464 research outputs found

    Time-domain optimization of amplifiers based on distributed genetic algorithms

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    Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe work presented in this thesis addresses the task of circuit optimization, helping the designer facing the high performance and high efficiency circuits demands of the market and technology evolution. A novel framework is introduced, based on time-domain analysis, genetic algorithm optimization, and distributed processing. The time-domain optimization methodology is based on the step response of the amplifier. The main advantage of this new time-domain methodology is that, when a given settling-error is reached within the desired settling-time, it is automatically guaranteed that the amplifier has enough open-loop gain, AOL, output-swing (OS), slew-rate (SR), closed loop bandwidth and closed loop stability. Thus, this simplification of the circuit‟s evaluation helps the optimization process to converge faster. The method used to calculate the step response expression of the circuit is based on the inverse Laplace transform applied to the transfer function, symbolically, multiplied by 1/s (which represents the unity input step). Furthermore, may be applied to transfer functions of circuits with unlimited number of zeros/poles, without approximation in order to keep accuracy. Thus, complex circuit, with several design/optimization degrees of freedom can also be considered. The expression of the step response, from the proposed methodology, is based on the DC bias operating point of the devices of the circuit. For this, complex and accurate device models (e.g. BSIM3v3) are integrated. During the optimization process, the time-domain evaluation of the amplifier is used by the genetic algorithm, in the classification of the genetic individuals. The time-domain evaluator is integrated into the developed optimization platform, as independent library, coded using C programming language. The genetic algorithms have demonstrated to be a good approach for optimization since they are flexible and independent from the optimization-objective. Different levels of abstraction can be optimized either system level or circuit level. Optimization of any new block is basically carried-out by simply providing additional configuration files, e.g. chromosome format, in text format; and the circuit library where the fitness value of each individual of the genetic algorithm is computed. Distributed processing is also employed to address the increasing processing time demanded by the complex circuit analysis, and the accurate models of the circuit devices. The communication by remote processing nodes is based on Message Passing interface (MPI). It is demonstrated that the distributed processing reduced the optimization run-time by more than one order of magnitude. Platform assessment is carried by several examples of two-stage amplifiers, which have been optimized and successfully used, embedded, in larger systems, such as data converters. A dedicated example of an inverter-based self-biased two-stage amplifier has been designed, laid-out and fabricated as a stand-alone circuit and experimentally evaluated. The measured results are a direct demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed time-domain optimization methodology.Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT

    Analysis and Design Methodologies for Switched-Capacitor Filter Circuits in Advanced CMOS Technologies

