173 research outputs found

    An editor and transformation system for a Z animation case tool.

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    In order to remain competitive, modem systems developers are increasingly under pressure to produce software solutions to complex problems faster and cheaper, whilst at the same time maintaining a high level of quality in the delivered product. One of the key quality measures is the delivery of a system that meets the customer's requirements. Failure to meet the customer's requirements may engender significant re-design, which in turn will cost money, delay product introduction and may seriously damage the developer's credibility. For these reasons, the problem of developing a precise and unambiguous statement of requirements for a proposed system is perhaps one of the most challenging problems within software engineering today. Formal, model-based specification languages such as the Z notation have been widely adopted within the context of requirements engineering, to provide a vehicle for the development of precise and unambiguous specifications. However, the mathematical foundation upon which these notations are based often makes them unapproachable and difficult to assimilate by a non-specialist reader. The problem then faced is that if the customer cannot understand the semantics of the specification, how can the customer agree that the specification is indeed a true reflection of the requirements for the desired system? Several researchers have proposed that rapid prototyping and animation of specifications can be used to increase the customer's understanding of the formal specification. This is achieved by executing specification components on candidate data and observing that the behaviour is as expected. However this requires that the original formal specification be reliably transformed into a representation capable of being executed within a computer system. To achieve this aim requires the support of computer-based tools able to assist the requirements engineer in capturing, manipulating and transforming the formal specification in an efficient and consistent manner. This thesis describes the research and development of the TranZit tool, which is a Z notation editor, checker and transformation system. TranZit supports the efficient capture and maintenance of Z notation specifications using the Windows Graphical User Interface, supported by a suite of powerful language-driven features. In addition TranZit contains a highly integrated and optimised syntax and type checker, combining traditional compiler design techniques with innovative use of object-oriented data structures and methods, to assist the requirements engineer in ensuring the internal consistency of the captured specification. Most importantly, TranZit contains a novel transformation engine, which is capable of transforming a captured Z specification into an executable representation based on extensions to LISP, suitable for direct execution in an animation environment. This process is supported by an eclectic strategy combining automated transformation with user assistance, to overcome many of the well-documented problems associated with transforming non-executable clauses in formal specifications

    The development of a program analysis environment for Ada

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    A unit level, Ada software module testing system, called Query Utility Environment for Software Testing of Ada (QUEST/Ada), is described. The project calls for the design and development of a prototype system. QUEST/Ada design began with a definition of the overall system structure and a description of component dependencies. The project team was divided into three groups to resolve the preliminary designs of the parser/scanner: the test data generator, and the test coverage analyzer. The Phase 1 report is a working document from which the system documentation will evolve. It provides history, a guide to report sections, a literature review, the definition of the system structure and high level interfaces, descriptions of the prototype scope, the three major components, and the plan for the remainder of the project. The appendices include specifications, statistics, two papers derived from the current research, a preliminary users' manual, and the proposal and work plan for Phase 2

    A method for re-modularising legacy code

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    This thesis proposes a method for the re-modularisation of legacy COBOL. Legacy code often performs a number of functions that if split, would improve software maintainability. For instance, program comprehension would benefit from a reduction in the size of the code modules. The method aims to identify potential reuse candidates from the functions re-modularised, and to ensure clear interfaces are present between the new modules. Furthermore, functionality is often replicated across applications and so the re-modularisation process can also seek to reduce commonality and hence the overall amount of a company's code requiring maintenance. A 10 step method is devised which assembles a number of new and existing techniques into an approach suitable for use by staff not having significant reengineering experience. Three main approaches are used throughout the method; that is the analysis of the PERFORM structure, the analysis of the data, and the use of graphical representations. Both top-down and bottom-up strategies to program comprehension are incorporated within the method as are automatable, and user controlled processes to reuse candidate selection. Three industrial case studies are used to demonstrate and evaluate the method. The case studies range in size to gain an indication of the scalability of the method. The case studies are used to evaluate the method on a step by step basis; both strong points and deficiencies are identified, as well as potential solutions to the deficiencies. A review is also presented to assesses the three main approaches of the methods; the analysis of the PERFORM and data structures, and the use of graphical representations. The review uses the process of software evolution for its evaluation using successive versions of COBOL software. The method is retrospectively applied to the earliest version and the known changes identified from the following versions are used to evaluate the re-modularisations. Within the evaluation chapters a new link within the dominance tree is proposed as is an approach for dealing with multiple dominance trees. The results show that «ach approach provides an important contribution to the method as well as giving a useful insight (in the form of graphical representations) of the process of software evolution

    An Object Oriented Paradigm for Requirements Specifications.

