5,560 research outputs found

    A Pragmatic Qualitative Approach for Juxtaposing Shapes

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    This paper presents a qualitative shape description scheme which has been defined in order to have a formal theory to allow the construction of new shapes from a set of given shapes by using a juxtaposition operation. Specifically, the qualitative shape description scheme defined is a pragmatic scheme since it has been defined in order to be applied in the automatic and intelligent assembling of trencadís mosaic

    2D qualitative shape matching applied to ceramic mosaic assembly

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    A theory of shape recognition of 2D objects and its application in the ceramic industry for intelligent automation of the mosaic mural assembly process are presented in this paper. This theory qualitatively describes the shapes of the objects, considering: (i) shape boundary characteristics, such as angles, relative length, concavities, and curvature; and (ii) their color and size. The shapes to be recognized may be regular or irregular closed polygons, or closed curvilinear figures. Each figure is described as a symbolic character string that contains all its distinctive characteristics. This description is used to determine whether the shape of two figures matches. Then, given a design of a mosaic and given a set of physical ceramic tesserae, an application is developed in order to recognize the tesserae that form the mosaic, thus enabling the intelligent and automated assembly of ceramic mosaics

    Marching to different drum beats: a temporal perspective on coordinating occupational work

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    In this paper, we contribute a temporal perspective on work coordination across collaborating occupations. Drawing on an ethnographic study of medical specialists – surgeons, pathologists, oncologists and radiologists – we examine how their temporal orientations are shaped through the temporal structuring of occupational work. Our findings show that temporal structuring of occupational practices develop in relation to the contingencies and materialities of their work, and that this shapes, and is shaped by, specialists’ temporal orientations. Further, we show that differences in occupations’ temporal orientation have important implications for coordinating work. More specifically, our study reveals how the domination of one temporal orientation can lead to recurrent strain, promoting a competitive trade-off between the different temporal orientations in guiding interaction. This temporal orientation domination is accompanied by a persistent emotional strain and potential conflict. Finally, we suggest that, alternatively, different temporal orientations can be resourced in solving coordination challenges through three inter-related mechanisms, namely juxtaposing, temporal working, and mutual adjusting. In so doing, we show how temporal resourcing can be productive in coordinating work.Eivor Oborn is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands

    Optimization of supply diversity for the self-assembly of simple objects in two and three dimensions

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    The field of algorithmic self-assembly is concerned with the design and analysis of self-assembly systems from a computational perspective, that is, from the perspective of mathematical problems whose study may give insight into the natural processes through which elementary objects self-assemble into more complex ones. One of the main problems of algorithmic self-assembly is the minimum tile set problem (MTSP), which asks for a collection of types of elementary objects (called tiles) to be found for the self-assembly of an object having a pre-established shape. Such a collection is to be as concise as possible, thus minimizing supply diversity, while satisfying a set of stringent constraints having to do with the termination and other properties of the self-assembly process from its tile types. We present a study of what we think is the first practical approach to MTSP. Our study starts with the introduction of an evolutionary heuristic to tackle MTSP and includes results from extensive experimentation with the heuristic on the self-assembly of simple objects in two and three dimensions. The heuristic we introduce combines classic elements from the field of evolutionary computation with a problem-specific variant of Pareto dominance into a multi-objective approach to MTSP.Comment: Minor typos correcte

    Towards a Qualitative Reasoning on Shape Change and Object Division

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    We propose a qualitative representation for handling shape change and object division. We model the shape of a smooth curve in a two-dimensional plane together with its temporal change, using curvature extrema. The representation is based on Process-Grammar, which gives a causal account for each shape change. We introduce several rewriting rules to handle object division, that consist of making a tangent point, reconstruction, and separation. On the treatment of the division process, the expression can clarify the relative locations of multiple objects. We show formalization and application to represent a sequence of shape changes frequently observed in an organogenesis process

    Transdisciplinarity seen through Information, Communication, Computation, (Inter-)Action and Cognition

