1,166 research outputs found

    Responses of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on different wheat cultivars under laboratory conditions

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    Bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), a polyphagous species with a worldwide distribution, is an important pest of wheat as well as the main vector of barley yellow dwarf virus. The development, survivorship, and life table parameters of R.padi were evaluated in a growth chamber on seven wheat cultivars as follows: ACA 315, Baguette 12 P, BioInta 1002, BioInta 2004, Buck Meteoro, Klein Yarará and LE 2330 at controlled conditions (20±1°C; about 70% RH; 14h photophase). The development times of immatures ranged from 6.6 days on Buck Meteoro to 9.9 days on ACA315, whereas immature survival was 90 to 100%. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) for ACA 315, Baguette 12 P and BioInta 2004 were the highest. Jackknife estimates of rm ranged from 0.327 to 0.204 females/female/day on BioInta 1002 and ACA315, respectively. The mean population generation times (T) on these hosts ranged from 10.91 to 19.66 days. The highest net reproductive rate (R0) were on BioInta 2004 (98.98 females/female/generation) and the lowest on BioInta 1002, Buck Meteoro, Klein Yarará and LE 233 (35.32 to 39.59). Because of the high coefficient of determination (pseudo-R2) values in Gompertz and Weibul models, survival data from different cultivars had a good fit to both models. The results pointed ACA 315, Baguette 12 P and partially BioInta 2004 as the least suitable host plants, indicating that they were the most resistant to R. padi among the cultivars we tested.Inst. de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola IMyZAFil: La Rossa, Francisco Ruben. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Giudici, Albano Cesar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Vasicek, Araceli. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: López, María Carolina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Bainotti, Carlos Tomas. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Marcos Juárez; Argentin

    Effect of host plant on biology and life table parameters of Sipha maydis (Pass.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Sipha (Rugsia) maydis (Pass.) is an important pest of wheat and it has been reported throughout the Mediterranean region, into Central and South Asia, South Africa, South America and North America The development, survivorship, and life table parameters of R. padi were evaluated in a growth chamber on seven wheat cultivars as follows: ACA 315, Baguette 12 P, BioINTA 1002, BioINTA 2004, Buck Meteoro, Klein Yarará and LE 2330 at controlled conditions (20±1°C; about 70% RH; 14 h photophase). The development time of immature stage was ca. 8-9 d on cv. ACA 315, BioINTA 1002, Buck Meteoro, Klein Yarará and LE 2330, while those on cvs BioINTA 2004 and Baguette 12 P was ca. 11-12 d. The immature survival ranged from 90 to 100%. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) for ACA 315 and BioINTA 2004 were the highest. Jackknife estimates of rm on all cultivars ranged from 0.199 to 0.093 females/female/day on ACA 315 and LE 2330, respectively. The mean generation times (T) ranged from 22.82 d on Baguette 12 P to 15.09 d on Klein Yarará. The highest net reproductive rate (R0) were on ACA 315 and Baguette 12 P (59.80 and 53.25 females/female/generation, respectively). Because of the high coefficient of determination (pseudo-R2) values in Gompertz and Weibull models, survival data from different cultivars had a good fit to both models. The results pointed LE 2330, Klein Yarará and partially BioINTA 1002 as the least suitable host plants, indicating that they were the most resistant to S. maydis among the cultivars tested.Inst. de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola IMyZAFil: La Rossa, Francisco Ruben. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Giudici, Albano Cesar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Vasicek, Araceli. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: López, María Carolina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Bainotti, Carlos Tomas. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Marcos Juárez; Argentin

    Presence of microplastic in commercial bivalves along the Portuguese coast, comparing different aquaculture systems

