144 research outputs found

    Low-Complexity Iterative Receivers

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    La tesi affronta il problema delle comunicazioni digitali su canali con memoria, ponendo particolare enfasi su canali affetti da interferenza intersimbolica e canali affetti da rumore impulsivo. In particolare, l'analisi e il progetto vengono rivolti ai ricevitori ad oggi considerati come i più efficaci in tali scenari, ossia i ricevitori iterativi. Il fattore di qualità cruciale per un sistema di comunicazione viene considerato, nell'intera tesi, un conveniente compromesso tra complessità e prestazioni, piuttosto che le sole prestazioni. Il maggiore contributo del lavoro di tesi consiste in un insieme di ricevitori in grado di offrire, a parità di complessità, prestazioni migliori rispetto alle soluzioni di letteratura.The thesis addresses the problem of providing reliable communications over channels with memory, with particular emphasis on channels impaired by intersymbol interference and channels impaired by impulse noise. In particular, the receivers to date considered as the most effective for such scenarios, namely the iterative receivers, are investigated. Throughout the work, a convenient performance/complexity tradeoff, rather than the performance only, is considered as the key quality figure for a communication system. The main contribution the thesis provides is a set of low-complexity receivers that impressively outperform the existing receivers with similar complexity

    Méthodes de codage et d'estimation adaptative appliquées aux communications sans fil

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    Les recherches et les contributions présentées portent sur des techniques de traitement du signal appliquées aux communications sans fil. Elles s’articulent autour des points suivants : (1) l’estimation adaptative de canaux de communication dans différents contextes applicatifs, (2) la correction de bruit impulsionnel et la réduction du niveau de PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio) dans un système multi-porteuse, (3) l’optimisation de schémas de transmission pour la diffusion sur des canaux gaussiens avec/sans contrainte de sécurité, (4) l’analyse, l’interprétation et l’amélioration des algorithmes de décodage itératif par le biais de l’optimisation, de la théorie des jeux et des outils statistiques. L’accent est plus particulièrement mis sur le dernier thème

    Fifty Years of Noise Modeling and Mitigation in Power-Line Communications.

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    Building on the ubiquity of electric power infrastructure, power line communications (PLC) has been successfully used in diverse application scenarios, including the smart grid and in-home broadband communications systems as well as industrial and home automation. However, the power line channel exhibits deleterious properties, one of which is its hostile noise environment. This article aims for providing a review of noise modeling and mitigation techniques in PLC. Specifically, a comprehensive review of representative noise models developed over the past fifty years is presented, including both the empirical models based on measurement campaigns and simplified mathematical models. Following this, we provide an extensive survey of the suite of noise mitigation schemes, categorizing them into mitigation at the transmitter as well as parametric and non-parametric techniques employed at the receiver. Furthermore, since the accuracy of channel estimation in PLC is affected by noise, we review the literature of joint noise mitigation and channel estimation solutions. Finally, a number of directions are outlined for future research on both noise modeling and mitigation in PLC

    Efficient and Robust Signal Detection Algorithms for the Communication Applications

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    Signal detection and estimation has been prevalent in signal processing and communications for many years. The relevant studies deal with the processing of information-bearing signals for the purpose of information extraction. Nevertheless, new robust and efficient signal detection and estimation techniques are still in demand since there emerge more and more practical applications which rely on them. In this dissertation work, we proposed several novel signal detection schemes for wireless communications applications, such as source localization algorithm, spectrum sensing method, and normality test. The associated theories and practice in robustness, computational complexity, and overall system performance evaluation are also provided

