16 research outputs found

    CrocoPat 2.1 Introduction and Reference Manual

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    CrocoPat is an efficient, powerful and easy-to-use tool for manipulating relations of arbitrary arity, including directed graphs. This manual provides an introduction to and a reference for CrocoPat and its programming language RML. It includes several application examples, in particular from the analysis of structural models of software systems.Comment: 19 pages + cover, 2 eps figures, uses llncs.cls and cs_techrpt_cover.sty, for downloading the source code, binaries, and RML examples, see http://www.software-systemtechnik.de/CrocoPat

    Verifying Architectural Design Rules of the Flight Software Product Line

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    This paper presents experiences of verifying architectural design rules of the NASA Core Flight Software (CFS) product line implementation. The goal of the verification is to check whether the implementation is consistent with the CFS architectural rules derived from the developer's guide. The results indicate that consistency checking helps a) identifying architecturally significant deviations that were eluded during code reviews, b) clarifying the design rules to the team, and c) assessing the overall implementation quality. Furthermore, it helps connecting business goals to architectural principles, and to the implementation. This paper is the first step in the definition of a method for analyzing and evaluating product line implementations from an architecture-centric perspective

    Architecture-Based Unit Testing of the Flight Software Product Line

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    This paper presents an analysis of the unit testing approach developed and used by the Core Flight Software (CFS) product line team at the NASA GSFC. The goal of the analysis is to understand, review, and reconunend strategies for improving the existing unit testing infrastructure as well as to capture lessons learned and best practices that can be used by other product line teams for their unit testing. The CFS unit testing framework is designed and implemented as a set of variation points, and thus testing support is built into the product line architecture. The analysis found that the CFS unit testing approach has many practical and good solutions that are worth considering when deciding how to design the testing architecture for a product line, which are documented in this paper along with some suggested innprovennents

    Architectural Analysis of Systems Based on the Publisher-Subscriber Style

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    Architectural styles impose constraints on both the topology and the interaction behavior of involved parties. In this paper, we propose an approach for analyzing implemented systems based on the publisher-subscriber architectural style. From the style definition, we derive a set of reusable questions and show that some of them can be answered statically whereas others are best answered using dynamic analysis. The paper explains how the results of static analysis can be used to orchestrate dynamic analysis. The proposed method was successfully applied on the NASA's Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center (GMSEC) software product line. The results show that the GMSEC has a) a novel reusable vendor-independent middleware abstraction layer that allows the NASA's missions to configure the middleware of interest without changing the publishers' or subscribers' source code, and b) some high priority bugs due to behavioral discrepancies, which were eluded during testing and code reviews, among different implementations of the same APIs for different vendors

    An empirical study into COBOL type inferencing

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    AbstractIn a typical COBOL program, the data division consists of 50% of the lines of code. Automatic type inference can help to understand the large collections of variable declarations contained therein, showing how variables are related based on their actual usage. The most problematic aspect of type inference is pollution, the phenomenon that types become too large, and contain variables that intuitively should not belong to the same type. The aim of the paper is to provide empirical evidence for the hypothesis that the use of subtyping is an effective way for dealing with pollution. The main results include a tool set to carry out type inference experiments, a suite of metrics characterizing type inference outcomes, and the experimental observation that only one instance of pollution occurs in the case study conducted

    A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies

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    When analyzing software systems we are faced with the challenge of how to implement a particular analysis for different programming languages. A solution for this problem is to write a single analysis using a code query language abstracting from the specificities of languages being analyzed. Over the past ten years many code query technologies have been developed, based on different formalisms. Each technology comes with its own query language and set of features. To determine the state of the art of code querying we compare the languages and tools for seven code query technologies: Grok, Rscript, JRelCal, SemmleCode, JGraLab, CrocoPat and JTransformer. The specification of a package stability metric is used as a running example to compare the languages. The comparison involves twelve criteria, some of which are concerned with properties of the query language (paradigm, types, parametrization, polymorphism, modularity, and libraries), and some of which are concerned with the tool itself (output formats, interactive interface, API support, interchange formats, extraction support, and licensing). We contextualize the criteria in two usage scenarios: interactive and tool integration. We conclude that there is no particularly weak or dominant tool. As important improvement points, we identify the lack of library mechanisms, interchange formats, and possibilities for integration with source code extraction components

