1,858 research outputs found

    Adaptive Control For Autonomous Navigation Of Mobile Robots Considering Time Delay And Uncertainty

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    Autonomous control of mobile robots has attracted considerable attention of researchers in the areas of robotics and autonomous systems during the past decades. One of the goals in the field of mobile robotics is development of platforms that robustly operate in given, partially unknown, or unpredictable environments and offer desired services to humans. Autonomous mobile robots need to be equipped with effective, robust and/or adaptive, navigation control systems. In spite of enormous reported work on autonomous navigation control systems for mobile robots, achieving the goal above is still an open problem. Robustness and reliability of the controlled system can always be improved. The fundamental issues affecting the stability of the control systems include the undesired nonlinear effects introduced by actuator saturation, time delay in the controlled system, and uncertainty in the model. This research work develops robustly stabilizing control systems by investigating and addressing such nonlinear effects through analytical, simulations, and experiments. The control systems are designed to meet specified transient and steady-state specifications. The systems used for this research are ground (Dr Robot X80SV) and aerial (Parrot AR.Drone 2.0) mobile robots. Firstly, an effective autonomous navigation control system is developed for X80SV using logic control by combining ‘go-to-goal’, ‘avoid-obstacle’, and ‘follow-wall’ controllers. A MATLAB robot simulator is developed to implement this control algorithm and experiments are conducted in a typical office environment. The next stage of the research develops an autonomous position (x, y, and z) and attitude (roll, pitch, and yaw) controllers for a quadrotor, and PD-feedback control is used to achieve stabilization. The quadrotor’s nonlinear dynamics and kinematics are implemented using MATLAB S-function to generate the state output. Secondly, the white-box and black-box approaches are used to obtain a linearized second-order altitude models for the quadrotor, AR.Drone 2.0. Proportional (P), pole placement or proportional plus velocity (PV), linear quadratic regulator (LQR), and model reference adaptive control (MRAC) controllers are designed and validated through simulations using MATLAB/Simulink. Control input saturation and time delay in the controlled systems are also studied. MATLAB graphical user interface (GUI) and Simulink programs are developed to implement the controllers on the drone. Thirdly, the time delay in the drone’s control system is estimated using analytical and experimental methods. In the experimental approach, the transient properties of the experimental altitude responses are compared to those of simulated responses. The analytical approach makes use of the Lambert W function to obtain analytical solutions of scalar first-order delay differential equations (DDEs). A time-delayed P-feedback control system (retarded type) is used in estimating the time delay. Then an improved system performance is obtained by incorporating the estimated time delay in the design of the PV control system (neutral type) and PV-MRAC control system. Furthermore, the stability of a parametric perturbed linear time-invariant (LTI) retarded type system is studied. This is done by analytically calculating the stability radius of the system. Simulation of the control system is conducted to confirm the stability. This robust control design and uncertainty analysis are conducted for first-order and second-order quadrotor models. Lastly, the robustly designed PV and PV-MRAC control systems are used to autonomously track multiple waypoints. Also, the robustness of the PV-MRAC controller is tested against a baseline PV controller using the payload capability of the drone. It is shown that the PV-MRAC offers several benefits over the fixed-gain approach of the PV controller. The adaptive control is found to offer enhanced robustness to the payload fluctuations

    A class of predefined-time stable dynamical systems

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    This article introduces predefined-time stable dynamical systems which are a class of fixed-time stable dynamical systems with settling time as an explicit parameter that can be defined in advance. This concept allows for the design of observers and controllers for problems that require to fulfil hard time constraints. An example is encountered in the fault detection and isolation problem, where mode detection in a timely manner needs to be guaranteed in order to apply a recovery action. Furthermore, through the notion of strong predefined-time stability, the approach hereinafter presented permits to overcome the problem of overestimation of the convergence time bound encountered in previous methods for the analysis of finite-time stable systems, where the stabilization time is often an unbounded function of the initial conditions of the system. A Lyapunov analysis is provided together with a detailed discussion of the applications to consensus and first order sliding mode controller design

