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    The OpenFlow® protocol especially OpenFlow® Discovery Protocol (OFDP) utilizes clear text Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) message exchanges to discover network topology. Such exchanges lack security and may lead to network attacks such as LLDP flooding, link fabrication, etc. Currently, the OpenFlow® protocol both in the case of discovery (OFDP) as well during subsequent communication between a controller and a switch (even with Transport Layer Security (TLS)) does not offer a way to understand whether or not a discovered controller or switch is a trustworthy device. Presented herein are techniques that provide Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and blockchain-based trust establishment for OpenFlow® protocol communications that may be utilized between controllers and switches in multi-provider software defined network (SDN) deployments

    Impact of denial of service solutions on network quality of service

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    The Internet has become a universal communication network tool. It has evolved from a platform that supports best-effort traffic to one that now carries different traffic types including those involving continuous media with quality of service (QoS) requirements. As more services are delivered over the Internet, we face increasing risk to their availability given that malicious attacks on those Internet services continue to increase. Several networks have witnessed denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks over the past few years which have disrupted QoS of network services, thereby violating the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the client and the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Hence DoS or DDoS attacks are major threats to network QoS. In this paper we survey techniques and solutions that have been deployed to thwart DoS and DDoS attacks and we evaluate them in terms of their impact on network QoS for Internet services. We also present vulnerabilities that can be exploited for QoS protocols and also affect QoS if exploited. In addition, we also highlight challenges that still need to be addressed to achieve end-to-end QoS with recently proposed DoS/DDoS solutions

    Spectrum sharing security and attacks in CRNs: a review

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    Cognitive Radio plays a major part in communication technology by resolving the shortage of the spectrum through usage of dynamic spectrum access and artificial intelligence characteristics. The element of spectrum sharing in cognitive radio is a fundament al approach in utilising free channels. Cooperatively communicating cognitive radio devices use the common control channel of the cognitive radio medium access control to achieve spectrum sharing. Thus, the common control channel and consequently spectrum sharing security are vital to ensuring security in the subsequent data communication among cognitive radio nodes. In addition to well known security problems in wireless networks, cognitive radio networks introduce new classes of security threats and challenges, such as licensed user emulation attacks in spectrum sensing and misbehaviours in the common control channel transactions, which degrade the overall network operation and performance. This review paper briefly presents the known threats and attacks in wireless networks before it looks into the concept of cognitive radio and its main functionality. The paper then mainly focuses on spectrum sharing security and its related challenges. Since spectrum sharing is enabled through usage of the common control channel, more attention is paid to the security of the common control channel by looking into its security threats as well as protection and detection mechanisms. Finally, the pros and cons as well as the comparisons of different CR - specific security mechanisms are presented with some open research issues and challenges

    Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La información y los sistemas que la tratan son un activo a proteger para personas, organizaciones e incluso países enteros. Nuestra dependencia en las tecnologías de la información es cada día mayor, por lo que su seguridad es clave para nuestro bienestar. Los beneficios que estas tecnologías nos proporcionan son incuestionables, pero su uso también introduce riesgos que ligados a nuestra creciente dependencia de las mismas es necesario mitigar. Los actores hostiles avanzados se categorizan principalmente en grupos criminales que buscan un beneficio económico y en países cuyo objetivo es obtener superioridad en ámbitos estratégicos como el comercial o el militar. Estos actores explotan las tecnologías, y en particular el ciberespacio, para lograr sus objetivos. La presente tesis doctoral realiza aportaciones significativas a la caracterización de los actores hostiles avanzados y a la detección de sus actividades. El análisis de sus características es básico no sólo para conocer a estos actores y sus operaciones, sino para facilitar el despliegue de contramedidas que incrementen nuestra seguridad. La detección de dichas operaciones es el primer paso necesario para neutralizarlas, y por tanto para minimizar su impacto. En el ámbito de la caracterización, este trabajo profundiza en el análisis de las tácticas y técnicas de los actores. Dicho análisis siempre es necesario para una correcta detección de las actividades hostiles en el ciberespacio, pero en el caso de los actores avanzados, desde grupos criminales hasta estados, es obligatorio: sus actividades son sigilosas, ya que el éxito de las mismas se basa, en la mayor parte de casos, en no ser detectados por la víctima. En el ámbito de la detección, este trabajo identifica y justifica los requisitos clave para poder establecer una capacidad adecuada frente a los actores hostiles avanzados. Adicionalmente, proporciona las tácticas que deben ser implementadas en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad para optimizar sus capacidades de detección y respuesta. Debemos destacar que estas tácticas, estructuradas en forma de kill-chain, permiten no sólo dicha optimización, sino también una aproximación homogénea y estructurada común para todos los centros defensivos. En mi opinión, una de las bases de mi trabajo debe ser la aplicabilidad de los resultados. Por este motivo, el análisis de tácticas y técnicas de los actores de la amenaza está alineado con el principal marco de trabajo público para dicho análisis, MITRE ATT&CK. Los resultados y propuestas de esta investigación pueden ser directamente incluidos en dicho marco, mejorando así la caracterización de los actores hostiles y de sus actividades en el ciberespacio. Adicionalmente, las propuestas para mejorar la detección de dichas actividades son de aplicación directa tanto en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad actuales como en las tecnologías de detección más comunes en la industria. De esta forma, este trabajo mejora de forma significativa las capacidades de análisis y detección actuales, y por tanto mejora a su vez la neutralización de operaciones hostiles. Estas capacidades incrementan la seguridad global de todo tipo de organizaciones y, en definitiva, de nuestra sociedad.[CA] La informació i els sistemas que la tracten són un actiu a protegir per a persones, organitzacions i fins i tot països sencers. La nostra dependència en les tecnologies de la informació es cada dia major, i per aixó la nostra seguretat és clau per al nostre benestar. Els beneficis que aquestes tecnologies ens proporcionen són inqüestionables, però el seu ús també introdueix riscos que, lligats a la nostra creixent dependència de les mateixes és necessari mitigar. Els actors hostils avançats es categoritzen principalment en grups criminals que busquen un benefici econòmic i en països el objectiu dels quals és obtindre superioritat en àmbits estratègics, com ara el comercial o el militar. Aquests actors exploten les tecnologies, i en particular el ciberespai, per a aconseguir els seus objectius. La present tesi doctoral realitza aportacions significatives a la caracterització dels actors hostils avançats i a la detecció de les seves activitats. L'anàlisi de les seves característiques és bàsic no solament per a conéixer a aquests actors i les seves operacions, sinó per a facilitar el desplegament de contramesures que incrementen la nostra seguretat. La detección de aquestes operacions és el primer pas necessari per a netralitzar-les, i per tant, per a minimitzar el seu impacte. En l'àmbit de la caracterització, aquest treball aprofundeix en l'anàlisi de lestàctiques i tècniques dels actors. Aquesta anàlisi sempre és necessària per a una correcta detecció de les activitats