234,413 research outputs found

    Real-time FPGA implementation of linear blending vision reconstruction algorithm using a spherical light field camera

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    A custom spherical light-field camera used as a polydioptric system where imagers are distributed over a spherical geometry, each having its own vision of the surrounding and distinct focal plane. The spherical light-field camera is also an omnidirectional camera which records light information from any direction around its center. A novel linear blending technique is presented for vision reconstruction of a virtual observer located inside the spherical geometry of this camera. This blending technique improves the output quality of the reconstructed vision with respect to the ordinary stitching technique. A novel pixel gridding scheme is presented for rectangular displaying of the reconstructed vision induced from the spherical light field camera. This gridding technique preserve the correct size of objects when mapped on the spherical geometry of the Panoptic system. A hardware architecture based on FPGAs with the real-time implementation of the linear blending algorithm and the new pixel gridding scheme of the spherical light-field camera are presented along with imaging results

    Design and analysis of a two-dimensional camera array

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-158).I present the design and analysis of a two-dimensional camera array for virtual studio applications. It is possible to substitute conventional cameras and motion control devices with a real-time, light field camera array. I discuss a variety of camera architectures and describe a prototype system based on the "finite-viewpoints" design that allows multiple viewers to navigate virtual cameras in a dynamically changing light field captured in real time. The light field camera consists of 64 commodity video cameras connected to off-the-shelf computers. I employ a distributed rendering algorithm that overcomes the data bandwidth problems inherent in capturing light fields by selectively transmitting only those portions of the video streams that contribute to the desired virtual view. I also quantify the capabilities of a virtual camera rendered from a camera array in terms of the range of motion, range of rotation, and effective resolution. I compare these results to other configurations. From this analysis I provide a method for camera array designers to select and configure cameras to meet desired specifications. I demonstrate the system and the conclusions of the analysis with a number of examples that exploit dynamic light fields.by Jason Chieh-Sheng Yang.Ph.D

    Image Blending in a High Frame Rate FPGA-based Multi-Camera System

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    Panoptic is a custom spherical light field camera used as a polydioptric system where imagers are distributed over a hemispherical surface, each having its own vision of the surroundings and a distinct focal plane. The spherical light field camera records light information from any direction around its center. This paper revises previously developed Nearest Neighbor and Linear blending techniques. Novel Gaussian blending and Restricted Gaussian blending techniques for vision reconstruction of a virtual observer located inside the spherical geometry are presented. These new blending techniques improve the output quality of the reconstructed image with respect to the ordinary stitching techniques and simpler image blending algorithms. A comparison of the developed blending algorithms is also given in this paper. A hardware architecture based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) enabling the real-time implementation of the blending algorithms is presented, along with the imaging results and resource utilization comparison. A recorded omnidirectional video is attached as a supplementary material

    The RAPTOR Experiment: A System for Monitoring the Optical Sky in Real Time

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    The Rapid Telescopes for Optical Response (RAPTOR) experiment is a spatially distributed system of autonomous robotic telescopes that is designed to monitor the sky for optical transients. The core of the system is composed of two telescope arrays, separated by 38 kilometers, that stereoscopically view the same 1500 square-degree field with a wide-field imaging array and a central 4 square-degree field with a more sensitive narrow-field "fovea" imager. Coupled to each telescope array is a real-time data analysis pipeline that is designed to identify interesting transients on timescales of seconds and, when a celestial transient is identified, to command the rapidly slewing robotic mounts to point the narrow-field ``fovea'' imagers at the transient. The two narrow-field telescopes then image the transient with higher spatial resolution and at a faster cadence to gather light curve information. Each "fovea" camera also images the transient through a different filter to provide color information. This stereoscopic monitoring array is supplemented by a rapidly slewing telescope with a low resolution spectrograph for follow-up observations of transients and a sky patrol telescope that nightly monitors about 10,000 square-degrees for variations, with timescales of a day or longer, to a depth about 100 times fainter. In addition to searching for fast transients, we will use the data stream from RAPTOR as a real-time sentinel for recognizing important variations in known sources. Altogether, the RAPTOR project aims to construct a new type of system for discovery in optical astronomy--one that explores the time domain by "mining the sky in real time".Comment: 11 pages, To appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 484