    Systems Structure and Control

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    The title of the book System, Structure and Control encompasses broad field of theory and applications of many different control approaches applied on different classes of dynamic systems. Output and state feedback control include among others robust control, optimal control or intelligent control methods such as fuzzy or neural network approach, dynamic systems are e.g. linear or nonlinear with or without time delay, fixed or uncertain, onedimensional or multidimensional. The applications cover all branches of human activities including any kind of industry, economics, biology, social sciences etc

    Time-Delay Systems

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    Time delay is very often encountered in various technical systems, such as electric, pneumatic and hydraulic networks, chemical processes, long transmission lines, robotics, etc. The existence of pure time lag, regardless if it is present in the control or/and the state, may cause undesirable system transient response, or even instability. Consequently, the problem of controllability, observability, robustness, optimization, adaptive control, pole placement and particularly stability and robustness stabilization for this class of systems, has been one of the main interests for many scientists and researchers during the last five decades

    Uncertainty and disturbance estimator design to shape and reduce the output impedance of inverter

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    Power inverters are becoming more and more common in the modern grid. Due to their switching nature, a passive filter is installed at the inverter output. This generates high output impedance which limits the inverter ability to maintain high power quality at the inverter output. This thesis deals with an impedance shaping approach to the design of power inverter control. The Uncertainty and Disturbance Estimator (UDE) is proposed as a candidate for direct formation of the inverter output impedance. The selection of UDE is motivated by the desire for the disturbance rejection control and the tracking controller to be decoupled. It is demonstrated in the thesis that due to this fact the UDE filter design directly influences the inverter output impedance and the reference model determines the inverter internal electromotive force. It was recently shown in the literature and further emphasized in this thesis that the classic low pass frequency design of the UDE cannot estimate periodical disturbances under the constraint of finite control bandwidth. Since for a power inverter both the reference signal and the disturbance signal are of periodical nature, the classic UDE lowpass filter design does not give optimal results. A new design approach is therefore needed. The thesis develops four novel designs of the UDE filter to significantly reduce the inverter output impedance and maintain low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the inverter output voltage. The first design is the based on a frequency selective filter. This filter design shows superiority in both observing and rejecting periodical disturbances over the classic low pass filter design. The second design uses a multi-band stop design to reject periodical disturbances with some uncertainty in the frequency. The third solution uses a classic low pass filter design combined with a time delay to match zero phase estimation of the disturbance at the relevant spectrum. Furthermore, this solution is combined with a resonant tracking controller to reduce the tracking steady-state error in the output voltage. The fourth solution utilizes a low-pass filter combined with multiple delays to increase the frequency robustness. This method shows superior performance over the multi-band-stop and the time delayed filter in steady-state. All the proposed methods are validated through extensive simulation and experimental results

    Discrete-time Robust PD Controlled System with DOB/CDOB Compensation for High Speed Autonomous Vehicle Path Following

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    Autonomous vehicle path following performance is one of significant consideration. This paper presents discrete time design of robust PD controlled system with disturbance observer (DOB) and communication disturbance observer (CDOB) compensation to enhance autonomous vehicle path following performance. Although always implemented on digital devices, DOB and CDOB structure are usually designed in continuous time in the literature and also in our previous work. However, it requires high sampling rate for continuous-time design block diagram to automatically convert to corresponding discrete-time controller using rapid controller prototyping systems. In this paper, direct discrete time design is carried out. Digital PD feedback controller is designed based on the nominal plant using the proposed parameter space approach. Zero order hold method is applied to discretize the nominal plant, DOB and CDOB structure in continuous domain. Discrete time DOB is embedded into the steering to path following error loop for model regulation in the presence of uncertainty in vehicle parameters such as vehicle mass, vehicle speed and road-tire friction coefficient and rejecting external disturbance like crosswind force. On the other hand, time delay from CAN bus based sensor and actuator command interfaces results in degradation of system performance since large negative phase angles are added to the plant frequency response. Discrete time CDOB compensated control system can be used for time delay compensation where the accurate knowledge of delay time value is not necessary. A validated model of our lab Ford Fusion hybrid automated driving research vehicle is used for the simulation analysis while the vehicle is driving at high speed. Simulation results successfully demonstrate the improvement of autonomous vehicle path following performance with the proposed discrete time DOB and CDOB structure