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    Software engineering defines a formalized five-step life-cycle for software development. These steps are: requirements specification, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. The requirements specification phase of the software development life-cycle is responsible for determining the functionality of the proposed system. In this work, a methodology is developed that enhances the generation of accurate requirements specifications, utilizing an object-oriented paradigm. This research realizes four objectives. First, the process of information transferral between the user and the specification team is enhanced. Second, a working base of knowledge containing the domain-specific information within the initial requirements document is established for use by the specification team. Third, techniques for evaluating the overall quality of the initial requirements document are addressed. Specifically, the problems associated with document ambiguity, completeness, consistency and structure are examined. Finally, a specification paradigm is defined utilizing this knowledge-based specification environment. The paradigm permits the automatic generation of an object-oriented specification model. This model may then be used as an input for the design phase. This paradigm defines a methodology for the establishment and evaluation of the knowledge-based specification environment. The environment permits the incorporation of an object-oriented development strategy into the specification process. In addition, the concept of information traceability throughout the specification process is enhanced

    An integrated environment for problem solving and program development

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    A framework for an integrated problem solving and program development environment that addresses the needs of students learning programming is proposed. Several objectives have been accomplished: defining the tasks required for program development and a literature review to determine the actual difficulties involved in learning those tasks. A comprehensive Study of environments and tools developed to support the learning of problem solving and programming was then performed, covering programming environments, debugging aids, intelligent tutoring systems, and intelligent programming environments. This was followed by a careful analysis and critique of these systems, which uncovered the limitations that have prevented them from accomplishing their goals. Next, an extensive study of problem solving methodologies developed in this century was carried out and a common model for problem solving was produced. The tasks of program development were then integrated with the common model for problem solving. Then, the cognitive activities required for problem solving and program development were identified and also integrated with the common model to form a Dual Common Model for problem Solving and Program Development. This dual common model was then used to define the functional specifications for a problem solving and program development environment which was designed, implemented, tested, and integrated into the curriculum. The development of the new environment for learning problem solving and programming was followed by the planning of a cognitively oriented assessment method and the development of related instruments to evaluate the process and the product of problem solving. A detailed statistical experiment to study the effect of this environment on students\u27 problem solving and program development skills, including system testing by protocol analysis, and performance evaluation of students based on research hypotheses and questions, was also designed, implemented and the result reported

    Automated test generation from algebraic specifications

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis is a contribution to work on the specification-based testing of computing systems. The development of computing systems is a challenging task. A great deal of research has been directed at support for analysis, design and implementation aspects, yielding a wide range of development techniques. However, the crucial area of system testing remains relatively under-explored. Because a project may spend a good part of its budget on testing, even modest improvements to the cost-effectiveness of testing represent substantial improvements in project budgets. Relatively little literature has been devoted to the entire testing process, including specification, generation, execution and validation. Most of the academic literature seems to assume a revolutionary change of the testing framework. On the contrary industry follows a more traditional approach consisting of trusted methods and based on personal experience. There is a need for testing methods that improve the effectiveness of testing but do so at reasonable cost and which do not require a revolutionary change in the development technology. The novel goal of the work described in this thesis is to "lift" traditional testing so that it takes advantage of system specifications. We provide a framework - hepTEsT- which is motivated by this goal. To that end, hepTEsT is a framework consisting of a specification language, a technology for generating tests in accordance with test strategies, a means of applying the tests to the implementations and support for validation of outcomes against the specification-based tests. We will first categorise different testing methodologies and then examine some of the past and present approaches to test data: we develop only the necessary theoretical foundations for hepSPEc and always consider the requirements of testing. The formalism hepSPEc for system description is based upon a well-defined algebraic approach. It utilises a novel approach allowing the description of finite domains in a way suitable for engineering purposes. The engineers' tasks are to provide an adequate description of the system in hepSPEC. The approach proposed in this thesis is grounded in the traditional approach to testing where test data is provided to the system under test and the outcome is compared to the expected outcome. To enhance the capabilities of the framework a general order on test inputs is proposed to be used in test strategies. Traditional testing strategies requiring an order on test inputs are introduced and their realisation in hepTEsT discussed as well as a proposal of new strategies which lend themselves to this particular approach. The manipulation of the specification yields abstract test cases which are then transformed into test cases suitable for the chosen implementation of the system. This transformation, called test reification, is necessary to bridge the "abstraction gap" between the abstract specification-derived tests and the concrete implementation on which the test must run. The transformation is necessary in order for the approach to be practical and is achieved through homomorphisms which are expressed in specially adapted grammars. This transformation is also applied to the generated test outcome and is aimed there at easing test result validation. The utility of the hepTEsT approach is illustrated by means of a simple example, a larger case study and one carried out within the aviation industry

    Derivation of logic programs

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    Imperial Users onl

    Extraction of objects from legacy systems: an example using cobol legacy systems

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    In the last few years the interest in legacy information system has increased because of the escalating resources spent on their maintenance. On the other hand, the importance of extracting knowledge from business rules is becoming a crucial issue for modern business: sometime, because of inappropriate documentation, this knowledge is essentially only stored in the code. A way to improve their use and maintainability in the present environment is to migrate them into a new hardware / software platform reusing as much of their experience as possible during this process. This migration process promotes the population of a repository of reusable software components for their reuse in the development of a new system in that application domain or in the later maintenance processes. The actual trend in the migration of a legacy information system, is to exploit the potentialities of object oriented technology as a natural extension of earlier structured programming techniques. This is done by decomposing the program into several agent-like modules communicating via message passing, and providing to this system some object oriented key features. The key step is the "object isolation", i.e. the isolation of .groups of routines and related data items : to candidates in order to implement an abstraction in the application domain. The main idea of the object isolation method presented here is to extract information from the data flow, to cluster all the procedures on the base of their data accesses. It will examine "how" a procedure accesses the data in order to distinguish several types of accesses and to permit a better understanding of the functionality of the candidate objects. These candidate modules support the population of a repository of reusable software components that might be used as a basis of the process of evolution leading to a new object oriented system reusing the extracted objects
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