163 research outputs found

    Parameterized Complexity of Two-Interval Pattern Problem

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    A 2-interval is the union of two disjoint intervals on the real line. Two 2-intervals D? and D? are disjoint if their intersection is empty (i.e., no interval of D? intersects any interval of D?). There can be three different relations between two disjoint 2-intervals; namely, preceding (<), nested (?) and crossing (?). Two 2-intervals D? and D? are called R-comparable for some R?{<,?,?}, if either D?RD? or D?RD?. A set ? of disjoint 2-intervals is ?-comparable, for some ??{<,?,?} and ???, if every pair of 2-intervals in ? are R-comparable for some R??. Given a set of 2-intervals and some ??{<,?,?}, the objective of the {2-interval pattern problem} is to find a largest subset of 2-intervals that is ?-comparable. The 2-interval pattern problem is known to be W[1]-hard when |?|=3 and NP-hard when |?|=2 (except for ?={<,?}, which is solvable in quadratic time). In this paper, we fully settle the parameterized complexity of the problem by showing that it is W[1]-hard for both ?={?,?} and ?={<,?} (when parameterized by the size of an optimal solution). This answers the open question posed by Vialette [Encyclopedia of Algorithms, 2008]

    Approximation and online algorithms in scheduling and coloring

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    In the last three decades, approximation and online algorithms have become a major area of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. Scheduling and coloring problems are among the most popular ones for which approximation and online algorithms have been analyzed. On one hand, motivated by the well-known difficulty to obtain good lower bounds for the problems, it is particularly hard to prove results on the online and offline performance of algorithms. On the other hand, the theoretically oriented studies of approximation and online algorithms for scheduling and coloring have also impact on the development of better algorithms for real world applications. In the thesis we present approximation algorithms and online algorithms for a number of scheduling and labeling (coloring) problems. Our work in the first part of the thesis is devoted to scheduling problems with the average weighted completion time objective function, that is primarily motivated by some theoretical questions which were open for a number of recent years. Here we present a general method which leads to the design of polynomial time approximation schemes (PTASs), best possible approximation results. In contrast, our work in the second part of the thesis is motivated by practical applications. We consider a number of new labeling and scheduling problems which occur in the design of communication networks. Here we present and analyze efficient approximation and online algorithms. We use very simple techniques which do not require large computational resources

    Geometric Graph Theory and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this work, we apply geometric and combinatorial methods to explore a variety of problems motivated by wireless sensor networks. Imagine sensors capable of communicating along straight lines except through obstacles like buildings or barriers, such that the communication network topology of the sensors is their visibility graph. Using a standard distributed algorithm, the sensors can build common knowledge of their network topology. We first study the following inverse visibility problem: What positions of sensors and obstacles define the computed visibility graph, with fewest obstacles? This is the problem of finding a minimum obstacle representation of a graph. This minimum number is the obstacle number of the graph. Using tools from extremal graph theory and discrete geometry, we obtain for every constant h that the number of n-vertex graphs that admit representations with h obstacles is 2o(n2). We improve this bound to show that graphs requiring Ω(n / log2 n) obstacles exist. We also study restrictions to convex obstacles, and to obstacles that are line segments. For example, we show that every outerplanar graph admits a representation with five convex obstacles, and that allowing obstacles to intersect sometimes decreases their required number. Finally, we study the corresponding problem for sensors equipped with GPS. Positional information allows sensors to establish common knowledge of their communication network geometry, hence we wish to compute a minimum obstacle representation of a given straight-line graph drawing. We prove that this problem is NP-complete, and provide a O(logOPT)-factor approximation algorithm by showing that the corresponding hypergraph family has bounded Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension

    Improved Cheeger's Inequality: Analysis of Spectral Partitioning Algorithms through Higher Order Spectral Gap

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    Let \phi(G) be the minimum conductance of an undirected graph G, and let 0=\lambda_1 <= \lambda_2 <=... <= \lambda_n <= 2 be the eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian matrix of G. We prove that for any graph G and any k >= 2, \phi(G) = O(k) \lambda_2 / \sqrt{\lambda_k}, and this performance guarantee is achieved by the spectral partitioning algorithm. This improves Cheeger's inequality, and the bound is optimal up to a constant factor for any k. Our result shows that the spectral partitioning algorithm is a constant factor approximation algorithm for finding a sparse cut if \lambda_k$ is a constant for some constant k. This provides some theoretical justification to its empirical performance in image segmentation and clustering problems. We extend the analysis to other graph partitioning problems, including multi-way partition, balanced separator, and maximum cut

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    Approximation Algorithms for Clustering and Facility Location Problems

