110 research outputs found

    A Contribution to the Design of Highly Redundant Compliant Aerial Manipulation Systems

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    Es ist vorhersehbar, dass die Luftmanipulatoren in den nächsten Jahrzehnten für viele Aufgaben eingesetzt werden, die entweder zu gefährlich oder zu teuer sind, um sie mit herkömmlichen Methoden zu bewältigen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige Lösung für die Gesamtsteuerung von hochredundanten Luftmanipulationssystemen vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden auf eine Referenzkonfiguration angewendet, die als universelle Plattform für die Durchführung verschiedener Luftmanipulationsaufgaben etabliert wird. Diese Plattform besteht aus einer omnidirektionalen Drohne und einem seriellen Manipulator. Um den modularen Regelungsentwurf zu gewährleisten, werden zwei rechnerisch effiziente Algorithmen untersucht, um den virtuellen Eingang den Aktuatorbefehlen zuzuordnen. Durch die Integration eines auf einem künstlichen neuronalen Netz basierenden Diagnosemoduls und der rekonfigurierbaren Steuerungszuordnung in den Regelkreis, wird die Fehlertoleranz für die Drohne erzielt. Außerdem wird die Motorsättigung durch Rekonfiguration der Geschwindigkeits- und Beschleunigungsprofile behandelt. Für die Beobachtung der externen Kräfte und Drehmomente werden zwei Filter vorgestellt. Dies ist notwendig, um ein nachgiebiges Verhalten des Endeffektors durch die achsenselektive Impedanzregelung zu erreichen. Unter Ausnutzung der Redundanz des vorgestellten Luftmanipulators wird ein Regler entworfen, der nicht nur die Referenz der Endeffektor-Bewegung verfolgt, sondern auch priorisierte sekundäre Aufgaben ausführt. Die Wirksamkeit der vorgestellten Lösungen wird durch umfangreiche Tests überprüft, und das vorgestellte Steuerungssystem wird als sehr vielseitig und effektiv bewertet.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 System Design and Modeling 4 Reconfigurable Control Allocation 5 Fault Diagnostics For Free Flight 6 Force and Torque Observer 7 Trajectory Generation 8 Hybrid Task Priority Control 9 System Integration and Performance Evaluation 10 ConclusionIn the following decades, aerial manipulators are expected to be deployed in scenarios that are either too dangerous for human beings or too expensive to be accomplished by traditional methods. This thesis presents a novel solution for the overall control of highly redundant aerial manipulation systems. The results are applied to a reference configuration established as a universal platform for performing various aerial manipulation tasks. The platform consists of an omnidirectional multirotor UAV and a serial manipulator. To ensure modular control design, two computationally efficient algorithms are studied to allocate the virtual input to actuator commands. Fault tolerance of the aerial vehicle is achieved by integrating a diagnostic module based on an artificial neural network and the reconfigurable control allocation into the control loop. Besides, the risk of input saturation of individual rotors is minimized by predicting and reconfiguring the speed and acceleration responses. Two filter-based observers are presented to provide the knowledge of external forces and torques, which is necessary to achieve compliant behavior of the end-effector through an axis-selective impedance control in the outer loop. Exploiting the redundancy of the proposed aerial manipulator, the author has designed a control law to achieve the desired end-effector motion and execute secondary tasks in order of priority. The effectiveness of the proposed designs is verified with extensive tests generated by following Monte Carlo method, and the presented control scheme is proved to be versatile and effective.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 System Design and Modeling 4 Reconfigurable Control Allocation 5 Fault Diagnostics For Free Flight 6 Force and Torque Observer 7 Trajectory Generation 8 Hybrid Task Priority Control 9 System Integration and Performance Evaluation 10 Conclusio

