672 research outputs found

    Depth Estimation for 2D-to-3D Image Conversion Using Scene Feature

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    In this modern era 3D supportive hardware popularity is increased but the demand for 3D contents and there availability is not matching. They are still dominated by its 2D counterpart hence there is need of 3D contents. While doing 2D-to-3D image or video conversion depth estimation is a key step and a bit challenging procedure. There are distinct parameters that can be considered during conversion like, structure from motion, defocus, perspective geometry, etc. Until now many researchers have been proposed different methods to close this gap by considering one or many parameters. In this paper for depth estimation, conversion using scene feature is used. Here color is chosen as a scene feature. Intensity information is used here to estimate depth image, hence RGB to HSV conversion is performed from which Value (V) deals with intensity information. RGB to HSV conversion is implemented on FPGA. The proposed method is prototyped on Spartan 3E FPGA based developing board and MATLAB. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15068

    Evaluation of MoG Video Segmentation on GPU-based HPC System

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    Automated and intelligent video surveillance systems play an important role in the modern world. Since the number of various video streams that must be analyzed concurrently grows, such systems can assist humans in performing tiresome tasks. In order to be effective, video surveillance systems have to meet several requirements: they must be accurate and able to process the received video stream in real-time. A robust system should not depend on lighting conditions, illumination changes and other sources of scene variation. A common component of surveillance systems is a module that performs background estimation and foreground segmentation. The MoG (Mixture of Gaussians) algorithm is a widely used statistical technique of video segmentation. The estimation process is time-consuming, especially for complex mixture models containing many components. The work presented here focuses on the performance evaluation of MoG algorithm aiming to assess feasibility of OpenCL-based processing of high resolution video on GPU accelerated platforms


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    Today, the implementation of machine vision algorithms on embedded platforms or in portable systems is growing rapidly due to the demand for machine vision in daily human life. Among the applications of machine vision, human action and activity recognition has become an active research area, and market demand for providing integrated smart security systems is growing rapidly. Among the available approaches, embedded vision is in the top tier; however, current embedded platforms may not be able to fully exploit the potential performance of machine vision algorithms, especially in terms of low power consumption. Complex algorithms can impose immense computation and communication demands, especially action recognition algorithms, which require various stages of preprocessing, processing and machine learning blocks that need to operate concurrently. The market demands embedded platforms that operate with a power consumption of only a few watts. Attempts have been mad to improve the performance of traditional embedded approaches by adding more powerful processors; this solution may solve the computation problem but increases the power consumption. System-on-a-chip eld-programmable gate arrays (SoC-FPGAs) have emerged as a major architecture approach for improving power eciency while increasing computational performance. In a SoC-FPGA, an embedded processor and an FPGA serving as an accelerator are fabricated in the same die to simultaneously improve power consumption and performance. Still, current SoC-FPGA-based vision implementations either shy away from supporting complex and adaptive vision algorithms or operate at very limited resolutions due to the immense communication and computation demands. The aim of this research is to develop a SoC-based hardware acceleration workflow for the realization of advanced vision algorithms. Hardware acceleration can improve performance for highly complex mathematical calculations or repeated functions. The performance of a SoC system can thus be improved by using hardware acceleration method to accelerate the element that incurs the highest performance overhead. The outcome of this research could be used for the implementation of various vision algorithms, such as face recognition, object detection or object tracking, on embedded platforms. The contributions of SoC-based hardware acceleration for hardware-software codesign platforms include the following: (1) development of frameworks for complex human action recognition in both 2D and 3D; (2) realization of a framework with four main implemented IPs, namely, foreground and background subtraction (foreground probability), human detection, 2D/3D point-of-interest detection and feature extraction, and OS-ELM as a machine learning algorithm for action identication; (3) use of an FPGA-based hardware acceleration method to resolve system bottlenecks and improve system performance; and (4) measurement and analysis of system specications, such as the acceleration factor, power consumption, and resource utilization. Experimental results show that the proposed SoC-based hardware acceleration approach provides better performance in terms of the acceleration factor, resource utilization and power consumption among all recent works. In addition, a comparison of the accuracy of the framework that runs on the proposed embedded platform (SoCFPGA) with the accuracy of other PC-based frameworks shows that the proposed approach outperforms most other approaches

