128 research outputs found

    Detection of multi-class arrhythmia using heuristic and deep neural network on edge device

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    Heart disease is a heart condition that sometimes causes a person to die suddenly. One indication is a rhythm disorder known as arrhythmia. Multi-class Arrhythmia Detection has followed: QRS complex detection procedure and arrhythmia classification based on the QRS complex morphology. We proposed an edge device that detects QRS complexes based on variance analysis (QVAT) and the arrhythmia classification based on the QRS complex spectrogram. The classifier uses two-dimensional convolutional neural network (2D CNN) deep learning. We use a single board computer and neural network compute stick to implement the edge device. The outcomes are a prototype device cardiologists use as a supporting tool for analysing ECG signals, and patients can also use it for self-tests to figure out their heart health. To evaluate the performance of our edge device, we tested using the MIT-BIH database because other methods also use the data. The QVAT sensitivity and predictive positive are 99.81% and 99.90%, respectively. Our classifier's accuracy, sensitivity, predictive positive, specificity, and F1-score are 99.82%, 99.55%, 99.55%, 99.89%, and 99.55%, respectively. The experiment result of arrhythmia classification shows that our method outperforms the others. Still, for r-peak detection, the QVAT implemented in an edge device is comparable to the other methods. In future work, we can improve the performance of r-peak detection using the double-check algorithm in QVAT and cross-check the QRS complex detection by adding 1 class to the classifier, namely the non-QRS class

    CardioSounds: A portable system to sonify ECG rhythm disturbances in real-time

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    CardioSounds is a portable system that allows users to measure and sonify their electrocardiogram signal in real-time. The ECG signal is acquired using the hardware platform BITalino and subsequently analyzed and sonified using a Raspberry Pi. Users can control basic features from the system (start recording, stop recording) using their smartphone. The system is meant to be used for diagnostic and monitoring of cardiac pathologies, providing users with the possibility to monitor a signal without occupying their visual attention. In this paper, we introduce a novel method, anticipatory mapping, to sonify rhythm disturbances such as Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial flutter and Ventricular Fibrillation. Anticipatory mapping enhances perception of rhythmic details without disrupting the direct perception of the actual heart beat rhythm. We test the method on selected pathological data involving three of the most known rhythm disturbances. A preliminary perception test to assess aesthetics of the sonifications and its possible use in medical scenarios shows that the anticipatory mapping method is regarded as informative discerning healthy and pathological states, however there is no agreement about a preferred sonification type

    IoT and fog computing-based monitoring system for cardiovascular patients with automatic ECG classification using deep neural networks

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    [EN] Telemedicine and all types of monitoring systems have proven to be a useful and low-cost tool with a high level of applicability in cardiology. The objective of this work is to present an IoT-based monitoring system for cardiovascular patients. The system sends the ECG signal to a Fog layer service by using the LoRa communication protocol. Also, it includes an AI algorithm based on deep learning for the detection of Atrial Fibrillation and other heart rhythms. The automatic detection of arrhythmias can be complementary to the diagnosis made by the physician, achieving a better clinical vision that improves therapeutic decision making. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated on a dataset of 8.528 short single-lead ECG records using two merge MobileNet networks that classify data with an accuracy of 90% for atrial fibrillation.This work was partly supported by the Spanish Government (RTI2018-095390-B-C31), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Research Grant PAID-10-19. S.G-O has been funded by grant PDBCEx COLDOC 679, scholarship programme from COLCIENCIAS (Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia).Rincón-Arango, JA.; Guerra-Ojeda, S.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Julian, V. (2020). IoT and fog computing-based monitoring system for cardiovascular patients with automatic ECG classification using deep neural networks. Sensors. 20(24):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20247353119202

    WBSN based safe lifestyle: A case study of heartrate monitoring system

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    A Heart is the vital organ of the body. According to the “world health statistics, 2017” by WHO, about 460,000 people die due to fatal heart attacks every year. To reduce the death rate due to fatal heart attacks and malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system, this paper proposed a Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) based, portable, easily affordable, miniatured, accurate “Heartrate Monitoring System (HMS)”. HMS can be used to regularly examine the cardiac condition at home or hospital to avoid or early detection of any serious condition. Heartrate Monitoring Algorithm (HMA) was designed to observe the spread heartbeat spectrum and worked at the backend of HMS. A case study was performed for forty healthy young subjects. Each subject data was computed for (sub) ̅-3S_