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    Analog filters are an extremely important block in several electronic systems, such as RF transceivers, data acquisition channels, or sigma-delta modulators. They allow the suppression of unwanted frequencies bands in a signal, improving the system’s performance. These blocks are typically implemented using active RC filters, gm-C filters, or switched-capacitor (SC) filters. In modern deep-submicron CMOS technologies, the transistors intrinsic gain is small and has a large variability, making the design of moderate and high-gain amplifiers, used in the implementation of filter blocks, extremely difficult. To avoid this difficulty, in the case of SC filters, the opamp can be replaced with a voltage buffer or a low-gain amplifier (< 2), simplifying the amplifier’s design and making it easier to achieve higher bandwidths, for the same power. However, due to the loss of the virtual ground node, the circuit becomes sensitive to the effects of parasitic capacitances, which effect needs to be compensated during the design process. This thesis addresses the task of optimizing SC filters (mainly focused on implementations using low-gain amplifiers), helping designers with the complex task of designing high performance SC filters in advanced CMOS technologies. An efficient optimization methodology is introduced, based on hybrid cost functions (equation-based/simulation-based) and using genetic algorithms. The optimization software starts by using equations in the cost function to estimate the filter’s frequency response reducing computation time, when compared with the electrical simulation of the circuit’s impulse response. Using equations, the frequency response can be quickly computed (< 1 s), allowing the use of larger populations in the genetic algorithm (GA) to cover the entire design space. Once the specifications are met, the population size is reduced and the equation-based design is fine-tuned using the more computationally intensive, but more accurate, simulation-based cost function, allowing to accurately compensate the parasitic capacitances, which are harder to estimate using equations. With this hybrid approach, it is possible to obtain the final optimized design within a reasonable amount of computation time. Two methods are described for the estimation of the filter’s frequency response. The first method is hierarchical in nature where, in the first step, the frequency response is optimized using the circuit’s ideal transfer function. The following steps are used to optimize circuits, at transistor level, to replace the ideal blocks (amplifier and switches) used in the first step, while compensating the effects of the circuit’s parasitic capacitances in the ideal design. The second method uses a novel efficient numerical methodology to obtain the frequency response of SC filters, based on the circuit’s first-order differential equations. The methodology uses a non-hierarchical approach, where the non-ideal effects of the transistors (in the amplifier and in the switches) are taken into consideration, allowing the accurate computation of the frequency response, even in the case of incomplete settling in the SC branches. Several design and optimization examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods. The prototypes of a second order programmable bandpass SC filter and a 50 Hz notch SC filter have been designed in UMC 130 nm CMOS technology and optimized using the proposed optimization software with a supply voltage of 0.9 V. The bandpass SC filter has a total power consumption of 249 uW. The filter’s central frequency can be tuned between 3.9 kHz and 7.1 kHz, the gain between -6.4 dB and 12.6 dB, and the quality factor between 0.9 and 6.9. Depending on the bit configuration, the circuit’s THD is between -54.7 dB and -61.7 dB. The 50 Hz notch SC filter has a total power consumption of 273 uW. The transient simulation of the circuit’s extracted view (C+CC) shows an attenuation of 52.3 dB in the 50 Hz interference and that the desired 5 kHz signal has a THD of -92.3 dB

    Transistor-Level Synthesis of Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converters Using a Design-Space Reduction Algorithm

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    A novel transistor-level synthesis procedure for pipeline ADCs is presented. This procedure is able to directly map high-level converter specifications onto transistor sizes and biasing conditions. It is based on the combination of behavioral models for performance evaluation, optimization routines to minimize the power and area consumption of the circuit solution, and an algorithm to efficiently constraint the converter design space. This algorithm precludes the cost of lengthy bottom-up verifications and speeds up the synthesis task. The approach is herein demonstrated via the design of a 0.13 μm CMOS 10 bits@60 MS/s pipeline ADC with energy consumption per conversion of only 0.54 pJ@1 MHz, making it one of the most energy-efficient 10-bit video-rate pipeline ADCs reported to date. The computational cost of this design is of only 25 min of CPU time, and includes the evaluation of 13 different pipeline architectures potentially feasible for the targeted specifications. The optimum design derived from the synthesis procedure has been fine tuned to support PVT variations, laid out together with other auxiliary blocks, and fabricated. The experimental results show a power consumption of 23 [email protected] V and an effective resolution of 9.47-bit@1 MHz. Bearing in mind that no specific power reduction strategy has been applied; the mentioned results confirm the reliability of the proposed approach.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-08447Junta de Andalucía TIC-0281

