14 research outputs found

    A static view of localities

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    Analysing Mutual Exclusion using Process Algebra with Signals

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    In contrast to common belief, the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) and similar process algebras lack the expressive power to accurately capture mutual exclusion protocols without enriching the language with fairness assumptions. Adding a fairness assumption to implement a mutual exclusion protocol seems counter-intuitive. We employ a signalling operator, which can be combined with CCS, or other process calculi, and show that this minimal extension is expressive enough to model mutual exclusion: we confirm the correctness of Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm for two processes, as well as Lamport's bakery algorithm, under reasonable assumptions on the underlying memory model. The correctness of Peterson's algorithm for more than two processes requires stronger, less realistic assumptions on the underlying memory model.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2017, arXiv:1709.0004

    Axiomatizing ST Bisimulation for a Process Algebra with Recursion and Action Refinement (Extended Abstract)

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    AbstractDue to the complex nature of bisimulation equivalences which express some form of history dependence, it turned out to be problematic to axiomatize them for non trivial classes of systems. Here we introduce the idea of "compositional level-wise renaming" which gives rise to the new possibility of axiomatizing the class of history dependent bisimulations with slight modifications to the machinery for standard bisimulation. We propose two techniques, which are based on this idea, in the special case of the ST semantics, defined for terms of a process algebra with recursion. The first technique, which is more intuitive, is based on dynamic names, allowing weak ST bisimulation to be decided and axiomatized for all processes that possess a finite state interleaving semantics. The second technique, which is based on pointers, preserves the possibility of deciding and axiomatizing weak ST bisimulation also when an action refinement operator P[a Q] is considered

    CCS, Locations and Asynchronous Transition Systems

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    Our aim is to provide a simple non-interleaved operational semantics for CCS in terms of a model that is easy to understand - asynchronous transition systems. Our approach is guided by the requirement that the semantics should identify the concurrency present in the system in a natural way, in terms of events occurring at independent locations in the system.We extend the standard interleaving transition system for CCS by introducing labels on the transitions with information about the locations of events. We then show that the resulting transition system is an asynchronous transition system which has the additional property of being elementary, which means that it can also be represented by a 1-safe net. We establish a close correspondence between our semantics and other approaches in terms of foldings.We also introduce a notion of bisimulation on asynchronous transition systems which preserves independence. We conjecture that the induced equivalence on CCS processes coincides with the notion of location equiualence proposed by Boudol et al

    Behavioural Equivalence for Infinite Systems—Partially Decidable!

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    For finite-state systems non-interleaving equivalences are computationallyat least as hard as interleaving equivalences. In this paper we showthat when moving to infinite-state systems, this situation may changedramatically.We compare standard language equivalence for process description languages with two generalizations based on traditional approaches capturing non-interleaving behaviour, pomsets representing global causal dependency, and locality representing spatial distribution of events.We first study equivalences on Basic Parallel Processes, BPP, a processcalculus equivalent to communication free Petri nets. For this simpleprocess language our two notions of non-interleaving equivalences agree.More interestingly, we show that they are decidable, contrasting a result ofHirshfeld that standard interleaving language equivalence is undecidable.Our result is inspired by a recent result of Esparza and Kiehn, showingthe same phenomenon in the setting of model checking.We follow up investigating to which extent the result extends to largersubsets of CCS and TCSP. We discover a significant difference betweenour non-interleaving equivalences. We show that for a certain non-trivialsubclass of processes between BPP and TCSP, not only are the two equivalences different, but one (locality) is decidable whereas the other (pomsets) is not. The decidability result for locality is proved by a reduction to the reachability problem for Petri nets

    Location equivalence in a parametric setting

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    AbstractLocation equivalence has been presented in [5] as a bisimulation-based equivalence able to take into account the spatial distribution of processes.In this work, the parametric approach of [12] is applied to location equivalence. An observation domain for localities is identified and the associated equivalence is shown to coincide with the equivalence introducted in [6,16]. The observation of a computation is a forest (defined up to isomorphism) whose nodes are the events (labeled by observable actions) and where the arcs describe the sublocation relation.We show in the paper that our approach is really parametric. By performing minor changes in the definitions, many equivalences are captured: partial and mixed ordering causal semantics, interleaving, and a variation of location equivalence where the generation ordering is not evidenced. It seems difficult to modify the definitions of [6,16] to obtain the last observation. The equivalence induced by this observation corresponds to the very intuitive assumption that different locations cannot share a common clock, and hence the ordering between events occurring in different places cannot be determined.Thanks to the general results proved in [12] for the parametric approach, all the observation equivalences described in this paper come equipped with sound and complete axiomatizations

    Further Results on Partial Order Equivalences on Infinite Systems

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    In [26], we investigated decidability issues for standard language equivalence for process description languages with two generalisations based on traditional approachesfor capturing non-interleaving behaviour: pomset equivalence reflecting global causal dependency, and location equivalence reflecting spatial distribution of events. In this paper, we continue by investigating the role played by TCSP-style renaming and hiding combinators with respect to decidability. One result of [26] was that in contrast to pomset equivalence, location equivalence remained decidable for a class of processes consisting of finite sets of BPP processes communicating in a TCSP manner. Here, we show that location equivalence becomes undecidable when either renaming or hiding is added to this class of processes. Furthermore, we investigate the weak versions of location and pomset equivalences.We show that for BPP with prefixing, both weak pomset and weak location equivalence are decidable. Moreover, we show that weak location equivalence is undecidable for BPP semantically extended with CCS communication

    A stable non-interleaving early operational semantics for the pi-calculus

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    We give the first non-interleaving early operational semantics for the pi-calculus which generalises the standard interleaving semantics and unfolds to the stable model of prime event structures. Our starting point is the non-interleaving semantics given for CCS by Mukund and Nielsen, where the so-called structural (prefixing or subject) causality and events are defined from a notion of locations derived from the syntactic structure of the process terms. We conservatively extend this semantics with a notion of extruder histories, from which we infer the so-called link (name or object) causality and events introduced by the dynamic communication topology of the pi-calculus. We prove that the semantics generalises both the standard interleaving early semantics for the pi-calculus and the non-interleaving semantics for CCS. In particular, it gives rise to a labelled asynchronous transition system unfolding to prime event structures

    Behavioural Equivalence for Infinite Systems—Partially Decidable!

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    For finite-state systems non-interleaving equivalences are computationallyat least as hard as interleaving equivalences. In this paper we showthat when moving to infinite-state systems, this situation may changedramatically.We compare standard language equivalence for process description languages with two generalizations based on traditional approaches capturing non-interleaving behaviour, pomsets representing global causal dependency, and locality representing spatial distribution of events.We first study equivalences on Basic Parallel Processes, BPP, a processcalculus equivalent to communication free Petri nets. For this simpleprocess language our two notions of non-interleaving equivalences agree.More interestingly, we show that they are decidable, contrasting a result ofHirshfeld that standard interleaving language equivalence is undecidable.Our result is inspired by a recent result of Esparza and Kiehn, showingthe same phenomenon in the setting of model checking.We follow up investigating to which extent the result extends to largersubsets of CCS and TCSP. We discover a significant difference betweenour non-interleaving equivalences. We show that for a certain non-trivialsubclass of processes between BPP and TCSP, not only are the two equivalences different, but one (locality) is decidable whereas the other (pomsets) is not. The decidability result for locality is proved by a reduction to the reachability problem for Petri nets

    Formal techniques for verification of complex real-time systems

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