hostils en el ciberespai, però en el cas dels actors avançats, des de grups criminals fins a estats, és obligatòria: les seves activitats són sigiloses, ja que l'éxit de les mateixes es basa, en la major part de casos, en no ser detectats per la víctima. En l'àmbit de la detecció, aquest treball identifica i justifica els requisits clau per a poder establir una capacitat adequada front als actors hostils avançats. Adicionalment, proporciona les tàctiques que han de ser implementades en els Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat per a optimitzar les seves capacitats de detecció i resposta. Hem de destacar que aquestes tàctiques, estructurades en forma de kill-chain, permiteixen no només aquesta optimització, sinò tambié una aproximació homogènia i estructurada comú per a tots els centres defensius. En la meva opinio, una de les bases del meu treball ha de ser l'aplicabilitat dels resultats. Per això, l'anàlisi de táctiques i tècniques dels actors de l'amenaça està alineada amb el principal marc públic de treball per a aquesta anàlisi, MITRE ATT&CK. Els resultats i propostes d'aquesta investigació poden ser directament inclosos en aquest marc, millorant així la caracterització dels actors hostils i les seves activitats en el ciberespai. Addicionalment, les propostes per a millorar la detecció d'aquestes activitats són d'aplicació directa tant als Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat actuals com en les tecnologies de detecció més comuns de la industria. D'aquesta forma, aquest treball millora de forma significativa les capacitats d'anàlisi i detecció actuals, i per tant millora alhora la neutralització d'operacions hostils. Aquestes capacitats incrementen la seguretat global de tot tipus d'organitzacions i, en definitiva, de la nostra societat.[EN] Information and its related technologies are a critical asset to protect for people, organizations and even whole countries. Our dependency on information technologies increases every day, so their security is a key issue for our wellness. The benefits that information technologies provide are questionless, but their usage also presents risks that, linked to our growing dependency on technologies, we must mitigate. Advanced threat actors are mainly categorized in criminal gangs, with an economic goal, and countries, whose goal is to gain superiority in strategic affairs such as commercial or military ones. These actors exploit technologies, particularly cyberspace, to achieve their goals. This PhD Thesis significantly contributes to advanced threat actors' categorization and to the detection of their hostile activities. The analysis of their features is a must not only to know better these actors and their operations, but also to ease the deployment of countermeasures that increase our security. The detection of these operations is a mandatory first step to neutralize them, so to minimize their impact. Regarding characterization, this work delves into the analysis of advanced threat actors' tactics and techniques. This analysis is always required for an accurate detection of hostile activities in cyberspace, but in the particular case of advances threat actors, from criminal gangs to nation-states, it is mandatory: their activities are stealthy, as their success in most cases relies on not being detected by the target. Regarding detection, this work identifies and justifies the key requirements to establish an accurate response capability to face advanced threat actors. In addition, this work defines the tactics to be deployed in Security Operations Centers to optimize their detection and response capabilities. It is important to highlight that these tactics, with a kill-chain arrangement, allow not only this optimization, but particularly a homogeneous and structured approach, common to all defensive centers. In my opinion, one of the main bases of my work must be the applicability of its results. For this reason, the analysis of threat actors' tactics and techniques is aligned with the main public framework for this analysis, MITRE ATT&CK. The results and proposals from this research can be directly included in this framework, improving the threat actors' characterization, as well as their cyberspace activities' one. In addition, the proposals to improve these activities' detection are directly applicable both in current Security Operations Centers and in common industry technologies. In this way, I consider that this work significantly improves current analysis and detection capabilities, and at the same time it improves hostile operations' neutralization. These capabilities increase global security for all kind of organizations and, definitely, for our whole society.Villalón Huerta, A. (2023). Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193855Compendi