    Efficient Architecture of Variable Size HEVC 2D-DCT for FPGA Platforms

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    This study presents a design of two-dimensional (2D) discrete cosine transform (DCT) hardware architecture dedicated for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) in field programmable gate array (FPGA) platforms. The proposed methodology efficiently proceeds 2D-DCT computation to fit internal components and characteristics of FPGA resources. A four-stage circuit architecture is developed to implement the proposed methodology. This architecture supports variable size of DCT computation, including 4×4, 8×8, 16×16, and 32×32. The proposed architecture has been implemented in System Verilog and synthesized in various FPGA platforms. Compared with existing related works in literature, this proposed architecture demonstrates significant advantages in hardware cost and performance improvement. The proposed architecture is able to sustain 4K@30fps ultra high definition (UHD) TV real-time encoding applications with a reduction of 31-64% in hardware cost

    Homogeneous and heterogeneous MPSoC architectures with network-on-chip connectivity for low-power and real-time multimedia signal processing

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    Two multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) architectures are proposed and compared in the paper with reference to audio and video processing applications. One architecture exploits a homogeneous topology; it consists of 8 identical tiles, each made of a 32-bit RISC core enhanced by a 64-bit DSP coprocessor with local memory. The other MPSoC architecture exploits a heterogeneous-tile topology with on-chip distributed memory resources; the tiles act as application specific processors supporting a different class of algorithms. In both architectures, the multiple tiles are interconnected by a network-on-chip (NoC) infrastructure, through network interfaces and routers, which allows parallel operations of the multiple tiles. The functional performances and the implementation complexity of the NoC-based MPSoC architectures are assessed by synthesis results in submicron CMOS technology. Among the large set of supported algorithms, two case studies are considered: the real-time implementation of an H.264/MPEG AVC video codec and of a low-distortion digital audio amplifier. The heterogeneous architecture ensures a higher power efficiency and a smaller area occupation and is more suited for low-power multimedia processing, such as in mobile devices. The homogeneous scheme allows for a higher flexibility and easier system scalability and is more suited for general-purpose DSP tasks in power-supplied devices

    Low energy HEVC and VVC video compression hardware

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    Video compression standards compress a digital video by reducing and removing redundancy in the digital video using computationally complex algorithms. As spatial and temporal resolutions of videos increase, compression efficiencies of video compression algorithms are also increasing. However, increased compression efficiency comes with increased computational complexity. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce computational complexities of video compression algorithms without reducing their visual quality in order to reduce area and energy consumption of their hardware implementations. In this thesis, we propose a novel technique for reducing amount of computations performed by HEVC intra prediction algorithm. We designed low energy, reconfigurable HEVC intra prediction hardware using the proposed technique. We also designed a low energy FPGA implementation of HEVC intra prediction algorithm using the proposed technique and DSP blocks. We propose a reconfigurable VVC intra prediction hardware architecture. We also propose an efficient VVC intra prediction hardware architecture using DSP blocks. We designed low energy VVC fractional interpolation hardware. We propose a novel approximate absolute difference technique. We designed low energy approximate absolute difference hardware using the proposed technique. We propose a novel approximate constant multiplication technique. We designed approximate constant multiplication hardware using the proposed technique. We quantified computation reductions achieved by the proposed techniques and video quality loss caused by the proposed approximation techniques. The proposed approximate absolute difference technique and approximate constant multiplication technique cause very small PSNR loss. The other proposed techniques cause no PSNR loss. We implemented the proposed hardware architectures in Verilog HDL. We mapped the Verilog RTL codes to Xilinx Virtex 6 or Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGAs and estimated their power consumptions using Xilinx XPower Analyzer tool. The proposed techniques significantly reduced power and energy consumptions of these FPGA implementation

    Towards Highly-Integrated Stereovideoscopy for \u3ci\u3ein vivo\u3c/i\u3e Surgical Robots