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    Plastic pollution is a hazard that has entered many aspects of life and is becoming increasingly distressing on human health. The consumption of marine animals, unfortunately, is now associated with the consumption of plastic, including in aquaculture species. Bivalves are traditionally grown in aquaculture facilities in Portugal for national and international consumption. During the cultivation of these animals, plastic is used in nets and sacks for the growth process and in collection and processing. As more evidence appears for negative impacts of plastic consumption on human health, it is becoming more important to expand the global knowledge base of how much plastic is present in our food. The aim of this thesis as part of the PlasticSea project was to investigate the presence of plastic in three species of bivalves in Portuguese aquaculture: Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus gollaprovincialis), clams (Ruditapes decussatus) and Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Five different locations were selected from the Portuguese coast in the regions of Aveiro, Sado and the Algarve. 15 organisms from each location were analysed to identify plastic, remarking their size, colour, and type. 54 particles of plastic were successfully identified from 90 organisms (0.6 particles/ individual), of which the most common colour was black and most common type was fragments. Results were compared to coastal organisms from different natural environments which showed that there was no significant difference between the amount of plastic ingested by each category (natural or aquaculture), but aquaculture specimens are more likely to ingest black plastic, feasibly from aquaculture equipment. Further studies such as spectroscopy analysis would be needed to determine if this is true. This data will help to identify and eliminate the reasons of occurrence of microplastics in marine organisms such as bivalves.A produção de plástico para utilização em todos os sectores da sociedade está a aumentar, e como resultado da má gestão desse produto, a poluição pelo plástico está a aumentar. Este é um perigo que tem afetado muitos aspetos da vida humana e está a tornar-se cada vez mais preocupante para o ambiente e para a saúde humana. Um dos ambientes que tem gerado muita preocupação devido ao problema deste tipo de poluição é o oceano. A entrada do plástico no oceano é proveniente de muitas fontes, incluindo o lixo da pesca e o lixiviado de fontes terrestres. No oceano, grandes fragmentos de plástico, tais como redes de pesca, podem causar danos aos animais através do emaranhamento, o que também é chamado de pesca fantasma. Estes grandes fragmentos degradam-se e decompõem-se mecanicamente pela ação das ondas ou também quimicamente pela degradação UV, e resultando em microplásticos (MPs). Outra fonte de MPs é originada diretamente a partir de partículas plásticas em cosméticos ou pellets, e estas podem ter tamanho menor que 5 mm. Devido ao pequeno tamanho, os microplásticos são facilmente confundidos como alimento para muitas espécies no oceano ou ingeridos inconscientemente. Quando ingerido por organismos marinhos o plástico pode ter consequências destrutivas, o que pode resultar, por exemplo, na redução da capacidade de alimentação e transferência de substâncias nocivas, tais como químicos e poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs), para os seus tecidos. Mundialmente, muitos estudos têm sido conduzidos sobre a presença de plástico nos organismos marinhos e seus impactos. A presença de plástico em organismos marinhos está a surgir com mais frequência provando a capacidade dos organismos de acumula-lo. O consumo de frutos do mar e espécies aquícolas, tanto provenientes da pesca quanto da aquicultura, infelizmente, estão agora associados ao consumo de plástico. Os bivalves, em Portugal, são tradicionalmente cultivados em instalações de aquicultura para o consumo nacional e internacional, durante o cultivo destes organismos, o plástico é utilizado em redes e sacos para o processo de crescimento, na colheita e processamento, contudo, ainda não se sabe, se e, até que ponto o plástico tem impacto nos bivalves. À medida que aparecem mais provas dos impactos negativos do consumo de plástico na saúde humana, torna-se ainda mais importante expandir o conhecimento global sobre a quantidade e efeitos do plástico nos nossos alimentos e assim elaborar estratégias para mitiga-los. Em vista disto, esta tese integrada no projecto PlasticSea teve por objetivo investigar a presença de plástico em três espécies de bivalves na aquicultura portuguesa, mexilhões (Mytilus gollaprovincialis), amêijoas (Ruditapes decussatus) e ostras do Pacífico (Crassostrea gigas). Recolheram-se amostras destes bivalves em cinco locais da costa portuguesa, um em Aveiro (aquicultura entremarres), um no Sado (aquicultura entremarres), e três na região do Algarve (EPPO (aquicultura costeira), Ria Formosa (aquicultura entremarres), e Sagres (aquicultura offshore). Os organismos foram recolhidos em cada área de amostragem (15 indivíduos em cada área) utilizando técnicas para evitar qualquer contaminação plástica e posteriormente analisados em laboratório. Todos os organismos foram medidos, pesados e dissecados. O tecido molde de cada organismo foi digerido com KOH e incubados durante pelo menos 48 horas em estufa à temperatura de 50 °C. Uma vez digeridas, as amostras foram colocadas numa solução hipersalina (NaCl) com densidade de 1,2 para recolher microplásticos flutuantes. Esta solução contendo as partículas flutuantes foi então filtrada com uma bomba de vácuo utilizando filtros de acetato de celulose de 5 μm. Os filtros foram analisados com auxílio de um microscópio para identificar as partículas de plástico presentes em cada amostra. Foram identificadas como plástico as partículas que não reagiram com HCl e que reagiram com uma agulha quente. As partículas identificadas como plástico foram registradas, observando-se também o seu tamanho, cor, e tipo. No presente estudo foram identificadas 54 partículas de plástico em 90 organismos (0,6 partículas/ indivíduo), das quais a cor mais comum foi o preto e o tipo mais comum fragmentos. Foram efetuadas análises estatísticas uni e multivariadas com o foco em responder a pergunta da investigação sobre a presença de microplàstico na aquicultura. A presença de plástico foi identificada em todas as áreas estudadas em pelo menos um organismo. Em comparação com as amostras recolhidas o local com a maior presença de plástico foi no estuário do Sado, o que muito provavelmente é resultado de estar localizado perto de uma área povoada e poluída do país. No presente estudo 35,6% de todos os organismos apresentaram partículas de plástico nos seus tecidos, o que corrobora com outros estudos sobre a mesma espécie alvo. Os resultados foram comparados com organismos costeiros de onze locais no ambiente natural do Algarve, o que mostrou que não havia diferença significativa entre a quantidade de plástico ingerida por cada categoria (natural ou aquicultura). Contudo, a análise estatística mostrou uma diferença entre locais como Portimão, que era o sítio costeiro com a maior quantidade de plástico nos organismos amostrados. Outro resultado encontrado foi que os espécimenes de aquicultura são mais propensos a ingerir plástico preto, possivelmente de poluição externa ou de equipamento de aquicultura como estruturas de plástico preto usados para cultivar ostras em sistemas entremarres no Sado e em Aveiro. Outros estudos como a análise espectroscópica seriam necessários para determinar se isto é verdade, comparando os resultados dos espectros do plástico do equipamento no campo com o que se encontra nos tecidos dos organismos. Os resultados fornecem possíveis provas de que o equipamento plástico utilizado em aquicultura contribui para a ingestão de resíduos plásticos por organismos que são vendidos para o consumo humano. Estes dados ajudarão os decisores a identificar e eliminar as razões da ocorrência de microplásticos em organismos marinhos, tais como os bivalves. Uma sugestão feita é que o método com menor exposição ao plástico está a utilizar a aquicultura offshore onde o plástico não se pode acumular. A quantidade de plástico nos nossos alimentos pode estar a afeitar a saúde humana, pelo que é urgente melhorar a qualidade dos alimentos. Globalmente, este estudo demonstra a quantidade desnecessária de plástico no oceano e os efeitos adversos que os seres humanos estão a contribuir no ambiente marinho, mostrando que é necessário fazer mais, desde governos a indivíduos, para ajudar a enfrentar o problema da poluição pelo plástico

