67 research outputs found

    Telecommunications Networks

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    This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications and it contains chapters written by leading researchers, academics and industry professionals. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends covers surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as: IMS, eTOM, 3G/4G, optimization problems, modeling, simulation, quality of service, etc. This book, that is suitable for both PhD and master students, is organized into six sections: New Generation Networks, Quality of Services, Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, Traffic Engineering and Routing

    QoE management of HTTP adaptive streaming services

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    Analyse de sécurité et QoS dans les réseaux à contraintes temporelles

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    Dans le domaine des réseaux, deux précieux objectifs doivent être atteints, à savoir la QoS et la sécurité, plus particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit des réseaux à caractère critique et à fortes contraintes temporelles. Malheureusement, un conflit existe : tandis que la QoS œuvre à réduire les temps de traitement, les mécanismes de sécurité quant à eux requièrent d’importants temps de traitement et causent, par conséquent, des délais et dégradent la QoS. Par ailleurs, les systèmes temps réel, la QoS et la sécurité ont très souvent été étudiés séparément, par des communautés différentes. Dans le contexte des réseaux avioniques de données, de nombreux domaines et applications, de criticités différentes, échangent mutuellement des informations, souvent à travers des passerelles. Il apparaît clairement que ces informations présentent différents niveaux de sensibilité en termes de sécurité et de QoS. Tenant compte de cela, le but de cette thèse est d’accroître la robustesse des futures générations de réseaux avioniques de données en contrant les menaces de sécurité et évitant les ruptures de trafic de données. A cet effet, nous avons réalisé un état de l’art des mécanismes de sécurité, de la QoS et des applications à contraintes temporelles. Nous avons, ensuite étudié la nouvelle génération des réseaux avioniques de données. Chose qui nous a permis de déterminer correctement les différentes menaces de sécurité. Sur la base de cette étude, nous avons identifié à la fois les exigences de sécurité et de QoS de cette nouvelle génération de réseaux avioniques. Afin de les satisfaire, nous avons proposé une architecture de passerelle de sécurité tenant compte de la QoS pour protéger ces réseaux avioniques et assurer une haute disponibilité en faveur des données critiques. Pour assurer l’intégration des différentes composantes de la passerelle, nous avons développé une table de session intégrée permettant de stocker toutes les informations nécessaires relatives aux sessions et d’accélérer les traitements appliqués aux paquets (filtrage à états, les traductions d’adresses NAT, la classification QoS et le routage). Cela a donc nécessité, en premier lieu, l'étude de la structure existante de la table de session puis, en second lieu, la proposition d'une toute nouvelle structure répondant à nos objectifs. Aussi, avons-nous présenté un algorithme permettant l’accès et l’exploitation de la nouvelle table de session intégrée. En ce qui concerne le composant VPN IPSec, nous avons détecté que le trafic chiffré par le protocole ESP d’IPSec ne peut pas être classé correctement par les routeurs de bordure. Afin de surmonter ce problème, nous avons développé un protocole, Q-ESP, permettant la classification des trafics chiffrés et offrant les services de sécurité fournis par les protocoles AH et ESP combinés. Plusieurs techniques de gestion de bande passante ont été développées en vue d’optimiser la gestion du trafic réseau. Pour évaluer les performances offertes par ces techniques et identifier laquelle serait la plus appropriée dans notre cas, nous avons effectué une comparaison basée sur le critère du délai, par le biais de tests expérimentaux. En dernière étape, nous avons évalué et comparé les performances de la passerelle de sécurité que nous proposons par rapport à trois produits commerciaux offrant les fonctions de passerelle de sécurité logicielle en vue de déterminer les points forts et faibles de notre implémentation pour la développer ultérieurement. Le manuscrit s’organise en deux parties : la première est rédigée en français et représente un résumé détaillé de la deuxième partie qui est, quant à elle, rédigée en anglais. ABSTRACT : QoS and security are two precious objectives for network systems to attain, especially for critical networks with temporal constraints. Unfortunately, they often conflict; while QoS tries to minimize the processing delay, strong security protection requires more processing time and causes traffic delay and QoS degradation. Moreover, real-time systems, QoS and security have often been studied separately and by different communities. In the context of the avionic data network various domains and heterogeneous applications with different levels of criticality cooperate for the mutual exchange of information, often through gateways. It is clear that this information has different levels of sensitivity in terms of security and QoS constraints. Given this context, the major goal of this thesis is then to increase the robustness of the next generation e-enabled avionic data network with respect to security threats and ruptures in traffic characteristics. From this perspective, we surveyed the literature to establish state of the art network security, QoS and applications with time constraints. Then, we studied the next generation e-enabled avionic data network. This allowed us to draw a map of the field, and to understand security threats. Based on this study we identified both security and QoS requirements of the next generation e-enabled avionic data network. In order to satisfy these requirements we proposed the architecture of QoS capable integrated security gateway to protect the next generation e-enabled avionic data network and ensure the availability of critical traffic. To provide for a true integration between the different gateway components we built an integrated session table to store all the needed session information and to speed up the packet processing (firewall stateful inspection, NAT mapping, QoS classification and routing). This necessitates the study of the existing session table structure and the proposition of a new structure to fulfill our objective. Also, we present the necessary processing algorithms to access the new integrated session table. In IPSec VPN component we identified the problem that IPSec ESP encrypted traffic cannot be classified appropriately by QoS edge routers. To overcome this problem, we developed a Q-ESP protocol which allows the classifications of encrypted traffic and combines the security services provided by IPSec ESP and AH. To manage the network traffic wisely, a variety of bandwidth management techniques have been developed. To assess their performance and identify which bandwidth management technique is the most suitable given our context we performed a delay-based comparison using experimental tests. In the final stage, we benchmarked our implemented security gateway against three commercially available software gateways. The goal of this benchmark test is to evaluate performance and identify problems for future research work. This dissertation is divided into two parts: in French and in English respectively. Both parts follow the same structure where the first is an extended summary of the second