    Drug and disease effects on the human brain studied by functional MRI

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    Background: With the advent of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology, various functional MRI (fMRI) techniques have become available for non-invasive neuroscientific studies and clinical diagnostics, which have led to a better understanding of the human brain function in normal and diseased subjects. In order to interpret the fMRI results correctly and design optimal research studies it is important to understand both the potentials and limitations associated with each fMRI technique. In this thesis we used two fMRI techniques: arterial spin labeling (ASL) and resting-sate BOLD (blood-oxygen-level dependent) fMRI to study the effects of a CNS-active (central nervous system) drug and neurologic disorder on the human brain function. Purpose: The main research purposes of this thesis are the following: 1) We assess the reproducibility and reliability of rCBF (regional cerebral blood flow) measurements conducted at 3T with pCASL (pseudo continuous ASL) technique; 2) We study the pharmacokinetics of a CNS active drug in normal volunteers by conducting rCBF measurements as a function of time after intake of a single dose of 20 mg d-amphetamine with the pCASL technique; 3) We investigate the possible neurological abnormalities of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients with chronic fatigue by performing rCBF and resting-sate functional connectivity measurements before, during and after a 20 minute continuous psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). Conclusion: The results from these studies show that the pCASL technique is a relatively robust method for quantitative measurements of rCBF in both normal volunteers and patient subjects. Repeated rCBF measurements with the pCASL method is a non-invasive and sufficiently sensitive approach to assess pharmacokinetic response to CNS active chemicals and should be useful for studying the neurophysiological characteristics in vivo of potential CNS drugs. The results from the mTBI subjects demonstrate that the repeated measurements of rCBF and functional connectivity metrics before, during and after a PVT provide sensitive diagnostic imaging methods to assess neurological abnormality of mTBI patients without apparent neuroanatomical damage. In addition to the clinical diagnostic value, these studies also contribute to important knowledge for the design and analysis of brain functional imaging studies of drugs and neurological diseases


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    The research work described in this thesis was focused on finding novel techniques to implement a low-power and noise Bio-Medical Analog Front End (BMEF) circuit technique to enable high-quality Electrocardiography (ECG) sensing. Usually, an ECG signal and several bio-medical signals are sensed from the human body through a pair of electrodes. The electrical characteristics of the very small amplitude (1u-10mV) signals are corrupted by random noise and have a significant dc offset. 50/60Hz power supply coupling noise is one of the biggest cross-talk signals compared to the thermally generated random noise. These signals are even AFE composed of an Instrumentation Amplifier (IA), which will have a better Common Mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The main function of the AFE is to convert the weak electrical Signal into large signals whose amplitude is large enough for an Analog Digital Converter (ADC) to detect without having any errors. A Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) is sometimes required to adjust signal amplitude to maintain the dynamic range of the ADC. Also, the Bio-medical transceiver needs an accurate and temperature-independent reference voltage and current for the ADC, commonly known as Bandgap Reference Circuit (BGR). These circuits need to consume as low power as possible to enable these circuits to be powered from the battery. The work started with analysing the existing circuit techniques for the circuits mentioned above and finding the key important improvements required to reach the target specifications. Previously proposed IA is generated based on voltage mode signal processing. To improve the CMRR (119dB), we proposed a current mode-based IA with an embedded DC cancellation technique. State-of-the-art VGA circuits were built based on the degeneration principle of the differential pair, which will enable the variable gain purpose, but none of these techniques discussed linearity improvement, which is very important in modern CMOS technologies. This work enhances the total Harmonic distortion (THD) by 21dB in the worst case by exploiting the feedback techniques around the differential pair. Also, this work proposes a low power curvature compensated bandgap with 2ppm/0C temperature sensitivity while consuming 12.5uW power from a 1.2V dc power supply. All circuits were built in 45nm TSMC-CMOS technology and simulated with all the performance metrics with Cadence (spectre) simulator. The circuit layout was carried out to study post-layout parasitic effect sensitivity