    Coordinated Landing and Mapping with Aerial and Ground Vehicle Teams

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    Micro Umanned Aerial Vehicle~(UAV) and Umanned Ground Vehicle~(UGV) teams present tremendous opportunities in expanding the range of operations for these vehicles. An effective coordination of these vehicles can take advantage of the strengths of both, while mediate each other's weaknesses. In particular, a micro UAV typically has limited flight time due to its weak payload capacity. To take advantage of the mobility and sensor coverage of a micro UAV in long range, long duration surveillance mission, a UGV can act as a mobile station for recharging or battery swap, and the ability to perform autonomous docking is a prerequisite for such operations. This work presents an approach to coordinate an autonomous docking between a quadrotor UAV and a skid-steered UGV. A joint controller is designed to eliminate the relative position error between the vehicles. The controller is validated in simulations and successful landing is achieved in indoor environment, as well as outdoor settings with standard sensors and real disturbances. Another goal for this work is to improve the autonomy of UAV-UGV teams in positioning denied environments, a very common scenarios for many robotics applications. In such environments, Simultaneous Mapping and Localization~(SLAM) capability is the foundation for all autonomous operations. A successful SLAM algorithm generates maps for path planning and object recognition, while providing localization information for position tracking. This work proposes an SLAM algorithm that is capable of generating high fidelity surface model of the surrounding, while accurately estimating the camera pose in real-time. This algorithm improves on a clear deficiency of its predecessor in its ability to perform dense reconstruction without strict volume limitation, enabling practical deployment of this algorithm on robotic systems

    Automatic Flight Control Systems

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    The history of flight control is inseparably linked to the history of aviation itself. Since the early days, the concept of automatic flight control systems has evolved from mechanical control systems to highly advanced automatic fly-by-wire flight control systems which can be found nowadays in military jets and civil airliners. Even today, many research efforts are made for the further development of these flight control systems in various aspects. Recent new developments in this field focus on a wealth of different aspects. This book focuses on a selection of key research areas, such as inertial navigation, control of unmanned aircraft and helicopters, trajectory control of an unmanned space re-entry vehicle, aeroservoelastic control, adaptive flight control, and fault tolerant flight control. This book consists of two major sections. The first section focuses on a literature review and some recent theoretical developments in flight control systems. The second section discusses some concepts of adaptive and fault-tolerant flight control systems. Each technique discussed in this book is illustrated by a relevant example

    Towards Human-UAV Physical Interaction and Fully Actuated Aerial Vehicles

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) ability to reach places not accessible to humans or other robots and execute tasks makes them unique and is gaining a lot of research interest recently. Initially UAVs were used as surveying and data collection systems, but lately UAVs are also efficiently employed in aerial manipulation and interaction tasks. In recent times, UAV interaction with the environment has become a common scenario, where manipulators are mounted on top of such systems. Current applications has driven towards the direction of UAVs and humans coexisting and sharing the same workspace, leading to the emerging futuristic domain of Human-UAV physical interaction. In this dissertation, initially we addressed the delicate problem of external wrench estimation (force/torque) in aerial vehicles through a generalized-momenta based residual approach. To our advantage, this approach is executable during flight without any additional sensors. Thereafter, we proposed a novel architecture allowing humans to physically interact with a UAV through the employment of sensor-ring structure and the developed external wrench estimator. The methodologies and algorithms to distinguish forces and torques derived by physical interaction with a human from the disturbance wrenches (due to e.g., wind) are defined through an optimization problem. Furthermore, an admittance-impedance control strategy is employed to act on them differently. This new hardware/software architecture allows for the safe human-UAV physical interaction through exchange of forces. But at the same time, other limitations such as the inability to exchange torques due to the underactuation of quadrotors and the need for a robust controller become evident. In order to improve the robust performance of the UAV, we implemented an adaptive super twisting sliding mode controller that works efficiently against parameter uncertainties, unknown dynamics and external perturbations. Furthermore, we proposed and designed a novel fully actuated tilted propeller hexarotor UAV. We designed the exact feedback linearization controller and also optimized the tilt angles in order to minimize power consumption, thereby improving the flight time. This fully actuated hexarotor could reorient while hovering and perform 6DoF (Degrees of Freedom) trajectory tracking. Finally we put together the external wrench observer, interaction techniques, hardware design, software framework, the robust controller and the different methodologies into the novel development of Human-UAV physical interaction with fully actuated UAV. As this framework allows humans and UAVs to exchange forces as well as torques, we believe it will become the next generation platform for the aerial manipulation and human physical interaction with UAVs