    High Speed Turbo Tcm Ofdm For Uwb And Powerline System

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    Turbo Trellis-Coded Modulation (TTCM) is an attractive scheme for higher data rate transmission, since it combines the impressive near Shannon limit error correcting ability of turbo codes with the high spectral efficiency property of TCM codes. We build a punctured parity-concatenated trellis codes in which a TCM code is used as the inner code and a simple parity-check code is used as the outer code. It can be constructed by simple repetition, interleavers, and TCM and functions as standard TTCM but with much lower complexity regarding real world implementation. An iterative bit MAP decoding algorithm is associated with the coding scheme. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation has been a promising solution for efficiently capturing multipath energy in highly dispersive channels and delivering high data rate transmission. One of UWB proposals in IEEE P802.15 WPAN project is to use multi-band OFDM system and punctured convolutional codes for UWB channels supporting data rate up to 480Mb/s. The HomePlug Networking system using the medium of power line wiring also selects OFDM as the modulation scheme due to its inherent adaptability in the presence of frequency selective channels, its resilience to jammer signals, and its robustness to impulsive noise in power line channel. The main idea behind OFDM is to split the transmitted data sequence into N parallel sequences of symbols and transmit on different frequencies. This structure has the particularity to enable a simple equalization scheme and to resist to multipath propagation channel. However, some carriers can be strongly attenuated. It is then necessary to incorporate a powerful channel encoder, combined with frequency and time interleaving. We examine the possibility of improving the proposed OFDM system over UWB channel and HomePlug powerline channel by using our Turbo TCM with QAM constellation for higher data rate transmission. The study shows that the system can offer much higher spectral efficiency, for example, 1.2 Gbps for OFDM/UWB which is 2.5 times higher than the current standard, and 39 Mbps for OFDM/HomePlug1.0 which is 3 times higher than current standard. We show several essential requirements to achieve high rate such as frequency and time diversifications, multi-level error protection. Results have been confirmed by density evolution. The effect of impulsive noise on TTCM coded OFDM system is also evaluated. A modified iterative bit MAP decoder is provided for channels with impulsive noise with different impulsivity

    Impulsive noise cancellation and channel estimation in power line communication systems

