24 research outputs found

    Enriching Step-Based Product Information Models to Support Product Life-Cycle Activities

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    The representation and management of product information in its life-cycle requires standardized data exchange protocols. Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) is such a standard that has been used widely by the industries. Even though STEP-based product models are well defined and syntactically correct, populating product data according to these models is not easy because they are too big and disorganized. Data exchange specifications (DEXs) and templates provide re-organized information models required in data exchange of specific activities for various businesses. DEXs show us it would be possible to organize STEP-based product models in order to support different engineering activities at various stages of product life-cycle. In this study, STEP-based models are enriched and organized to support two engineering activities: materials information declaration and tolerance analysis. Due to new environmental regulations, the substance and materials information in products have to be screened closely by manufacturing industries. This requires a fast, unambiguous and complete product information exchange between the members of a supply chain. Tolerance analysis activity, on the other hand, is used to verify the functional requirements of an assembly considering the worst case (i.e., maximum and minimum) conditions for the part/assembly dimensions. Another issue with STEP-based product models is that the semantics of product data are represented implicitly. Hence, it is difficult to interpret the semantics of data for different product life-cycle phases for various application domains. OntoSTEP, developed at NIST, provides semantically enriched product models in OWL. In this thesis, we would like to present how to interpret the GD & T specifications in STEP for tolerance analysis by utilizing OntoSTEP

    Ontology-based semantic interpretation of cylindricity specification in the next-generation GPS

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    Cylindricity specification is one of the most important geometrical specifications in geometrical product development. This specification can be referenced from the rules and examples in tolerance standards and technical handbooks in practice. These rules and examples are described in the form of natural language, which may cause ambiguities since different designers may have different understandings on a rule or an example. To address the ambiguous problem, a categorical data model of cylindricity specification in the next-generation Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) was proposed at the University of Huddersfield. The modeling language used in the categorical data model is category language. Even though category language can develop a syntactically correct data model, it is difficult to interpret the semantics of the cylindricity specification explicitly. This paper proposes an ontology-based approach to interpret the semantics of cylindricity specification on the basis of the categorical data model. A scheme for translating the category language to the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) is presented in this approach. Through such a scheme, the categorical data model is translated into a semantically enriched model, i.e. an OWL 2 ontology for cylindricity specification. This ontology can interpret the semantics of cylindricity specification explicitly. As the benefits of such semantic interpretation, consistency checking, inference procedures and semantic queries can be performed on the OWL 2 ontology. The proposed approach could be easily extended to support the semantic interpretations of other kinds of geometrical specifications

    Pediatri Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Takip Edilen Kalp Hastalarının Klinik Özellikleri ve Mortaliteye Etki Eden Faktörler

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    Amaç: Çocuk Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde ÇYBÜ kalp hastalığı nedeni ile takip edilen hastaların klinik özellikleri ve mortalite üzerine etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlandı.Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2009-Aralık 2011 tarihleri arasında yatırılarak izlenen konjenital ve akkiz kalp hastalığı tanısı konan hastalar incelendi. Hastaların tanıları, klinik özellikleri ve mortalite üzerine etki eden faktörler araştırıldı.Bulgular: Çalışmada kalp hastalığı tanısı ile yatırılarak izlenmiş 65 olgunun verileri değerlendirildi. Hastaların büyük çoğunluğu VSD gibi asiyanotik hastalardı ve bunlar genellikle enfektif endokardit EE tanısı ile izlendi. Büyük çoğunluğunda konjestif kalp yetmezliği KKY , pulmoner hipertansiyon PHT ve büyüme geriliği mevcuttu. Atriyoventriküler septal defekt AVSD tanılı hastalar pnömoni, akut konjestif kalp yetmezliği KKY ve pulmoner hipertansiyon krizi nedeniyle yatırılmış Down sendromlu vakalardan oluşmaktaydı. Siyanotik hasta grubu ise fallot tetralojisi TOF , büyük arter transpozisyonu BAT , trikuspit kapak atrezisi TA , hipoplastik sol kalp sendromu ve geniş VSD gibi tek ventrikül yapısına sahip hastalıklardan oluşmaktaydı. Miyokardit vakalarının büyük bir çoğunluğu viral miyokardite bağlandı. Kardiyomiyopatili KMP 14 olgu incelendi ve Naxos hastalığı olan 2 olgu ile non-compaction’lu 1 olgu kaybedildi. Aritmi nedeniyle 5 SVT’li, 2 Long QTc sendromlu olgu izlendi. Hastaların % 20’de kalp hastalığı dışında başta Down sendromu olmak üzere ek hastalıklar vardı. Sonuç: Yoğun bakım ünitesinde takip edilen hastalarda Atriyoventriküler septal defekt AVSD , dilate kardiyomiyopati DKMP ciddiyeti, mekanik ventilatöre bağlanma durumlarının ve inotrop kullanımının mortalite için risk faktörü olduğu saptand

    Expanding Phenotype of Poirier\u2013Bienvenu Syndrome: New Evidence from an Italian Multicentrical Cohort of Patients

