1,486 research outputs found

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Diseño centrado en calidad para la difusión Peer-to-Peer de video en vivo

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    El uso de redes Peer-to-Peer (P2P) es una forma escalable para ofrecer servicios de video sobre Internet. Este documento hace foco en la definición, desarrollo y evaluación de una arquitectura P2P para distribuir video en vivo. El diseño global de la red es guiado por la calidad de experiencia (Quality of Experience - QoE), cuyo principal componente en este caso es la calidad del video percibida por los usuarios finales, en lugar del tradicional diseño basado en la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service - QoE) de la mayoría de los sistemas. Para medir la calidad percibida del video, en tiempo real y automáticamente, extendimos la recientemente propuesta metodología Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA). Dos grandes líneas de investigación son desarrolladas. Primero, proponemos una técnica de distribución de video desde múltiples fuentes con las características de poder ser optimizada para maximizar la calidad percibida en contextos de muchas fallas y de poseer muy baja señalización (a diferencia de los sistemas existentes). Desarrollamos una metodología, basada en PSQA, que nos permite un control fino sobre la forma en que la señal de video es dividida en partes y la cantidad de redundancia agregada, como una función de la dinámica de los usuarios de la red. De esta forma es posible mejorar la robustez del sistema tanto como sea deseado, contemplando el límite de capacidad en la comunicación. En segundo lugar, presentamos un mecanismo estructurado para controlar la topología de la red. La selección de que usuarios servirán a que otros es importante para la robustez de la red, especialmente cuando los usuarios son heterogéneos en sus capacidades y en sus tiempos de conexión.Nuestro diseño maximiza la calidad global esperada (evaluada usando PSQA), seleccionado una topología que mejora la robustez del sistema. Además estudiamos como extender la red con dos servicios complementarios: el video bajo demanda (Video on Demand - VoD) y el servicio MyTV. El desafío en estos servicios es como realizar búsquedas eficientes sobre la librería de videos, dado al alto dinamismo del contenido. Presentamos una estrategia de "caching" para las búsquedas en estos servicios, que maximiza el número total de respuestas correctas a las consultas, considerando una dinámica particular en los contenidos y restricciones de ancho de banda. Nuestro diseño global considera escenarios reales, donde los casos de prueba y los parámetros de configuración surgen de datos reales de un servicio de referencia en producción. Nuestro prototipo es completamente funcional, de uso gratuito, y basado en tecnologías bien probadas de código abierto

    Development of advanced multimedia services in P2P architectures

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    La transmissió de fluxos multimèdia en temps real (streaming) s’ha convertit en un tema punter i de gran interès al món de la recerca d’Internet, especialment quan ens referim a aplicacions de transmissió d’àudio i vídeo en directe a través de xarxes peer-to-peer (P2P). Generalment, aquestes aplicacions han de fer front a molts problemes en el seu disseny i implementació deguts a la dinamicitat i heterogeneïtat que per natura caracteritzen les xarxes P2P. En aquest projecte, s’introdueixen noves característiques que les aplicacions de transmissió multimèdia P2P actuals no contemplen. Els requisits de connexió i maquinari són diferents per a la transmissió de fluxos de baixa i alta capacitat, no obstant, tots els nodes s’acostumen a considerar idèntics, cosa que no representa una aproximació gaire encertada tenint en compte un medi tan heterogeni. A més a més, amb la finalitat d’aconseguir distinció entre nodes, es fa necessari la introducció d’un mecanisme que permeti l’intercanvi de les capacitats específiques de cada node, incloent-hi les de transcodificació de fluxos. Un altre aspecte a destacar és el fet que aquestes aplicacions són difícils d’ampliar, incorporar nous serveis o modificar les dades que porten precarregades com ara la llista de canals de televisió disponibles, cosa que impossibilita garantir la disponibilitat de la font tot el temps. Per altra banda, els serveis interactius tampoc s’han desenvolupat gaire. Aquest projecte proposa el disseny i implementació d’una plataforma de difusió multimèdia P2P cooperativa i interactiva que permet superar els problemes esmentats. La plataforma integra diferents mecanismes que permeten la distribució en temps real de continguts multimèdia en diferents qualitats incloent fluxos d’alta capacitat (com per exemple HD). Aquesta plataforma és una solució novedosa basada en JXTA, DONET i ALM (Arbres Multicast a nivell d’Aplicació) que proporciona un sistema ampliable segons noves necessitats i facilita la inserció de nous serveis de valor afegit. La plataforma proposada es fonamenta en la creació d’una arquitectura de 2 capes lògiques superposades: una capa lògica JXTA, encarregada bàsicament de la senyalització i intercanvi de metadades, i una capa de transmissió basada en sockets UDP unicast. D’aquesta manera, la diferència entre la capa de transmissió i la capa física es pot veure reduïda a partir de la informació obtinguda de la capa JXTA, la qual es va actualitzant al llarg del temps

