11 research outputs found

    Performance Optimization in Wireless Local Area Networks

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    Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) are becoming more and more important for providing wireless broadband access. Applications and networking scenarios evolve continuously and in an unpredictable way, attracting the attention of academic institutions, research centers and industry. For designing an e cient WLAN is necessary to carefully plan coverage and to optimize the network design parameters, such as AP locations, channel assignment, power allocation, MAC protocol, routing algorithm, etc... In this thesis we approach performance optimization in WLAN at di erent layer of the OSI model. Our rst approach is at Network layer. Starting from a Hybrid System modeling the ow of tra c in the network, we propose a Hybrid Linear Varying Parameter algorithm for identifying the link quality that could be used as metric in routing algorithms. Go down to Data Link, it is well known that CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) protocols exhibit very poor performance in case of multi-hop transmissions, because of inter-link interference due to imperfect carrier sensing. We propose two novel algorithms, that are combining Time Division Multiple Access for grouping contending nodes in non-interfering sets with Carrier Sense Multiple Access for managing the channel access behind a set. In the rst solution, a game theoretical study of intra slot contention is introduced, in the second solution we apply an optimization algorithm to nd the optimal degree between contention and scheduling. Both the presented solutions improve the network performance with respect to CSMA and TDMA algorithms. Finally we analyze the network performance at Physical Layer. In case of WLAN, we can only use three orthogonal channels in an unlicensed spectrum, so the frequency assignments should be subject to frequent adjustments, according to the time-varying amount of interference which is not under the control of the provider. This problem make necessary the introduction of an automatic network planning solution, since a network administrator cannot continuously monitor and correct the interference conditions su ered in the network. We propose a novel protocol based on a distributed machine learning mechanism in which the nodes choose, automatically and autonomously in each time slot, the optimal channel for transmitting through a weighted combination of protocols

    Gestion adaptative des ressources dans les réseaux maillés sans fil à multiples-radios multiples-canaux

