10 research outputs found

    A Survey and Taxonomy of Self-Aware and Self-Adaptive Cloud Autoscaling Systems

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    Autoscaling system can reconfigure cloud-based services and applications, through various configurations of cloud software and provisions of hardware resources, to adapt to the changing environment at runtime. Such a behavior offers the foundation for achieving elasticity in a modern cloud computing paradigm. Given the dynamic and uncertain nature of the shared cloud infrastructure, the cloud autoscaling system has been engineered as one of the most complex, sophisticated, and intelligent artifacts created by humans, aiming to achieve self-aware, self-adaptive, and dependable runtime scaling. Yet the existing Self-aware and Self-adaptive Cloud Autoscaling System (SSCAS) is not at a state where it can be reliably exploited in the cloud. In this article, we survey the state-of-the-art research studies on SSCAS and provide a comprehensive taxonomy for this field. We present detailed analysis of the results and provide insights on open challenges, as well as the promising directions that are worth investigated in the future work of this area of research. Our survey and taxonomy contribute to the fundamentals of engineering more intelligent autoscaling systems in the cloud

    Temporal Models for History-Aware Explainability

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    On one hand, there has been a growing interest towards the application of AI-based learning and evolutionary programming for self-adaptation under uncertainty. On the other hand, self-explanation is one of the self-* properties that has been neglected. This is paradoxical as self-explanation is inevitably needed when using such techniques. In this paper, we argue that a self-adaptive autonomous system (SAS) needs an infrastructure and capabilities to be able to look at its own history to explain and reason why the system has reached its current state. The infrastructure and capabilities need to be built based on the right conceptual models in such a way that the system's history can be stored, queried to be used in the context of the decision-making algorithms. The explanation capabilities are framed in four incremental levels, from forensic self-explanation to automated history-aware (HA) systems. Incremental capabilities imply that capabilities at Level n should be available for capabilities at Level n + 1. We demonstrate our current reassuring results related to Level 1 and Level 2, using temporal graph-based models. Specifically, we explain how Level 1 supports forensic accounting after the system's execution. We also present how to enable on-line historical analyses while the self-adaptive system is running, underpinned by the capabilities provided by Level 2. An architecture which allows recording of temporal data that can be queried to explain behaviour has been presented, and the overheads that would be imposed by live analysis are discussed. Future research opportunities are envisioned

    REACT: A Solidarity-based Elastic Service Resource Reallocation Strategy for Multi-access Edge Computing

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    The Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) paradigm promises to enhance network flexibility and scalability through resource virtualization. MEC allows telecom operators to fulfill the stringent and heterogeneous requirements of 5G applications via service deployment at the edge of the mobile network. However, current solutions to support MEC struggle to provide resource elasticity since MEC infrastructures have limited resources. The coexistence of many heterogeneous services on the distributed MEC infrastructure makes the resource scarcity problem even more challenging than it already is in traditional networks. Services need distinct resource provisioning patterns due to their diverse requirements, and we may not assume an extensive MEC infrastructure that can accommodate an arbitrary number of services. To address these aspects, we present REACT: a MEC-suppoRted sElfadaptive elAstiCiTy mechanism that leverages resource provisioning among different services running on a shared MEC environment. REACT adopts an adaptive and solidarity-based strategy to redistribute resources from over-provisioned services to under-provisioned services in MEC environments. REACT is an alternative strategy to avoid service migration due to resource scarcity. Real testbed results show that REACT outperforms Kubernetes’ elasticity strategy by accomplishing up to 18.88% more elasticity events, reducing service outages by up to 95.1%, reducing elasticity attempts by up to 95.36%, and reducing over-provisioned resources by up to 33.88%, 38.41%, and 73% for CPU cycles, RAM and bandwidth resources, respectively. Finally, REACT reduces response time by up to 15.5%

    All versus one: An empirical comparison on retrained and incremental machine learning for modeling performance of adaptable software

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    Given the ever-increasing complexity of adaptable software systems and their commonly hidden internal information (e.g., software runs in the public cloud), machine learning based performance modeling has gained momentum for evaluating, understanding and predicting software performance, which facilitates better informed self-adaptations. As performance data accumulates during the run of the software, updating the performance models becomes necessary. To this end, there are two conventional modeling methods: the retrained modeling that always discard the old model and retrain a new one using all available data; or the incremental modeling that retains the existing model and tunes it using one newly arrival data sample. Generally, literature on machine learning based performance modeling for adaptable software chooses either of those methods according to a general belief, but they provide insufficient evidences or references to justify their choice. This paper is the first to report on a comprehensive empirical study that examines both modeling methods under distinct domains of adaptable software, 5 performance indicators, 8 learning algorithms and settings, covering a total of 1,360 different conditions. Our findings challenge the general belief, which is shown to be only partially correct, and reveal some of the important, statistically significant factors that are often overlooked in existing work, providing evidence-based insights on the choice.<br

    DATESSO: Self-Adapting Service Composition with Debt-Aware Two Levels Constraint Reasoning