    Classifying Web 2.0 Supported Applications By Pattern Of Usage: Functional & Technical ISSUES

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    The rapid evolution of Internet technologies have witnessed new Web elements, such as blogs, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking, and other related applications referred to as Web 2.0. Web 1.0 paradigm was related with passive, just receptive users, whereas Web 2.0 paradigm relies mainly on user participation and user-generated content. In Web 2.0 applications users are invited to comment, share, edit, classify, as well as remix data from multiple sources. Although there are several Web 2.0 applications in the market there is still lack of a profound approach guiding the analysis, design and development of such applications. This paper suggests classifying Web 2.0 tools by “Pattern of Usage” or in other words the functionalities that characterize their specific features. By reviewing several literatures we extracted multiple attributes related to functionalities of Web 2.0 tools. These have been crystallised into 7 patterns of usage that include; Inter-connectivity, Content authoring, Content tagging & rating, Content aggregation & syndication, Content remixing, Content streaming and File sharing. By interlinking functionality/ usage with underlying technologies, techniques and architecture we provided insight into design and technical requirements for Web 2.0 supported applications. Furthermore we broke down the patterns into basic, elementary to include Inter-connectivity, File sharing and Content remixing, and secondary, supportive to include the other four patterns. This would provide the technical core for any development methodology targeted at Web 2.0 applications

    Providing crowd-sourced and real-time media services through a NDN-based platform

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    International audienceThe diffusion of social networks and broadband technologies is letting emerge large online communities of people that stay always in touch with each other and exchange messages, thoughts, photos, videos, files, and any other type of contents. At the same time, due to the introduction of crowd-sourcing strategies, according to which services and contents can be obtained by soliciting contributions from a group of users, the amount of data generated and exchanged within a social community may experience a radical increment never seen before. In this context, it becomes essential to guarantee resource scalability and load balancing to support real time media delivery. To this end, the present book chapter aims at investigating the design of a network architecture, based on the emerging Named Data Networking (NDN) paradigm, providing crowd-sourced real-time media contents. Such an architecture is composed by four different entities: a very large group of heterogeneous devices that produce media contents to be shared, an equally large group of users interested in them, a distributed Event Management System that creates events and handles the social community, and a NDN communication infrastructure able to efficiently manage users requests and distribute multimedia contents. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we have evaluate its performance through a simulation campaign using real-world topologies

    Implementation and Evaluation of Mobile-Edge Computing Cooperative Caching

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    Recent expanding rise of mobile device users for cloud services leads to resource challenges in Mobile Network Operator's (MNO) network. This poses significant additional costs to MNOs and also results in poor user experience. Studies illustrate that large amount of traffic consumption in MNO's network is originated from the similar requests of users for the same popular contents over Internet. Therefore such networks suffer from delivering the same content multiple times through their connected gateways to the Internet backhaul. On the other hand, in content delivery networks (CDN), the delay caused by network latency is one of the biggest issues which impedes the efficient delivery and desirable user experience. Cooperative caching is one of the ways to handle the extra posed traffic by requesting popular contents repeatedly in MNO's network. Furthermore Mobile-Edge Computing (MEC) offers a resource rich environment and data locality to cloud applications. This helps to reduce the network latency time in CDN services. Thus in this Thesis an aggregation between Cooperative Caching and MEC concept has been considered. This Thesis demonstrates a design, implementation and evaluation for a Mobile-Edge computing Cooperative Caching system to deliver content to mobile users. A design is presented in a failure resilient and scalable practice using a light-weight synchronizing method. The system is implemented and deployed on Nokia Networks Radio Application Cloud Servers(Nokia Networks RACS) as intelligent MEC base-stations and finally the outcome of the system and the effect on bandwidth saving, CDN delay and user experience are evaluated

