6,897 research outputs found

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    Entities with quantities : extraction, search, and ranking

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    Quantities are more than numeric values. They denote measures of the world’s entities such as heights of buildings, running times of athletes, energy efficiency of car models or energy production of power plants, all expressed in numbers with associated units. Entity-centric search and question answering (QA) are well supported by modern search engines. However, they do not work well when the queries involve quantity filters, such as searching for athletes who ran 200m under 20 seconds or companies with quarterly revenue above $2 Billion. State-of-the-art systems fail to understand the quantities, including the condition (less than, above, etc.), the unit of interest (seconds, dollar, etc.), and the context of the quantity (200m race, quarterly revenue, etc.). QA systems based on structured knowledge bases (KBs) also fail as quantities are poorly covered by state-of-the-art KBs. In this dissertation, we developed new methods to advance the state-of-the-art on quantity knowledge extraction and search.Zahlen sind mehr als nur numerische Werte. Sie beschreiben Maße von EntitĂ€ten wie die Höhe von GebĂ€uden, die Laufzeit von Sportlern, die Energieeffizienz von Automodellen oder die Energieerzeugung von Kraftwerken - jeweils ausgedrĂŒckt durch Zahlen mit zugehörigen Einheiten. EntitĂ€tszentriete Anfragen und direktes Question-Answering werden von Suchmaschinen hĂ€ufig gut unterstĂŒtzt. Sie funktionieren jedoch nicht gut, wenn die Fragen Zahlenfilter beinhalten, wie z. B. die Suche nach Sportlern, die 200m unter 20 Sekunden gelaufen sind, oder nach Unternehmen mit einem Quartalsumsatz von ĂŒber 2 Milliarden US-Dollar. Selbst moderne Systeme schaffen es nicht, QuantitĂ€ten, einschließlich der genannten Bedingungen (weniger als, ĂŒber, etc.), der Maßeinheiten (Sekunden, Dollar, etc.) und des Kontexts (200-Meter-Rennen, Quartalsumsatz usw.), zu verstehen. Auch QA-Systeme, die auf strukturierten Wissensbanken (“Knowledge Bases”, KBs) aufgebaut sind, versagen, da quantitative Eigenschaften von modernen KBs kaum erfasst werden. In dieser Dissertation werden neue Methoden entwickelt, um den Stand der Technik zur Wissensextraktion und -suche von QuantitĂ€ten voranzutreiben. Unsere HauptbeitrĂ€ge sind die folgenden: ‱ ZunĂ€chst prĂ€sentieren wir Qsearch [Ho et al., 2019, Ho et al., 2020] – ein System, das mit erweiterten Fragen mit QuantitĂ€tsfiltern umgehen kann, indem es Hinweise verwendet, die sowohl in der Frage als auch in den Textquellen vorhanden sind. Qsearch umfasst zwei HauptbeitrĂ€ge. Der erste Beitrag ist ein tiefes neuronales Netzwerkmodell, das fĂŒr die Extraktion quantitĂ€tszentrierter Tupel aus Textquellen entwickelt wurde. Der zweite Beitrag ist ein neuartiges Query-Matching-Modell zum Finden und zur Reihung passender Tupel. ‱ Zweitens, um beim Vorgang heterogene Tabellen einzubinden, stellen wir QuTE [Ho et al., 2021a, Ho et al., 2021b] vor – ein System zum Extrahieren von QuantitĂ€tsinformationen aus Webquellen, insbesondere Ad-hoc Webtabellen in HTML-Seiten. Der Beitrag von QuTE umfasst eine Methode zur VerknĂŒpfung von QuantitĂ€ts- und EntitĂ€tsspalten, fĂŒr die externe Textquellen genutzt werden. Zur Beantwortung von Fragen kontextualisieren wir die extrahierten EntitĂ€ts-QuantitĂ€ts-Paare mit informativen Hinweisen aus der Tabelle und stellen eine neue Methode zur Konsolidierung und verbesserteer Reihung von Antwortkandidaten durch Inter-Fakten-Konsistenz vor. ‱ Drittens stellen wir QL [Ho et al., 2022] vor – eine Recall-orientierte Methode zur Anreicherung von Knowledge Bases (KBs) mit quantitativen Fakten. Moderne KBs wie Wikidata oder YAGO decken viele EntitĂ€ten und ihre relevanten Informationen ab, ĂŒbersehen aber oft wichtige quantitative Eigenschaften. QL ist frage-gesteuert und basiert auf iterativem Lernen mit zwei HauptbeitrĂ€gen, um die KB-Abdeckung zu verbessern. Der erste Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Expansion von Fragen, um einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Pool an Faktenkandidaten zu erfassen. Der zweite Beitrag ist eine Technik zur Selbstkonsistenz durch BerĂŒcksichtigung der Werteverteilungen von QuantitĂ€ten

