3,066 research outputs found

    A soft-computing approach for non-invasive temperature estimation

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    The domain of thermal therapies applications can be improved with the development of accurate non-invasive timespatial temperature models. These models should represent the non-linear tissue thermal behaviour and be capable of tracking temperature at both time-instant and spatial position. If such estimators exist then efficient controllers for the therapeutic instrumentation could be developed, and the desired safety and effectiveness reached

    Estudo da energia de ultra-som para a estimativa de retro-espalhamento invasiva em tecidos mediante temperatura

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    Dissertação de mest., Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012This experimental work is part of the application of ultrasound for hyperthermia (thermal therapy) aiming at treatment of cancer cells. The analysis of the back-scattered ultrasound energy enables the study of the temperature behavior induced by the ultrasonic signal in the tissues and it is the primary goal of this case study. To carry out this experiment we developed a gel-based phantom which mimics the behavior of human tissues under ultrasound signals. Subsequently, in order to obtain a more human like phantom the experiments were repeated with ex-vivo pork loin. The experiments involved ultrasonic therapeutic and imaging instrumentation connected to a function generator and a signal acquisition system. Experiments were performed considering different energies (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 W/cm3) of the therapeutic transducer and two emission frequencies of the image transducer (5 and 7 MHz). Five temperature sensors were used to measure the invasive temperature in the gel-based phantoms and two sensors in the experiments with pork loin. Analyzing the time delays in the echoes of the back-scattered ultrasonic signals of both types of phantoms we verified the relationship between temperature rise and the increase in the speed of propagation of the echoes. The assessment of variations in the back-scattered energy proved its dependency on the temperature applied in pork loin tissue, but no conclusion could be taken in the case of gel-based phantomEste trabalho experimental enquadra-se na aplicação de ultrassom para hipertermia (terapêutica térmica) com vista ao tratamento de células neoplásicas. A análise da energia do ultrassom retro-difundida possibilita o estudo do comportamento da variação de temperatura espalhada pelo sinal ultrassónico nos tecidos, constituindo o objetivo primordial deste trabalho. Para a realização das experiências foram desenvolvidos ‘phantoms’ baseados em agar-agar para mimificar o comportamento dos tecidos humanos com o ultrassom. Posteriormente, com vista a obter um ‘phantom’ mais próximo do tecido humano, as experiências foram repetidas com lombo de porco ex-vivo. As experiências envolveram instrumentação ultrassónica de terapêutica e de imagem, conectados a instrumentação de geração de funções e de aquisição de sinais. Foram realizadas experiências considerando diferentes energias (0.5, 1, 1.5 e 2 W/cm3) do transdutor de terapia e duas frequências de emissão do transdutor de imagem (5 e 7 MHz). Utilizaram-se 5 sensores de temperatura para medição invasiva da temperatura nos fantômas baseados em gel e dois sensores nas experiências com lombo de porco. Analisando os atrasos temporais nos ecos dos sinais ultrassónicos retro-espalhados para ambos os tipos de ‘phantoms’ verificou-se a relação entre o aumento de temperatura e o aumento da velocidade de propagação dos ecos. A análise das variações das energias retro-espalhadas provou ser dependente da temperatura aplicada no lombo de porco não sendo contudo conclusiva no caso dos ‘phantoms’ baseados em gel