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    Depuis quelques années, la recherche dans le domaine des réseaux maillés sans fil ("Wireless Mesh Network (WMN)" en anglais) suscite un grand intérêt auprès de la communauté des chercheurs en télécommunications. Ceci est dû aux nombreux avantages que la technologie WMN offre, telles que l'installation facile et peu coûteuse, la connectivité fiable et l'interopérabilité flexible avec d'autres réseaux existants (réseaux Wi-Fi, réseaux WiMax, réseaux cellulaires, réseaux de capteurs, etc.). Cependant, plusieurs problèmes restent encore à résoudre comme le passage à l'échelle, la sécurité, la qualité de service (QdS), la gestion des ressources, etc. Ces problèmes persistent pour les WMNs, d'autant plus que le nombre des utilisateurs va en se multipliant. Il faut donc penser à améliorer les protocoles existants ou à en concevoir de nouveaux. L'objectif de notre recherche est de résoudre certaines des limitations rencontrées à l'heure actuelle dans les WMNs et d'améliorer la QdS des applications multimédia temps-réel (par exemple, la voix). Le travail de recherche de cette thèse sera divisé essentiellement en trois principaux volets: le contrôle d‟admission du trafic, la différentiation du trafic et la réaffectation adaptative des canaux lors de la présence du trafic en relève ("handoff" en anglais). Dans le premier volet, nous proposons un mécanisme distribué de contrôle d'admission se basant sur le concept des cliques (une clique correspond à un sous-ensemble de liens logiques qui interfèrent les uns avec les autres) dans un réseau à multiples-sauts, multiples-radios et multiples-canaux, appelé RCAC. Nous proposons en particulier un modèle analytique qui calcule le ratio approprié d'admission du trafic et qui garantit une probabilité de perte de paquets dans le réseau n'excédant pas un seuil prédéfini. Le mécanisme RCAC permet d‟assurer la QdS requise pour les flux entrants, sans dégrader la QdS des flux existants. Il permet aussi d‟assurer la QdS en termes de longueur du délai de bout en bout pour les divers flux. Le deuxième volet traite de la différentiation de services dans le protocole IEEE 802.11s afin de permettre une meilleure QdS, notamment pour les applications avec des contraintes temporelles (par exemple, voix, visioconférence). À cet égard, nous proposons un mécanisme d'ajustement de tranches de temps ("time-slots"), selon la classe de service, ED-MDA (Enhanced Differentiated-Mesh Deterministic Access), combiné à un algorithme efficace de contrôle d'admission EAC (Efficient Admission Control), afin de permettre une utilisation élevée et efficace des ressources. Le mécanisme EAC prend en compte le trafic en relève et lui attribue une priorité supérieure par rapport au nouveau trafic pour minimiser les interruptions de communications en cours. Dans le troisième volet, nous nous intéressons à minimiser le surcoût et le délai de re-routage des utilisateurs mobiles et/ou des applications multimédia en réaffectant les canaux dans les WMNs à Multiples-Radios (MR-WMNs). En premier lieu, nous proposons un modèle d'optimisation qui maximise le débit, améliore l'équité entre utilisateurs et minimise le surcoût dû à la relève des appels. Ce modèle a été résolu par le logiciel CPLEX pour un nombre limité de noeuds. En second lieu, nous élaborons des heuristiques/méta-heuristiques centralisées pour permettre de résoudre ce modèle pour des réseaux de taille réelle. Finalement, nous proposons un algorithme pour réaffecter en temps-réel et de façon prudente les canaux aux interfaces. Cet algorithme a pour objectif de minimiser le surcoût et le délai du re-routage spécialement du trafic dynamique généré par les appels en relève. Ensuite, ce mécanisme est amélioré en prenant en compte l‟équilibrage de la charge entre cliques.In the last few years, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) area brought a new field of advanced research among network specialized scientists. This is due to the many advantages which WMN technology offers, such as: easy and inexpensive installation, reliable connectivity and flexible interoperability with other existing networks (Wi-Fi, WiMax, Cellular, Sensors, WPAN networks, etc.). However, several problems still remain to be solved such as the scalability, the security, the quality of service (QoS), the resources management, etc. These problems persist for WMNs, therefore the researchers propose to improve the existing protocols or to conceive new protocols for WMNs. In order to solve some of the current limitations met in the wireless networks and to improve QoS of real time multimedia applications in such networks, our research will be divided primarily into three parts: traffic admission control, traffic differentiation and handoff-aware channel assignment schemes. In the first part, we propose a distributed admission control scheme for WMNs, namely, Routing on Cliques (a clique is defined as a subset of logical links that interfere with each other) Admission Control (RCAC). Particularly, we propose an analytical model to compute the appropriate acceptance ratio and guarantee that the packet loss probability in the network does not exceed a threshold value. The model also allows computing end-to-end delay to process flow requests with delay constraints. In the second part, we design an efficient scheduler for Mesh Deterministic Access (MDA) in IEEE 802.11s-based WMNs, called Enhanced Differentiated-MDA (ED-MDA) to support voice and video applications with strict requirements on delay and on blocking/dropping probability. ED-MDA together with Enhanced Admission Control, namely EAC, reserves the minimum amount of necessary resources while maintaining an acceptable handoff call dropping and high resource utilization. The final section addresses handoff-aware channel assignment (CA) problem in Multiple Radios WMNs (MR-WMNs). In this section, we first propose a multi-objective optimization model that, besides maximizing throughput, improves fairness and handoff experience of mesh clients. In this model, the Jain’s index is used to maximize users’ fairness and to allow same channel assignments to links involved in the same high handoff traffic, thus reducing handoff-triggered re-routing characterized by its high latency. Second, we solved this model to obtain exact solutions by the CPLEX software for a limited number of nodes. We therefore propose to use centralized heuristics/meta-heuristics algorithms as an offline CA process to obtain near-optimal solutions for larger instances (real size network). Moreover, in order to adapt to traffic dynamics caused especially by user handoffs, an online CA scheme is proposed that carefully re-assigns channels to interfaces with the purpose of continuously minimizing the re-routing overhead/latency during user handoffs. This online scheme is improved using load balancing

    A metaheuristic and simheuristic approach for the p-Hub median problem from a telecommunication perspective