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    Similar to oil that acted as a basic raw material and key driving force of industrial society, information acts as a raw material and principal mover of knowledge society in the knowledge production, propagation and application. New developments in information processing and information communication technologies allow increasingly complex and accurate descriptions, representations and models, which are often multi-parameter, multi-perspective, multi-level and multidimensional. This leads to the necessity of collaborative work between different domains with corresponding specialist competences, sciences and research traditions. We present several major transdisciplinary unification projects for information and knowledge, which proceed on the descriptive, logical and the level of generative mechanisms. Parallel process of boundary crossing and transdisciplinary activity is going on in the applied domains. Technological artifacts are becoming increasingly complex and their design is strongly user-centered, which brings in not only the function and various technological qualities but also other aspects including esthetic, user experience, ethics and sustainability with social and environmental dimensions. When integrating knowledge from a variety of fields, with contributions from different groups of stakeholders, numerous challenges are met in establishing common view and common course of action. In this context, information is our environment, and informational ecology determines both epistemology and spaces for action. We present some insights into the current state of the art of transdisciplinary theory and practice of information studies and informatics. We depict different facets of transdisciplinarity as we see it from our different research fields that include information studies, computability, human-computer interaction, multi-operating-systems environments and philosophy.Comment: Chapter in a forthcoming book: Information Studies and the Quest for Transdisciplinarity - Forthcoming book in World Scientific. Mark Burgin and Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Editor

    The region of South Asia in International Relations – regional analysis approach

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    The aim of paper is an attempt to provide a comprehensive and multidimensional presentation of the determinants that shape the South Asian region. The current state of research gives rise to the following research questions: What are the constitutive fact ors and values of South Asia? To what extent is the shape of the region of South Asia influenced by endogenous factors and to what extent by exogenous factors? What is the importance of South Asia for the new international order emerging in Asia? By answering these research questions, I have attempted to verify the following research hypothesis: The main constitutive factor of the region of South Asia are activities of major powers, both regional, such as India, and external, such as China and the United States. These powers perceive South Asia as key for the realisation of their superpower aspirations and as a means of increasing their own role in Asia

    Beyond shape – An exploration in alternative forms for data visualization

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    This thesis explores the topic of alternative forms in data visualization and the ways visualization affects the communication of data it is based on. It does this through the creation of a machine learning based data visualization system prototype. It examines norms and ideals of data visualization as a set of systems aimed for simplification, situating visualization as a tool with the potential power to affect how we perceive the complexity of the world by either highlighting or obscuring information. It aims to critically highlight these norms by taking an exploratory aim to visualizing information by increasing potential interpretations of a particular set of data instead of reducing them. Norms prevalent in the field of data visualization are explored, and through this, the concept of alternative is defined. Then the dataset to visualize is defined through an exploration of current discussions around issues of increasing amounts of data, the complexity of the systems producing that data and the interpretations they enforce through the data they produce. Through this, the concept of machine detected human emotions in a text is chosen as a particular example of computational reduction to be explored through the prototype. In order to counteract this identified reduction in complexity, a system which produces a mapping between visual attributes and detected emotional attributes is proposed. The design of this system utilizes recognized critical design concepts by creating a type of post-optimal object: A visualization that causes more interpretations in its reader than reading the data itself. The process of visualization follows prevalent norms within the field but applies identified forms of alternativeness in order to create ambiguity in the visual artifacts created by the prototype. Machine learning methods are applied through a collaborative process in order to create an artificially intelligent system that automatically analyses the emotional values of a given text, and maps those to a particular set of figures. Some of the visual artifacts are then tested on a set of users, in order to assess how the visualization might affect the communication of the data it is based on and how it succeeds in increasing interpretational complexity. While not aimed toward conclusive evidence, the result of the test seems to indicate success in increasing interpretational complexity, but a lack of success in communicating the numeric data the visualizations are based on – in this sense leading to the end-result no longer being a functional data visualization, but rather a form of data-driven illustration.Denna avhandling handlar om alternativa former inom datavisualisering och sätten visualisering påverkar kommunicering av data den byggs utav, genom skapandet av en maskininlärningsbaserad datavisualiseringsprototyp. Genom det, undersöks de ideala normerna inom datavisualisering som fält som en samling konventioner med simplifiering som ändamål. Datavisualisering placeras som ett verktyg med förmågan att ändra hur vi uppfattar världens komplexitet genom att antingen framhäva eller undangömma. Genom att ställa ett explorativt mål – att visualisera data genom att utvidga tolkningar istället för att reducera dem då produceringen av den data som visualiseras är komplext är avsikten att kritiskt examinera dessa normer. Först undersöks fältets normer och genom detta definieras vad kunde anses som alternativ datavisualisering. Sedan identifieras ett komplext problem som kunde visualiseras genom en utforskning av aktuella synpunkter runt den växande mängden data I världen omkring oss och komplexiteten av de system som producerar detta data. Genom detta väljs maskinbaserad detektion av människokänslor som ett problem där maskinbaserad reduktion kan forskas genom visualisering. För att motverka reduktionistisk behandling av komplicerade domän, föreslås ett system som producerar översättningar mellan emotionella egenskaper och visuella egenskaper. Konstruktionen av detta system använder sig av kritiska designmetoder genom att bygga ett postoptimalt objekt: En datavisualisering som inte försöker kommunicera data den består utav så klart som möjligt, men istället försöker orsaka en ökande mängd tolkningar i sin läsare. Processen följer de normer som är rådande I fältet, men med ändamålet att orsaka tvetydighet för läsaren. Maskininlärning används för att implementera en kollaborativt framställd översättningsmodell mellan de emotionella och de visuella egenskaperna. Slutligen testas systemet genom en mätning av effekterna på läsare och på så sätt utvärderas visualiseringens förmåga att öka mängden tolkningar. Undersökningen har inte som mål att ge ett slutligt resultat för funktionaliteten av systemet, men skall fungera som guide för nästa iterationer. Undersökningen verkar visa att de producerade visualiseringarna lyckas i att öka mängden tolkningar för en bild till en nivå som påminner om tolkningarna för text, men lyckas inte att kommunicera känslorna från den lästa texten. Detta gör slutresultatet mer av en data-inspirerad illustration, än en datavisualisering som termen konventionellt används