    Aerial Manipulators for Contact-based Interaction

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    Improving attitude estimation and control of quadrotor systems

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    [EN] Some improvements in state estimation and control of quadrotors are presented. An efficient fusion algorihtm based on the Kalman filter, which also compensates the time delay in the attitude estimation is developed. Furthermore, a novel control approach is applied with succesful and promising results[ES] En esta tesina se presentan algunas mejoras en la estimación del estado y control de cuadrirrotores. Se desarrolla un algoritmo de fusión eficiente, que además compensa el retardo en la estimación de la orientación. También se consigue aplicar una técnica de control innovadora con buenos y prometedores resultadosSanz Díaz, R. (2014). Improving attitude estimation and control of quadrotor systems. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/56144Archivo delegad

    Model-Based Development and Evaluation of Control for Complex Multi-Domain Systems: Attitude Control for a Quadrotor UAV

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    A Cyber-Physical System (CPS) incorporates sensing, actuating, computing and communicative capabilities, which are often combined to control the system. The development of CPSs poses a challenge, since the complexity of the physical system dynamics must be taken into account when designing the control application. The physical system dynamics are often defined within mechanical and electrical engineering domains, with the control application residing in software and control engineering domains. Therefore, such a system can be considered multi-domain.With the constant increase in the complexity of such systems, caused by technological advances in all domains, new ways of approaching multi-domain system development are needed. One methodology, which excels in complexity management, is model-based development. Multidomain systems require collaborative modeling, where the physical system dynamics are captured in the Continuous Time (CT) modeling domain and the digital control is captured in the Discrete Event (DE) modeling domain.This thesis demonstrates how an extended CT-first model-based development approach can be applied to a complex multi-domain system. A collaborative model of a quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been constructed and used to develop an attitude controller based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). The MPC controller has been compared to an existing open source Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) attitude controller.This thesis contributes to the discipline of model-based development with a methodological extension to the CT-first approach, which extends the conventional approach by expanding the physical modeling process into three consecutive steps. An evaluation of the extension is presented, describing how and when the extended methodology provides increased value


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    This dissertation aims to develop algorithms of guidance and control for propulsive terminal phase planetary landing, including a piloting strategy. The algorithms developed here are based on the Embedded Model Control (EMC) principles. Currently, the planetary entry descent and landing are important issues, landing on Mars and Moon has been scientifically rewarding; successful landed robotic systems on the surface of Mars have been achieved. Projects as Mars Science Laboratory MSL inter alia have achieved a successful landing. These new approaches are focused in delivering large amounts of mass with a low uncertainty and in performing the entry, descent and landing sequence for human exploration. The dissertation is divided in two parts, the first part is focused on Pinpoint landing algorithms, piloting definition and its integration with guidance; some simulations runs are provided. The second part of this research describes the Borea project. It shows the modelling of quadrotor dynamics and kinematics. Its propulsive system is studied and an alternative methodology for the propeller modelling is presented. The embedded model control for quadrotor vehicles is developed. Test of GNC algorithms for planetary landing were studied and simulated. The dissertation is divided in two parts, the first part is focused on Pinpoint landing algorithms, piloting definition and its integration with guidance, some simulations runs are provided. The second part of this research describes the Borea project. shows modelling of quadrotor dynamics and kinematics. Its propulsive system is studied and an alternative methodology for the propeller modelling is presented. The embedded model control for quadrotor vehicles is developed. Test of GNC algorithms for planetary landing were studied and simulated