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Avanços recentes no setor das telecomunicações oferecem grandes oportunidades para cidadãos e organizações em um mundo globalmente conectado, ao mesmo tempo em que surge um vasto número de desafios complexos que os engenheiros devem enfrentar. Alguns desses desafios podem ser modelados como problemas de otimização. Alguns exemplos incluem o problema de alocação de recursos em redes de comunicações, desenho de topologias de rede que satisfaça determinadas propriedades associadas a requisitos de qualidade de serviço, sobreposição de redes multicast e outros recursos importantes para comunicação de origem a destino. O primeiro objetivo desta tese é fornecer uma revisão sobre como as metaheurísticas têm sido usadas até agora para lidar com os problemas de otimização associados aos sistemas de telecomunicações, detectando as principais tendências e desafios. Particularmente, a análise enfoca os problemas de desenho, roteamento e alocação de recursos. Além disso, devido á natureza desses desafios, o presente trabalho discute como a hibridização de metaheurísticas com metodologias como simulação pode ser empregada para ampliar as capacidades das metaheurísticas na resolução de problemas de otimização estocásticos na indústria de telecomunicações. Logo, é analisado um problema de otimização com aplicações práticas para redes de telecomunica ções: o problema das p medianas não capacitado em que um número fixo de hubs tem capacidade ilimitada, cada nó não-hub é alocado para um único hub e o número de hubs é conhecido de antemão, sendo analisado em cenários determinísticos e estocásticos. Dada a sua variedade e importância prática, o problema das p medianas vem sendo aplicado e estudado em vários contextos. Seguidamente, propõem-se dois algoritmos imune-inspirados e uma metaheurística de dois estágios, que se baseia na combinação de técnicas tendenciosas e aleatórias com uma estrutura de busca local iterada, além de sua integração com a técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo para resolver o problema das p medianas. Para demonstrar a eficiência dos algoritmos, uma série de testes computacionais é realizada, utilizando instâncias de grande porte da literatura. Estes resultados contribuem para uma compreensão mais profunda da eficácia das metaheurísticas empregadas para resolver o problema das p medianas em redes pequenas e grandes. Por último, uma aplicaçã o ilustrativa do problema das p medianas é apresentada, bem como alguns insights sobre novas possibilidades para ele, estendendo a metodologia proposta para ambientes da vida real.Recent advances in the telecommunication industry o er great opportunities to citizens and organizations in a globally-connected world, but they also arise a vast number of complex challenges that decision makers must face. Some of these challenges can be modeled as optimization problems. Examples include the framework of network utility maximization for resource allocation in communication networks, nding a network topology that satis es certain properties associated with quality of service requirements, overlay multicast networks, and other important features for source to destination communication. First, this thesis provides a review on how metaheuristics have been used so far to deal with optimization problems associated with telecommunication systems, detecting the main trends and challenges. Particularly the analysis focuses on the network design, routing, and allocation problems. In addition, due to the nature of these challenges, this work discusses how the hybridization of metaheuristics with methodologies such as simulation can be employed to extend the capabilities of metaheuristics when solving stochastic optimization problems. Then, a popular optimization problem with practical applications to the design of telecommunication networks: the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem (USApHMP) where a xed number of hubs have unlimited capacity, each non-hub node is allocated to a single hub and the number of hubs is known in advance is analyzed in deterministic and stochastic scenarios. p-hub median problems are concerned with optimality of telecommunication and transshipment networks, and seek to minimize the cost of transportation or establishing. Next, two immune inspired metaheuristics are proposed to solve the USApHMP, besides that, a two-stage metaheuristic which relies on the combination of biased-randomized techniques with an iterated local search framework and its integration with simulation Monte Carlo technique for solving the same problem is proposed. In order to show their e ciency, a series of computational tests are carried out using small and large size instances from the literature. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the e ectiveness of the employed metaheuristics for solving the USApHMP in small and large networks. Finally, an illustrative application of the USApHMP is presented as well as some insights about some new possibilities for it, extending the proposed methodology to real-life environments.Els últims avenços en la industria de les telecomunicacions ofereixen grans oportunitats per ciutadans i organitzacions en un món globalment connectat, però a la vegada, presenten reptes als que s'enfronten tècnics i enginyers que prenen decisions. Alguns d'aquests reptes es poden modelitzar com problemes d'optimització. Exemples inclouen l'assignació de recursos a les xarxes de comunicació, trobant una topologia de xarxa que satisfà certes propietats associades a requisits de qualitat de servei, xarxes multicast superposades i altres funcions importants per a la comunicació origen a destinació. El primer objectiu d'aquest treball és proporcionar un revisió de la literatura sobre com s'han utilitzat aquestes tècniques, tradicionalment, per tractar els problemes d'optimització associats a sistemes de telecomunicació, detectant les principals tendències i desa aments. Particularment, l'estudi es centra en els problemes de disseny de xarxes, enrutament i problemes d'assignació de recursos. Degut a la naturalesa d'aquests problemes, aquest treball també analitza com es poden combinar les tècniques metaheurístiques amb metodologies de simulació per ampliar les capacitats de resoldre problemes d'optimització estocàstics. A més, es tracta un popular problema d'optimització amb aplicacions pràctiques per xarxes de telecomunicació, el problema de la p mediana no capacitat, analitzant-lo des d'escenaris deterministes i estocàstics. Aquest problema consisteix en determinar el nombre d'instal lacions (medianes) en una xarxa, minimitzant la suma de tots els costs o distàncies des d'un punt de demanda a la instal lació més propera. En general, el problema de la p mediana està lligat amb l'optimització de xarxes de telecomunicacions i de transport, i busquen minimitzar el cost de transport o establiment de la xarxa. Es proposa dos algoritmes immunològics i un algoritme metaheurístic de dues etapes basat en la combinació de tècniques aleatòries amb simulacions Monte Carlo. L'e ciència de les algoritmes es posa a prova mitjançant alguns dels test computacionals més utilitzats a la literatura, obtenint uns resultats molt satisfactoris, ja que es capaç de resoldre casos petits i grans en qüestió de segons i amb un baix cost computacional. Finalment, es presenta una aplicació il lustrativa del problema de la p mediana, així com algunes noves idees sobre aquest, que estenen la metodologia proposta a problemes de la vida real