    Algorithms design for improving homecare using Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Due to the fast growing of population, a lot of hospitals get crowded from the huge amount of patients visits. Moreover, during COVID-19 a lot of patients prefer staying at home to minimize the spread of the virus. The need for providing care to patients at home is essential. Internet of Things (IoT) is widely known and used by different fields. IoT based homecare will help in reducing the burden upon hospitals. IoT with homecare bring up several benefits such as minimizing human exertions, economical savings and improved efficiency and effectiveness. One of the important requirement on homecare system is the accuracy because those systems are dealing with human health which is sensitive and need high amount of accuracy. Moreover, those systems deal with huge amount of data due to the continues sensing that need to be processed well to provide fast response regarding the diagnosis with minimum cost requirements. Heart is one of the most important organ in the human body that requires high level of caring. Monitoring heart status can diagnose disease from the early stage and find the best medication plan by health experts. Continues monitoring and diagnosis of heart could exhaust caregivers efforts. Having an IoT heart monitoring model at home is the solution to this problem. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are used to track heart condition using waves and peaks. Accurate and efficient IoT ECG monitoring at home can detect heart diseases and save human lives. As a consequence, an IoT ECG homecare monitoring model is designed in this thesis for detecting Cardiac Arrhythmia and diagnosing heart diseases. Two databases of ECG signals are used; one online which is old and limited, and another huge, unique and special from real patients in hospital. The raw ECG signal for each patient is passed through the implemented Low Pass filter and Savitzky Golay filter signal processing techniques to remove the noise and any external interference. The clear signal in this model is passed through feature extraction stage to extract number of features based on some metrics and medical information along with feature extraction algorithm to find peaks and waves. Those features are saved in the local database to apply classification on them. For the diagnosis purpose a classification stage is made using three classification ways; threshold values, machine learning and deep learning to increase the accuracy. Threshold values classification technique worked based on medical values and boarder lines. In case any feature goes above or beyond these ranges, a warning message appeared with expected heart disease. The second type of classification is by using machine learning to minimize the human efforts. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is proposed by running the algorithm on the features extracted from both databases. The classification accuracy for online and hospital databases was 91.67% and 94% respectively. Due to the non-linearity of the decision boundary, a third way of classification using deep learning is presented. A full Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network is implemented to improve the accuracy and reduce the errors. The number of errors reduced to 0.019 and 0.006 using online and hospital databases. While using hospital database which is huge, there is a need for a technique to reduce the amount of data. Furthermore, a novel adaptive amplitude threshold compression algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is able to make diagnosis of heart disease from the reduced size using compressed ECG signals with high level of accuracy and low cost. The extracted features from compressed and original are similar with only slight differences of 1%, 2% and 3% with no effects on machine learning and deep learning classification accuracy without the need for any reconstructions. The throughput is improved by 43% with reduced storage space of 57% when using data compression. Moreover, to achieve fast response, the amount of data should be reduced further to provide fast data transmission. A compressive sensing based cardiac homecare system is presented. It gives the channel between sender and receiver the ability to carry small amount of data. Experiment results reveal that the proposed models are more accurate in the classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia and in the diagnosis of heart diseases. The proposed models ensure fast diagnosis and minimum cost requirements. Based on the experiments on classification accuracy, number of errors and false alarms, the dictionary of the compressive sensing selected to be 900. As a result, this thesis provided three different scenarios that achieved IoT homecare Cardiac monitoring to assist in further research for designing homecare Cardiac monitoring systems. The experiment results reveal that those scenarios produced better results with high level of accuracy in addition to minimizing data and cost requirements

    Wearable Technologies and AI at the Far Edge for Chronic Heart Failure Prevention and Management: A Systematic Review and Prospects