    Relation partition algebra — mathematical aspects of uses and part-of relations

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    AbstractManaging complexity in software engineering involves modularisation, grouping design objects into modules, subsystems, etc. This gives rise to new design objects with new ‘use relations’. The lower-level design objects relate to these in a ‘part-of’ relation. But how do ‘use relations’ at different levels of the ‘part-of hierarchy’ relate? We formalise our knowledge on uses and part-of relations, looking for mathematical laws about relations and partitions. A central role is played by an operator /. For a “uses” relation r on a set of objects X and a partitioning into modules viewed as an equivalence θ, we form a relation rθ on the set Xθ. We adopt an axiomatic point of view and investigate a variety of models, corresponding to different abstraction mechanisms and different ways of relating high- and low-level uses relations

    Reverse Engineering Heterogeneous Applications

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    Nowadays a large majority of software systems are built using various technologies that in turn rely on different languages (e.g. Java, XML, SQL etc.). We call such systems heterogeneous applications (HAs). By contrast, we call software systems that are written in one language homogeneous applications. In HAs the information regarding the structure and the behaviour of the system is spread across various components and languages and the interactions between different application elements could be hidden. In this context applying existing reverse engineering and quality assurance techniques developed for homogeneous applications is not enough. These techniques have been created to measure quality or provide information about one aspect of the system and they cannot grasp the complexity of HAs. In this dissertation we present our approach to support the analysis and evolution of HAs based on: (1) a unified first-class description of HAs and, (2) a meta-model that reifies the concept of horizontal and vertical dependencies between application elements at different levels of abstraction. We implemented our approach in two tools, MooseEE and Carrack. The first is an extension of the Moose platform for software and data analysis and contains our unified meta-model for HAs. The latter is an engine to infer derived dependencies that can support the analysis of associations among the heterogeneous elements composing HA. We validate our approach and tools by case studies on industrial and open-source JEAs which demonstrate how we can handle the complexity of such applications and how we can solve problems deriving from their heterogeneous nature

    Modeling and Reasoning with Multisets and Multirelations in Alloy

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    Multisets and multirelations arise naturally in modeling; however, most modeling languages either have limited or completely lack support for multisets and multirelations. Alloy, for instance, is a lightweight relational modeling language which provides automatic analysis of models. In Alloy, ordinary sets and relations are the only first-class language semantic constructs; therefore to work with multisets and multirelations, modelers need to invent ad-hoc ways to encode these multiconcepts or rely on a third-party library that provides their implementations, assuming there is such one. In fact, such a library has been missing for Alloy, and implementing a fully functional multiconcepts library is challenging, especially when it is required to encode an algebra of operations over multiconcepts. This thesis presents two sound and practical mathematical formalizations of multiconcepts, namely, index-based and multiplicity-based, which encode multisets and multirelations using only basic concepts such as ordinary sets, total functions and natural numbers. We implement two generic multiconcepts libraries in Alloy based on the corresponding formalizations. Each library has a carefully designed interface and can be seamlessly integrated into existing relational models. We also perform an empirical evaluation on both implementations; the result shows multiplicity-based encoding is more scalable in terms of performance; thus, it is more preferable in practice

    Towards automated restructuring of object oriented systems

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    The work introduces a method for diagnosing design flaws in object oriented systems, and finding meaningful refactorings to remove such flaws. The method is based on pairing up a structural pattern that is considered pathological (e.g. a code smell or anti-pattern) with a so called design context. The design context describes the design semantics associated to the pathological structure, and the desired strategic closure for that fragment. The process is tool supported and largely automated