    Entwined approaches: integrating design, art and science in design research-by-practice

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    Drawing on experience gained through a recently completed practice-led PhD project in textiles this paper considers the importance of evolving design research methodologies that integrate the intuitive, creative and poetic approaches prevalent in professional design practice with more quantifiable academic research methods. The paper explores the relationship between scientific and artistic approaches in practice-led design research and possible means by which they can be balanced in order to accurately reflect both the technological and poetic aspects of such research. This paper surveys existing discourse originating from studies of design practice, particularly regarding ‘thinking-in-action’ (Harrison, 1978; Schön, 1995; Cross, 2007; Pallasmaa, 2009), ‘productive science’ (Buchanan, 2007; Tooming Buchanan, 2010) and active documentation of studio practice (de Freitas, 2002). However, influential debate on the subject is not limited to the discipline of design. The paper also discusses how a multi-perspectival approach and the use of multi-strand methodologies originating from the social sciences (Richardson, 2000; Denzin & Lincoln, 2008) have been applied in a specifically textile design research context. This paper, illustrated by examples drawn from the project, explores the potential of an integrated approach using a ‘bricolage’ of methods (Kincheloe, 2001) to produce original research outputs that address both theoretical and practical questions, allowing for investigation of the metaphysical, the emotional and the imaginative alongside the technical

    Testing, stretching, and aligning:Using ‘ironic personae’ to make sense of complicated issues

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    Irony and humor play an important role in both organizing and organizations, because they both help to collide and contrast ideas as well as mitigate and moderate criticism. Our empirical observations of a senior management team suggest participants frequently use verbal irony and aggressive conversational humor through ‘ironic personae’ – a cast of characters, real or imaginary – as a vehicle for pragmatically making sense of complicated topics. We show how ironic personae perform three functions: (i) testing new positions on topics in a non-committal way; (ii) stretching the frame of comparison of a group; and (iii) aligning shared understanding and commitment. Thus, our analysis sheds light on an underexplored and undertheorised pragmatic vehicle for the expression of humorous verbal irony and aggressive conversational humor