782 research outputs found

    One Decade of Development and Evolution of MicroRNA Target Prediction Algorithms

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    Nearly two decades have passed since the publication of the first study reporting the discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs). The key role of miRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation led to the performance of an increasing number of studies focusing on origins, mechanisms of action and functionality of miRNAs. In order to associate each miRNA to a specific functionality it is essential to unveil the rules that govern miRNA action. Despite the fact that there has been significant improvement exposing structural characteristics of the miRNA-mRNA interaction, the entire physical mechanism is not yet fully understood. In this respect, the development of computational algorithms for miRNA target prediction becomes increasingly important. This manuscript summarizes the research done on miRNA target prediction. It describes the experimental data currently available and used in the field and presents three lines of computational approaches for target prediction. Finally, the authors put forward a number of considerations regarding current challenges and future direction

    Machine Learning and Integrative Analysis of Biomedical Big Data.

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    Recent developments in high-throughput technologies have accelerated the accumulation of massive amounts of omics data from multiple sources: genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, etc. Traditionally, data from each source (e.g., genome) is analyzed in isolation using statistical and machine learning (ML) methods. Integrative analysis of multi-omics and clinical data is key to new biomedical discoveries and advancements in precision medicine. However, data integration poses new computational challenges as well as exacerbates the ones associated with single-omics studies. Specialized computational approaches are required to effectively and efficiently perform integrative analysis of biomedical data acquired from diverse modalities. In this review, we discuss state-of-the-art ML-based approaches for tackling five specific computational challenges associated with integrative analysis: curse of dimensionality, data heterogeneity, missing data, class imbalance and scalability issues

    Ensemble deep learning: A review

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    Ensemble learning combines several individual models to obtain better generalization performance. Currently, deep learning models with multilayer processing architecture is showing better performance as compared to the shallow or traditional classification models. Deep ensemble learning models combine the advantages of both the deep learning models as well as the ensemble learning such that the final model has better generalization performance. This paper reviews the state-of-art deep ensemble models and hence serves as an extensive summary for the researchers. The ensemble models are broadly categorised into ensemble models like bagging, boosting and stacking, negative correlation based deep ensemble models, explicit/implicit ensembles, homogeneous /heterogeneous ensemble, decision fusion strategies, unsupervised, semi-supervised, reinforcement learning and online/incremental, multilabel based deep ensemble models. Application of deep ensemble models in different domains is also briefly discussed. Finally, we conclude this paper with some future recommendations and research directions

    Algorithms for pre-microrna classification and a GPU program for whole genome comparison

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs with approximately 22 nucleotides that are derived from precursor molecules. These precursor molecules or pre-miRNAs often fold into stem-loop hairpin structures. However, a large number of sequences with pre-miRNA-like hairpin can be found in genomes. It is a challenge to distinguish the real pre-miRNAs from other hairpin sequences with similar stem-loops (referred to as pseudo pre-miRNAs). The first part of this dissertation presents a new method, called MirID, for identifying and classifying microRNA precursors. MirID is comprised of three steps. Initially, a combinatorial feature mining algorithm is developed to identify suitable feature sets. Then, the feature sets are used to train support vector machines to obtain classification models, based on which classifier ensemble is constructed. Finally, an AdaBoost algorithm is adopted to further enhance the accuracy of the classifier ensemble. Experimental results on a variety of species demonstrate the good performance of the proposed approach, and its superiority over existing methods. In the second part of this dissertation, A GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) program is developed for whole genome comparison. The goal for the research is to identify the commonalities and differences of two genomes from closely related organisms, via multiple sequencing alignments by using a seed and extend technique to choose reliable subsets of exact or near exact matches, which are called anchors. A rigorous method named Smith-Waterman search is applied for the anchor seeking, but takes days and months to map millions of bases for mammalian genome sequences. With GPU programming, which is designed to run in parallel hundreds of short functions called threads, up to 100X speed up is achieved over similar CPU executions

    Discovery and annotation of novel microRNAs in the porcine genome by using a semi-supervised transductive learning approach

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    Despite the broad variety of available microRNA (miRNA) prediction tools, their application to the discovery and annotation of novel miRNA genes in domestic species is still limited. In this study we designed a comprehensive pipeline (eMIRNA) for miRNA identification in the yet poorly annotated porcine genome and demonstrated the usefulness of implementing a motif search positional refinement strategy for the accurate determination of precursor miRNA boundaries. The small RNA fraction from gluteus medius skeletal muscle of 48 Duroc gilts was sequenced and used for the prediction of novel miRNA loci. Additionally, we selected the human miRNA annotation for a homology-based search of porcine miRNAs with orthologous genes in the human genome. A total of 20 novel expressed miRNAs were identified in the porcine muscle transcriptome and 27 additional novel porcine miRNAs were also detected by homology-based search using the human miRNA annotation. The existence of three selected novel miRNAs (ssc-miR-483, ssc-miR484 and ssc-miR-200a) was further confirmed by reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR analyses in the muscle and liver tissues of Göttingen minipigs. In summary, the eMIRNA pipeline presented in the current work allowed us to expand the catalogue of porcine miRNAs and showed better performance than other commonly used miRNA prediction approaches. More importantly, the flexibility of our pipeline makes possible its application in other yet poorly annotated non-model species.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Identifying potential circulating miRNA biomarkers for the diagnosis and prediction of ovarian cancer using machine-learning approach: application of Boruta

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    Introduction: In gynecologic oncology, ovarian cancer is a great clinical challenge. Because of the lack of typical symptoms and effective biomarkers for noninvasive screening, most patients develop advanced-stage ovarian cancer by the time of diagnosis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a type of non-coding RNA molecule that has been linked to human cancers. Specifying diagnostic biomarkers to determine non-cancer and cancer samples is difficult.Methods: By using Boruta, a novel random forest-based feature selection in the machine-learning techniques, we aimed to identify biomarkers associated with ovarian cancer using cancerous and non-cancer samples from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database: GSE106817. In this study, we used two independent GEO data sets as external validation, including GSE113486 and GSE113740. We utilized five state-of-the-art machine-learning algorithms for classification: logistic regression, random forest, decision trees, artificial neural networks, and XGBoost.Results: Four models discovered in GSE113486 had an AUC of 100%, three in GSE113740 with AUC of over 94%, and four in GSE113486 with AUC of over 94%. We identified 10 miRNAs to distinguish ovarian cancer cases from normal controls: hsa-miR-1290, hsa-miR-1233-5p, hsa-miR-1914-5p, hsa-miR-1469, hsa-miR-4675, hsa-miR-1228-5p, hsa-miR-3184-5p, hsa-miR-6784-5p, hsa-miR-6800-5p, and hsa-miR-5100. Our findings suggest that miRNAs could be used as possible biomarkers for ovarian cancer screening, for possible intervention

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure

    Protein Remote Homology Detection Based on an Ensemble Learning Approach

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