18 research outputs found

    The Impact of Flipped Classroom Implementation in Mathematics Learning at Schools : Systematic Literature Review

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    Salah satu pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dan sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi adalah flipped classroom. Namun, terjadi inkonsistensi dalam desain dan implementasi flipped classroom dan dampaknya pada pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan dari studi ini menganalisis studi empiris secara sistematis tentang flipped classroom pada matematika sekolah untuk memahami dasar-dasar teoretis yang mengarah pada pendekatan berbeda untuk flipped classroom dan dampak flipped classroom pada pembelajaran siswa di kelas matematika. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode systematic literature review, mengikuti tujuh langkah yang disarankan oleh Cooper. Setelah terpilih 16 studi empiris kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada lebih banyak literatur yang diterbitkan tentang flipped classroom yang diidentifikasi di tingkat high school, (2) desain flipped classroom didominasi didasarkan pada kerangka teoretis konstuktivisme sosial, dan (3) flipped classroom memiliki efek positif secara keseluruhan terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Pentingnya menggunakan kerangka teoritis eksplisit selaras dengan teori pembelajaran kontemporer untuk memandu desain, implementasi, dan evaluasi flipped classroom. Selain itu,  pemanfaan metodologi berbasis desain untuk memaksimalkan dampak positif dari flipped classroom pada pembelajaran siswa. Adanya keterbatasan dalam studi ini mengenai basis data yang digunakan terbatas pada base internasional scopus menjadikan peluang untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar data yang didapat lebih banyak lagi. One of the learning that is student-centered and in accordance with technological developments is the flipped classroom. However, there are inconsistencies in the design and implementation of flipped classrooms and their impact on mathematics learning. The aim of this study is to systematically analyze empirical studies of flipped classrooms in school mathematics to understand the theoretical underpinnings leading to different approaches to flipped classrooms and the impact of flipped classrooms on student learning in mathematics classes. The method used in this study is the systematic literature review method, by following the seven steps suggested by Cooper. The results showed that: (1) there is more published literature on flipped classrooms identified at the high school level, (2) the flipped classroom design is predominately based on social constructivism theoretical frameworks, and (3) ) flipped classroom has an overall positive effect on students' mathematics learning outcomes. This study highlights the importance of using an explicit theoretical framework aligned with contemporary learning theory to guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of flipped classrooms. There are limitations in this study regarding the database used which is limited to the Scopus international base, making it an opportunity for further researchers to obtain even more data

    Rethinking Pedagogy: Exploring the Potential of Digital Technology in Achieving Quality Education

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    (First Paragraph) The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) is UNESCO’s Category 1 education Institute in the Asia-Pacific region devoted to education for peace and sustainable development, as enshrined in SDG Target 4.7. UNESCO MGIEP promotes the use of digital learning platforms where teachers and students can co-create and share a highly interactive learning experience. With the rise of the internet, there has been a proliferation of online content and digital resources intended to support teaching and learning, albeit widely varying in quality. Digital education media and resources, if carefully designed and implemented, have a significant potential to be mobilized on a massive scale to support transformative learning for building sustainable, flourishing societies

    Experiences of Flipped Classroom as a Methodological Strategy in University Education