    High Performance Integrated Circuit Blocks for High-IF Wideband Receivers

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    Due to the demand for high‐performance radio frequency (RF) integrated circuit design in the past years, a system‐on‐chip (SoC) that enables integration of analog and digital parts on the same die has become the trend of the microelectronics industry. As a result, a major requirement of the next generation of wireless devices is to support multiple standards in the same chip‐set. This would enable a single device to support multiple peripheral applications and services. Based on the aforementioned, the traditional superheterodyne front‐end architecture is not suitable for such applications as it would require a complete receiver for each standard to be supported. A more attractive alternative is the highintermediate frequency (IF) radio architecture. In this case the signal is digitalized at an intermediate frequency such as 200MHz. As a consequence, the baseband operations, such as down‐conversion and channel filtering, become more power and area efficient in the digital domain. Such architecture releases the specifications for most of the front‐end building blocks, but the linearity and dynamic range of the ADC become the bottlenecks in this system. The requirements of large bandwidth, high frequency and enough resolution make such ADC very difficult to realize. Many ADC architectures were analyzed and Continuous‐Time Bandpass Sigma‐Delta (CT‐BP‐ΣΔ) architecture was found to be the most suitable solution in the high‐IF receiver architecture since they combine oversampling and noise shaping to get fairly high resolution in a limited bandwidth. A major issue in continuous‐time networks is the lack of accuracy due to powervoltage‐ temperature (PVT) tolerances that lead to over 20% pole variations compared to their discrete‐time counterparts. An optimally tuned BP ΣΔ ADC requires correcting for center frequency deviations, excess loop delay, and DAC coefficients. Due to these undesirable effects, a calibration algorithm is necessary to compensate for these variations in order to achieve high SNR requirements as technology shrinks. In this work, a novel linearization technique for a Wideband Low‐Noise Amplifier (LNA) targeted for a frequency range of 3‐7GHz is presented. Post‐layout simulations show NF of 6.3dB, peak S21 of 6.1dB, and peak IIP3 of 21.3dBm, respectively. The power consumption of the LNA is 5.8mA from 2V. Secondly, the design of a CMOS 6th order CT BP‐ΣΔ modulator running at 800 MHz for High‐IF conversion of 10MHz bandwidth signals at 200 MHz is presented. A novel transconductance amplifier has been developed to achieve high linearity and high dynamic range at high frequencies. A 2‐bit quantizer with offset cancellation is alsopresented. The sixth‐order modulator is implemented using 0.18 um TSMC standard analog CMOS technology. Post‐layout simulations in cadence demonstrate that the modulator achieves a SNDR of 78 dB (~13 bit) performance over a 14MHz bandwidth. The modulator’s static power consumption is 107mW from a supply power of ± 0.9V. Finally, a calibration technique for the optimization of the Noise Transfer Function CT BP ΣΔ modulators is presented. The proposed technique employs two test tones applied at the input of the quantizer to evaluate the noise transfer function of the ADC, using the capabilities of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platform usually available in mixed‐mode systems. Once the ADC output bit stream is captured, necessary information to generate the control signals to tune the ADC parameters for best Signal‐to‐Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR) performance is extracted via Least‐ Mean Squared (LMS) software‐based algorithm. Since the two tones are located outside the band of interest, the proposed global calibration approach can be used online with no significant effect on the in‐band content

    Continuous-time Algorithms and Analog Integrated Circuits for Solving Partial Differential Equations

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    Analog computing (AC) was the predominant form of computing up to the end of World War II. The invention of digital computers (DCs) followed by developments in transistors and thereafter integrated circuits (IC), has led to exponential growth in DCs over the last few decades, making ACs a largely forgotten concept. However, as described by the impending slow-down of Moore’s law, the performance of DCs is no longer improving exponentially, as DCs are approaching clock speed, power dissipation, and transistor density limits. This research explores the possibility of employing AC concepts, albeit using modern IC technologies at radio frequency (RF) bandwidths, to obtain additional performance from existing IC platforms. Combining analog circuits with modern digital processors to perform arithmetic operations would make the computation potentially faster and more energy-efficient. Two AC techniques are explored for computing the approximate solutions of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs), and they were verified by designing ACs for solving Maxwell\u27s and wave equations. The designs were simulated in Cadence Spectre for different boundary conditions. The accuracies of the ACs were compared with finite-deference time-domain (FDTD) reference techniques. The objective of this dissertation is to design software-defined ACs with complementary digital logic to perform approximate computations at speeds that are several orders of magnitude greater than competing methods. ACs trade accuracy of the computation for reduced power and increased throughput. Recent examples of ACs are accurate but have less than 25 kHz of analog bandwidth (Fcompute) for continuous-time (CT) operations. In this dissertation, a special-purpose AC, which has Fcompute = 30 MHz (an equivalent update rate of 625 MHz) at a power consumption of 200 mW, is presented. The proposed AC employes 180 nm CMOS technology and evaluates the approximate CT solution of the 1-D wave equation in space and time. The AC is 100x, 26x, 2.8x faster when compared to the MATLAB- and C-based FDTD solvers running on a computer, and systolic digital implementation of FDTD on a Xilinx RF-SoC ZCU1275 at 900 mW (x15 improvement in power-normalized performance compared to RF-SoC), respectively