    The importance of language standardization/adaptation strategies on european web retail

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    JEL Classification System: Code MThe discussion around strategy adaptation or standardization, in an internationalization context, has been intensified since the year 2000. This associated with the increasing internet consumption habits creates the necessity of more specific studies relating e-commerce and marketing mix strategy, namely on communication. This project aimed at studying the impacts of website communication adaptation and standardization strategies on results of the top 500 European web retailers. Aligned to what was expected, the study concluded that there is a positive correlation between language adaptation and results, with particular relevance on the variable web sales, although standardization is the preferred strategy. Additionally, it was observed that English presence has a positive influence on results.A discussão em torno de estratégias de adaptação e padronização, em contexto de internacionalização, tem-se intensificado desde 2000. Isto associado aos crescentes hábitos de consumo na internet cria a necessidade de estudo mais específicos que relacionem comércio eletrónico e estratégias de marketing mix, nomeadamente na comunicação. Este projeto teve como objetivo estudar os impactos da adaptação e da padronização da comunicação dos websites nos resultados dos maiores retalhistas online na Europa. Em linha com o esperado, o estudo conclui que existe uma correlação positiva entre a adaptação da língua e os resultados, com particular expressão na variável vendas online, apesar de a padronização ser a estratégia preferida. Adicionalmente, foi observada uma influência positiva da presença do inglês nos resultados