    Learning About Meetings

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    Most people participate in meetings almost every day, multiple times a day. The study of meetings is important, but also challenging, as it requires an understanding of social signals and complex interpersonal dynamics. Our aim this work is to use a data-driven approach to the science of meetings. We provide tentative evidence that: i) it is possible to automatically detect when during the meeting a key decision is taking place, from analyzing only the local dialogue acts, ii) there are common patterns in the way social dialogue acts are interspersed throughout a meeting, iii) at the time key decisions are made, the amount of time left in the meeting can be predicted from the amount of time that has passed, iv) it is often possible to predict whether a proposal during a meeting will be accepted or rejected based entirely on the language (the set of persuasive words) used by the speaker

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Automatic Extraction and Assessment of Entities from the Web

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    The search for information about entities, such as people or movies, plays an increasingly important role on the Web. This information is still scattered across many Web pages, making it more time consuming for a user to ïŹnd all relevant information about an entity. This thesis describes techniques to extract entities and information about these entities from the Web, such as facts, opinions, questions and answers, interactive multimedia objects, and events. The ïŹndings of this thesis are that it is possible to create a large knowledge base automatically using a manually-crafted ontology. The precision of the extracted information was found to be between 75–90 % (facts and entities respectively) after using assessment algorithms. The algorithms from this thesis can be used to create such a knowledge base, which can be used in various research ïŹelds, such as question answering, named entity recognition, and information retrieval

    Placing user needs at the centre of building performance simulation tool development: Using ‘designer personas’ to assess existing BPS tools

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    This paper explores the development of ‘building designer personas’ to illustrate how Building Performance Simulation (BPS) can engage with Human Computer Interaction (HCI) knowledge and methods to place its users at the centre of development of new tools. It explains this concept and sets up the fundamentals to develop it further based on previous work on meaningful information for design decision making (Bleil de Souza and Tucker 2014 and 2015). An example of a building designer ‘provisional persona’ in a specific scenario is developed in detail. This example is then used to assess how current BPS tools satisfy this user’s needs and to identify what is missing from BPS development through not carefully considering those needs. This concept can be applied to different types of BPS users and this paper briefly mentions how to explore it in future work

    One Explanation Does Not Fit All The Promise of Interactive Explanations for Machine Learning Transparency

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    The need for transparency of predictive systems based on Machine Learning algorithms arises as a consequence of their ever-increasing proliferation in the industry. Whenever black-box algorithmic predictions influence human affairs, the inner workings of these algorithms should be scrutinised and their decisions explained to the relevant stakeholders, including the system engineers, the system's operators and the individuals whose case is being decided. While a variety of interpretability and explainability methods is available, none of them is a panacea that can satisfy all diverse expectations and competing objectives that might be required by the parties involved. We address this challenge in this paper by discussing the promises of Interactive Machine Learning for improved transparency of black-box systems using the example of contrastive explanations -- a state-of-the-art approach to Interpretable Machine Learning. Specifically, we show how to personalise counterfactual explanations by interactively adjusting their conditional statements and extract additional explanations by asking follow-up "What if?" questions. Our experience in building, deploying and presenting this type of system allowed us to list desired properties as well as potential limitations, which can be used to guide the development of interactive explainers. While customising the medium of interaction, i.e., the user interface comprising of various communication channels, may give an impression of personalisation, we argue that adjusting the explanation itself and its content is more important. To this end, properties such as breadth, scope, context, purpose and target of the explanation have to be considered, in addition to explicitly informing the explainee about its limitations and caveats...Comment: Published in the Kunstliche Intelligenz journal, special issue on Challenges in Interactive Machine Learnin

    Table Search, Generation and Completion

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    PhD thesis in Information technologyTables are one of those “universal tools” that are practical and useful in many application scenarios. Tables can be used to collect and organize information from multiple sources and then turn that information into knowledge (and, ultimately, support decision-making) by performing various operations, like sorting, filtering, and joins. Because of this, a large number of tables exist already out there on the Web, which represent a vast and rich source of structured information that could be utilized. The focus of the thesis is on developing methods for assisting the user in completing a complex task by providing intelligent assistance for working with tables. Specifically, our interest is in relational tables, which describe a set of entities along with their attributes. Imagine the scenario that a user is working with a table, and has already entered some data in the table. Intelligent assistance can include providing recommendations for the empty table cells, searching for similar tables that can serve as a blueprint, or even generating automatically the entire a table that the user needs. The table-making task can thus be simplified into just a few button clicks. Motivated by the above scenario, we propose a set of novel tasks such as table search, table generation, and table completion. Table search is the task of returning a ranked list of tables in response to a query. Google, for instance, can now provide tables as direct answers to plenty of queries, especially when users are searching for a list of things. Figure 1.1 shows an example. Table generation is about automatically organizing entities and their attributes in a tabular format to facilitate a better overview. Table completion is concerned with the task of augmenting the input table with additional tabular data. Figure 1.2 illustrates a scenario that recommends row and column headings to populate the table with and automatically completes table values from verifiable sources. In this thesis, we propose methods and evaluation resources for addressing these tasks