    고속 시리얼 링크를 위한 고리 발진기를 기반으로 하는 주파수 합성기

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2022. 8. 정덕균.In this dissertation, major concerns in the clocking of modern serial links are discussed. As sub-rate, multi-standard architectures are becoming predominant, the conventional clocking methodology seems to necessitate innovation in terms of low-cost implementation. Frequency synthesis with active, inductor-less oscillators replacing LC counterparts are reviewed, and solutions for two major drawbacks are proposed. Each solution is verified by prototype chip design, giving a possibility that the inductor-less oscillator may become a proper candidate for future high-speed serial links. To mitigate the high flicker noise of a high-frequency ring oscillator (RO), a reference multiplication technique that effectively extends the bandwidth of the following all-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) is proposed. The technique avoids any jitter accumulation, generating a clean mid-frequency clock, overall achieving high jitter performance in conjunction with the ADPLL. Timing constraint for the proper reference multiplication is first analyzed to determine the calibration points that may correct the existent phase errors. The weight for each calibration point is updated by the proposed a priori probability-based least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm. To minimize the time required for the calibration, each gain for the weight update is adaptively varied by deducing a posteriori which error source dominates the others. The prototype chip is fabricated in a 40-nm CMOS technology, and its measurement results verify the low-jitter, high-frequency clock generation with fast calibration settling. The presented work achieves an rms jitter of 177/223 fs at 8/16-GHz output, consuming 12.1/17-mW power. As the second embodiment, an RO-based ADPLL with an analog technique that addresses the high supply sensitivity of the RO is presented. Unlike prior arts, the circuit for the proposed technique does not extort the RO voltage headroom, allowing high-frequency oscillation. Further, the performance given from the technique is robust over process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations, avoiding the use of additional calibration hardware. Lastly, a comprehensive analysis of phase noise contribution is conducted for the overall ADPLL, followed by circuit optimizations, to retain the low-jitter output. Implemented in a 40-nm CMOS technology, the frequency synthesizer achieves an rms jitter of 289 fs at 8 GHz output without any injected supply noise. Under a 20-mVrms white supply noise, the ADPLL suppresses supply-noise-induced jitter by -23.8 dB.