    Actas da 10ÂŞ ConferĂŞncia sobre Redes de Computadores

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    Universidade do MinhoCCTCCentro AlgoritmiCisco SystemsIEEE Portugal Sectio


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    Telemedicine is a rapidly evolving field as new technologies are implemented for example for the development of wireless sensors, quality data transmission. Using the Internet applications such as counseling, clinical consultation support and home care monitoring and management are more and more realized, which improves access to high level medical care in underserved areas. The 23 chapters of this book present manifold examples of telemedicine treating both theoretical and practical foundations and application scenarios

    Study, evaluation and contributions to new algorithms for the embedding problem in a network virtualization environment

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    Network virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the future Internet. It aims to overcome the resistance of the current Internet to architectural change and to enable a new business model decoupling the network services from the underlying infrastructure. The problem of embedding virtual networks in a substrate network is the main resource allocation challenge in network virtualization and is usually referred to as the Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) problem. VNE deals with the allocation of virtual resources both in nodes and links. Therefore, it can be divided into two sub-problems: Virtual Node Mapping where virtual nodes have to be allocated in physical nodes and Virtual Link Mapping where virtual links connecting these virtual nodes have to be mapped to paths connecting the corresponding nodes in the substrate network. Application of network virtualization relies on algorithms that can instantiate virtualized networks on a substrate infrastructure, optimizing the layout for service-relevant metrics. This class of algorithms is commonly known as VNE algorithms. This thesis proposes a set of contributions to solve the research challenges of the VNE that have not been tackled by the research community. To do that, it performs a deep and comprehensive survey of virtual network embedding. The first research challenge identified is the lack of proposals to solve the virtual link mapping stage of VNE using single path in the physical network. As this problem is NP-hard, existing proposals solve it using well known shortest path algorithms that limit the mapping considering just one constraint. This thesis proposes the use of a mathematical multi-constraint routing framework called paths algebra to solve the virtual link mapping stage. Besides, the thesis introduces a new demand caused by virtual link demands into physical nodes acting as intermediate (hidden) hops in a path of the physical network. Most of the current VNE approaches are centralized. They suffer of scalability issues and provide a single point of failure. In addition, they are not able to embed virtual network requests arriving at the same time in parallel. To solve this challenge, this thesis proposes a distributed, parallel and universal virtual network embedding framework. The proposed framework can be used to run any existing embedding algorithm in a distributed way. Thereby, computational load for embedding multiple virtual networks is spread across the substrate network Energy efficiency is one of the main challenges in future networking environments. Network virtualization can be used to tackle this problem by sharing hardware, instead of requiring dedicated hardware for each instance. Until now, VNE algorithms do not consider energy as a factor for the mapping. This thesis introduces the energy aware VNE where the main objective is to switch off as many network nodes and interfaces as possible by allocating the virtual demands to a consolidated subset of active physical networking equipment. To evaluate and validate the aforementioned VNE proposals, this thesis helped in the development of a software framework called ALgorithms for Embedding VIrtual Networks (ALEVIN). ALEVIN allows to easily implement, evaluate and compare different VNE algorithms according to a set of metrics, which evaluate the algorithms and compute their results on a given scenario for arbitrary parameters