    Methods for Light Field Display Profiling and Scalable Super-Multiview Video Coding

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    Light field 3D displays reproduce the light field of real or synthetic scenes, as observed by multiple viewers, without the necessity of wearing 3D glasses. Reproducing light fields is a technically challenging task in terms of optical setup, content creation, distributed rendering, among others; however, the impressive visual quality of hologramlike scenes, in full color, with real-time frame rates, and over a very wide field of view justifies the complexity involved. Seeing objects popping far out from the screen plane without glasses impresses even those viewers who have experienced other 3D displays before.Content for these displays can either be synthetic or real. The creation of synthetic (rendered) content is relatively well understood and used in practice. Depending on the technique used, rendering has its own complexities, quite similar to the complexity of rendering techniques for 2D displays. While rendering can be used in many use-cases, the holy grail of all 3D display technologies is to become the future 3DTVs, ending up in each living room and showing realistic 3D content without glasses. Capturing, transmitting, and rendering live scenes as light fields is extremely challenging, and it is necessary if we are about to experience light field 3D television showing real people and natural scenes, or realistic 3D video conferencing with real eye-contact.In order to provide the required realism, light field displays aim to provide a wide field of view (up to 180°), while reproducing up to ~80 MPixels nowadays. Building gigapixel light field displays is realistic in the next few years. Likewise, capturing live light fields involves using many synchronized cameras that cover the same display wide field of view and provide the same high pixel count. Therefore, light field capture and content creation has to be well optimized with respect to the targeted display technologies. Two major challenges in this process are addressed in this dissertation.The first challenge is how to characterize the display in terms of its capabilities to create light fields, that is how to profile the display in question. In clearer terms this boils down to finding the equivalent spatial resolution, which is similar to the screen resolution of 2D displays, and angular resolution, which describes the smallest angle, the color of which the display can control individually. Light field is formalized as 4D approximation of the plenoptic function in terms of geometrical optics through spatiallylocalized and angularly-directed light rays in the so-called ray space. Plenoptic Sampling Theory provides the required conditions to sample and reconstruct light fields. Subsequently, light field displays can be characterized in the Fourier domain by the effective display bandwidth they support. In the thesis, a methodology for displayspecific light field analysis is proposed. It regards the display as a signal processing channel and analyses it as such in spectral domain. As a result, one is able to derive the display throughput (i.e. the display bandwidth) and, subsequently, the optimal camera configuration to efficiently capture and filter light fields before displaying them.While the geometrical topology of optical light sources in projection-based light field displays can be used to theoretically derive display bandwidth, and its spatial and angular resolution, in many cases this topology is not available to the user. Furthermore, there are many implementation details which cause the display to deviate from its theoretical model. In such cases, profiling light field displays in terms of spatial and angular resolution has to be done by measurements. Measurement methods that involve the display showing specific test patterns, which are then captured by a single static or moving camera, are proposed in the thesis. Determining the effective spatial and angular resolution of a light field display is then based on an automated analysis of the captured images, as they are reproduced by the display, in the frequency domain. The analysis reveals the empirical limits of the display in terms of pass-band both in the spatial and angular dimension. Furthermore, the spatial resolution measurements are validated by subjective tests confirming that the results are in line with the smallest features human observers can perceive on the same display. The resolution values obtained can be used to design the optimal capture setup for the display in question.The second challenge is related with the massive number of views and pixels captured that have to be transmitted to the display. It clearly requires effective and efficient compression techniques to fit in the bandwidth available, as an uncompressed representation of such a super-multiview video could easily consume ~20 gigabits per second with today’s displays. Due to the high number of light rays to be captured, transmitted and rendered, distributed systems are necessary for both capturing and rendering the light field. During the first attempts to implement real-time light field capturing, transmission and rendering using a brute force approach, limitations became apparent. Still, due to the best possible image quality achievable with dense multi-camera light field capturing and light ray interpolation, this approach was chosen as the basis of further work, despite the massive amount of bandwidth needed. Decompression of all camera images in all rendering nodes, however, is prohibitively time consuming and is not scalable. After analyzing the light field interpolation process and the data-access patterns typical in a distributed light field rendering system, an approach to reduce the amount of data required in the rendering nodes has been proposed. This approach, on the other hand, requires rectangular parts (typically vertical bars in case of a Horizontal Parallax Only light field display) of the captured images to be available in the rendering nodes, which might be exploited to reduce the time spent with decompression of video streams. However, partial decoding is not readily supported by common image / video codecs. In the thesis, approaches aimed at achieving partial decoding are proposed for H.264, HEVC, JPEG and JPEG2000 and the results are compared.The results of the thesis on display profiling facilitate the design of optimal camera setups for capturing scenes to be reproduced on 3D light field displays. The developed super-multiview content encoding also facilitates light field rendering in real-time. This makes live light field transmission and real-time teleconferencing possible in a scalable way, using any number of cameras, and at the spatial and angular resolution the display actually needs for achieving a compelling visual experience

