2 research outputs found

    Rectangular Full Packed Format for Cholesky's Algorithm: Factorization, Solution and Inversion

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    We describe a new data format for storing triangular, symmetric, and Hermitian matrices called RFPF (Rectangular Full Packed Format). The standard two dimensional arrays of Fortran and C (also known as full format) that are used to represent triangular and symmetric matrices waste nearly half of the storage space but provide high performance via the use of Level 3 BLAS. Standard packed format arrays fully utilize storage (array space) but provide low performance as there is no Level 3 packed BLAS. We combine the good features of packed and full storage using RFPF to obtain high performance via using Level 3 BLAS as RFPF is a standard full format representation. Also, RFPF requires exactly the same minimal storage as packed format. Each LAPACK full and/or packed triangular, symmetric, and Hermitian routine becomes a single new RFPF routine based on eight possible data layouts of RFPF. This new RFPF routine usually consists of two calls to the corresponding LAPACK full format routine and two calls to Level 3 BLAS routines. This means {\it no} new software is required. As examples, we present LAPACK routines for Cholesky factorization, Cholesky solution and Cholesky inverse computation in RFPF to illustrate this new work and to describe its performance on several commonly used computer platforms. Performance of LAPACK full routines using RFPF versus LAPACK full routines using standard format for both serial and SMP parallel processing is about the same while using half the storage. Performance gains are roughly one to a factor of 43 for serial and one to a factor of 97 for SMP parallel times faster using vendor LAPACK full routines with RFPF than with using vendor and/or reference packed routines

    Completely Recursive Least Squares and Its Applications

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    The matrix-inversion-lemma based recursive least squares (RLS) approach is of a recursive form and free of matrix inversion, and has excellent performance regarding computation and memory in solving the classic least-squares (LS) problem. It is important to generalize RLS for generalized LS (GLS) problem. It is also of value to develop an efficient initialization for any RLS algorithm. In Chapter 2, we develop a unified RLS procedure to solve the unconstrained/linear-equality (LE) constrained GLS. We also show that the LE constraint is in essence a set of special error-free observations and further consider the GLS with implicit LE constraint in observations (ILE-constrained GLS). Chapter 3 treats the RLS initialization-related issues, including rank check, a convenient method to compute the involved matrix inverse/pseudoinverse, and resolution of underdetermined systems. Based on auxiliary-observations, the RLS recursion can start from the first real observation and possible LE constraints are also imposed recursively. The rank of the system is checked implicitly. If the rank is deficient, a set of refined non-redundant observations is determined alternatively. In Chapter 4, base on [Li07], we show that the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimator, as well as the optimal Kalman filter (KF) considering various correlations, can be calculated from solving an equivalent GLS using the unified RLS. In Chapters 5 & 6, an approach of joint state-and-parameter estimation (JSPE) in power system monitored by synchrophasors is adopted, where the original nonlinear parameter problem is reformulated as two loosely-coupled linear subproblems: state tracking and parameter tracking. Chapter 5 deals with the state tracking which determines the voltages in JSPE, where dynamic behavior of voltages under possible abrupt changes is studied. Chapter 6 focuses on the subproblem of parameter tracking in JSPE, where a new prediction model for parameters with moving means is introduced. Adaptive filters are developed for the above two subproblems, respectively, and both filters are based on the optimal KF accounting for various correlations. Simulations indicate that the proposed approach yields accurate parameter estimates and improves the accuracy of the state estimation, compared with existing methods