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    The rapidly changing workload of service-based systems can easily cause under-/over-utilization on the component services, which can consequently affect the overall Quality of Service (QoS), such as latency. Self-adaptive services composition rectifies this problem, but poses several challenges: (i) the effectiveness of adaptation can deteriorate due to over-optimistic assumptions on the latency and utilization constraints, at both local and global levels; and (ii) the benefits brought by each composition plan is often short term and is not often designed for long-term benefits -- a natural prerequisite for sustaining the system. To tackle these issues, we propose a two levels constraint reasoning framework for sustainable self-adaptive services composition, called DATESSO. In particular, DATESSO consists of a re ned formulation that differentiates the "strictness" for latency/utilization constraints in two levels. To strive for long-term benefits, DATESSO leverages the concept of technical debt and time-series prediction to model the utility contribution of the component services in the composition. The approach embeds a debt-aware two level constraint reasoning algorithm in DATESSO to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of self-adaptive service composition. We evaluate DATESSO on a service-based system with real-world WS-DREAM dataset and comparing it with other state-of-the-art approaches. The results demonstrate the superiority of DATESSO over the others on the utilization, latency and running time whilst likely to be more sustainable.Comment: Accepted to the SEAMS '20. Please use the following citation: Satish Kumar, Tao Chen, Rami Bahsoon, and Rajkumar Buyya. DATESSO: Self-Adapting Service Composition with Debt-Aware Two Levels Constraint Reasoning. In IEEE/ACM 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, Oct 7-8, 2020, Seoul, Kore

    Performance Evaluation Metrics for Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing: A Review, Taxonomy, Benchmarks and Standards for Future Research

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    Optimization is an inseparable part of Cloud computing, particularly with the emergence of Fog and Edge paradigms. Not only these emerging paradigms demand reevaluating cloud-native optimizations and exploring Fog and Edge-based solutions, but also the objectives require significant shift from considering only latency to energy, security, reliability and cost. Hence, it is apparent that optimization objectives have become diverse and lately Internet of Things (IoT)-specific born objectives must come into play. This is critical as incorrect selection of metrics can mislead the developer about the real performance. For instance, a latency-aware auto-scaler must be evaluated through latency-related metrics as response time or tail latency; otherwise the resource manager is not carefully evaluated even if it can reduce the cost. Given such challenges, researchers and developers are struggling to explore and utilize the right metrics to evaluate the performance of optimization techniques such as task scheduling, resource provisioning, resource allocation, resource scheduling and resource execution. This is challenging due to (1) novel and multi-layered computing paradigm, e.g., Cloud, Fog and Edge, (2) IoT applications with different requirements, e.g., latency or privacy, and (3) not having a benchmark and standard for the evaluation metrics. In this paper, by exploring the literature, (1) we present a taxonomy of the various real-world metrics to evaluate the performance of cloud, fog, and edge computing; (2) we survey the literature to recognize common metrics and their applications; and (3) outline open issues for future research. This comprehensive benchmark study can significantly assist developers and researchers to evaluate performance under realistic metrics and standards to ensure their objectives will be achieved in the production environments

    Systematic analysis of software development in cloud computing perceptions

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    Cloud computing is characterized as a shared computing and communication infrastructure. It encourages the efficient and effective developmental processes that are carried out in various organizations. Cloud computing offers both possibilities and solutions of problems for outsourcing and management of software developmental operations across distinct geography. Cloud computing is adopted by organizations and application developers for developing quality software. The cloud has the significant impact on utilizing the artificial complexity required in developing and designing quality software. Software developmental organization prefers cloud computing for outsourcing tasks because of its available and scalable nature. Cloud computing is the ideal choice utilized for development modern software as they have provided a completely new way of developing real-time cost-effective, efficient, and quality software. Tenants (providers, developers, and consumers) are provided with platforms, software services, and infrastructure based on pay per use phenomenon. Cloud-based software services are becoming increasingly popular, as observed by their widespread use. Cloud computing approach has drawn the interest of researchers and business because of its ability to provide a flexible and resourceful platform for development and deployment. To determine a cohesive understanding of the analyzed problems and solutions to improve the quality of software, the existing literature resources on cloud-based software development should be analyzed and synthesized systematically. Keyword strings were formulated for analyzing relevant research articles from journals, book chapters, and conference papers. The research articles published in (2011–2021) various scientific databases were extracted and analyzed for retrieval of relevant research articles. A total of 97 research publications are examined in this SLR and are evaluated to be appropriate studies in explaining and discussing the proposed topic. The major emphasis of the presented systematic literature review (SLR) is to identify the participating entities of cloud-based software development, challenges associated with adopting cloud for software developmental processes, and its significance to software industries and developers. This SLR will assist organizations, designers, and developers to develop and deploy user-friendly, efficient, effective, and real time software applications.Qatar University Internal Grant - No. IRCC‐2021‐010

    Synergizing domain expertise with self-awareness in software systems:a patternized architecture guideline

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    To promote engineering self-aware and self-adaptive software systems in a reusable manner, architectural patterns and the related methodology provide an unified solution to handle the recurring problems in the engineering process. However, in existing patterns and methods, domain knowledge and engineers' expertise that is built over time are not explicitly linked to the self-aware processes. This linkage is important, as the knowledge is a valuable asset for the related problems and its absence would cause unnecessary overhead, possibly misleading results and unwise waste of the tremendous benefit that could have been brought by the domain expertise. This paper highlights the importance of synergizing domain expertise and the self-awareness to enable better self-adaptation in software systems, relying on well-defined expertise representation, algorithms and techniques. In particular, we present a holistic framework of notions, enriched patterns and methodology, dubbed DBASES, that offers a principled guideline for the engineers to perform difficulty and benefit analysis on possible synergies, in an attempt to keep "engineers-in-the-loop". Through three tutorial case studies, we demonstrate how DBASES can be applied in different domains, within which a carefully selected set of candidates with different synergies can be used for quantitative investigation, providing more informed decisions of the design choices.Comment: Accepted manuscript to the Proceedings of the IEEE. Please use the following citation: Tao Chen, Rami Bahsoon, and Xin Yao. 2020. Synergizing Domain Expertise with Self-Awareness in Software Systems: A Patternized Architecture Guideline. Proc. IEEE, in pres