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    El modelo educativo está en constante evolución, prestándose a un cambio de paradigma. Se busca un enfoque educativo, en el que se fomente el trabajo cooperativo y colaborativo, la participación del alumnado, la adaptación a distintos ritmos de aprendizaje, clases más prácticas y experimentales, que impulsen la autonomía, y la autorregulación en el aprendizaje. Nuevas metodologías, como la flipped classroom o aula invertida, pueden dar respuesta a algunas de estas necesidades. Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en el Grado en Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga. El objetivo marcado ha sido analizar y conocer los resultados obtenidos, tras haber realizado la inversión de aulas, de dos asignaturas distintas en diferentes cursos, Didáctica de la Medida y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para la Educación. Se ha llevado a cabo la triangulación de resultados mediante un exhaustivo análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, a partir de los datos obtenidos de entrevistas y cuestionarios. De esta forma, se pretende conseguir una imagen completa de la propuesta a estudio, mediante la comprensión de dos planteamientos metodológicos. Los resultados obtenidos concluyen que, el alumnado ve con satisfacción la introducción de una metodología que le proporciona mayor participación en el aula, que le facilita el acceso a contenidos didácticos en un formato más cercano, que puede consultar cuándo y cómo quiera, adaptándose a sus necesidades y ritmos de aprendizaje. Consideran que el tiempo en el aula es más eficaz, estiman que realizan un mejor aprovechamiento del tiempo y que además mejora su aprendizaje y la compresión de contenidos. Estos resultados, se suman a diversos estudios realizados por otros investigadores, en distintas etapas educativas.The educational model is constantly improving and a change of paradigm is accepted. The educational process needs a new approach, whereby cooperative work is promoted and students are encouraged to take part of their classes. The broad aim is to facilitate an adaptation to different learning rhythms, with more practical and experimental classes, which promote autonomous learning, and hands-on learning. The «flipped classroom» model has shown that it can provide for some of these needs, This study presents research findings which has been carried out at the Degree of Primary Education of the Faculty of Education, University of Málaga. The defined aim has been to analyse and understand the results of having carried out flipped classroom methodology, in two different subjects from two different courses, Didactics of Mathematics and Educational Information and Communication Technologies. The study is based on a triangulation of dates from a qualitative and quantitative analysis to get a complete picture of the real situations we analysed from two different methodological focuses. The information to analise, was obtained from questions, interviews, and surveys. The results which have been reached, conclude that students welcomes the introduction of this new methodology, because provides them participative lessons, providing access to didactic and closer format contents, that they can consult when and where they want. This methodology is adapted to different learning rhythms and requirements. Students consider that they have an efficient use of their in-class time, and effective learning, and they recognize their learning has improved. Similar results were seen in several other studies, in different educational stages

    An exploration of teaching and learning activities in mathematics flipped classrooms : A case study in an engineering program

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    Paper I is not available as a part of the dissertation due to the copyright. Author´s accepted manuscript of the paper is available in AURA as a separate file: https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2655384.This research project is a case-study of three consecutive cohorts of engineering students being subject to the pedagogical approach of flipped classroom (Bergmann & Sams, 2012). The study, which is qualitative and based on a naturalistic research paradigm (Moschkovich & Brenner, 2000), considers various aspects of mathematical learning when students are subject to this new form of learner-centred teaching (Stephan, 2014). Research on Flipped Classroom (FC) has increased substantially during the last decade. However, the bulk of studies consider mostly student satisfaction and performance comparisons between traditional lecture-based and FC teaching. As such, they provide little insight into the fundamental aspects of what makes the FC in tertiary mathematics education efficient or not. As such, there is a definite lack of research that provides qualitative socio-cultural studies of FC teaching and learning. The aim of the study was to address these shortcomings in the research field.publishedVersio

    Efecto de un programa de aula invertida en la competencia solución de problemas en una universidad estatal de Lima-2022

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    En este trabajo se tuvo como objetivo general determinar el efecto de un programa de Aula Invertida en la competencia solución de problemas en una Universidad Estatal de Lima, 2022. La metodología del trabajo es aplicada, de enfoque cuantitativo, hipotético deductivo y transversal. Los resultados de la estadística descriptiva fueron positivos y dado el tamaño de la muestra de estudio (19) salieron satisfactorios por tanto se logró cumplir con todos los objetivos. En las conclusiones que se llegan se establece que al aplicar un programa de aula invertida mejora significativamente la competencia solución de problemas, la identificación y formulación de problemas, la propuesta y comparación de diversas alternativas de solución, la evaluación y selección de la solución más adecuada, la aplicación correcta de los conceptos y métodos en los estudiantes, la utilización de métodos, técnicas y herramientas de la ingeniería electrónica, la identificación y aplicación de normas y estándares en una universidad estatal de Lima, 2022