본 논문은 현대 시리얼 링크의 클락킹에 관여되는 주요한 문제들에 대하여 기술한다. 준속도, 다중 표준 구조들이 채택되고 있는 추세에 따라, 기존의 클라킹 방법은 낮은 비용의 구현의 관점에서 새로운 혁신을 필요로 한다. LC 공진기를 대신하여 능동 소자 발진기를 사용한 주파수 합성에 대하여 알아보고, 이에 발생하는 두가지 주요 문제점과 각각에 대한 해결 방안을 탐색한다. 각 제안 방법을 프로토타입 칩을 통해 그 효용성을 검증하고, 이어서 능동 소자 발진기가 미래의 고속 시리얼 링크의 클락킹에 사용될 가능성에 대해 검토한다. 첫번째 시연으로써, 고주파 고리 발진기의 높은 플리커 잡음을 완화시키기 위해 기준 신호를 배수화하여 뒷단의 위상 고정 루프의 대역폭을 효과적으로 극대화 시키는 회로 기술을 제안한다. 본 기술은 지터를 누적 시키지 않으며 따라서 깨끗한 중간 주파수 클락을 생성시켜 위상 고정 루프와 함께 높은 성능의 고주파 클락을 합성한다. 기준 신호를 성공적으로 배수화하기 위한 타이밍 조건들을 먼저 분석하여 타이밍 오류를 제거하기 위한 방법론을 파악한다. 각 교정 중량은 연역적 확률을 기반으로한 LMS 알고리즘을 통해 갱신되도록 설계된다. 교정에 필요한 시간을 최소화 하기 위하여, 각 교정 이득은 타이밍 오류 근원들의 크기를 귀납적으로 추론한 값을 바탕으로 지속적으로 제어된다. 40-nm CMOS 공정으로 구현된 프로토타입 칩의 측정을 통해 저소음, 고주파 클락을 빠른 교정 시간안에 합성해 냄을 확인하였다. 이는 177/223 fs의 rms 지터를 가지는 8/16 GHz의 클락을 출력한다. 두번째 시연으로써, 고리 발진기의 높은 전원 노이즈 의존성을 완화시키는 기술이 포함된 주파수 합성기가 설계되었다. 이는 고리 발진기의 전압 헤드룸을 보존함으로서 고주파 발진을 가능하게 한다. 나아가, 전원 노이즈 감소 성능은 공정, 전압, 온도 변동에 대하여 민감하지 않으며, 따라서 추가적인 교정 회로를 필요로 하지 않는다. 마지막으로, 위상 노이즈에 대한 포괄적 분석과 회로 최적화를 통하여 주파수 합성기의 저잡음 출력을 방해하지 않는 방법을 고안하였다. 해당 프로토타입 칩은 40-nm CMOS 공정으로 구현되었으며, 전원 노이즈가 인가되지 않은 상태에서 289 fs의 rms 지터를 가지는 8 GHz의 클락을 출력한다. 또한, 20 mVrms의 전원 노이즈가 인가되었을 때에 유도되는 지터의 양을 -23.8 dB 만큼 줄이는 것을 확인하였다.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 3 1.1.1 Clocking in High-Speed Serial Links 4 1.1.2 Multi-Phase, High-Frequency Clock Conversion 8 1.2 Dissertation Objectives 10 2 RO-Based High-Frequency Synthesis 12 2.1 Phase-Locked Loop Fundamentals 12 2.2 Toward All-Digital Regime 15 2.3 RO Design Challenges 21 2.3.1 Oscillator Phase Noise 21 2.3.2 Challenge 1: High Flicker Noise 23 2.3.3 Challenge 2: High Supply Noise Sensitivity 26 3 Filtering RO Noise 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Proposed Reference Octupler 34 3.2.1 Delay Constraint 34 3.2.2 Phase Error Calibration 38 3.2.3 Circuit Implementation 51 3.3 IL-ADPLL Implementation 55 3.4 Measurement Results 59 3.5 Summary 63 4 RO Supply Noise Compensation 69 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 Proposed Analog Closed Loop for Supply Noise Compensation 72 4.2.1 Circuit Implementation 73 4.2.2 Frequency-Domain Analysis 76 4.2.3 Circuit Optimization 81 4.3 ADPLL Implementation 87 4.4 Measurement Results 90 4.5 Summary 98 5 Conclusions 99 A Notes on the 8REF 102 B Notes on the ACSC 105박