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    Penetration Tests (Pentests) identify potential vulnerabilities in the security of computer systems via security assessment. However, it should also benefit from widely recognized methodologies and recommendations within this field, as the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES). The objective of this research is to explore PTES, particularly the three initial phases: 1. Pre-Engagement Interactions; 2. Intelligence Gathering; 3. Threat Modeling; and ultimately to apply Intelligence techniques to the Threat Modeling phase. To achieve this, we will use open-source and/or commercial tools to structure a process to clarify how the results were reached using the research inductive methodology. The following steps were implemented: i) critical review of the “Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES)”; ii) critical review of Intelligence Production Process; iii) specification and classification of contexts in which Intelligence could be applied; iv) definition of a methodology to apply Intelligence Techniques to the specified contexts; v) application and evaluation of the proposed methodology to real case study as proof of concept. This research has the ambition to develop a model grounded on Intelligence techniques to be applied on PTES Threat Modeling phase

    A comparative study on cyber power : the United Kingdom, France, and Germany

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    This thesis aims to shed light on the concept of cyber power. Cyber power is a concept that has gained relevance with geopolitical dynamics reaching cyberspace and the increasing intertwining between the physical and digital. In this regard, this concept has been treated through three theoretical lenses: realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Still, constructivist approaches to the concept are sparse and deserve some attention. Thus, the thesis was based on a constructivist perspective, tackling the following research problem: How do states’ perceptions of cybersecurity shape the form of their power projection? Does that confer a new form of power relations, therefore, cyber power as a phenomenon? To answer these questions, the research was developed to be a qualitative comparative study with a case center design. The selection of cases took a regional focus and encompassed conventional geopolitical European powers: the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. As auxiliary methods, the research used qualitative document analysis, practice tracing, and interviews to ensure robust findings. Specifically, the thesis was divided into seven chapters. The first chapter presents the research design and briefly contextualizes the debate over cyber power. The second chapter recalls what power means, going back to Political Sciences' influences on International Relations and the generational development of cyber power theories and indexes. The third, fourth, and fifth chapters focus on the case studies of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, highlighting their digital mentalities (i.e., self and threat perceptions). The sixth chapter presents the comparison within the cases, pointing to similarities and differences in the concept of cyber power and how perspectives shaped the countries' international positions. The final chapter concludes the research findings and points out that strategic cybersecurity culture plays a relevant role in countries' cyber power perspectives. Even though cyber power was a term only used explicitly by the United Kingdom, it translated into the term sovereignty for France and Germany. In this regard, the idea of power in cyberspace presented itself as broader than just offensive and defensive capabilities, encompassing governance/diplomatic and economic/domestic affairs aspects. Besides, there is an influencing aspect, exposing that cyber power projection would be visible through diplomacy/cyber diplomacy.Esta tese tem como objetivo lançar luz sobre o conceito de poder cibernético. O poder cibernético é um conceito que ganhou relevância com a dinâmica geopolítica que atinge o ciberespaço e o crescente entrelaçamento entre o físico e o digital. Nesse sentido, esse conceito foi tratado por meio de três lentes teóricas: realismo, liberalismo e construtivismo. Ainda assim, as abordagens construtivistas do conceito são escassas e merecem alguma atenção. Dessa forma, a tese se baseou em uma perspectiva construtivista, abordando o seguinte problema: Como as percepções dos Estados sobre segurança cibernética moldam a forma de sua projeção de poder? Isso confere uma nova forma de relações de poder, portanto o poder cibernético como fenômeno? Para responder a estas questões, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida para ser um estudo qualitativo comparativo com um desenho centrado em casos. A seleção dos casos teve um enfoque regional e abrangeu potências geopolíticas europeias convencionais: Reino Unido, França e Alemanha. Como métodos auxiliares, a pesquisa utilizou análise qualitativa de documentos, rastreamento de práticas e entrevistas para garantir resultados robustos. Especificamente, a tese foi dividida em sete capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta o desenho da pesquisa e contextualiza brevemente o debate sobre o poder cibernético. O segundo capítulo relembra o que significa poder, remontando às influências das Ciências Políticas nas Relações Internacionais e ao desenvolvimento geracional de teorias e índices de poder cibernético. O terceiro, quarto e quinto capítulos se concentram nos estudos de caso, do Reino Unido, França e Alemanha, destacando suas mentalidades digitais (ou seja, percepções de si mesmo e de ameaças). O sexto capítulo apresenta a comparação dentro dos casos, apontando semelhanças e diferenças no conceito de poder cibernético e como perspectivas moldaram as posições internacionais dos países. O capítulo final conclui os achados da pesquisa e aponta que a cultura de segurança estratégica desempenha um papel relevante nas perspectivas do poder cibernético dos países. Embora o poder cibernético seja um termo usado apenas explicitamente pelo Reino Unido, ele se traduziu no termo soberania para a França e a Alemanha. Nesse sentido, a ideia de poder no ciberespaço apresentou-se como mais ampla do que apenas capacidades ofensivas e defensivas, englobando aspectos de governança/diplomacia e econômico/ domésticos. Além disso, há um aspecto de influência no conceito, expondo que a projeção do poder cibernético seria visível por meio da diplomacia/ciberdiplomacia

    The Cord Weekly (September 16, 1993)

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    Distributed Denial-of-Service Defense System

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DoS) attacks present a great threat to the Internet, and existing security mechanisms cannot detect or stop them successfully. The problem lies in the distributed nature of attacks, which engages the power of a vast number of coordinated hosts. To mitigate the impacts of DDoS attacks, it is important to develop such defenses system that canbothdetect andreact against ongoing attacks. The attacks ideally should be stopped as close to the sources as possible, saving network resources andreducing congestion. The DDoS defense system that is deployed at the source-end should prevent the machines at associated network from participating in DDoS attacks. The primary objective of this project, which is developing a DDoS defense system, is to provide good service to a victim's legitimate clients during the attack, thus canceling the denial-of-service effect. The scope of study will coverthe aspect of howthe attack detection algorithms work and identify the attack traffic, hence develop appropriate attack responses. As a source-end defense against DDoS attacks, the attack flows can be stopped before they enter the Internet core and before they aggregate with other attack flows. The methodology chosen for this project is the combination of sequential and iterative approaches of the software development process, which comprises of six main phases, which are initial planning phase, requirement definition phase, system design phase, coding and testing phase, implementation phase, and lastly maintenance and support phase. The system used a source router approach, in which the source router serves as a gateway between the source network containing some of the attack nodes and the rest of the Internet, to detectand limitDDoS streams long before they reach the target. This will be covered in the Findings section of the report. TheDiscussion section will be focus more onthe architecture onthe system, which having three important component; observation, rate-limiting and traffic-policing