

    Evaluating and Redesigning the Self-Monitoring Tool

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    ResumenSe presenta un sistema que permite visualizar desde la Internet el inventario de máquinas expendedoras de productos (vending machine) conectadas a una red de área amplia de baja potencia (LPWAN). El sistema consiste de tres nodos y una puerta de enlace o gateway. Cada nodo conecta una máquina expendedora con el gateway. En cada venta, el nodo transmite inalámbricamente al gateway el identificador del producto y la cantidad disponible del mismo. El gateway envía esta información a un servidor ubicado en la nube. El administrador de las máquinas puede visualizar el inventario de productos usando una interfaz de usuario que se ejecuta en una computadora conectada a la Internet. Cada nodo de la LPWAN se compone de un transceptor LL-RXR-27 y una tarjeta Arduino Due. La LPWAN se conecta al servidor de red ubicado en los servicios web de Amazon. La máquina expendedora más lejana se ubicó a 384 metros del gateway y el alcance de los transceptores fue 19 kilometros.Palabras Claves: Arduino Due, máquinas expendedoras, puerta de enlace, red de área amplia, transceptor. INVENTORY OF VENDING MACHINES USING A LPWANAbstractThis paper presents a system that allows to visualize from the Internet the inventory of vending machines connected to a low power wide area network (LPWAN). The system consists of three nodes and one gateway. Each node connects a vending machine with the gateway. In each sale, the node transmits wirelessly to the gateway the product identifier and the available quantity of the same. The gateway sends this information to a server located in the cloud. The machine manager can view the inventory of products using a user interface that runs on a computer connected to the Internet. Each node of the LPWAN consists of an LL-RXR-27 transceiver and an Arduino Due card. The LPWAN connects to the network server located on Amazon web services. The most distant vending machine was located 384 meters from the gateway and the reach of the transceivers was 19 kilometers.Keywords: Arduino Due, gateway, LPWAN, transceiver, vending machine

    Elaboración y validación de un marco de trabajo para el diseño de interfaces para cajeros automáticos

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    Los cajeros automáticos o ATM fueron el primer gran intento de los bancos por descentralizar sus servicios y desde entonces están en una constante ampliación, posicionando más cajeros para mejorar el alcance a sus clientes. Sin embargo, los ATM tienen demasiadas funcionalidades, lo que genera problemas de usabilidad debido a la falta de consideración por el usuario final en el diseño de las interfaces. Esto se debe a la escasa información sobre cómo aplicar nociones de usabilidad en el diseño de las interfaces de ATM. En el presente trabajo de tesis se elabora y valida formalmente un marco de trabajo para el diseño de interfaces usables para ATM. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un análisis de sus resultados permitiendo encontrar los métodos de diseño más idóneos para el diseño de interfaces usable ATM. Se clasificaron los métodos de acorde a las fases del estándar ISO 13407, se refinaron y validaron mediante entrevistas y cuestionarios dirigidos a expertos en usabilidad y ATM. El marco de trabajo propuesto fue empleado por el equipo de desarrollo de ATM de una entidad financiera del Perú para el rediseño de las interfaces del flujo de depósito de efectivo. Como resultado se obtuvieron interfaces gráficas que mejoraban la satisfacción del usuario final y resolvían problemas identificados por el equipo a través de métodos de diseño centrado en el usuario. Para la validación de la propuesta, se llevó a cabo pruebas de usabilidad con usuarios finales, quienes probaron interfaces diseñadas sin una metodología de diseño frente a las interfaces resultantes de la ejecución del marco de trabajo propuesto. Las interfaces resultantes de la ejecución de la propuesta tuvieron un nivel de usabilidad mayor, validando la eficacia del marco de trabajo propuesto para el diseño de interfaces usables para ATM. Con esto, se logra incluir un proceso metodológico de diseño centrado en el usuario al dominio ATM que puede ser empleada por la industria en un contexto real, mejorando la usabilidad en las interfaces finales.Tesi

    Attitudes to forced adoption of new technologies in public transportation services

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    With the advancement of technology and the need for the continuous development of service quality, the introduction of new systems in local or nationwide public transportation is a practice that passengers must accept from time to time. When these new systems are introduced along with the elimination of the old system, passengers may feel frustrated and unsatisfied. This study develops and tests a conceptual model that places the forced use of technology-based self-service at its center. Although the effects of mandatory usage of one option of a delivery mode have already been investigated, the antecedents of the acceptance of forced use are yet to be fully researched. This study provides a solid framework for the underlying factors behind the acceptance of forcing users to channel migration in public transportation. Through a real-life case of a public transportation company forcing its passengers to use exclusively self-service ticket vending machines while closing face-to-face ticket counters, we conducted a survey on the acceptance of the new mode of ticket purchase. Our results predominantly demonstrated that the perceived performance, ease of use of the new kiosks, and the need for interaction by consumers have a positive impact on the acceptance of forced use, while this acceptance plays a significant positive role in the formulation of satisfaction with the company

    Exploring design principles for self service technologies: The case of a ticket vending machine

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    The principal goal of this thesis was to research self service technologies used in public spaces, and how they can be improved upon. The main research question posed for this thesis was: "How well do the existing design principles support the ongoing development of self-service systems and are they su?cient?". There were also two sub-questions posed to further explore the topic: "How can novel design principles be used to improve the usability of self-service technologies?" and "Which methods are optimal for researching self-service technologies?" In order to answer these questions a range of research methods were used. These methods included observations, focus groups, usability testing and a review of existing literature. For the purpose of having a clear focus a speci?c self-service technology was chosen, the Skyss ticketing system. A prototype version of the existing system was created and tested with users, leading to a novel design principle that was named integration. A second iteration was also created to demonstrate the concept of the novel principle. The conclusion of the research was that a novel design principle can potentially enhance SST. However, there is still much room for improvement in the domain of self-service technology, and more research into design principles and methods is a feasible way of doing so.INFO390MASV-INF