    A selective approach for energy-aware video content adaptation decision-taking engine in android based smartphone

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    Rapid advancement of technology and their increasing affordability have transformed mobile devices from a means of communication to tools for socialization, entertainment, work and learning. However, advancement of battery technology and capacity is slow compared to energy need. Viewing content with high quality of experience will consume high power. In limited available energy, normal content adaptation system will decrease the content quality, hence reducing quality of experience. However, there is a need for optimizing content quality of experience (QoE) in a limited available energy. With modification and improvement, content adaptation may solve this issue. The key objective of this research is to propose a framework for energy-aware video content adaptation system to enable video delivery over the Internet. To optimise the QoE while viewing streaming video on a limited available smartphone energy, an algorithm for energy-aware video content adaptation decision-taking engine named EnVADE is proposed. The EnVADE algorithm uses selective mechanism. Selective mechanism means the video segmented into scenes and adaptation process is done based on the selected scenes. Thus, QoE can be improved. To evaluate EnVADE algorithm in term of energy efficiency, an experimental evaluation has been done. Subjective evaluation by selected respondents are also has been made using Absolute Category Rating method as recommended by ITU to evaluate EnVADE algorithm in term of QoE. In both evaluation, comparison with other methods has been made. The results show that the proposed solution is able to increase the viewing time of about 14% compared to MPEG-DASH which is an official international standard and widely used streaming method. In term of QoE subjective test, EnVADE algorithm score surpasses the score of other video streaming method. Therefore, EnVADE framework and algorithm has proven its capability as an alternative technique to stream video content with higher QoE and lower energy consumption

    Service Oriented Mobile Computing

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    La diffusione di concetti quali Pervasive e Mobile Computing introduce nell'ambito dei sistemi distribuiti due aspetti fondamentali: la mobilità dell'utente e l'interazione con l'ambiente circostante, favorite anche dal crescente utilizzo di dispositivi mobili dotati di connettività wireless come prodotti di consumo. Per estendere le funzionalità introdotte nell'ambito dei sistemi distribuiti dalle Architetture Orientate ai Servizi (SOA) e dal paradigma peer-to-peer anche a dispositivi dalle risorse limitate (in termini di capacità computazionale, memoria e batteria), è necessario disporre di un middleware leggero e progettato tenendo in considerazione tali caratteristiche. In questa tesi viene presentato NAM (Networked Autonomic Machine), un formalismo che descrive in modo esaustivo un sistema di questo tipo; si tratta di un modello teorico per la definizione di entità hardware e software in grado di condividere le proprie risorse in modo completamente altruistico. In particolare, il lavoro si concentra sulla definizione e gestione di un determinato tipo di risorse, i servizi, che possono essere offerti ed utilizzati da dispositivi mobili, mediante meccanismi di composizione e migrazione. NSAM (Networked Service-oriented Autonomic Machine) è una specializzazione di NAM per la condivisione di servizi in una rete peer-to-peer, ed è basato su tre concetti fondamentali: schemi di overlay, composizione dinamica di servizi e auto-configurazione dei peer. Nella tesi vengono presentate anche diverse attività applicative, che fanno riferimento all'utilizzo di due middleware sviluppati dal gruppo di Sistemi Distribuiti (DSG) dell'Università di Parma: SP2A (Service Oriented Peer-to-peer Architecture), framework per lo sviluppo di applicazioni distribuite attraverso la condivisione di risorse in una rete peer-to-peer, e Jxta-Soap che consente la condivisione di Web Services in una rete peer-to-peer JXTA. Le applicazioni realizzate spaziano dall'ambito della logistica, alla creazione di comunità per l'e-learning, all'Ambient Intelligence alla gestione delle emergenze, ed hanno come denominatore comune la creazione di reti eterogenee e la condivisione di risorse anche tra dispositivi mobili. Viene inoltre messo in evidenza come tali applicazioni possano essere ottimizzate mediante l'introduzione del framework NAM descritto, per consentire la condivisione di diversi tipi di risorse in modo efficiente e proattivo