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    When compared to traditional surgery, laparoscopic procedures result in better patient outcomes: shorter recovery, reduced post-operative pain, and less trauma to incisioned tissue. Unfortunately, laparoscopic procedures require specialized training for surgeons, as these minimally-invasive procedures provide an operating environment that has limited dexterity and limited vision. Advanced surgical robotics platforms can make minimally-invasive techniques safer and easier for the surgeon to complete successfully. The most common type of surgical robotics platforms -- the laparoscopic robots -- accomplish this with multi-degree-of-freedom manipulators that are capable of a diversified set of movements when compared to traditional laparoscopic instruments. Also, these laparoscopic robots allow for advanced kinematic translation techniques that allow the surgeon to focus on the surgical site, while the robot calculates the best possible joint positions to complete any surgical motion. An important component of these systems is the endoscopic system used to transmit a live view of the surgical environment to the surgeon. Coupled with 3D high-definition endoscopic cameras, the entirety of the platform, in effect, eliminates the peculiarities associated with laparoscopic procedures, which allows less-skilled surgeons to complete minimally-invasive surgical procedures quickly and accurately. A much newer approach to performing minimally-invasive surgery is the idea of using in-vivo surgical robots -- small robots that are inserted directly into the patient through a single, small incision; once inside, an in-vivo robot can perform surgery at arbitrary positions, with a much wider range of motion. While laparoscopic robots can harness traditional endoscopic video solutions, these in-vivo robots require a fundamentally different video solution that is as flexible as possible and free of bulky cables or fiber optics. This requires a miniaturized videoscopy system that incorporates an image sensor with a transceiver; because of severe size constraints, this system should be deeply embedded into the robotics platform. Here, early results are presented from the integration of a miniature stereoscopic camera into an in-vivo surgical robotics platform. A 26mm X 24mm stereo camera was designed and manufactured. The proposed device features USB connectivity and 1280 X 720 resolution at 30 fps. Resolution testing indicates the device performs much better than similarly-priced analog cameras. Suitability of the platform for 3D computer vision tasks -- including stereo reconstruction -- is examined. The platform was also tested in a living porcine model at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Results from this experiment suggest that while the platform performs well in controlled, static environments, further work is required to obtain usable results in true surgeries. Concluding, several ideas for improvement are presented, along with a discussion of core challenges associated with the platform. Adviser: Lance C. Pérez [Document = 28 Mb

    Real time video pipeline for computer vision using embedded GPUs, A

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    2016 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.This thesis presents case study confirming the feasibility of real time Computer Vision applications on embedded GPUs. Applications that depend on video processing, such as security surveillance, can benefit from applying optimizations common in scientific computing. This thesis demonstrates the benefit of applying such optimizations to real time Computer Vision applications on embedded GPUs. The primary contribution of this thesis is an optimized implementation of ViBe targeting NVIDIA's Jetson TK1. ViBe is a commonly used background subtraction algorithm. Optimizing a background subtraction algorithm accelerates the task of reducing the field of view to only interesting patches of the frames of the video. Placing portable hardware close to capturing devices in the surveillance system reduces bandwidth requirements and cost. The goals of the optimizations proposed for this algorithm are to 1) reduce memory traffic 2) overlap CPU and GPU usage 3) reduce kernel overhead. The optimized implementation of ViBe achieves a frame rate of almost 55 FPS beating the real time goal standard of 30 FPS for real time video. This is a small portion of the real-time window leaving processing time for additional algorithms like object recognition

    Scalable software architecture for on-line multi-camera video processing

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    In this paper we present a scalable software architecture for on-line multi-camera video processing, that guarantees a good trade off between computational power, scalability and flexibility. The software system is modular and its main blocks are the Processing Units (PUs), and the Central Unit. The Central Unit works as a supervisor of the running PUs and each PU manages the acquisition phase and the processing phase. Furthermore, an approach to easily parallelize the desired processing application has been presented. In this paper, as case study, we apply the proposed software architecture to a multi-camera system in order to efficiently manage multiple 2D object detection modules in a real-time scenario. System performance has been evaluated under different load conditions such as number of cameras and image sizes. The results show that the software architecture scales well with the number of camera and can easily works with different image formats respecting the real time constraints. Moreover, the parallelization approach can be used in order to speed up the processing tasks with a low level of overhea

    High-Level Synthesis Based VLSI Architectures for Video Coding

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is state-of-the-art video coding standard. Emerging applications like free-viewpoint video, 360degree video, augmented reality, 3D movies etc. require standardized extensions of HEVC. The standardized extensions of HEVC include HEVC Scalable Video Coding (SHVC), HEVC Multiview Video Coding (MV-HEVC), MV-HEVC+ Depth (3D-HEVC) and HEVC Screen Content Coding. 3D-HEVC is used for applications like view synthesis generation, free-viewpoint video. Coding and transmission of depth maps in 3D-HEVC is used for the virtual view synthesis by the algorithms like Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR). As first step, we performed the profiling of the 3D-HEVC standard. Computational intensive parts of the standard are identified for the efficient hardware implementation. One of the computational intensive part of the 3D-HEVC, HEVC and H.264/AVC is the Interpolation Filtering used for Fractional Motion Estimation (FME). The hardware implementation of the interpolation filtering is carried out using High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is used for the HLS implementation of the interpolation filters of HEVC and H.264/AVC. The complexity of the digital systems is greatly increased. High-Level Synthesis is the methodology which offers great benefits such as late architectural or functional changes without time consuming in rewriting of RTL-code, algorithms can be tested and evaluated early in the design cycle and development of accurate models against which the final hardware can be verified