    Leveraging Cognitive Radio Networks Using Heterogeneous Wireless Channels

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    The popularity of ubiquitous Internet services has spurred the fast growth of wireless communications by launching data hungry multimedia applications to mobile devices. Powered by spectrum agile cognitive radios, the newly emerged cognitive radio networks (CRN) are proposed to provision the efficient spectrum reuse to improve spectrum utilization. Unlicensed users in CRN, or secondary users (SUs), access the temporarily idle channels in a secondary and opportunistic fashion while preventing harmful interference to licensed primary users (PUs). To effectively detect and exploit the spectrum access opportunities released from a wide spectrum, the heterogeneous wireless channel characteristics and the underlying prioritized spectrum reuse features need to be considered in the protocol design and resource management schemes in CRN, which plays a critical role in unlicensed spectrum sharing among multiple users. The purpose of this dissertation is to address the challenges of utilizing heterogeneous wireless channels in CRN by its intrinsic dynamic and diverse natures, and build the efficient, scalable and, more importantly, practical dynamic spectrum access mechanisms to enable the cost-effective transmissions for unlicensed users. Note that the spectrum access opportunities exhibit the diversity in the time/frequency/space domain, secondary transmission schemes typically follow three design principles including 1) utilizing local free channels within short transmission range, 2) cooperative and opportunistic transmissions, and 3) effectively coordinating transmissions in varying bandwidth. The entire research work in this dissertation casts a systematic view to address these principles in the design of the routing protocols, medium access control (MAC) protocols and radio resource management schemes in CRN. Specifically, as spectrum access opportunities usually have small spatial footprints, SUs only communicate with the nearby nodes in a small area. Thus, multi-hop transmissions in CRN are considered in this dissertation to enable the connections between any unlicensed users in the network. CRN typically consist of intermittent links of varying bandwidth so that the decision of routing is closely related with the spectrum sensing and sharing operations in the lower layers. An efficient opportunistic cognitive routing (OCR) scheme is proposed in which the forwarding decision at each hop is made by jointly considering physical characteristics of spectrum bands and diverse activities of PUs in each single band. Such discussion on spectrum aware routing continues coupled with the sensing selection and contention among multiple relay candidates in a multi-channel multi-hop scenario. An SU selects the next hop relay and the working channel based upon location information and channel usage statistics with instant link quality feedbacks. By evaluating the performance of the routing protocol and the joint channel and route selection algorithm with extensive simulations, we determine the optimal channel and relay combination with reduced searching complexity and improved spectrum utilization. Besides, we investigate the medium access control (MAC) protocol design in support of multimedia applications in CRN. To satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements of heterogeneous applications for SUs, such as voice, video, and data, channels are selected to probe for appropriate spectrum opportunities based on the characteristics and QoS demands of the traffic along with the statistics of channel usage patterns. We propose a QoS-aware MAC protocol for multi-channel single hop scenario where each single SU distributedly determines a set of channels for sensing and data transmission to satisfy QoS requirements. By analytical model and simulations, we determine the service differentiation parameters to provision multiple levels of QoS. We further extend our discussion of dynamic resource management to a more practical deployment case. We apply the experiences and skills learnt from cognitive radio study to cellular communications. In heterogeneous cellular networks, small cells are deployed in macrocells to enhance link quality, extend network coverage and offload traffic. As different cells focus on their own operation utilities, the optimization of the total system performance can be analogue to the game between PUs and SUs in CRN. However, there are unique challenges and operation features in such case. We first present challenging issues including interference management, network coordination, and interworking between cells in a tiered cellular infrastructure. We then propose an adaptive resource management framework to improve spectrum utilization and mitigate the co-channel interference between macrocells and small cells. A game-theory-based approach is introduced to handle power control issues under constrained control bandwidth and limited end user capability. The inter-cell interference is mitigated based upon orthogonal transmissions and strict protection for macrocell users. The research results in the dissertation can provide insightful lights on flexible network deployment and dynamic spectrum access for prioritized spectrum reuse in modern wireless systems. The protocols and algorithms developed in each topic, respectively, have shown practical and efficient solutions to build and optimize CRN

