14 research outputs found

    Numerical modeling of two-phase flows using the two-fluid two-pressure approach

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    The present paper is devoted to the computation of two-phase flows using the two-fluid approach. The overall model is hyperbolic and has no conservative form. No instantaneous local equilibrium between phases is assumed, which results in a two-velocity twopressure model. Original closure laws for interfacial velocity and interfacial pressure are proposed. These closures allow to deal with discontinuous solutions such as shock waves and contact discontinuities without ambiguity for the definition of Rankine-Hugoniot jump relations. Each field of the convective system is investigated, providing that the maximum principle for the volume fraction and the positivity of densities and internal energies are ensured when focusing on the Riemann problem. Two Finite Volume methods are presented, based on the Rusanov scheme and on an approximate Godunov scheme. Relaxation terms are taken into account using a fractional step method. Eventually, numerical tests illustrate the ability of both methods to compute two-phase flows

    Numerical modeling of two-phase flows using the two-fluid two-pressure approach

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    The present paper is devoted to the computation of two-phase flows using the two-fluid approach. The overall model is hyperbolic and has no conservative form. No instantaneous local equilibrium between phases is assumed, which results in a two-velocity twopressure model. Original closure laws for interfacial velocity and interfacial pressure are proposed. These closures allow to deal with discontinuous solutions such as shock waves and contact discontinuities without ambiguity for the definition of Rankine-Hugoniot jump relations. Each field of the convective system is investigated, providing that the maximum principle for the volume fraction and the positivity of densities and internal energies are ensured when focusing on the Riemann problem. Two Finite Volume methods are presented, based on the Rusanov scheme and on an approximate Godunov scheme. Relaxation terms are taken into account using a fractional step method. Eventually, numerical tests illustrate the ability of both methods to compute two-phase flows

    A Godunov-Type Solver for the Numerical Approximation of Gravitational Flows

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    International audienceWe present a new numerical method to approximate the solutions of an Euler-Poisson model, which is inherent to astrophysical flows where gravity plays an important role. We propose a discretization of gravity which ensures adequate coupling of the Poisson and Euler equations, paying particular attention to the gravity source term involved in the latter equations. In order to approximate this source term, its discretization is introduced into the approximate Riemann solver used for the Euler equations. A relaxation scheme is involved and its robustness is established. The method has been implemented in the software HERACLES and several numerical experiments involving gravitational flows for astrophysics highlight the scheme

    Sediment transport modelling : Relaxation schemes for Saint-Venant -- Exner and three layer models

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    In this note we are interested in the modelling of sediment transport phenomena. We mostly focus on bedload transport and we do not consider suspension sediment processes. We first propose a coupled numerical scheme for the classical Saint-Venant -- Exner model. It is based on a relaxation approach and it works with all sediment flux function. We exhibit that this coupled approach is more stable than the splitting approach that is mostly used in industrial softwares. Then we derive an original three layers model in order to overcome the difficulties that are encountered when using the classical Exner approach and we write a related relaxation model

    Analyse de quelques schémas numériques pour des problèmes de shallow water

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    We build and analyze mathematically numerical approximations by finite volume methods of weak solutions to hyperbolic systems for geophysical flows. In a first part we approximate the solutions of the shallow water magneto hydrodynamics system with flat bottom. We develop a Godunov scheme using an approximate Riemann solver defined via a relaxation method. Explicit formulas are established for the relaxation speeds, that lead to a scheme satisfying good properties of consistency and stability. It preserves mass, positivity of the fluid height, satisfies a discrete entropy inequality, resolves contact discontinuities, and involves propagation speeds controlled by the initial data. Several numerical tests are performed, endorsing the theoretical results. In a second part we approximate the solutions of the shallow water magneto hydrodynamics system with non-flat bottom. We develop a well-balanced scheme for several steady states at rest. We use the hydrostatic reconstruction method, with reconstructed states for the fluid height and the magnetic field. We get some new corrective terms for the numerical fluxes with respect to the classical framework, and we prove that the obtained scheme preserves the positivity of height, satisfies a semi-discrete entropy inequality, and is consistent. Several numerical tests are presented, endorsing the theoretical results. In a third part we prove the convergence of a kinetic scheme with hydrostatic reconstruction for the Saint-Venant system with topography. Some new estimates on the gradient of approximate solutions are established, by the analysis of energy dissipation. The convergence is obtained by the compensated compactness method, under some hypotheses concerning the initial data and the regularity of the topographyNous élaborons et analysons mathématiquement des approximations numériques par des méthodes de type volumes finis de solutions faibles de systèmes hyperboliques pour des écoulements géophysiques. Dans une première partie nous approchons les solutions du système de la magnétohydrodynamique en faible épaisseur avec un fond plat. Nous développons un schéma de type Godunov utilisant un solveur de Riemann approché défini via une méthode de relaxation. Des expressions explicites sont établies pour les vitesses de relaxation, qui permettent d'obtenir un schéma satisfaisant un ensemble de bonnes propriétés de consistance et de stabilité. Il conserve la masse, préserve la positivité de la hauteur de fluide, vérifie une inégalité d'entropie discrète, résout les discontinuités de contact même résonantes, donne des vitesses de propagations contrôlées par les données initiales. Des tests numériques sont effectués, validant les résultats théoriques énoncés. Dans une seconde partie nous approchons les solutions du système de la magnétohydrodynamique en faible épaisseur avec fond variable. Nous développons un schéma équilibre pour certains états stationnaires au repos. Nous utilisons la méthode de reconstruction hydrostatique, avec des états reconstruits pour la hauteur d'eau et les composantes du champ magnétique. Nous trouvons des termes correctifs pour les flux numériques par rapport au cadre habituel, et nous prouvons que le schéma obtenu préserve la positivité de la hauteur d'eau, vérifie une inégalité d'entropie semi-discrète et est consistant. Des tests numériques sont effectués, validant les résultats théoriques. Dans une troisième partie nous établissons la convergence d'un schéma cinétique avec reconstruction hydrostatique pour le système de Saint-Venant avec topographie. De nouvelles estimations sur le gradient des solutions approchées sont obtenues par l'analyse de la dissipation d'énergie. La convergence est obtenue par la méthode de compacité par compensation, sous des hypothèses sur les données initiales et la régularité du fon

