4,793 research outputs found

    Scoliosis Analog Model for the Evaluation of Bracing Technology

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    Thoracolumbar braces are commonly used to treat Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). Braces serve to reduce and prevent progression of the spinal curve by applying corrective forces. The magnitude and direction of these corrective forces applied by the brace to the spine remain unknown. Additionally the brace fitting process involves making alterations to the brace that affect its corrective force capacity. The objective was to design and validate an analog model of a mid-thoracic single curve scoliotic deformity for quantifying structural properties of the brace and the force response of the brace on the spine. This model was used to investigate the effects of strap-related brace design alterations. Additionally, the model was customized and demonstrated to be representative of a clinical case study. A novel mechanically-equivalent analog model of the AIS condition was designed and developed to simulate up to 40 degrees of spinal correction. The linkage-based model was used in conjunction with a biorobotic testing platform to test a scoliosis brace. Measurements of the force components applied to the model and angular displacement of the linkage assembly were used to calculate the brace structural stiffness properties. The brace was tested using two types of straps (Velcro and buckle) applied in various configurations and compared to an unconstrained configuration and rigidly constrained configuration to demonstrate the capacity of the model to study brace design alterations. Calculated stiffness was expressed as a resistive force relative to the angular change of the linkage system. Addition of either strap type significantly increased the stiffness values relative to the unconstrained configuration. An optimal brace radial stiffness was achieved with three Velcro straps, i.e., there was no significant stiffness gained by adding a fourth strap. For the case of the buckle straps, no significant stiffness gain occurred when more buckle straps were added. Structural properties provide a means to compare bracing technology and better understand design features. The testing of design alterations, i.e. variable strap configurations, show a measureable difference in brace force response and structural properties between each configuration. Also, interpretation of the measured force components revealed that the brace applied inward and upward forces to the spine. A novel scoliosis analog model and testing assembly were developed to provide first time measures of the forces applied to the spine by a thoracolumbar brace. In addition to quantifying brace structural properties, this test assembly could be used as a design and testing tool for scoliosis brace technology

    Self-Sensing Control for Soft-Material Actuators Based on Dielectric Elastomers

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    Due to their energy density and softness that are comparable to human muscles dielectric elastomer (DE) transducers are well-suited for soft-robotic applications. This kind of transducer combines actuator and sensor functionality within one transducer so that no external senors to measure the deformation or to detect collisions are required. Within this contribution we present a novel self-sensing control for a DE stack-transducer that allows to control several different quantities of the DE transducer with the same controller. This flexibility is advantageous e.g., for the development of human machine interfaces with soft-bodied robots. After introducing the DE stack-transducer that is driven by a bidirectional flyback converter, the development of the self-sensing state and disturbance estimator based on an extended Kalman-filter is explained. Compared to known estimators designed for DE transducers supplied by bulky high-voltage amplifiers this one does not require any superimposed excitation to enable the sensor capability so that it also can be used with economic and competitive power electronics like the flyback converter. Due to the behavior of this converter a sliding mode energy controller is designed afterwards. By introducing different feed-forward controls the voltage, force or deformation can be controlled. The validation proofs that both the developed self-sensing estimator as well as the self-sensing control yield comparable results as previously published sensor-based approaches.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201


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    Biomechanics is a vast discipline within the field of Biomedical Engineering. It explores the underlying mechanics of how biological and physiological systems move. It encompasses important clinical applications to address questions related to medicine using engineering mechanics principles. Biomechanics includes interdisciplinary concepts from engineers, physicians, therapists, biologists, physicists, and mathematicians. Through their collaborative efforts, biomechanics research is ever changing and expanding, explaining new mechanisms and principles for dynamic human systems. Biomechanics is used to describe how the human body moves, walks, and breathes, in addition to how it responds to injury and rehabilitation. Advanced biomechanical modeling methods, such as inverse dynamics, finite element analysis, and musculoskeletal modeling are used to simulate and investigate human situations in regard to movement and injury. Biomechanical technologies are progressing to answer contemporary medical questions. The future of biomechanics is dependent on interdisciplinary research efforts and the education of tomorrow’s scientists

