291 research outputs found

    Ontology-based semantic interpretation of cylindricity specification in the next-generation GPS

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    Cylindricity specification is one of the most important geometrical specifications in geometrical product development. This specification can be referenced from the rules and examples in tolerance standards and technical handbooks in practice. These rules and examples are described in the form of natural language, which may cause ambiguities since different designers may have different understandings on a rule or an example. To address the ambiguous problem, a categorical data model of cylindricity specification in the next-generation Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) was proposed at the University of Huddersfield. The modeling language used in the categorical data model is category language. Even though category language can develop a syntactically correct data model, it is difficult to interpret the semantics of the cylindricity specification explicitly. This paper proposes an ontology-based approach to interpret the semantics of cylindricity specification on the basis of the categorical data model. A scheme for translating the category language to the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) is presented in this approach. Through such a scheme, the categorical data model is translated into a semantically enriched model, i.e. an OWL 2 ontology for cylindricity specification. This ontology can interpret the semantics of cylindricity specification explicitly. As the benefits of such semantic interpretation, consistency checking, inference procedures and semantic queries can be performed on the OWL 2 ontology. The proposed approach could be easily extended to support the semantic interpretations of other kinds of geometrical specifications

    Explicitly representing the semantics of composite positional tolerance for patterns of holes

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    Representing the semantics of the interaction of two or more tolerances (i.e. composite tolerance) explicitly to make them computer-understandable is currently a challenging task in computer-aided tolerancing (CAT). We have proposed a description logic (DL) ontology based approach to complete this task recently. In this paper, the representation of the semantics of the composite positional tolerance (CPT) for patterns of holes (POHs) is used as an example to illustrate the proposed approach. This representation mainly includes: representing the structure knowledge of the CPT for POHs in DL terminological axioms; expressing the constraint knowledge with Horn rules; and describing the individual knowledge using DL assertional axioms. By implementing the representation with the web ontology language (OWL) and the semantic web rule language (SWRL), a CPT ontology is developed. This ontology has explicitly computer-understandable semantics due to the logic-based semantics of OWL and SWRL. As is illustrated by an engineering example, such semantics makes it possible to automatically check the consistency, reason out the new knowledge, and implement the semantic interoperability of CPT information. Benefiting from this, the ontology provides a semantic enrichment model for the CPT information extracted from CAD/CAM systems

    Enriching Step-Based Product Information Models to Support Product Life-Cycle Activities

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    The representation and management of product information in its life-cycle requires standardized data exchange protocols. Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) is such a standard that has been used widely by the industries. Even though STEP-based product models are well defined and syntactically correct, populating product data according to these models is not easy because they are too big and disorganized. Data exchange specifications (DEXs) and templates provide re-organized information models required in data exchange of specific activities for various businesses. DEXs show us it would be possible to organize STEP-based product models in order to support different engineering activities at various stages of product life-cycle. In this study, STEP-based models are enriched and organized to support two engineering activities: materials information declaration and tolerance analysis. Due to new environmental regulations, the substance and materials information in products have to be screened closely by manufacturing industries. This requires a fast, unambiguous and complete product information exchange between the members of a supply chain. Tolerance analysis activity, on the other hand, is used to verify the functional requirements of an assembly considering the worst case (i.e., maximum and minimum) conditions for the part/assembly dimensions. Another issue with STEP-based product models is that the semantics of product data are represented implicitly. Hence, it is difficult to interpret the semantics of data for different product life-cycle phases for various application domains. OntoSTEP, developed at NIST, provides semantically enriched product models in OWL. In this thesis, we would like to present how to interpret the GD & T specifications in STEP for tolerance analysis by utilizing OntoSTEP

    A process model in platform independent and neutral formal representation for design engineering automation

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    An engineering design process as part of product development (PD) needs to satisfy ever-changing customer demands by striking a balance between time, cost and quality. In order to achieve a faster lead-time, improved quality and reduced PD costs for increased profits, automation methods have been developed with the help of virtual engineering. There are various methods of achieving Design Engineering Automation (DEA) with Computer-Aided (CAx) tools such as CAD/CAE/CAM, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE). For example, Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools enable Geometry Automation (GA), PLM systems allow for sharing and exchange of product knowledge throughout the PD lifecycle. Traditional automation methods are specific to individual products and are hard-coded and bound by the proprietary tool format. Also, existing CAx tools and PLM systems offer bespoke islands of automation as compared to KBE. KBE as a design method incorporates complete design intent by including re-usable geometric, non-geometric product knowledge as well as engineering process knowledge for DEA including various processes such as mechanical design, analysis and manufacturing. It has been recognised, through an extensive literature review, that a research gap exists in the form of a generic and structured method of knowledge modelling, both informal and formal modelling, of mechanical design process with manufacturing knowledge (DFM/DFA) as part of model based systems engineering (MBSE) for DEA with a KBE approach. There is a lack of a structured technique for knowledge modelling, which can provide a standardised method to use platform independent and neutral formal standards for DEA with generative modelling for mechanical product design process and DFM with preserved semantics. The neutral formal representation through computer or machine understandable format provides open standard usage. This thesis provides a contribution to knowledge by addressing this gap in two-steps: • In the first step, a coherent process model, GPM-DEA is developed as part of MBSE which can be used for modelling of mechanical design with manufacturing knowledge utilising hybrid approach, based on strengths of existing modelling standards such as IDEF0, UML, SysML and addition of constructs as per author’s Metamodel. The structured process model is highly granular with complex interdependencies such as activities, object, function, rule association and includes the effect of the process model on the product at both component and geometric attributes. • In the second step, a method is provided to map the schema of the process model to equivalent platform independent and neutral formal standards using OWL/SWRL ontology for system development using Protégé tool, enabling machine interpretability with semantic clarity for DEA with generative modelling by building queries and reasoning on set of generic SWRL functions developed by the author. Model development has been performed with the aid of literature analysis and pilot use-cases. Experimental verification with test use-cases has confirmed the reasoning and querying capability on formal axioms in generating accurate results. Some of the other key strengths are that knowledgebase is generic, scalable and extensible, hence provides re-usability and wider design space exploration. The generative modelling capability allows the model to generate activities and objects based on functional requirements of the mechanical design process with DFM/DFA and rules based on logic. With the help of application programming interface, a platform specific DEA system such as a KBE tool or a CAD tool enabling GA and a web page incorporating engineering knowledge for decision support can consume relevant part of the knowledgebase