    High-Bandwidth Voltage-Controlled Oscillator based architectures for Analog-to-Digital Conversion

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    The purpose of this thesis is the proposal and implementation of data conversion open-loop architectures based on voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) built with ring oscillators (RO-based ADCs), suitable for highly digital designs, scalable to the newest complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) nodes. The scaling of the design technologies into the nanometer range imposes the reduction of the supply voltage towards small and power-efficient architectures, leading to lower voltage overhead of the transistors. Additionally, phenomena like a lower intrinsic gain, inherent noise, and parasitic effects (mismatch between devices and PVT variations) make the design of classic structures for ADCs more challenging. In recent years, time-encoded A/D conversion has gained relevant popularity due to the possibility of being implemented with mostly digital structures. Within this trend, VCOs designed with ring oscillator based topologies have emerged as promising candidates for the conception of new digitization techniques. RO-based data converters show excellent scalability and sensitivity, apart from some other desirable properties, such as inherent quantization noise shaping and implicit anti-aliasing filtering. However, their nonlinearity and the limited time delay achievable in a simple NOT gate drastically limits the resolution of the converter, especially if we focus on wide-band A/D conversion. This thesis proposes new ways to alleviate these issues. Firstly, circuit-based techniques to compensate for the nonlinearity of the ring oscillator are proposed and compared to equivalent state-of-the-art solutions. The proposals are designed and simulated in a 65-nm CMOS node for open-loop RO-based ADC architectures. One of the techniques is also validated experimentally through a prototype. Secondly, new ways to artificially increase the effective oscillation frequency are introduced and validated by simulations. Finally, new approaches to shape the quantization noise and filter the output spectrum of a RO-based ADC are proposed theoretically. In particular, a quadrature RO-based band-pass ADC and a power-efficient Nyquist A/D converter are proposed and validated by simulations. All the techniques proposed in this work are especially devoted for highbandwidth applications, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) nodes or maximally digital radio receivers. Nevertheless, their field of application is not restricted to them, and could be extended to others like biomedical instrumentation or sensing.El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es la propuesta y la implementación de arquitecturas de conversión de datos basadas en osciladores en anillos, compatibles con diseños mayoritariamente digitales, escalables en los procesos CMOS de fabricación más modernos donde las estructuras digitales se ven favorecidas. La miniaturización de las tecnologías CMOS de diseño lleva consigo la reducción de la tensión de alimentación para el desarrollo de arquitecturas pequeñas y eficientes en potencia. Esto reduce significativamente la disponibilidad de tensión para saturar transistores, lo que añadido a una ganancia cada vez menor de los mismos, ruido y efectos parásitos como el “mismatch” y las variaciones de proceso, tensión y temperatura han llevado a que sea cada vez más complejo el diseño de estructuras analógicas eficientes. Durante los últimos años la conversión A/D basada en codificación temporal ha ganado gran popularidad dado que permite la implementación de estructuras mayoritariamente digitales. Como parte de esta evolución, los osciladores controlados por tensión diseñados con topologías de oscilador en anillo han surgido como un candidato prometedor para la concepción de nuevas técnicas de digitalización. Los convertidores de datos basados en osciladores en anillo son extremadamente sensibles (variación de frecuencia con respecto a la señal de entrada) así como escalables, además de otras propiedades muy atractivas, como el conformado espectral de ruido de cuantificación y el filtrado “anti-aliasing”. Sin embargo, su respuesta no lineal y el limitado tiempo de retraso alcanzable por una compuerta NOT restringen la resolución del conversor, especialmente para conversión A/D en aplicaciones de elevado ancho de banda. Esta tesis doctoral propone nuevas técnicas para aliviar este tipo de problemas. En primer lugar, se proponen técnicas basadas en circuito para compensar el efecto de la no linealidad en los osciladores en anillo, y se comparan con soluciones equivalentes ya publicadas. Las propuestas se diseñan y simulan en tecnología CMOS de 65 nm para arquitecturas en lazo abierto. Una de estas técnicas presentadas es también validada experimentalmente a través de un prototipo. En segundo lugar, se introducen y validan por simulación varias formas de incrementar artificialmente la frecuencia de oscilación efectiva. Para finalizar, se proponen teóricamente dos enfoques para configurar nuevas formas de conformación del ruido de cuantificación y filtrado del espectro de salida de los datos digitales. En particular, son propuestos y validados por simulación un ADC pasobanda en cuadratura de fase y un ADC de Nyquist de gran eficiencia en potencia. Todas las técnicas propuestas en este trabajo están destinadas especialmente para aplicaciones de alto ancho de banda, tales como módulos para el Internet de las cosas o receptores de radiofrecuencia mayoritariamente digitales. A pesar de ello, son extrapolables también a otros campos como el de la instrumentación biomédica o el de la medición de señales mediante sensores.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Juan Pablo Alegre Pérez.- Secretario: Celia López Ongil.- Vocal: Fernando Cardes Garcí