    Respiratory organ motion in interventional MRI : tracking, guiding and modeling

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    Respiratory organ motion is one of the major challenges in interventional MRI, particularly in interventions with therapeutic ultrasound in the abdominal region. High-intensity focused ultrasound found an application in interventional MRI for noninvasive treatments of different abnormalities. In order to guide surgical and treatment interventions, organ motion imaging and modeling is commonly required before a treatment start. Accurate tracking of organ motion during various interventional MRI procedures is prerequisite for a successful outcome and safe therapy. In this thesis, an attempt has been made to develop approaches using focused ultrasound which could be used in future clinically for the treatment of abdominal organs, such as the liver and the kidney. Two distinct methods have been presented with its ex vivo and in vivo treatment results. In the first method, an MR-based pencil-beam navigator has been used to track organ motion and provide the motion information for acoustic focal point steering, while in the second approach a hybrid imaging using both ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging was combined for advanced guiding capabilities. Organ motion modeling and four-dimensional imaging of organ motion is increasingly required before the surgical interventions. However, due to the current safety limitations and hardware restrictions, the MR acquisition of a time-resolved sequence of volumetric images is not possible with high temporal and spatial resolution. A novel multislice acquisition scheme that is based on a two-dimensional navigator, instead of a commonly used pencil-beam navigator, was devised to acquire the data slices and the corresponding navigator simultaneously using a CAIPIRINHA parallel imaging method. The acquisition duration for four-dimensional dataset sampling is reduced compared to the existing approaches, while the image contrast and quality are improved as well. Tracking respiratory organ motion is required in interventional procedures and during MR imaging of moving organs. An MR-based navigator is commonly used, however, it is usually associated with image artifacts, such as signal voids. Spectrally selective navigators can come in handy in cases where the imaging organ is surrounding with an adipose tissue, because it can provide an indirect measure of organ motion. A novel spectrally selective navigator based on a crossed-pair navigator has been developed. Experiments show the advantages of the application of this novel navigator for the volumetric imaging of the liver in vivo, where this navigator was used to gate the gradient-recalled echo sequence

    Non-invasive modelling of ultrasound-induced temperature in tissues: a b-splines neural network solution

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    Efficient hyperthermia therapy session requires knowledge of the exact amount of heating needed at a particular tissue location and how it propagates around the area. Until now, ultrasound heating treatments are being monitored by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which, besides raising the treatment instrumental cost, requires the presence of a team of clinicians and limits the hyperthermia ultrasound treatment area due to the space restrictions of an MRI examination procedure. This paper introduces a novel non-invasive modelling approach of ultrasound-induced temperature in tissue. This comes as a cost effective alternative to MRI techniques, capable of achieving a maximum temperature resolution of 0.26 degrees C, clearly inferior to the MRI gold standard resolution of 0.5 degrees C/cm(3). Furthermore, we propose an innovative modelling methodology, where various similar models are built and are further combined through an optimization procedure, that we call neural ensemble optimization (NEO). This combination mechanism is shown to be superior to more simple schemes such as simple averages or evolutionary strategy based techniques. (C), 2016 IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All Rights reserved

    Using Noninvasive Genetics for Estimating Density and Assessing Diet of Urban and Rural Coyotes in Florida, USA

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    Coyotes (Canis latrans) are expanding their range and due to conflicts with the public and concerns of Coyotes affecting natural resources such as game or sensitive species, there is interest and often a demand to monitor Coyote populations. A challenge to monitoring is that traditional invasive methods involving live-capture of individual animals are costly and can be controversial. Natural resource management agencies can benefit from contemporary noninvasive genetic sampling approaches aimed at determining key aspects of Coyote ecology (e.g., population density and food habits). However, the efficacy of such approaches under different environmental conditions is poorly understood. Our objectives were to 1) examine accumulation and nuclear DNA degradation rates of Coyote scats in metropolitan and rural sites in Florida to help optimize methods to estimate population density; and 2) explore new genetic methods for determining diet of Coyotes based on vertebrate, plant, and invertebrate species DNA identified in scat. Recently developed DNA metabarcoding approaches make it possible to simultaneously identify DNA from multiple prey species in predator scat samples, but an exploration of this tool for assessing Coyote diet has not been pursued. We observed that scat accumulation rates (0.02 scats/km/day) did not vary between sites and fecal DNA amplification success decreased and genotyping errors increased over time with exposure to sun and precipitation. DNA sampling allowed us to generate a Coyote density estimate for the urban environment of eight Coyotes per 100 km2, but lack of recaptures in the rural area precluded density estimation. DNA metabarcoding showed promise for assessing diet contributions of vertebrate species to Coyote diet. Feral Swine (Sus scrofa) were detected as prey at higher frequencies than previously reported. We identify several considerations that can be used to optimize future noninvasive sampling efforts for Coyotes in the southeastern United States. We also discuss strengths and drawbacks of utilizing DNA metabarcoding for assessing diet of generalist carnivores such as Coyotes