    Functional and Behavioral Product Information Representation and Consistency Validation for Collaboration in Product Lifecycle Activities

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    Information models that represent the function, assembly and behavior of artifacts are critical in the conceptual development of a product and its evaluation. Much research has been conducted in this area; however, existing models do not relate function, behavior and structure in a comprehensive and consistent way. In this work, NIST\u27s Core Product Model (CPM) and the Open Assembly Model (OAM) are extended to integrate product information including function and behavior, with an emphasis on assembly, throughout all phases of product development. For function and flow classification, the NIST functional taxonomy is used to maintain consistency with the literature. The consistency validation of product information, and the verification of modified product information are discussed; these processes ensure that the product information has no contradictions and allows tracing through associations without any deficiency or disconnection. In other words, the information model has to be complete in terms of traceability of function, behavior, spatial relationships, etc., in order to support all information exchange activities. The product information representation provides a mechanism for capturing product information and storing it in a database. This representation schema also provides necessary information for any future decision making activities in the End of Life (EOL) environment, such as the replacement or reuse of any part or subassembly. When there is a need to replace one artifact with another, one must consider all of the associations of the existing artifact with other artifacts and the environment, not just functional and space requirements, and the relevant modification(s) of the associated objects has to verified. So one can manage product lifecycle activities in different perspectives by knowing how the product information is interconnected in various domains and how its characteristics affect each other

    An Ontology-Based Framework for a Telehealthcare System to Foster Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle in Older Adults

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    In recent years, telehealthcare systems (TSs) have become more and more widespread, as they can contribute to promoting the continuity of care and managing chronic conditions efficiently. Most TSs and nutrition recommendation systems require much information to return appropriate suggestions. This work proposes an ontology-based TS, namely HeNuALs, aimed at fostering a healthy diet and an active lifestyle in older adults with chronic pathologies. The system is built on the formalization of users' health conditions, which can be obtained by leveraging existing standards. This allows for modeling different pathologies via reusable knowledge, thus limiting the amount of information needed to retrieve nutritional indications from the system. HeNuALs is composed of (1) an ontological layer that stores patients and their data, food and its characteristics, and physical activity-related data, enabling the inference a series of suggestions based on the effects of foods and exercises on specific health conditions; (2) two applications that allow both the patient and the clinicians to access the data (with different permissions) stored in the ontological layer; and (3) a series of wearable sensors that can be used to monitor physical exercise (provided by the patient application) and to ensure patients' safety. HeNuALs inferences have been validated considering two different use cases. The system revealed the ability to determine suggestions for healthy, adequate, or unhealthy dishes for a patient with respiratory disease and for a patient with diabetes mellitus. Future work foresees the extension of the HeNuALs knowledge base by exploiting automatic knowledge retrieval approaches and validation of the whole system with target users

    A blockchain ontology for DApps development

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    Decentralized Applications, or DApps, provide distributed trusted applications that use blockchains. They are often composed of several services, such as transaction scalability protocols, decentralized storage and distributed computing solutions. In order to help formalize these applications, facilitate their development and improve their interoperability, we propose a novel blockchain Ontology focused on the concepts involving DApps. This ontology extends the existing EthOn ontology. It defines several key concepts related to DApps development, as well as the relations between these concepts. It features the formalization of known use cases and design patterns of blockchain technology through blockchain patterns. We use Semantic Web Rule language (SWRL) in order to define rules that express constraints on the formalized concepts. We then execute an inference engine and obtain new constraints on the properties of a defined DApp, such as its cost, based on the DApp characteristics and the services it uses. For illustration we show the inference of constraints between the Ethereum blockchain and its sidechain Polygon. We apply our research work in the field of blockchain video games. This application shows how to use the ontology to model DApps, and can be adapted to other fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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