    Robust fault tolerant control of induction motor system

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    Research into fault tolerant control (FTC, a set of techniques that are developed to increase plant availability and reduce the risk of safety hazards) for induction motors is motivated by practical concerns including the need for enhanced reliability, improved maintenance operations and reduced cost. Its aim is to prevent that simple faults develop into serious failure. Although, the subject of induction motor control is well known, the main topics in the literature are concerned with scalar and vector control and structural stability. However, induction machines experience various fault scenarios and to meet the above requirements FTC strategies based on existing or more advanced control methods become desirable. Some earlier studies on FTC have addressed particular problems of 3-phase sensor current/voltage FTC, torque FTC, etc. However, the development of these methods lacks a more general understanding of the overall problem of FTC for an induction motor based on a true fault classification of possible fault types.In order to develop a more general approach to FTC for induction motors, i.e. not just designing specific control approaches for individual induction motor fault scenarios, this thesis has carried out a systematic research on induction motor systems considering the various faults that can typically be present, having either “additive” fault or “multiplicative” effects on the system dynamics, according to whether the faults are sensor or actuator (additive fault) types or component or motor faults (multiplicative fault) types.To achieve the required objectives, an active approach to FTC is used, making use of fault estimation (FE, an approach that determine the magnitude of a fault signal online) and fault compensation. This approach of FTC/FE considers an integration of the electrical and mechanical dynamics, initially using adaptive and/or sliding mode observers, Linear Parameter Varying (LPV, in which nonlinear systems are locally decomposed into several linear systems scheduled by varying parameters) and then using back-stepping control combined with observer/estimation methods for handling certain forms of nonlinearity.In conclusion, the thesis proposed an integrated research of induction motor FTC/FE with the consideration of different types of faults and different types of uncertainties, and validated the approaches through simulations and experiments

    Stability of Uncertainty Piecewise Affine Time-Delay Systems with Application to All Wheel Drive Clutch Control.

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    Piecewise affine (PWA) systems provide good flexibility and traceability for modeling a variety of nonlinear systems. The stability of PWA systems is an important but challenging problem since the stability of the sub-systems does not directly imply the stability of the global system. Meanwhile, time delays and uncertainty exist in many practical systems in engineering and introduce various complex behaviors such as oscillation, instability and poor performance. To ensure the stability of the practical control systems developed via the PWA system framework, the stability of uncertain PWA time-delay systems is investigated. In addition, a quantitative description of asymptotic behavior for time-delay systems is also studied. First, the stability problem for uncertain piecewise affine time-delay systems is investigated. It is assumed that there exists a constant time delay in the system and the uncertainly is norm-bounded. Sufficient conditions for the stability of nominal systems and the stability of systems subject to uncertainty are derived using the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with a triple integration term. This approach handles switching based on the delayed states (in addition to the states) for a PWA time-delay system, considers structured as well as unstructured uncertainty, and reduces the conservativeness of previous approaches. Second, an application of the PWA system framework to the modeling and control of an automotive all wheel drive clutch system is presented. The open-loop system is modeled as a PWA system, followed by the design of a piecewise linear feedback controller. The stability of the closed-loop system is examined using the proposed stability method. Finally, a new Lambert W function based approach for estimation of the decay function for time-delay systems is presented. Using this solution form, a decay function estimate, which is less conservative than existing methods, is obtained.Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86297/1/duansm_1.pd