    Adaptive Flow Control for Enabling Quality of Service in Tactical Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    A composable approach to design of newer techniques for large-scale denial-of-service attack attribution

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    Since its early days, the Internet has witnessed not only a phenomenal growth, but also a large number of security attacks, and in recent years, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks have emerged as one of the top threats. The stateless and destination-oriented Internet routing combined with the ability to harness a large number of compromised machines and the relative ease and low costs of launching such attacks has made this a hard problem to address. Additionally, the myriad requirements of scalability, incremental deployment, adequate user privacy protections, and appropriate economic incentives has further complicated the design of DDoS defense mechanisms. While the many research proposals to date have focussed differently on prevention, mitigation, or traceback of DDoS attacks, the lack of a comprehensive approach satisfying the different design criteria for successful attack attribution is indeed disturbing. Our first contribution here has been the design of a composable data model that has helped us represent the various dimensions of the attack attribution problem, particularly the performance attributes of accuracy, effectiveness, speed and overhead, as orthogonal and mutually independent design considerations. We have then designed custom optimizations along each of these dimensions, and have further integrated them into a single composite model, to provide strong performance guarantees. Thus, the proposed model has given us a single framework that can not only address the individual shortcomings of the various known attack attribution techniques, but also provide a more wholesome counter-measure against DDoS attacks. Our second contribution here has been a concrete implementation based on the proposed composable data model, having adopted a graph-theoretic approach to identify and subsequently stitch together individual edge fragments in the Internet graph to reveal the true routing path of any network data packet. The proposed approach has been analyzed through theoretical and experimental evaluation across multiple metrics, including scalability, incremental deployment, speed and efficiency of the distributed algorithm, and finally the total overhead associated with its deployment. We have thereby shown that it is realistically feasible to provide strong performance and scalability guarantees for Internet-wide attack attribution. Our third contribution here has further advanced the state of the art by directly identifying individual path fragments in the Internet graph, having adopted a distributed divide-and-conquer approach employing simple recurrence relations as individual building blocks. A detailed analysis of the proposed approach on real-life Internet topologies with respect to network storage and traffic overhead, has provided a more realistic characterization. Thus, not only does the proposed approach lend well for simplified operations at scale but can also provide robust network-wide performance and security guarantees for Internet-wide attack attribution. Our final contribution here has introduced the notion of anonymity in the overall attack attribution process to significantly broaden its scope. The highly invasive nature of wide-spread data gathering for network traceback continues to violate one of the key principles of Internet use today - the ability to stay anonymous and operate freely without retribution. In this regard, we have successfully reconciled these mutually divergent requirements to make it not only economically feasible and politically viable but also socially acceptable. This work opens up several directions for future research - analysis of existing attack attribution techniques to identify further scope for improvements, incorporation of newer attributes into the design framework of the composable data model abstraction, and finally design of newer attack attribution techniques that comprehensively integrate the various attack prevention, mitigation and traceback techniques in an efficient manner

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms
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