    Real-Time Computational Gigapixel Multi-Camera Systems

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    The standard cameras are designed to truthfully mimic the human eye and the visual system. In recent years, commercially available cameras are becoming more complex, and offer higher image resolutions than ever before. However, the quality of conventional imaging methods is limited by several parameters, such as the pixel size, lens system, the diffraction limit, etc. The rapid technological advancements, increase in the available computing power, and introduction of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Field-Programmable-Gate-Arrays (FPGA) open new possibilities in the computer vision and computer graphics communities. The researchers are now focusing on utilizing the immense computational power offered on the modern processing platforms, to create imaging systems with novel or significantly enhanced capabilities compared to the standard ones. One popular type of the computational imaging systems offering new possibilities is a multi-camera system. This thesis will focus on FPGA-based multi-camera systems that operate in real-time. The aim of themulti-camera systems presented in this thesis is to offer a wide field-of-view (FOV) video coverage at high frame rates. The wide FOV is achieved by constructing a panoramic image from the images acquired by the multi-camera system. Two new real-time computational imaging systems that provide new functionalities and better performance compared to conventional cameras are presented in this thesis. Each camera system design and implementation are analyzed in detail, built and tested in real-time conditions. Panoptic is a miniaturized low-cost multi-camera system that reconstructs a 360 degrees view in real-time. Since it is an easily portable system, it provides means to capture the complete surrounding light field in dynamic environment, such as when mounted on a vehicle or a flying drone. The second presented system, GigaEye II , is a modular high-resolution imaging system that introduces the concept of distributed image processing in the real-time camera systems. This thesis explains in detail howsuch concept can be efficiently used in real-time computational imaging systems. The purpose of computational imaging systems in the form of multi-camera systems does not end with real-time panoramas. The application scope of these cameras is vast. They can be used in 3D cinematography, for broadcasting live events, or for immersive telepresence experience. The final chapter of this thesis presents three potential applications of these systems: object detection and tracking, high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, and observation of multiple regions of interest. Object detection and tracking, and observation of multiple regions of interest are extremely useful and desired capabilities of surveillance systems, in security and defense industry, or in the fast-growing industry of autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, high dynamic range imaging is becoming a common option in the consumer market cameras, and the presented method allows instantaneous capture of HDR videos. Finally, this thesis concludes with the discussion of the real-time multi-camera systems, their advantages, their limitations, and the future predictions