    Characterization of carotid artery plaques using noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography

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    L'athérosclérose est une maladie vasculaire complexe qui affecte la paroi des artères (par l'épaississement) et les lumières (par la formation de plaques). La rupture d'une plaque de l'artère carotide peut également provoquer un accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique et des complications. Bien que plusieurs modalités d'imagerie médicale soient actuellement utilisées pour évaluer la stabilité d'une plaque, elles présentent des limitations telles que l'irradiation, les propriétés invasives, une faible disponibilité clinique et un coût élevé. L'échographie est une méthode d'imagerie sûre qui permet une analyse en temps réel pour l'évaluation des tissus biologiques. Il est intéressant et prometteur d’appliquer une échographie vasculaire pour le dépistage et le diagnostic précoces des plaques d’artère carotide. Cependant, les ultrasons vasculaires actuels identifient uniquement la morphologie d'une plaque en termes de luminosité d'écho ou l’impact de cette plaque sur les caractéristiques de l’écoulement sanguin, ce qui peut ne pas être suffisant pour diagnostiquer l’importance de la plaque. La technique d’élastographie vasculaire non-intrusive (« noninvasive vascular elastography (NIVE) ») a montré le potentiel de détermination de la stabilité d'une plaque. NIVE peut déterminer le champ de déformation de la paroi vasculaire en mouvement d’une artère carotide provoqué par la pulsation cardiaque naturelle. En raison des différences de module de Young entre les différents tissus des vaisseaux, différents composants d’une plaque devraient présenter différentes déformations, caractérisant ainsi la stabilité de la plaque. Actuellement, les performances et l’efficacité numérique sous-optimales limitent l’acceptation clinique de NIVE en tant que méthode rapide et efficace pour le diagnostic précoce des plaques vulnérables. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de développer NIVE en tant qu’outil d’imagerie non invasif, rapide et économique afin de mieux caractériser la vulnérabilité liée à la plaque. La procédure à suivre pour effectuer l’analyse NIVE consiste en des étapes de formation et de post-traitement d’images. Cette thèse vise à améliorer systématiquement la précision de ces deux aspects de NIVE afin de faciliter la prédiction de la vulnérabilité de la plaque carotidienne. Le premier effort de cette thèse a été dédié à la formation d'images (Chapitre 5). L'imagerie par oscillations transversales a été introduite dans NIVE. Les performances de l’imagerie par oscillations transversales couplées à deux estimateurs de contrainte fondés sur un modèle de déformation fine, soit l’ « affine phase-based estimator (APBE) » et le « Lagrangian speckle model estimator (LSME) », ont été évaluées. Pour toutes les études de simulation et in vitro de ce travail, le LSME sans imagerie par oscillation transversale a surperformé par rapport à l'APBE avec imagerie par oscillations transversales. Néanmoins, des estimations de contrainte principales comparables ou meilleures pourraient être obtenues avec le LSME en utilisant une imagerie par oscillations transversales dans le cas de structures tissulaires complexes et hétérogènes. Lors de l'acquisition de signaux ultrasonores pour la formation d'images, des mouvements hors du plan perpendiculaire au plan de balayage bidimensionnel (2-D) existent. Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse était d'évaluer l'influence des mouvements hors plan sur les performances du NIVE 2-D (Chapitre 6). À cette fin, nous avons conçu un dispositif expérimental in vitro permettant de simuler des mouvements hors plan de 1 mm, 2 mm et 3 mm. Les résultats in vitro ont montré plus d'artefacts d'estimation de contrainte pour le LSME avec des amplitudes croissantes de mouvements hors du plan principal de l’image. Malgré tout, nous avons néanmoins obtenu des estimations de déformations robustes avec un mouvement hors plan de 2.0 mm (coefficients de corrélation supérieurs à 0.85). Pour un jeu de données cliniques de 18 participants présentant une sténose de l'artère carotide, nous avons proposé d'utiliser deux jeux de données d'analyses sur la même plaque carotidienne, soit des images transversales et longitudinales, afin de déduire les mouvements hors plan (qui se sont avérés de 0.25 mm à 1.04 mm). Les résultats cliniques ont montré que les estimations de déformations restaient reproductibles pour toutes les amplitudes de mouvement, puisque les coefficients de corrélation inter-images étaient supérieurs à 0.70 et que les corrélations croisées normalisées entre les images radiofréquences étaient supérieures à 0.93, ce qui a permis de démontrer une plus grande confiance lors de l'analyse de jeu de données cliniques de plaques carotides à l'aide du LSME. Enfin, en ce qui concerne le post-traitement des images, les algorithmes NIVE doivent estimer les déformations des parois des vaisseaux à partir d’images reconstituées dans le but d’identifier les tissus mous et durs. Ainsi, le dernier objectif de cette thèse était de développer un algorithme d'estimation de contrainte avec une résolution de la taille d’un pixel ainsi qu'une efficacité de calcul élevée pour l'amélioration de la précision de NIVE (Chapitre 7). Nous avons proposé un estimateur de déformation de modèle fragmenté (SMSE) avec lequel le champ de déformation