    A two-phase shallow debris flow model with energy balance

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    This paper proposes a thin layer depth-averaged two-phase model provided by a dissipative energy balance to describe avalanches of solid-fluid mixtures. This model is derived from a 3D two-phase model based on the equations proposed by Jackson [The Dynamics of Fluidized Particles. Cambridges Monographs on Mechanics (2000)] which takes into account the force of buoyancy and the forces of interaction between the solid and fluid phases. Jackson’s model is based on mass and momentum conservation within the two phases, i.e. two vector and two scalar equations. This system has five unknowns: the solid volume fraction, the solid and fluid pressures and the solid and fluid velocities, i.e. three scalars and two vectors. As a result, an additional equation is necessary to close the system. Surprisingly, this issue is inadequately accounted for in the models that have been developed on the basis of Jackson’s work. In particular, Pitman and Le [Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A 363 (2005) 799–819] replaced this closure simply by imposing an extra boundary condition. If the pressure is assumed to be hydrostatic, this condition can be considered as a closure condition. However, the corresponding model cannot account for a dissipative energy balance. We propose here a closure equation to complete Jackson’s model, imposing incompressibility of the solid phase. We prove that the resulting whole 3D model is compatible with a dissipative energy balance. From this model, we deduce a 2D depth-averaged model and we also prove that the energy balance associated with this model is dissipative. Finally, we propose a numerical scheme to approximate the depth-averaged model. We present several numerical tests for the 1D case that are compared to the results of the model proposed by Pitman and Le

    Schémas de type Godunov pour la modélisation hydrodynamique et magnétohydrodynamique

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    The main objective of this thesis concerns the study, design and numerical implementation of finite volume schemes based on the so-Called Godunov-Type solvers for hyperbolic systems of nonlinear conservation laws, with special attention given to the Euler equations and ideal MHD equations. First, we derive a simple and genuinely two-Dimensional Riemann solver for general conservation laws that can be regarded as an actual 2D generalization of the HLL approach, relying heavily on the consistency with the integral formulation and on the proper use of Rankine-Hugoniot relations to yield expressions that are simple enough to be applied in the structured and unstructured contexts. Then, a comparison between two methods aiming to numerically maintain the divergence constraint of the magnetic field for the ideal MHD equations is performed and we show how the 2D Riemann solver can be employed to obtain robust divergence-Free simulations. Next, we derive a relaxation scheme that incorporates gravity source terms derived from a potential into the hydrodynamic equations, an important problem in astrophysics, and finally, we review the design of finite volume approximations in curvilinear coordinates, providing a fresher view on an alternative discretization approach. Throughout this thesis, numerous numerical results are shown.L’objectif principal de cette thèse concerne l’étude, la conception et la mise en œuvre numérique de schémas volumes finis associés aux solveurs de type Godunov. On s’intéresse à des systèmes hyperboliques de lois de conservation non linéaires, avec une attention particulière sur les équations d’Euler et les équations MHD idéale. Tout d’abord, nous dérivons un solveur de Riemann simple et véritablement multidimensionnelle, pouvant s’appliquer à tout système de lois de conservation. Ce solveur peut être considéré comme une généralisation 2D de l’approche HLL. Les ingrédients de base de la dérivation sont : la consistance avec la formulation intégrale et une utilisation adéquate des relations de Rankine-Hugoniot. Au final nous obtenons des expressions assez simples et applicables dans les contextes des maillages structurés et non structurés. Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons à la préservation, au niveau discret, de la contrainte de divergence nulle du champ magnétique pour les équations de la MHD idéale. Deux stratégies sont évaluées et nous montrons comment le solveur de Riemann multidimensionnelle peut être utilisé pour obtenir des simulations robustes à divergence numérique nulle. Deux autres points sont abordés dans cette thèse : la méthode de relaxation pour un système Euler-Poisson pour des écoulements gravitationnels en astrophysique, la formulation volumes finis en coordonnées curvilignes. Tout au long de la thèse, les choix numériques sont validés à travers de nombreux résultats numériques

    Analyse mathématique et simulation numérique des modèles d'écoulements bouillants pour la thermohydraulique des centrales nucléaires

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    We investigated some finite volume methods for the numerical simulation of a flow involving two incompressible phases or general two compressible phases in mechanical disequilibrium. The main difficulties of the regime where there is either a phase appearance or a phase disappearance is the singularity of the velocity. We show that using the entropy fix will much improve these problems. Finally, we perfom some important numerical tests to verify the numerical methods, such as a phase separation by gravity or a boiling channel.Nous avons étudié des méthodes de volumes finis pour la simulation numérique d'un flux impliquant deux phases incompressibles ou deux phases générales compressibles en déséquilibre mécanique. Les principales difficultés du régime où il y a une apparition de phase ou une disparition de phase est la singularité de la vitesse. Nous montrons que l'utilisation du l'entropie correction améliorer beaucoup ces problèmes. Enfin, nous simulons certains tests numériques importants pour vérifier les méthodes numériques, telles que la séparation de phase par gravité ou un canal bouillant