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    Smart wearable devices enable personalized at-home healthcare by unobtrusively collecting patient health data and facilitating the development of intelligent platforms to support patient care and management. The accurate analysis of data obtained from wearable devices is crucial for interpreting and contextualizing health data and facilitating the reliable diagnosis and management of critical and chronic diseases. The combination of edge computing and artificial intelligence has provided real-time, time-critical, and privacy-preserving data analysis solutions. However, based on the envisioned service, evaluating the additive value of edge intelligence to the overall architecture is essential before implementation. This article aims to comprehensively analyze the current state of the art on smart health infrastructures implementing wearable and AI technologies at the far edge to support patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). In particular, we highlight the contribution of edge intelligence in supporting the integration of wearable devices into IoT-aware technology infrastructures that provide services for patient diagnosis and management. We also offer an in-depth analysis of open challenges and provide potential solutions to facilitate the integration of wearable devices with edge AI solutions to provide innovative technological infrastructures and interactive services for patients and doctors

    Artificial Intelligence for the Edge Computing Paradigm.

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    With modern technologies moving towards the internet of things where seemingly every financial, private, commercial and medical transaction being carried out by portable and intelligent devices; Machine Learning has found its way into every smart device and application possible. However, Machine Learning cannot be used on the edge directly due to the limited capabilities of small and battery-powered modules. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide light-weight automated Machine Learning models which are applied on a standard edge device, the Raspberry Pi, where one framework aims to limit parameter tuning while automating feature extraction and a second which can perform Machine Learning classification on the edge traditionally, and can be used additionally for image-based explainable Artificial Intelligence. Also, a commercial Artificial Intelligence software have been ported to work in a client/server setups on the Raspberry Pi board where it was incorporated in all of the Machine Learning frameworks which will be presented in this thesis. This dissertation also introduces multiple algorithms that can convert images into Time-series for classification and explainability but also introduces novel Time-series feature extraction algorithms that are applied to biomedical data while introducing the concept of the Activation Engine, which is a post-processing block that tunes Neural Networks without the need of particular experience in Machine Leaning. Also, a tree-based method for multiclass classification has been introduced which outperforms the One-to-Many approach while being less complex that the One-to-One method.\par The results presented in this thesis exhibit high accuracy when compared with the literature, while remaining efficient in terms of power consumption and the time of inference. Additionally the concepts, methods or algorithms that were introduced are particularly novel technically, where they include: • Feature extraction of professionally annotated, and poorly annotated time-series. • The introduction of the Activation Engine post-processing block. • A model for global image explainability with inference on the edge. • A tree-based algorithm for multiclass classification

    An Adaptive Cognitive Sensor Node for ECG Monitoring in the Internet of Medical Things

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    The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) paradigm is becoming mainstream in multiple clinical trials and healthcare procedures. Cardiovascular diseases monitoring, usually involving electrocardiogram (ECG) traces analysis, is one of the most promising and high-impact applications. Nevertheless, to fully exploit the potential of IoMT in this domain, some steps forward are needed. First, the edge-computing paradigm must be added to the picture. A certain level of near-sensor processing has to be enabled, to improve the scalability, portability, reliability and responsiveness of the IoMT nodes. Second, novel, increasingly accurate data analysis algorithms, such as those based on artificial intelligence and Deep Learning, must be exploited. To reach these objectives, designers, and programmers of IoMT nodes, have to face challenging optimization tasks, in order to execute fairly complex computing tasks on low-power wearable and portable processing systems, with tight power and battery lifetime budgets. In this work, we explore the implementation of a cognitive data analysis algorithm, based on a convolutional neural network trained to classify ECG waveforms, on a resource-constrained microcontroller-based computing platform. To minimize power consumption, we add an adaptivity layer that dynamically manages the hardware and software configuration of the device to adapt it at runtime to the required operating mode. Our experimental results show that adapting the node setup to the workload at runtime can save up to 50% power consumption. Our optimized and quantized neural network reaches an accuracy value higher than 97% for arrhythmia disorders detection on MIT-BIH Arrhythmia dataset