    Omnidirectional Light Field Analysis and Reconstruction

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    Digital photography exists since 1975, when Steven Sasson attempted to build the first digital camera. Since then the concept of digital camera did not evolve much: an optical lens concentrates light rays onto a focal plane where a planar photosensitive array transforms the light intensity into an electric signal. During the last decade a new way of conceiving digital photography emerged: a photography is the acquisition of the entire light ray field in a confined region of space. The main implication of this new concept is that a digital camera does not acquire a 2-D signal anymore, but a 5-D signal in general. Acquiring an image becomes more demanding in terms of memory and processing power; at the same time, it offers the users a new set of possibilities, like choosing dynamically the focal plane and the depth of field of the final digital photo. In this thesis we develop a complete mathematical framework to acquire and then reconstruct the omnidirectional light field around an observer. We also propose the design of a digital light field camera system, which is composed by several pinhole cameras distributed around a sphere. The choice is not casual, as we take inspiration from something already seen in nature: the compound eyes of common terrestrial and flying insects like the house fly. In the first part of the thesis we analyze the optimal sampling conditions that permit an efficient discrete representation of the continuous light field. In other words, we will give an answer to the question: how many cameras and what resolution are needed to have a good representation of the 4-D light field? Since we are dealing with an omnidirectional light field we use a spherical parametrization. The results of our analysis is that we need an irregular (i.e., not rectangular) sampling scheme to represent efficiently the light field. Then, to store the samples we use a graph structure, where each node represents a light ray and the edges encode the topology of the light field. When compared to other existing approaches our scheme has the favorable property of having a number of samples that scales smoothly for a given output resolution. The next step after the acquisition of the light field is to reconstruct a digital picture, which can be seen as a 2-D slice of the 4-D acquired light field. We interpret the reconstruction as a regularized inverse problem defined on the light field graph and obtain a solution based on a diffusion process. The proposed scheme has three main advantages when compared to the classic linear interpolation: it is robust to noise, it is computationally efficient and can be implemented in a distributed fashion. In the second part of the thesis we investigate the problem of extracting geometric information about the scene in the form of a depth map. We show that the depth information is encoded inside the light field derivatives and set up a TV-regularized inverse problem, which efficiently calculates a dense depth map of the scene while respecting the discontinuities at the boundaries of objects. The extracted depth map is used to remove visual and geometrical artifacts from the reconstruction when the light field is under-sampled. In other words, it can be used to help the reconstruction process in challenging situations. Furthermore, when the light field camera is moving temporally, we show how the depth map can be used to estimate the motion parameters between two consecutive acquisitions with a simple and effective algorithm, which does not require the computation nor the matching of features and performs only simple arithmetic operations directly in the pixel space. In the last part of the thesis, we introduce a novel omnidirectional light field camera that we call Panoptic. We obtain it by layering miniature CMOS imagers onto an hemispherical surface, which are then connected to a network of FPGAs. We show that the proposed mathematical framework is well suited to be embedded in hardware by demonstrating a real time reconstruction of an omnidirectional video stream at 25 frames per second

    HoloTrap: Interactive hologram design for multiple dynamic optical trapping

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    This work presents an application that generates real-time holograms to be displayed on a holographic optical tweezers setup; a technique that allows the manipulation of particles in the range from micrometres to nanometres. The software is written in Java, and uses random binary masks to generate the holograms. It allows customization of several parameters that are dependent on the experimental setup, such as the specific characteristics of the device displaying the hologram, or the presence of aberrations. We evaluate the software's performance and conclude that real-time interaction is achieved. We give our experimental results from manipulating 5 micron-diametre microspheres using the program.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Commercialisation of precision agriculture technologies in the macadamia industry

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    A prototype vision-based yield monitor has been developed for the macadamia industry. The system estimates yield for individual trees by detecting nuts and their harvested location. The technology was developed by the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland for the purpose of reducing labour and costs in varietal assessment trials where yield for individual trees are required to be measured to indicate tree performance. The project was commissioned by Horticulture Australia Limited

    Embedded FIR filter design for real-time refocusing using a standard plenoptic video camera

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    Copyright 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers and IS&T—The Society for Imaging Science and Technology. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.A novel and low-cost embedded hardware architecture for real-time refocusing based on a standard plenoptic camera is presented in this study. The proposed layout design synthesizes refocusing slices directly from micro images by omitting the process for the commonly used sub-aperture extraction. Therefore, intellectual property cores, containing switch controlled Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, are developed and applied to the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) XC6SLX45 from Xilinx. Enabling the hardware design to work economically, the FIR filters are composed of stored product as well as upsampling and interpolation techniques in order to achieve an ideal relation between image resolution, delay time, power consumption and the demand of logic gates. The video output is transmitted via High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) with a resolution of 720p at a frame rate of 60 fps conforming to the HD ready standard. Examples of the synthesized refocusing slices are presented