    Mobility Management and Congestion Control in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Today, wireless mesh networks are increasingly popular. In order to be better adapted to the increasing number of offered services in telecommunications, many Quality of Service (QoS) problems are being considered. Some of the important issues are: admission control, congestion control, and handoff management of the network. Our research focuses on those issues individually and combining them together in order to find solutions to enhance the quality of service provided to each user as demanded in their SLA. A novel Markov Decision-based Admission Control and Routing (MDACR) algorithm is proposed. The MDACR algorithm finds a sub-optimal solution using the value iteration method. Admission rate increases for both types of user associations (handoff and new user association request), which is addressed by a proposed multi-homing admission and routing algorithm. This algorithm associates the user with two different access points. This is beneficial in a highly congested network, which permits a new routing metric to assure seamless handoff in the network. When a user is moving, MDACR algorithm finds a maximally jointed route with the old route, which decreases the handoff delay. Another aspect is considered in order to improve the QoS in WMN, which is the congestion control, a novel proactive approach is proposed. Where a Variable Order Markov (VOM) prediction model is introduced to predict the congestion status in each link in the network, a new route is established for the traffic based on the output of the VOM model, and the transmission rate is adjusted based on the link congestion status to increase the overall user satisfaction. Sub-optimal model is introduced and solved using Lagrange method. Based on the predicted link congestion, rerouting algorithm is implemented in order to insure load balancing and to mitigate congestion over WMN network. Our ultimate goal is to improve the QoS in WMN by dealing individually with the issues stated above and try to combine them together and provide QoS framework which deals with many types of services

    Channel parameter tuning in a hybrid Wi-Fi-Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Mesh Network