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    Background: Poirier\u2013Bienvenu Neurodevelopmental Syndrome (POBINDS) is a rare disease linked to mutations of the CSNK2B gene, which encodes for a subunit of caseinkinase CK2 involved in neuronal growth and synaptic transmission. Its main features include early-onset epilepsy and intellectual disability. Despite the lack of cases described, it appears that POBINDS could manifest with a wide range of phenotypes, possibly related to the different mutations of CSNK2B. Methods: Our multicentric, retrospective study recruited nine patients with POBINDS, detected using next-generation sequencing panels and whole-exome sequencing. Clinical, laboratory, and neuroimaging data were reported for each patient in order to assess the severity of phenotype, and eventually, a correlation with the type of CSNK2B mutation. Results: We reported nine unrelated patients with heterozygous de novo mutations of the CSNK2B gene. All cases presented epilepsy, and eight patients were associated with a different degree of intellectual disability. Other features detected included endocrinological and vascular abnormalities and dysmorphisms. Genetic analysis revealed six new variants of CSNK2B that have not been reported previously. Conclusion: Although it was not possible to assess a genotype\u2013phenotype correlation in our patients, our research further expands the phenotype spectrum of POBINDS patients, identifying new mutations occurring in the CSNK2B gene

    Development of a conceptual model for wrist/forearm rehabilitation robot with two degrees of freedom

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    25th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2016 --30 June 2016 through 2 July 2016 -- --People who lose their upper limb functions (i.e., movement of their hand and arm) after a stroke or an injury need to follow rehabilitation practices which are defined by a physiotherapist. These exercises are repetitive in nature and robotic systems are well suited for such applications. Hence, there are many rehabilitation robots developed so far and some of them are already in commercial use. In this study, a pneumatically actuated, lightweight, singular free, two degrees of freedom wrist rehabilitation robot is proposed. The developed conceptual models are evaluated for the defined arm/ wrist rehabilitation purposes by comparing them with other available upper limb rehabilitation robots. The proposed robots have serial mechanisms. The main difference between the selected robot designs with other solutions is that actuators do not affect force/ torque requirements of other actuators such as in electrically actuated systems. It also uses a simpler control technique. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    A method for adjusting moment input on an exoskeleton robot with fixed linear actuators

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    25th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2016 --30 June 2016 through 2 July 2016 -- --Patients who lose walking ability get rehabilitation services that consist of repeated movements of the lower limbs such that the patients can regain their ability to move. Unfortunately, the change in the number of patients and need for gait rehabilitation is inversely proportional with the number of physiotherapists. There are many robotic rehabilitation systems available which are generally expensive. There is a direct need for an inexpensive rehabilitation robot that can be afforded (or can be reached) by the majority of people. As a solution to this problem, a pneumatically actuated, 4° of freedom exoskeleton robot for the movement of a patient in sagittal plane and which can be used together with a body weight support system has been developed. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in how pneumatic linear actuation is used to adjust the torque required to move a limb for a particular patient. The proposed system has also a simpler control technique than other available complicated and more advanced systems. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    Development of constant output–input force ratio in slider–crank mechanisms

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    In the slider–crank mechanism whereby output piston force is produced against an input force at crank pin centre, the output force varies rapidly when the crank changes its position. For the applications that require a constant piston pushing force as in feeder mechanisms, a method is needed for identifying the parameters to keep output force at a constant value for any crank angle position. Hence in this study, two methods are shown for a slider–crank mechanism operating in horizontal plane. In the first one, a manual control process to generate a constant piston force and the resulting errors are demonstrated. In the second one, identifying the parameters of a mechanical controller for a readily available slider–crank mechanism in an open force control process and the associated error state are shown. Then, an approach to optimize the results of open force control is explained. Finally, the developed methods are generalized for any orientation of the whole slider–crank mechanism. A user friendly interface is developed to transform all the processes into a computer programme. The effectiveness of the methods are numerically illustrated on examples. The results of these examples show that ±4% deviation from the required output force can be obtained pending on the user’s ability while the optimized open force control process provides a maximum error of ±0.4% without any user intervention during operation. © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Enriching STEP product model with geometric dimension and tolerance information for one-dimensional tolerance analysis

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    Information exchange and sharing become a necessity for digital factory but they have been more challenging as the industry is computerized more. This is mainly because the capabilities of computerized systems have grown significantly in a very rapid pace in their own information structure, and they require to retrieve various data from different computer systems. ISO 10303-STEP has been developed to provide a neutral format for exchanging product data. However, implementation of STEP has several issues, including the following two: (1) the complete STEP file should be processed even for querying a small set of data, and (2) information required for realizing any functional activity (e.g., any analysis on any part of a product) is not explicitly identified. Hence, in this study, functionality-based conformance classes (FCCs) are developed to organize the current conformance classes (CCs) (which are the classes required to be implemented fully in order to be conformant to any particular STEP standard) for supporting different functional activities. Following the concept of data exchange specification (DEX)/template, several templates that are repeatedly used small information groups are introduced in order to create manageable sets of data constructs. In this study, the FCCs for 1D tolerance analysis are developed by enriching the available STEP information models with GD&T. The use of extended STEP models is illustrated with a case study. Copyright © 2017 by ASME