    Resistance to greenbugs in the sorghum nested association mapping population

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    The greenbug, Schizaphis graminum, is a serious pest of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). For the past several decades, resistant sorghum hybrids have been used to control greenbug populations. However, the durability of plant resistance is frequently challenged by evolution of new greenbug biotypes, and there is a continuous need for screening of resistant germplasm for its effective management in the field. Natural variation in sorghum plants/populations provides distinct approaches to identify novel sources of resistance against greenbugs. In this study, we used the recently developed sorghum nested association mapping (NAM) population parental lines to understand sources of sorghum resistance to greenbugs. Using choice and no-choice assays, we have identified SC265 and Segaolane as the resistant and susceptible lines, respectively, to greenbugs compared to the wild-type plants. The Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) analysis revealed that the greenbugs spent significantly lesser time in the xylem and sieve element phases while feeding on the resistant NAM parental line, SC265, compared to the susceptible (Segaolane) and wild-type (RTx430) sorghum lines. In addition, the EPG results indicated that there is no significant difference in the time to first probe, time to reach first sieve element, pathway phase, and non-probing phase among the three sorghum plants, which suggests that the resistance factors present in the vascular tissues of the resistant line (SC265) potentially contribute to the resistance mechanisms against greenbugs. Overall, SC265 NAM parental line showed a combination of antixenotic and antibiotic-mediated resistance mechanisms against greenbugs, whereas the susceptible line Segaolane displayed the least resistance to greenbugs

    Statistical Skills Analysis of Students Using Online-Learning Platforms such as Whatsapp, Youtube, and Zoom Meetings during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Education as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic has undergone transformation related to the learning process from face-to-face learning process to online-based learning process that utilizes various online platforms, such as WhatsApp, YouTube, and Zoom Meetings. The use of online platforms helps students to improve their cognitive skills, one of which is statistical skills. This study aims to determine whether there is a significant statistical difference between learning using WhatsApp, YouTube, and Zoom Meetings during online learning and to find out which online platforms are effective and interactive. The research sample consisted of 69 students taking statistics courses. The research method is mix-method or mix of quantitative and qualitative. The data collection techniques are online-based test instruments, questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis used Kruskal Wallis test and descriptive analysis test. The results showed that there were differences in students' statistical skills between the three classes, where the best came from learning using YouTube platform. The findings also show that students give higher positive responses to the use of YouTube as platform in online learning. The interview results show that the use of YouTube is more effective and interactive for students while participating in online-based learning. By that means, YouTube platform is effective in improving statistical skills in online learning

    Longitudinal dose and type of immunosuppression in a national cohort of Australian liver, heart, and lung transplant recipients, 1984-2006

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    Unconfounded comparative data on the type and dose of immunosuppressive agents among solid organ transplant recipients are sparse, as are data on longitudinal immunosuppressive therapy since transplantation. We addressed this issue in a population-based cohort of Australian liver (n = 1895), heart (n = 1220), and lung (n = 1059) transplant recipients, 1984-2006. Data on immunosuppressive therapy were retrospectively collected at discharge, three months, and one, five, 10, and 15 yr after first transplant. We computed unadjusted and adjusted estimates for the association between the type and dose of immunosuppressive therapy and organ type. After adjustment for confounders, use of induction antibody and maintenance corticosteroids was more common in heart and lung compared to liver recipients (p < 0.001), and antibody therapy for rejection more common in liver recipients (p < 0.001). Liver recipients were more likely to receive calcineurin inhibitor monotherapy, with or without corticosteroids, compared to heart and lung recipients (p < 0.001). Liver recipients consistently received lower doses of azathioprine than heart and lung recipients (p < 0.001). These differences in immunosuppression may partly explain variations in immunosuppression-related morbidity by transplanted organ, for example, malignancy risk. Longitudinal changes in the type and the dose of immunosuppressive therapy over time since transplantation also demonstrate the need for time-dependent data in observational research

    Identifying oviposition attractants from the larval rearing medium of phlebotomus papatasi, the vector of old world zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    Phlebotomine sand flies are the vectors of the Leishmania parasites as well as other bacterial and viral pathogens worldwide. Due to the variable impact of traditional vector control practices, a more ecologically-based approach is needed. The goal of this study is to develop an attractive blend that would attract gravid Phlebotomus papatasi female sand flies and that would be later used as a lure for a lethal oviposition trap. The general hypothesis of this study is that female sand flies have evolved to detect cues of bacterial origin indicating suitable growth habitat for its progeny. Since sand fly larvae feed on decomposing organic material of predominantly fecal origin, 5 candidate materials were tested; rabbit feces, larval food, 2nd/3rd instar rearing medium, 4th/pupae rearing medium, and expired colony medium. The total oviposition response of each of the candidates was tested using a multiple-choice bioassay, and their relative attractance was tested using a 2-choice attraction bioassay. The 2nd/3rd instar rearing medium demonstrated the highest significant effect in all bioassays and, therefore, a bacterial analysis was performed in order to culture all constituent bacterial isolates. 2-choice attraction bioassays were used to test the attractance of each of the bacterial isolates at serially-diluted concentrations. Certain bacterial isolates have demonstrated high attractance at specific concentrations, which indicates potential applications in constructing the optimal attractive bait