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    This work addresses Channel Assignment in a multi-radio multi-channel (MRMC) Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) using both Wi-Fi and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) spectrum bands and standards. This scenario poses new challenges because nodes are spread out geographically so may have differing allowed channels and experience different levels of external interference in different channels. A solution must meet two conflicting requirements simultaneously: 1) avoid or minimise interference within the network and from external interference sources, and 2) maintain connectivity within the network. These two requirements must be met while staying within the link constraints and the radio interface constraints, such as only assigning as many channels to a node as it has radios. This work's original contribution to the field is a unified framework for channel optimisation and assignment in a WMN that uses both DSA and traditional Wi-Fi channels for interconnectivity. This contribution is realised by providing and analysing the performance of near-optimal Channel Assignment (CA) solutions using metaheuristic algorithms for the MRMC WMNs using DSA bands. We have created a simulation framework for evaluating the algorithms. The performance of Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, Differential Evolution, and Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms have been analysed and compared for the CA optimisation problem. We introduce a novel algorithm, used alongside the metaheuristic optimisation algorithms, to generate feasible candidate CA solutions. Unlike previous studies, this sensing and CA work takes into account the requirement to use a Geolocation Spectrum Database (GLSD) to get the allowed channels, in addition to using spectrum sensing to identify and estimate the cumulative severity of both internal and external interference sources. External interference may be caused by other secondary users (SUs) in the vicinity or by primary transmitters of the DSA band whose emissions leak into adjacent channels, next-toadjacent, or even into further channels. We use signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) as the optimisation objective. This incorporates any possible source or type of interference and makes our method agnostic to the protocol or technology of the interfering devices while ensuring that the received signal level is high enough for connectivity to be maintained on as many links as possible. To support our assertion that SINR is a reasonable criterion on which to base the optimisation, we have carried out extensive outdoor measurements in both line-of-sight and wooded conditions in the television white space (TVWS) DSA band and the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band. These measurements show that SINR is useful as a performance measure, especially when the interference experienced on a link is high. Our statistical analysis shows that SINR effectively differentiates the performance of different channels and that SINR is well correlated with throughput and is thus a good predictor of end-user experience, despite varying conditions. We also identify and analyse the idle times created by Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) contention-based Medium Access Control (MAC) operations and propose the use of these idle times for spectrum sensing to measure the SINR on possible channels. This means we can perform spectrum sensing with zero spectrum sensing delay experienced by the end user. Unlike previous work, this spectrum sensing is transparent and can be performed without causing any disruption to the normal data transmission of the network. We conduct Markov chain analysis to find the expected length of time of a sensing window. We also derive an efficient minimum variance unbiased estimator of the interference plus noise and show how the SINR can be found using this estimate. Our estimation is more granular, accurate, and appropriate to the problem of Secondary User (SU)-SU coexistence than the binary hypothesis testing methods that are most common in the literature. Furthermore, we construct confidence intervals based on the probability density function derived for the observations. This leads to finding and showing the relationships between the number of sampling windows and sampling time, the interference power, and the achievable confidence interval width. While our results coincide with (and thus are confirmed by) some key previous recommendations, ours are more precise, granular, and accurate and allow for application to a wider range of operating conditions. Finally, we present alterations to the IEEE 802.11k protocol to enable the reporting of spectrum sensing results to the fusion or gateway node and algorithms for distributing the Channel Assignment once computed. We analyse the convergence rate of the proposed procedures and find that high network availability can be maintained despite the temporary loss of connectivity caused by the channel switching procedure. This dissertation consolidates the different activities required to improve the channel parameter settings of a multi-radio multi-channel DSA-WMN. The work facilitates the extension of Internet connectivity to the unconnected or unreliably connected in rural or peri-urban areas in a more cost-effective way, enabling more meaningful and affordable access technologies. It also empowers smaller players to construct better community networks for sharing local content. This technology can have knock-on effects of improved socio-economic conditions for the communities that use it

    Resource allocation in networks via coalitional games

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    The main goal of this dissertation is to manage resource allocation in network engineering problems and to introduce efficient cooperative algorithms to obtain high performance, ensuring fairness and stability. Specifically, this dissertation introduces new approaches for resource allocation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) wireless networks and in smart power grids by casting the problems to the coalitional game framework and by providing a constructive iterative algorithm based on dynamic learning theory.  Software Engineering (Software)Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    A new connectivity strategy for wireless mesh networks using dynamic spectrum access