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    Power line communication (PLC) is considered as the most viable enabler of the smart grid. PLC exploits the power line infrastructure for data transmission and provides an economical communication backbone to support the requirements of smart grid applications. Though PLC brings a lot of benefits to the smart grid implementation, impairments such as frequency selective attenuation of the high-frequency communication signal, the presence of impulsive noise (IN) and the narrowband interference (NBI) from closely operating wireless communication systems, make the power line a hostile environament for reliable data transmission. Hence, the main objective of this dissertation is to design signal processing algorithms that are specifically tailored to overcome the inevitable impairments in the power line environment. First, we propose a novel IN mitigation scheme for PLC systems. The proposed scheme actively estimates the locations of IN samples and eliminates the effect of IN only from the contaminated samples of the received signal. By doing so, the typical problem encountered while mitigating the IN is avoided by using passive IN power suppression algorithms, where samples besides the ones containing the IN are also affected creating additional distortion in the received signal. Apart from the IN, the PLC transmission is also impaired by NBI. Exploiting the duality of the problem where the IN is impulsive in the time domain and the NBI is impulsive in the frequency domain, an extended IN mitigation algorithm is proposed in order to accurately estimate and effectively cancel both impairments from the received signal. The numerical validation of the proposed schemes shows improved BER performance of PLC systems in the presence of IN and NBI. Secondly, we pay attention to the problem of channel estimation in the power line environment. The presence of IN makes channel estimation challenging for PLC systems. To accurately estimate the channel, two maximumlikelihood (ML) channel estimators for PLC systems are proposed in this thesis. Both ML estimators exploit the estimated IN samples to determine the channel coefficients. Among the proposed channel estimators, one treats the estimated IN as a deterministic quantity, and the other assumes that the estimated IN is a random quantity. The performance of both estimators is analyzed and numerically evaluated to show the superiority of the proposed estimators in comparison to conventional channel estimation strategies in the presence of IN. Furthermore, between the two proposed estimators, the one that is based on the random approach outperforms the deterministic one in all typical PLC scenarios. However, the deterministic approach based estimator can perform consistent channel estimation regardless of the IN behavior with less computational effort and becomes an efficient channel estimation strategy in situations where high computational complexity cannot be afforded. Finally, we propose two ML algorithms to perform a precise IN support detection. The proposed algorithms perform a greedy search of the samples in the received signal that are contaminated by IN. To design such algorithms, statistics defined for deterministic and random ML channel estimators are exploited and two multiple hypothesis tests are built according to Bonferroni and Benjamini and Hochberg design criteria. Among the proposed estimators, the random ML-based approach outperforms the deterministic ML-based approach while detecting the IN support in typical power line environment. Hence, this thesis studies the power line environment for reliable data transmission to support smart grid. The proposed signal processing schemes are robust and allow PLC systems to effectively overcome the major impairments in an active electrical network.The efficient mitigation of IN and NBI and accurate estimation of channel enhances the applicability of PLC to support critical applications that are envisioned for the future electrical power grid.La comunicación a través de líneas de transmisión eléctricas (PLC) se considera uno de los habilitadores principales de la red eléctrica inteligente (smart grid). PLC explota la infraestructura de la red eléctrica para la transmisión de datos y proporciona una red troncal de comunicación económica para poder cumplir con los requisitos de las aplicaciones para smart grids. Si bien la tecnología PLC aporta muchos beneficios a la implementación de la smart grid, los impedimentos, como la atenuación selectiva en frecuencia de la señal de comunicación, la presencia de ruido impulsivo (IN) y las interferencias de banda estrecha (NBI) de los sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica de operación cercana, hacen que la red eléctrica sea un entorno hostil para la transmisión fiable de datos. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es diseñar algoritmos de procesado de señal que estén específicamente diseñados para superar los impedimentos inevitables en el entorno de la red eléctrica como son IN y NBI. Primeramente, proponemos un nuevo esquema de mitigación de IN en sistemas PLC. El esquema propuesto estima activamente las ubicaciones de las muestras de IN y elimina el efecto de IN solo en las muestras contaminadas de la señal recibida. Al hacerlo, el problema típico que se encuentra al mitigar el IN con técnicas tradicionales (donde también se ven afectadas otras muestras que contienen la IN, creando una distorsión adicional en la señal recibida) se puede evitar con la consiguiente mejora del rendimiento. Aparte de IN, los sistemas PLC también se ven afectados por el NBI. Aprovechando la dualidad del problema (el IN es impulsivo en el dominio del tiempo y el NBI es impulsivo en el dominio de la frecuencia), se propone un algoritmo de mitigación de IN ampliado para estimar con precisión y cancelar efectivamente ambas degradaciones de la señal recibida. La validación numérica de los esquemas propuestos muestra un mejor rendimiento en términos de tasa de error de bit (BER) en sistemas PLC con presencia de IN y NBI. En segundo lugar, prestamos atención al problema de la estimación de canal en entornos PLC. La presencia de IN hace que la estimación de canal sea un desafío para los sistemas PLC futuros. En esta tesis, se proponen dos estimadores de canal para sistemas PLC de máxima verosimilitud (ML) para sistemas PLC. Ambos estimadores ML explotan las muestras IN estimadas para determinar los coeficientes del canal. Entre los estimadores de canal propuestos, uno trata la IN estimada como una cantidad determinista, y la otra asume que la IN estimada es una cantidad aleatoria. El rendimiento de ambos estimadores se analiza y se evalúa numéricamente para mostrar la superioridad de los estimadores propuestos en comparación con las estrategias de estimación de canales convencionales en presencia de IN. Además, entre los dos estimadores propuestos, el que se basa en el enfoque aleatorio supera el determinista en escenarios PLC típicos. Sin embargo, el estimador basado en el enfoque determinista puede llevar a cabo una estimación de canal consistente independientemente del comportamiento de la IN con menos esfuerzo computacional y se convierte en una estrategia de estimación de canal eficiente en situaciones donde no es posible disponer de una alta complejidad computacionalPostprint (published version

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Combined Message Passing Algorithms for Iterative Receiver Design in Wireless Communication Systems

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