7,662 research outputs found

    Security in Cloud Computing: Evaluation and Integration

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, le paradigme du Cloud Computing a révolutionné la manière dont nous percevons les services de la Technologie de l’Information (TI). Celui-ci nous a donné l’opportunité de répondre à la demande constamment croissante liée aux besoins informatiques des usagers en introduisant la notion d’externalisation des services et des données. Les consommateurs du Cloud ont généralement accès, sur demande, à un large éventail bien réparti d’infrastructures de TI offrant une pléthore de services. Ils sont à même de configurer dynamiquement les ressources du Cloud en fonction des exigences de leurs applications, sans toutefois devenir partie intégrante de l’infrastructure du Cloud. Cela leur permet d’atteindre un degré optimal d’utilisation des ressources tout en réduisant leurs coûts d’investissement en TI. Toutefois, la migration des services au Cloud intensifie malgré elle les menaces existantes à la sécurité des TI et en crée de nouvelles qui sont intrinsèques à l’architecture du Cloud Computing. C’est pourquoi il existe un réel besoin d’évaluation des risques liés à la sécurité du Cloud durant le procédé de la sélection et du déploiement des services. Au cours des dernières années, l’impact d’une efficace gestion de la satisfaction des besoins en sécurité des services a été pris avec un sérieux croissant de la part des fournisseurs et des consommateurs. Toutefois, l’intégration réussie de l’élément de sécurité dans les opérations de la gestion des ressources du Cloud ne requiert pas seulement une recherche méthodique, mais aussi une modélisation méticuleuse des exigences du Cloud en termes de sécurité. C’est en considérant ces facteurs que nous adressons dans cette thèse les défis liés à l’évaluation de la sécurité et à son intégration dans les environnements indépendants et interconnectés du Cloud Computing. D’une part, nous sommes motivés à offrir aux consommateurs du Cloud un ensemble de méthodes qui leur permettront d’optimiser la sécurité de leurs services et, d’autre part, nous offrons aux fournisseurs un éventail de stratégies qui leur permettront de mieux sécuriser leurs services d’hébergements du Cloud. L’originalité de cette thèse porte sur deux aspects : 1) la description innovatrice des exigences des applications du Cloud relativement à la sécurité ; et 2) la conception de modèles mathématiques rigoureux qui intègrent le facteur de sécurité dans les problèmes traditionnels du déploiement des applications, d’approvisionnement des ressources et de la gestion de la charge de travail au coeur des infrastructures actuelles du Cloud Computing. Le travail au sein de cette thèse est réalisé en trois phases.----------ABSTRACT: Over the past decade, the Cloud Computing paradigm has revolutionized the way we envision IT services. It has provided an opportunity to respond to the ever increasing computing needs of the users by introducing the notion of service and data outsourcing. Cloud consumers usually have online and on-demand access to a large and distributed IT infrastructure providing a plethora of services. They can dynamically configure and scale the Cloud resources according to the requirements of their applications without becoming part of the Cloud infrastructure, which allows them to reduce their IT investment cost and achieve optimal resource utilization. However, the migration of services to the Cloud increases the vulnerability to existing IT security threats and creates new ones that are intrinsic to the Cloud Computing architecture, thus the need for a thorough assessment of Cloud security risks during the process of service selection and deployment. Recently, the impact of effective management of service security satisfaction has been taken with greater seriousness by the Cloud Service Providers (CSP) and stakeholders. Nevertheless, the successful integration of the security element into the Cloud resource management operations does not only require methodical research, but also necessitates the meticulous modeling of the Cloud security requirements. To this end, we address throughout this thesis the challenges to security evaluation and integration in independent and interconnected Cloud Computing environments. We are interested in providing the Cloud consumers with a set of methods that allow them to optimize the security of their services and the CSPs with a set of strategies that enable them to provide security-aware Cloud-based service hosting. The originality of this thesis lies within two aspects: 1) the innovative description of the Cloud applications’ security requirements, which paved the way for an effective quantification and evaluation of the security of Cloud infrastructures; and 2) the design of rigorous mathematical models that integrate the security factor into the traditional problems of application deployment, resource provisioning, and workload management within current Cloud Computing infrastructures. The work in this thesis is carried out in three phases