dense est paramétré avec des descriptions de transformées en cosinus discret, générant ainsi des composantes de déformations affines (déformations axiales et latérales et en cisaillement) sans opération mathématique de dérivées. En comparant avec le LSME, le SMSE a réduit les erreurs d'estimation lors des tests de simulations, ainsi que pour les mesures in vitro et in vivo. De plus, la faible mise en oeuvre de la méthode SMSE réduit de 4 à 25 fois le temps de traitement par rapport à la méthode LSME pour les simulations, les études in vitro et in vivo, ce qui pourrait permettre une implémentation possible de NIVE en temps réel.Atherosclerosis is a complex vascular disease that affects artery walls (by thickening) and lumens (by plaque formation). The rupture of a carotid artery plaque may also induce ischemic stroke and complications. Despite the use of several medical imaging modalities to evaluate the stability of a plaque, they present limitations such as irradiation, invasive property, low clinical availability and high cost. Ultrasound is a safe imaging method with a real time capability for assessment of biological tissues. It is clinically used for early screening and diagnosis of carotid artery plaques. However, current vascular ultrasound technologies only identify the morphology of a plaque in terms of echo brightness or the impact of the vessel narrowing on flow properties, which may not be sufficient for optimum diagnosis. Noninvasive vascular elastography (NIVE) has been shown of interest for determining the stability of a plaque. Specifically, NIVE can determine the strain field of the moving vessel wall of a carotid artery caused by the natural cardiac pulsation. Due to Young’s modulus differences among different vessel tissues, different components of a plaque can be detected as they present different strains thereby potentially helping in characterizing the plaque stability. Currently, sub-optimum performance and computational efficiency limit the clinical acceptance of NIVE as a fast and efficient method for the early diagnosis of vulnerable plaques. Therefore, there is a need to further develop NIVE as a non-invasive, fast and low computational cost imaging tool to better characterize the plaque vulnerability. The procedure to perform NIVE analysis consists in image formation and image post-processing steps. This thesis aimed to systematically improve the accuracy of these two aspects of NIVE to facilitate predicting carotid plaque vulnerability. The first effort of this thesis has been targeted on improving the image formation (Chapter 5). Transverse oscillation beamforming was introduced into NIVE. The performance of transverse oscillation imaging coupled with two model-based strain estimators, the affine phase-based estimator (APBE) and the Lagrangian speckle model estimator (LSME), were evaluated. For all simulations and in vitro studies, the LSME without transverse oscillation imaging outperformed the APBE with transverse oscillation imaging. Nonetheless, comparable or better principal strain estimates could be obtained with the LSME using transverse oscillation imaging in the case of complex and heterogeneous tissue structures. During the acquisition of ultrasound signals for image formation, out-of-plane motions which are perpendicular to the two-dimensional (2-D) scan plane are existing. The second objective of this thesis was to evaluate the influence of out-of-plane motions on the performance of 2-D NIVE (Chapter 6). For this purpose, we designed an in vitro experimental setup to simulate out-of-plane motions of 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm. The in vitro results showed more strain estimation artifacts for the LSME with increasing magnitudes of out-of-plane motions. Even so, robust strain estimations were nevertheless obtained with 2.0 mm out-of-plane motion (correlation coefficients higher than 0.85). For a clinical dataset of 18 participants with carotid artery stenosis, we proposed to use two datasets of scans on the same carotid plaque, one cross-sectional and the other in a longitudinal view, to deduce the out-of-plane motions (estimated to be ranging from 0.25 mm to 1.04 mm). Clinical results showed that strain estimations remained reproducible for all motion magnitudes since inter-frame correlation coefficients were higher than 0.70, and normalized cross-correlations between radiofrequency images were above 0.93, which indicated that confident motion estimations can be obtained when analyzing clinical dataset of carotid plaques using the LSME. Finally, regarding the image post-processing component of NIVE algorithms to estimate strains of vessel walls from reconstructed images with the objective of identifying soft and hard tissues, we developed a strain estimation method with a pixel-wise resolution as well as a high computation efficiency for improving NIVE (Chapter 7). We proposed a sparse model strain estimator (SMSE) for which the dense strain field is parameterized with Discrete Cosine Transform descriptions, thereby deriving affine strain components (axial and lateral strains and shears) without mathematical derivative operations. Compared with the LSME, the SMSE reduced estimation errors in simulations, in vitro and in vivo tests. Moreover, the sparse implementation of the SMSE reduced the processing time by a factor of 4 to 25 compared with the LSME based on simulations, in vitro and in vivo results, which is suggesting a possible implementation of NIVE in real time

    Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Small Animal Research: Applications in Molecular and Preclinical Imaging

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    Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is a noninvasive multimodality technique that allows high-resolution imaging in mice. It is affordable, widely available, and portable. When it is coupled to Doppler ultrasound with color and power Doppler, it can be used to quantify blood flow and to image microcirculation as well as the response of tumor blood supply to cancer therapy. Target contrast ultrasound combines ultrasound with novel molecular targeted contrast agent to assess biological processes at molecular level. UBM is useful to investigate the growth and differentiation of tumors as well as to detect early molecular expression of cancer-related biomarkers in vivo and to monitor the effects of cancer therapies. It can be also used to visualize the embryological development of mice in uterus or to examine their cardiovascular development. The availability of real-time imaging of mice anatomy allows performing aspiration procedures under ultrasound guidance as well as the microinjection of cells, viruses, or other agents into precise locations. This paper will describe some basic principles of high-resolution imaging equipment, and the most important applications in molecular and preclinical imaging in small animal research

    Eigenspectra optoacoustic tomography achieves quantitative blood oxygenation imaging deep in tissues

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    Light propagating in tissue attains a spectrum that varies with location due to wavelength-dependent fluence attenuation by tissue optical properties, an effect that causes spectral corruption. Predictions of the spectral variations of light fluence in tissue are challenging since the spatial distribution of optical properties in tissue cannot be resolved in high resolution or with high accuracy by current methods. Spectral corruption has fundamentally limited the quantification accuracy of optical and optoacoustic methods and impeded the long sought-after goal of imaging blood oxygen saturation (sO2) deep in tissues; a critical but still unattainable target for the assessment of oxygenation in physiological processes and disease. We discover a new principle underlying light fluence in tissues, which describes the wavelength dependence of light fluence as an affine function of a few reference base spectra, independently of the specific distribution of tissue optical properties. This finding enables the introduction of a previously undocumented concept termed eigenspectra Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (eMSOT) that can effectively account for wavelength dependent light attenuation without explicit knowledge of the tissue optical properties. We validate eMSOT in more than 2000 simulations and with phantom and animal measurements. We find that eMSOT can quantitatively image tissue sO2 reaching in many occasions a better than 10-fold improved accuracy over conventional spectral optoacoustic methods. Then, we show that eMSOT can spatially resolve sO2 in muscle and tumor; revealing so far unattainable tissue physiology patterns. Last, we related eMSOT readings to cancer hypoxia and found congruence between eMSOT tumor sO2 images and tissue perfusion and hypoxia maps obtained by correlative histological analysis

    Accurate skull modeling for EEG source imaging

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