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    The introduction of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) marked an important juncture in the evolution of wireless networks. DSA is a spectrum assignment paradigm where devices are able to make real-time adjustment to their spectrum usage and adapt to changes in their spectral environment to meet performance objectives. DSA allows spectrum to be used more efficiently and may be considered as a viable approach to the ever increasing demand for spectrum in urban areas and the need for coverage extension to unconnected communities. While DSA can be applied to any spectrum band, the initial focus has been in the Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) band traditionally used for television broadcast because the band is lightly occupied and also happens to be ideal spectrum for sparsely populated rural areas. Wireless access in general is said to offer the most hope in extending connectivity to rural and unconnected peri-urban communities. Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) in particular offer several attractive characteristics such as multi-hopping, ad-hoc networking, capabilities of self-organising and self-healing, hence the focus on WMNs. Motivated by the desire to leverage DSA for mesh networking, this research revisits the aspect of connectivity in WMNs with DSA. The advantages of DSA when combined with mesh networking not only build on the benefits, but also creates additional challenges. The study seeks to address the connectivity challenge across three key dimensions, namely network formation, link metric and multi-link utilisation. To start with, one of the conundrums faced in WMNs with DSA is that the current 802.11s mesh standard provides limited support for DSA, while DSA related standards such as 802.22 provide limited support for mesh networking. This gap in standardisation complicates the integration of DSA in WMNs as several issues are left outside the scope of the applicable standard. This dissertation highlights the inadequacy of the current MAC protocol in ensuring TVWS regulation compliance in multi-hop environments and proposes a logical link MAC sub-layer procedure to fill the gap. A network is considered compliant in this context if each node operates on a channel that it is allowed to use as determined for example, by the spectrum database. Using a combination of prototypical experiments, simulation and numerical analysis, it is shown that the proposed protocol ensures network formation is accomplished in a manner that is compliant with TVWS regulation. Having tackled the compliance problem at the mesh formation level, the next logical step was to explore performance improvement avenues. Considering the importance of routing in WMNs, the study evaluates link characterisation to determine suitable metric for routing purposes. Along this dimension, the research makes two main contributions. Firstly, A-link-metric (Augmented Link Metric) approach for WMN with DSA is proposed. A-link-metric reinforces existing metrics to factor in characteristics of a DSA channel, which is essential to improve the routing protocol's ranking of links for optimal path selection. Secondly, in response to the question of “which one is the suitable metric?”, the Dynamic Path Metric Selection (DPMeS) concept is introduced. The principal idea is to mechanise the routing protocol such that it assesses the network via a distributed probing mechanism and dynamically binds the routing metric. Using DPMeS, a routing metric is selected to match the network type and prevailing conditions, which is vital as each routing metric thrives or recedes in performance depending on the scenario. DPMeS is aimed at unifying the years worth of prior studies on routing metrics in WMNs. Simulation results indicate that A-link-metric achieves up to 83.4 % and 34.6 % performance improvement in terms of throughput and end-to-end delay respectively compared to the corresponding base metric (i.e. non-augmented variant). With DPMeS, the routing protocol is expected to yield better performance consistently compared to the fixed metric approach whose performance fluctuates amid changes in network setup and conditions. By and large, DSA-enabled WMN nodes will require access to some fixed spectrum to fall back on when opportunistic spectrum is unavailable. In the absence of fully functional integrated-chip cognitive radios to enable DSA, the immediate feasible solution for the interim is single hardware platforms fitted with multiple transceivers. This configuration results in multi-band multi-radio node capability that lends itself to a variety of link options in terms of transmit/receive radio functionality. The dissertation reports on the experimental performance evaluation of radios operating in the 5 GHz and UHF-TVWS bands for hybrid back-haul links. It is found that individual radios perform differently depending on the operating parameter settings, namely channel, channel-width and transmission power subject to prevailing environmental (both spectral and topographical) conditions. When aggregated, if the radios' data-rates are approximately equal, there is a throughput and round-trip time performance improvement of 44.5 - 61.8 % and 7.5 - 41.9 % respectively. For hybrid links comprising radios with significantly unequal data-rates, this study proposes an adaptive round-robin (ARR) based algorithm for efficient multilink utilisation. Numerical analysis indicate that ARR provides 75 % throughput improvement. These results indicate that network optimisation overall requires both time and frequency division duplexing. Based on the experimental test results, this dissertation presents a three-layered routing framework for multi-link utilisation. The top layer represents the nodes' logical interface to the WMN while the bottom layer corresponds to the underlying physical wireless network interface cards (WNIC). The middle layer is an abstract and reductive representation of the possible and available transmission, and reception options between node pairs, which depends on the number and type of WNICs. Drawing on the experimental results and insight gained, the study builds criteria towards a mechanism for auto selection of the optimal link option. Overall, this study is anticipated to serve as a springboard to stimulate the adoption and integration of DSA in WMNs, and further development in multi-link utilisation strategies to increase capacity. Ultimately, it is hoped that this contribution will collectively contribute effort towards attaining the global goal of extending connectivity to the unconnected