    A descriptive analysis based on the transition from the online to the face-to-face modality in the english language teaching learning process during the months of April to July, year 2021, due to COVID-19 pandemic case: 7th, 8th and 9th grades, Centro Escolar “Colonia Las Brisas Soyapango

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    The Covid-19 affected the way of teaching and learning for students and teachers. As a result, different educational actions had to be taken in El Salvador in order to cope with the pandemic and keep the education going in the country. Virtual modality became in the primary form of education because Covid-19 did not allow to have face-to-face classes since 2020. Now, the education has been getting back to normal and students and teachers have face-to-face classes in a pandemic era. This study shows how different the virtual modality and the face-to-face modality are, and how they impacted on the students’ learning process

    Design of interactive distance learning equipment.

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    Distance education focuses on the entitlement of children with limited learning opportunities to schooling experiences that are equivalent to those enjoyed by other students. The means for delivering the curriculum to these learners have been many and varied, but most of these are either unaffordable or deficient in their provision of interactive audio and visual enhancements which are necessary for the pupils' effective understanding of the lesson. The project documented in this report attempts to expand students' access to the curriculum, by providing a cost effective solution to the problems of teaching at a distance. The proposal builds on the cooperative sharing of educational resources within clusters of schools, through which pupils are enabled to study subjects not offered in their own campuses but available in other schools within the cluster. The proposed product employs the concept of a collaborative "electronic blackboard" interface, which allows teachers and remote students to interact with freehand notations on a shared screen. Using audiographics conferencing techniques, remote lessons with live voices and graphic information are transmitted simultaneously to various participating sites. The central focus of the product's design is on the digitiser screen, which accepts handwritten input directly on the display. This provides the user with better eye-hand coordination than was possible in previous systems. The convertibility of the screen from a writing tablet into a computer monitor recognises the students' twin needs for a remote communication device and a computer for other school computing applications. The report covers an extensive analysis of the current status of distance education in Australia, the various technologies used in curriculum delivery, the reactions of users to existing remote learning methods, and the market for distance education and teleconferencing. It documents the various stages of the concept development, and presents the final design in photographs and in line drawings. A study of the commercial viability of the proposal is also included

    Flipped classroom. La clase invertida, una realidad en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga

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    Esta memoria trata de mostrar una realidad existente en la Universidad de Málaga, en concreto en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Dicha realidad es la utilización de un nuevo enfoque metodológico conocido como flipped classroom o clase invertida, que responde a unas necesidades existentes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El modelo educativo está en constante evolución y se presta a un cambio de paradigma. Se busca un enfoque en el que se fomente el trabajo colaborativo, la participación del alumnado, la adaptación a distintos ritmos de aprendizajes, clases más prácticas y experimentales, que impulse el trabajo autónomo, y la autorregulación en el aprendizaje. Este trabajo de investigación se ha realizado con el objetivo de analizar y conocer los resultados obtenidos tras haber llevado a cabo la inversión de distintas asignaturas en diferentes cursos de la universidad de Málaga y analizar la viabilidad didáctica de esta innovación, y su continuidad. Las asignaturas en las que se realizó esta experiencia fueron Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para la Educación del primer curso, y Didáctica de la Medida de cuarto curso, ambos del Grado de Primaria. Se presentan los resultados, una vez realizado el estudio del grado de satisfacción del alumnado universitario con la metodología flipped classroom, y además se muestra una valoración del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje empleando la clase invertida, destacando las ventajas e inconvenientes de la utilización de esta metodología. Los resultados obtenidos concluyen que el alumnado ve con satisfacción la introducción de una metodología que le proporciona mayor participación en el aula, que le facilita el acceso a contenidos didácticos en un formato más cercano, que puede consultar cuándo y cómo quiera, adaptándose a sus necesidades y ritmos de aprendizaje. Consideran que el tiempo en el aula es más eficaz, estiman que realizan un mejor aprovechamiento del tiempo y que además mejora su aprendizaje y la compresión de contenidos. Estos resultados se han podido además contrastar en los distintos grupos en los que se ha llevado a cabo la experiencia