    Learning Augmented Optimization for Network Softwarization in 5G

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    The rapid uptake of mobile devices and applications are posing unprecedented traffic burdens on the existing networking infrastructures. In order to maximize both user experience and investment return, the networking and communications systems are evolving to the next gen- eration – 5G, which is expected to support more flexibility, agility, and intelligence towards provisioned services and infrastructure management. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as nowadays networks are increasingly heterogeneous, dynamic and expanded with large sizes. Network softwarization is one of the critical enabling technologies to implement these requirements in 5G. In addition to these problems investigated in preliminary researches about this technology, many new emerging application requirements and advanced opti- mization & learning technologies are introducing more challenges & opportunities for its fully application in practical production environment. This motivates this thesis to develop a new learning augmented optimization technology, which merges both the advanced opti- mization and learning techniques to meet the distinct characteristics of the new application environment. To be more specific, the abstracts of the key contents in this thesis are listed as follows: • We first develop a stochastic solution to augment the optimization of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) services in dynamical networks. In contrast to the dominant NFV solutions applied for the deterministic networking environments, the inherent network dynamics and uncertainties from 5G infrastructure are impeding the rollout of NFV in many emerging networking applications. Therefore, Chapter 3 investigates the issues of network utility degradation when implementing NFV in dynamical networks, and proposes a robust NFV solution with full respect to the underlying stochastic features. By exploiting the hierarchical decision structures in this problem, a distributed computing framework with two-level decomposition is designed to facilitate a distributed implementation of the proposed model in large-scale networks. • Next, Chapter 4 aims to intertwin the traditional optimization and learning technologies. In order to reap the merits of both optimization and learning technologies but avoid their limitations, promissing integrative approaches are investigated to combine the traditional optimization theories with advanced learning methods. Subsequently, an online optimization process is designed to learn the system dynamics for the network slicing problem, another critical challenge for network softwarization. Specifically, we first present a two-stage slicing optimization model with time-averaged constraints and objective to safeguard the network slicing operations in time-varying networks. Directly solving an off-line solution to this problem is intractable since the future system realizations are unknown before decisions. To address this, we combine the historical learning and Lyapunov stability theories, and develop a learning augmented online optimization approach. This facilitates the system to learn a safe slicing solution from both historical records and real-time observations. We prove that the proposed solution is always feasible and nearly optimal, up to a constant additive factor. Finally, simulation experiments are also provided to demonstrate the considerable improvement of the proposals. • The success of traditional solutions to optimizing the stochastic systems often requires solving a base optimization program repeatedly until convergence. For each iteration, the base program exhibits the same model structure, but only differing in their input data. Such properties of the stochastic optimization systems encourage the work of Chapter 5, in which we apply the latest deep learning technologies to abstract the core structures of an optimization model and then use the learned deep learning model to directly generate the solutions to the equivalent optimization model. In this respect, an encoder-decoder based learning model is developed in Chapter 5 to improve the optimization of network slices. In order to facilitate the solving of the constrained combinatorial optimization program in a deep learning manner, we design a problem-specific decoding process by integrating program constraints and problem context information into the training process. The deep learning model, once trained, can be used to directly generate the solution to any specific problem instance. This avoids the extensive computation in traditional approaches, which re-solve the whole combinatorial optimization problem for every instance from the scratch. With the help of the REINFORCE gradient estimator, the obtained deep learning model in the experiments achieves significantly reduced computation time and optimality loss

    Climbing Up Cloud Nine: Performance Enhancement Techniques for Cloud Computing Environments

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    With the transformation of cloud computing technologies from an attractive trend to a business reality, the need is more pressing than ever for efficient cloud service management tools and techniques. As cloud technologies continue to mature, the service model, resource allocation methodologies, energy efficiency models and general service management schemes are not yet saturated. The burden of making this all tick perfectly falls on cloud providers. Surely, economy of scale revenues and leveraging existing infrastructure and giant workforce are there as positives, but it is far from straightforward operation from that point. Performance and service delivery will still depend on the providers’ algorithms and policies which affect all operational areas. With that in mind, this thesis tackles a set of the more critical challenges faced by cloud providers with the purpose of enhancing cloud service performance and saving on providers’ cost. This is done by exploring innovative resource allocation techniques and developing novel tools and methodologies in the context of cloud resource management, power efficiency, high availability and solution evaluation. Optimal and suboptimal solutions to the resource allocation problem in cloud data centers from both the computational and the network sides are proposed. Next, a deep dive into the energy efficiency challenge in cloud data centers is presented. Consolidation-based and non-consolidation-based solutions containing a novel dynamic virtual machine idleness prediction technique are proposed and evaluated. An investigation of the problem of simulating cloud environments follows. Available simulation solutions are comprehensively evaluated and a novel design framework for cloud simulators covering multiple variations of the problem is presented. Moreover, the challenge of evaluating cloud resource management solutions performance in terms of high availability is addressed. An extensive framework is introduced to design high availability-aware cloud simulators and a prominent cloud simulator (GreenCloud) is extended to implement it. Finally, real cloud application scenarios evaluation is demonstrated using the new tool. The primary argument made in this thesis is that the proposed resource allocation and simulation techniques can serve as basis for effective solutions that mitigate performance and cost challenges faced by cloud providers pertaining to resource utilization, energy efficiency, and client satisfaction

    Serious Gaming for the Evaluation of Market Mechanisms

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    Design science consists of two major design processes: building and evaluation. A wellexecuted evaluation of design artifacts is crucial to their success. Traditional evaluation tools have certain weaknesses because design artifacts include “wicked” problems. Serious Gaming can help to overcome these problems. To this end an online based cloud resource managing game is developed which simulates the implementation of a market mechanism and represents a new design artifact. This mechanism is a heuristic solution consisting of dynamic pricing and a priority policy. The aim of this research is to show that Serious Gaming complements traditional evaluation tools and improves the evaluation of market mechanisms. Therefore, a general guideline for designing Serious Games for evaluation is developed and a classification of Serious Gaming is established. After having collected sufficient data, future work will be to analyze players’ behavior and finally evaluate the market mechanism