    Protocole de routage à chemins multiples pour des réseaux ad hoc

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    Ad hoc networks consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data without reliance on any fixed based station or a wired backbone network. They are by definition self-organized. The frequent topological changes make multi-hops routing a crucial issue for these networks. In this PhD thesis, we propose a multipath routing protocol named Multipath Optimized Link State Routing (MP-OLSR). It is a multipath extension of OLSR, and can be regarded as a hybrid routing scheme because it combines the proactive nature of topology sensing and reactive nature of multipath computation. The auxiliary functions as route recovery and loop detection are introduced to improve the performance of the network. The usage of queue length metric for link quality criteria is studied and the compatibility between single path and multipath routing is discussed to facilitate the deployment of the protocol. The simulations based on NS2 and Qualnet softwares are performed in different scenarios. A testbed is also set up in the campus of Polytech’Nantes. The results from the simulator and testbed reveal that MP-OLSR is particularly suitable for mobile, large and dense networks with heavy network load thanks to its ability to distribute the traffic into different paths and effective auxiliary functions. The H.264/SVC video service is applied to ad hoc networks with MP-OLSR. By exploiting the scalable characteristic of H.264/SVC, we propose to use Priority Forward Error Correction coding based on Finite Radon Transform (FRT) to improve the received video quality. An evaluation framework called SVCEval is built to simulate the SVC video transmission over different kinds of networks in Qualnet. This second study highlights the interest of multiple path routing to improve quality of experience over self-organized networks.Les réseaux ad hoc sont constitués d’un ensemble de nœuds mobiles qui échangent des données sans infrastructure de type point d’accès ou artère filaire. Ils sont par définition auto-organisés. Les changements fréquents de topologie des réseaux ad hoc rendent le routage multi-sauts très problématique. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un protocole de routage à chemins multiples appelé Multipath Optimized Link State Routing (MP-OLSR). C’est une extension d’OLSR à chemins multiples qui peut être considérée comme une méthode de routage hybride. En effet, MP-OLSR combine la caractéristique proactive de la détection de topologie et la caractéristique réactive du calcul de chemins multiples qui est effectué à la demande. Les fonctions auxiliaires comme la récupération de routes ou la détection de boucles sont introduites pour améliorer la performance du réseau. L’utilisation de la longueur des files d’attente des nœuds intermédiaires comme critère de qualité de lien est étudiée et la compatibilité entre routage à chemins multiples et chemin unique est discutée pour faciliter le déploiement du protocole. Les simulations basées sur les logiciels NS2 et Qualnet sont effectuées pour tester le routage MP-OLSR dans des scénarios variés. Une mise en œuvre a également été réalisée au cours de cette thèse avec une expérimentation sur le campus de Polytech’Nantes. Les résultats de la simulation et de l’expérimentation révèlent que MP-OLSR est particulièrement adapté pour les réseaux mobiles et denses avec des trafics élevés grâce à sa capacité à distribuer le trafic dans des chemins différents et à des fonctions auxiliaires efficaces. Au niveau application, le service vidéo H.264/SVC est appliqué à des réseaux ad hoc MP-OLSR. En exploitant la hiérarchie naturelle délivrée par le format H.264/SVC, nous proposons d’utiliser un codage à protection inégale (PFEC) basé sur la Transformation de Radon Finie (FRT) pour améliorer la qualité de la vidéo à la réception. Un outil appelé SVCEval est développé pour simuler la transmission de vidéo SVC sur différents types de réseaux dans le logiciel Qualnet. Cette deuxième étude témoigne de l’intérêt du codage à protection inégale dans un routage à chemins multiples pour améliorer une qualité d’usage sur des réseaux auto-organisés