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    Facility location problems arise in a wide range of applications such as plant or warehouse location problems, cache placement problems, and network design problems, and have been widely studied in Computer Science and Operations Research literature. These problems typically involve an underlying set F of facilities that provide service, and an underlying set D of clients that require service, which need to be assigned to facilities in a cost-effective fashion. This abstraction is quite versatile and also captures clustering problems, where one typically seeks to partition a set of data points into k clusters, for some given k, in a suitable way, which themselves find applications in data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Basic variants of facility location problems are now relatively well-u nderstood, but we have much-less understanding of more-sophisticated models that better model the real-world concerns. In this thesis, we focus on three models inspired by some real-world optimization scenarios. In Chapter 2, we consider mobile facility location (MFL) problem, wherein we seek to relocate a given set of facilities to destinations closer to the clients as to minimize the sum of facility-movement and client-assignment costs. This abstracts facility-location settings where one has the flexibility of moving facilities from their current locations to other destinations so as to serve clients more efficiently by reducing their assignment costs. We give the first local-search based approximation algorithm for this problem and achieve the best-known approximation guarantee. Our main result is (3+epsilon)-approximation for this problem for any constant epsilon > 0 using local search which improves the previous best guarantee of 8-approximation algorithm due to [34] based on LP-rounding. Our results extend to the weighted generalization wherein each facility i has a non-negative weight w_i and the movement cost for i is w_i times the distance traveled by i. In Chapter 3, we consider a facility-location problem that we call the minimum-load k-facility location (MLkFL), which abstracts settings where the cost of serving the clients assigned to a facility is incurred by the facility. This problem was studied under the name of min-max star cover in [32,10], who (among other results) gave bicriteria approximation algorithms for MLkFL when F=D. MLkFL is rather poorly understood, and only an O(k)-approximation is currently known for MLkFL, even for line metrics. Our main result is the first polytime approximation scheme (PTAS) for MLkFL on line metrics (note that no non-trivial true approximation of any kind was known for this metric). Complementing this, we prove that MLkFL is strongly NP-hard on line metrics. In Chapter 4, we consider clustering problems with non-uniform lower bounds and outliers, and obtain the first approximation guarantees for these problems. We consider objective functions involving the radii of open facilities, where the radius of a facility i is the maximum distance between i and a client assigned to it. We consider two problems: minimizing the sum of the radii of the open facilities, which yields the lower-bounded min-sum-of-radii with outliers (LBkSRO) problem, and minimizing the maximum radius, which yields the lower-bounded k-supplier with outliers (LBkSupO) problem. We obtain an approximation factor of 12.365 for LBkSRO, which improves to 3.83 for the non-outlier version. These also constitute the first approximation bounds for the min-sum-of-radii objective when we consider lower bounds and outliers separately. We obtain approximation factors of 5 and 3 respectively for LBkSupO and its non-outlier version. These are the first approximation results for k-supplier with non-uniform lower bounds

    Computing Diameter+2 in Truly Subquadratic Time for Unit-Disk Graphs

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    Finding the diameter of a graph in general cannot be done in truly subquadratic assuming the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), even when the underlying graph is unweighted and sparse. When restricting to concrete classes of graphs and assuming SETH, planar graphs and minor-free graphs admit truly subquadratic algorithms, while geometric intersection graphs of unit balls, congruent equilateral triangles, and unit segments do not. Unit-disk graphs are one of the major open cases where the complexity of diameter computation remains unknown. More generally, it is conjectured that a truly subquadratic time algorithm exists for pseudo-disk graphs. In this paper, we show a truly subquadratic algorithm of running time O~(n2−1/18)\tilde{O}(n^{2-1/18}), for finding the diameter in a unit-disk graph, whose output differs from the optimal solution by at most 2. This is the first algorithm that provides an additive guarantee in distortion, independent of the size or the diameter of the graph. Our algorithm requires two important technical elements. First, we show that for the intersection graph of pseudo-disks, the graph VC-dimension, either of kk-hop balls or the distance encoding vectors, is 4. This contracts to the VC dimension of the pseudo-disks themselves as geometric ranges (which is known to be 3). Second, we introduce a clique-based rr-clustering for geometric intersection graphs, which is an analog of the rr-division construction for planar graphs. We also showcase the new techniques by establishing new results for distance oracles for unit-disk graphs with subquadratic storage and O(1)O(1) query time. The results naturally extend to unit L1L_1 or L∞L_\infty-disks and fat pseudo-disks of similar size. Last, if the pseudo-disks additionally have bounded ply, we have a truly subquadratic algorithm to find the exact diameter.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Combinatorial and Geometric Aspects of Computational Network Construction - Algorithms and Complexity

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    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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