137 research outputs found

    Ada as an implementation language for knowledge based systems

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    Debates about the selection of programming languages often produce cultural collisions that are not easily resolved. This is especially true in the case of Ada and knowledge based programming. The construction of programming tools provides a desirable alternative for resolving the conflict

    Formulas as Programs

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    We provide here a computational interpretation of first-order logic based on a constructive interpretation of satisfiability w.r.t. a fixed but arbitrary interpretation. In this approach the formulas themselves are programs. This contrasts with the so-called formulas as types approach in which the proofs of the formulas are typed terms that can be taken as programs. This view of computing is inspired by logic programming and constraint logic programming but differs from them in a number of crucial aspects. Formulas as programs is argued to yield a realistic approach to programming that has been realized in the implemented programming language ALMA-0 (Apt et al.) that combines the advantages of imperative and logic programming. The work here reported can also be used to reason about the correctness of non-recursive ALMA-0 programs that do not include destructive assignment.Comment: 34 pages, appears in: The Logic Programming Paradigm: a 25 Years Perspective, K.R. Apt, V. Marek, M. Truszczynski and D.S. Warren (eds), Springer-Verlag, Artificial Intelligence Serie

    Synthesis of hardware systems from very high level behavioural specifications

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    Software maintenance: generating front ends for cross referencer tools

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    This thesis surveys the activities performed in software maintenance and identifies some of the software tools which can be utilised by the maintenance programmer. The most expensive phase of software maintenance is surveyed in more detail and tools to support this activity are identified. A new class of cross referencer tool was designed and investigated. The novel aspect of the cross referencer is that it can be used on more than one language, by utihzing grammar driven generators to customize and make maximum re-use of the language independent components, allowing language specific implementations to be generated with minimal effort. The cross referencer also extends an idea of having different levels of detail in cross reference listings by allowing the tool implementor to specify the contents of each level of detail. A proposed experimental toolkit for the automatic construction of these cross referencer front end tools, from non procedural specifications, is designed and investigated

    Natural language software registry (second edition)

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    Centre for Information Science Research Annual Report, 1987-1991

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    Annual reports from various departments of the AN

    On the engineering of crucial software

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    The various aspects of the conventional software development cycle are examined. This cycle was the basis of the augmented approach contained in the original grant proposal. This cycle was found inadequate for crucial software development, and the justification for this opinion is presented. Several possible enhancements to the conventional software cycle are discussed. Software fault tolerance, a possible enhancement of major importance, is discussed separately. Formal verification using mathematical proof is considered. Automatic programming is a radical alternative to the conventional cycle and is discussed. Recommendations for a comprehensive approach are presented, and various experiments which could be conducted in AIRLAB are described

    Formulas as programs

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    Logic Programming: Context, Character and Development

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    Logic programming has been attracting increasing interest in recent years. Its first realisation in the form of PROLOG demonstrated concretely that Kowalski's view of computation as controlled deduction could be implemented with tolerable efficiency, even on existing computer architectures. Since that time logic programming research has intensified. The majority of computing professionals have remained unaware of the developments, however, and for some the announcement that PROLOG had been selected as the core language for the Japanese 'Fifth Generation' project came as a total surprise. This thesis aims to describe the context, character and development of logic programming. It explains why a radical departure from existing software practices needs to be seriously discussed; it identifies the characteristic features of logic programming, and the practical realisation of these features in current logic programming systems; and it outlines the programming methodology which is proposed for logic programming. The problems and limitations of existing logic programming systems are described and some proposals for development are discussed. The thesis is in three parts. Part One traces the development of programming since the early days of computing. It shows how the problems of software complexity which were addressed by the 'structured programming' school have not been overcome: the software crisis remains severe and seems to require fundamental changes in software practice for its solution. Part Two describes the foundations of logic programming in the procedural interpretation of Horn clauses. Fundamental to logic programming is shown to be the separation of the logic of an algorithm from its control. At present, however, both the logic and the control aspects of logic programming present problems; the first in terms of the extent of the language which is used, and the second in terms of the control strategy which should be applied in order to produce solutions. These problems are described and various proposals, including some which have been incorporated into implemented systems, are described. Part Three discusses the software development methodology which is proposed for logic programming. Some of the experience of practical applications is related. Logic programming is considered in the aspects of its potential for parallel execution and in its relationship to functional programming, and some possible criticisms of the problem-solving potential of logic are described. The conclusion is that although logic programming inevitably has some problems which are yet to be solved, it seems to offer answers to several issues which are at the heart of the software crisis. The potential contribution of logic programming towards the development of software should be substantial