17 research outputs found

    Formal verification of safety properties in timed circuits

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    The incorporation of timing makes circuit verification computationally expensive. This paper proposes a new approach for the verification of timed circuits. Rather than calculating the exact timed stare space, a conservative overestimation that fulfills the property under verification is derived. Timing analysis with absolute delays is efficiently performed at the level of event structures and transformed into a set of relative timing constraints. With this approach, conventional symbolic techniques for reachability analysis can be efficiently combined with timing analysis. Moreover the set of timing constraints used to prove the correctness of the circuit can also be reported for backannotation purposes. Some preliminary results obtained by a naive implementation of the approach show that systems with more than 10/sup 6/ untimed states can be verified.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Processor Verification Using Efficient Reductions of the Logic of Uninterpreted Functions to Propositional Logic

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    The logic of equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF) provides a means of abstracting the manipulation of data by a processor when verifying the correctness of its control logic. By reducing formulas in this logic to propositional formulas, we can apply Boolean methods such as Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Boolean satisfiability checkers to perform the verification. We can exploit characteristics of the formulas describing the verification conditions to greatly simplify the propositional formulas generated. In particular, we exploit the property that many equations appear only in positive form. We can therefore reduce the set of interpretations of the function symbols that must be considered to prove that a formula is universally valid to those that are ``maximally diverse.'' We present experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of this approach when verifying pipelined processors using the method proposed by Burch and Dill.Comment: 46 page

    On the analysis needs when verifying state-based software requirements: an experience report

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    AbstractIn a previous investigation we formally defined procedures for analyzing hierarchical state-based requirements specifications for two properties: (1) completeness with respect to a set of criteria related to robustness (a response is specified for every possible input and input sequence) and (2) consistency (the specification is free from conflicting requirements and undesired nondeterminism). Informally, the analysis involves determining if large Boolean expressions are tautologies. We implemented the analysis procedures in a prototype tool and evaluated their effectiveness and efficiency on a large real world requirements specification expressed in an hierarchical state-based language called Requirements State Machine Language. Although our initial approach was largely successful, there were some drawbacks with the original tools. In our initial implementation we abstracted all formulas to propositional logic. Unfortunately, since we are manipulating the formulas without interpreting any of the functions in the individual predicates, the abstraction can lead to large numbers of spurious (or false) error reports. To increase the accuracy of our analysis we have continually refined our tool with decision procedures and, finally, come to the conclusion that theorem proving is often needed to avoid large numbers of spurious error reports. This paper discusses the problems with spurious error reports and describes our experiences analyzing a large commercial avionics system for completeness and consistency

    Проблема проверки выполнимости формул разрешимых теорий (обзор)

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    Данная работа посвящена анализу современного состояния исследований проблемы проверки выполнимости формул разрешимых теорий 1-го порядка на основе ѕленивого подходаї, т.е. на интеграции SAT-решателей с T -решателями. Охарактеризована структура SAT-решателя, построенного на основе управляющей конфликтами DPLL-процедуре. Рассмотрены основные понятия и принципы, используемые в процессе построения современных T -решателей. Изложение иллюстрируется на примере решателя, предназначенного для анализа выполнимости формул линейной целочисленной арифметики. Охарактеризованы методы организации взаимодействия SAT-решателей и T -решателей.Дану статтю присв’ячено аналiзу сучасного стану дослiджень проблеми перевiрки здiйсненостi формул теорiй 1-го порядку на основi ѕледащого пiдходуї, тобто на iнтеграцiї SAT-вирiшувачiв з T -вирiшувачами. Охарактеризовано структуру SAT-вирiшувача, який побудовано на основi керуючою конфлiктами DPLL-процедури. Розглянуто основнi поняття та принципи, якi використуються при побудовi сучасних T -вирiшувачiв. Викладення iлюструється на прикладi вирiшувача, який призначено для перевiрки здiйсненостi формул лiнiйної арифметики цiлих чисел. Охарактеризовано методи iнтеграцiї SAT-вирiшувачiв з T -вирiшувачами.Given paper is devoted to analysis of the state of the art for investigations of the problem of checking for satisfiability of formulae in decidable first-order theories on the base of the lazy approach, i.e. on integration of SAT-solvers with T -solvers. The structure of SAT-solver designed on the base of conflict driven DPLL procedure is characterized. Basic notions and principles applied in the process of elaboration of modern T -solvers are considered. They are presented in detail for example of a solver intended for checking of satisfiability for formulae of linear integer arithmetic. Methods of integration of SAT-solvers with T -solvers are characterized

    Nonlinear Array Dependence Analysis

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    Standard array data dependence techniques can only reason about linear constraints. There has also been work on analyzing some dependences involving polynomial constraints. Analyzing array data dependences in real-world programs requires handling many ``unanalyzable'' terms: subscript arrays, run-time tests, function calls. The standard approach to analyzing such programs has been to omit and ignore any constraints that cannot be reasoned about. This is unsound when reasoning about value-based dependences and whether privatization is legal. Also, this prevents us from determining the conditions that must be true to disprove the dependence. These conditions could be checked by a run-time test or verified by a programmer or aggressive, demand-driven interprocedural analysis. We describe a solution to these problems. Our solution makes our system sound and more accurate for analyzing value-based dependences and derives conditions that can be used to disprove dependences. We also give some preliminary results from applying our techniques to programs from the Perfect benchmark suite. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-123

    Applications of Formal Methods to Specification and Safety of Avionics Software

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    This report treats several topics in applications of formal methods to avionics software development. Most of these topics concern decision tables, an orderly, easy-to-understand format for formally specifying complex choices among alternative courses of action. The topics relating to decision tables include: generalizations fo decision tables that are more concise and support the use of decision tables in a refinement-based formal software development process; a formalism for systems of decision tables with behaviors; an exposition of Parnas tables for users of decision tables; and test coverage criteria and decision tables. We outline features of a revised version of ORA's decision table tool, Tablewise, which will support many of the new ideas described in this report. We also survey formal safety analysis of specifications and software

    Politeness and Combination Methods for Theories with Bridging Functions

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    International audienceThe Nelson-Oppen combination method is ubiquitous in Satisfiability Modulo Theories solvers. However, one of its major drawbacks is to be restricted to disjoint unions of theories. We investigate the problem of extending this combination method to particular non-disjoint unions of theories defined by connecting disjoint theories via bridging functions. A possible application is to solve verification problems expressed in a combination of data structures connected to arithmetic with bridging functions such as the length of lists and the size of trees. We present a sound and complete combination method à la Nelson-Oppen for the theory of absolutely free data structures, including lists and trees. This combination procedure is then refined for standard interpretations. The resulting theory has a nice politeness property, enabling combinations with arbitrary decidable theories of elements. In addition, we have identified a class of polite data structure theories for which the combination method remains sound and complete. This class includes all the subtheories of absolutely free data structures (e.g, the empty theory, injectivity, projection). Again, the politeness property holds for any theory in this class, which can thus be combined with bridging functions and arbitrary decidable theories of elements. This illustrates the significance of politeness in the context of non-disjoint combinations of theories

    Investigation, Development, and Evaluation of Performance Proving for Fault-tolerant Computers

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    A number of methodologies for verifying systems and computer based tools that assist users in verifying their systems were developed. These tools were applied to verify in part the SIFT ultrareliable aircraft computer. Topics covered included: STP theorem prover; design verification of SIFT; high level language code verification; assembly language level verification; numerical algorithm verification; verification of flight control programs; and verification of hardware logic