    Engineering Self-Adaptive Applications on Software Defined Infrastructure

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    Cloud computing is a flexible platform that offers faster innovation, elastic resources, and economies of scale. However, it is challenging to ensure non-functional properties such as performance, cost and security of applications hosted in cloud. Applications should be adaptive to the fluctuating workload to meet the desired performance goals, in one hand, and on the other, operate in an economic manner to reduce the operational cost. Moreover, cloud applications are attractive target of security threats such as distributed denial of service attacks that target the availability of applications and increase the cost. Given such circumstances, it is vital to engineer applications that are able to self-adapt to such volatile conditions. In this thesis, we investigate techniques and mechanisms to engineer model-based application autonomic management systems that strive to meet performance, cost and security objectives of software systems running in cloud. In addition to using the elasticity feature of cloud, our proposed autonomic management systems employ run-time network adaptations using the emerging software defined networking and network function virtualization. We propose a novel approach to self-protecting applications where the application traffic is dynamically managed between public and private cloud depending on the condition of the traffic. Our management approach is able to adapt the bandwidth rates of application traffic to meet performance and cost objectives. Through run-time performance models as well as optimization, the management system maximizes the profit each time the application requires to adapt. Our autonomous management solutions are implemented and evaluated analytically as well as on multiple public and community clouds to demonstrate their applicability and effectiveness in real world environment

    Automatic virtual network embedding: A deep reinforcement learning approach with graph convolutional networks

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.Virtual network embedding arranges virtual network services onto substrate network components. The performance of embedding algorithms determines the effectiveness and efficiency of a virtualized network, making it a critical part of the network virtualization technology. To achieve better performance, the algorithm needs to automatically detect the network status which is complicated and changes in a time-varying manner, and to dynamically provide solutions that can best fit the current network status. However, most existing algorithms fail to provide automatic embedding solutions in an acceptable running time. In this paper, we combine deep reinforcement learning with a novel neural network structure based on graph convolutional networks, and propose a new and efficient algorithm for automatic virtual network embedding. In addition, a parallel reinforcement learning framework is used in training along with a newly-designed multi-objective reward function, which has proven beneficial to the proposed algorithm for automatic embedding of virtual networks. Extensive simulation results under different scenarios show that our algorithm achieves best performance on most metrics compared with the existing stateof-the-art solutions, with upto 39.6% and 70.6% improvement on acceptance ratio and average revenue, respectively. Moreover, the results also demonstrate that the proposed solution possesses good robustness

    Supply Chain

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    Traditionally supply chain management has meant factories, assembly lines, warehouses, transportation vehicles, and time sheets. Modern supply chain management is a highly complex, multidimensional problem set with virtually endless number of variables for optimization. An Internet enabled supply chain may have just-in-time delivery, precise inventory visibility, and up-to-the-minute distribution-tracking capabilities. Technology advances have enabled supply chains to become strategic weapons that can help avoid disasters, lower costs, and make money. From internal enterprise processes to external business transactions with suppliers, transporters, channels and end-users marks the wide range of challenges researchers have to handle. The aim of this book is at revealing and illustrating this diversity in terms of scientific and theoretical fundamentals, prevailing concepts as well as current practical applications

    Broker-mediated Multiple-Cloud Orchestration Mechanisms for Cloud Computing

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    Platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing is an emerging manufacturing paradigm to instantiate the adoption of the open business model in the context of achieving Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS). It has attracted attention from both industries and academia as a powerful way of searching for manufacturing solutions extensively in a smart manufacturing era. In this regard, this work examines the origination and evolution of the open business model and highlights the trends towards platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing as a solution for MaaS. Platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing has a full function of value capturing, creation, and delivery approach, which is fulfilled by the cooperation among manufacturers, open innovators, and platforms. The platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing workflow is proposed to organize these three decision agents by specifying the domains and interactions, following a functional, behavioral, and structural mapping model. A MaaS reference model is proposed to outline the critical functions and inter-relationships. A series of quantitative, qualitative, and computational solutions are developed for fulfilling the outlined functions. The case studies demonstrate the proposed methodologies and can pace the way towards a service-oriented product fulfillment process. This dissertation initially proposes a manufacturing theory and decision models by integrating manufacturer crowds through a cyber platform. This dissertation reveals the elementary conceptual framework based on stakeholder analysis, including dichotomy analysis of industrial applicability, decision agent identification, workflow, and holistic framework of platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing. Three stakeholders require three essential service fields, and their cooperation requires an information service system as a kernel. These essential functions include contracting evaluation services for open innovators, manufacturers' task execution services, and platforms' management services. This research tackles these research challenges to provide a technology implementation roadmap and transition guidebook for industries towards crowdsourcing.Ph.D