    Computational modelling of the scoliotic spine: A literature review

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    Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine that in severe cases requires surgical treatment. There is still disagreement among clinicians as to what the aim of such treatment is as well as the optimal surgical technique. Numerical models can aid clinical decision-making by estimating the outcome of a given surgical intervention. This paper provided some background information on the modelling of the healthy spine and a review of the literature on scoliotic spine models, their validation, and their application. An overview of the methods and techniques used to construct scoliotic finite element and multibody models was given as well as the boundary conditions used in the simulations. The current limitations of the models were discussed as well as how such limitations are addressed in non-scoliotic spine models. Finally, future directions for the numerical modelling of scoliosis were addressed

    Computational modelling of the scoliotic spine: A literature review

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    open4siScoliosis is a deformity of the spine that in severe cases requires surgical treatment. There is still disagreement among clinicians as to what the aim of such treatment is as well as the optimal surgical technique. Numerical models can aid clinical decision-making by estimating the outcome of a given surgical intervention. This paper provided some background information on the modelling of the healthy spine and a review of the literature on scoliotic spine models, their validation, and their application. An overview of the methods and techniques used to construct scoliotic finite element and multibody models was given as well as the boundary conditions used in the simulations. The current limitations of the models were discussed as well as how such limitations are addressed in non-scoliotic spine models. Finally, future directions for the numerical modelling of scoliosis were addressed.Marco Viceconti and Giorgio Davico were supported by the EU funded project Mobilise-D. The charity Reuse-WithLove is gratefully acknowledged for the financial support to this research.openGould, Samuele L; Cristofolini, Luca; Davico, Giorgio; Viceconti, MarcoGould, Samuele L; Cristofolini, Luca; Davico, Giorgio; Viceconti, Marc

    A physically based trunk soft tissue modeling for scoliosis surgery planning systems

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    One of the major concerns of scoliotic patients undergoing spinal correction surgery is the trunk's external appearance after the surgery. This paper presents a novel incremental approach for simulating postoperative trunk shape in scoliosis surgery. Preoperative and postoperative trunk shapes data were obtained using three-dimensional medical imaging techniques for seven patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Results of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, based on the comparison of the simulated and actual postoperative trunk surfaces, showed an adequate accuracy of the method. Our approach provides a candidate simulation tool to be used in a clinical environment for the surgery planning process.IRSC / CIH

    Maritime Moving Target Detection, Tracking and Geocoding Using Range-Compressed Airborne Radar Data

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    Eine regelmäßige und großflächige überwachung des Schiffsverkehrs gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung, vor allem auch um maritime Gefahrenlagen und illegale Aktivitäten rechtzeitig zu erkennen. Heutzutage werden dafür überwiegend das automatische Identifikationssystem (AIS) und stationäre Radarstationen an den Küsten eingesetzt. Luft- und weltraumgestützte Radarsensoren, die unabhängig vom Wetter und Tageslicht Daten liefern, können die vorgenannten Systeme sehr gut ergänzen. So können sie beispielsweise Schiffe detektieren, die nicht mit AIS-Transpondern ausgestattet sind oder die sich außerhalb der Reichweite der stationären AIS- und Radarstationen befinden. Luftgestützte Radarsensoren ermöglichen eine quasi-kontinuierliche Beobachtung von räumlich begrenzten Gebieten. Im Gegensatz dazu bieten weltraumgestützte Radare eine große räumliche Abdeckung, haben aber den Nachteil einer geringeren temporalen Abdeckung. In dieser Dissertation wird ein umfassendes Konzept für die Verarbeitung von Radardaten für die Schiffsverkehr-überwachung mit luftgestützten Radarsensoren vorgestellt. Die Hauptkomponenten dieses Konzepts sind die Detektion, das Tracking, die Geokodierung, die Bildgebung und die Fusion mit AIS-Daten. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurden neuartige Algorithmen für die ersten drei Komponenten entwickelt. Die Algorithmen sind so aufgebaut, dass sie sich prinzipiell für zukünftige Echtzeitanwendungen eignen, die eine Verarbeitung an Bord der Radarplattform erfordern. Darüber hinaus eignen sich die Algorithmen auch für beliebige, nicht-lineare Flugpfade der Radarplattform. Sie sind auch robust gegenüber Lagewinkeländerungen, die während der Datenerfassung aufgrund von Luftturbulenzen jederzeit auftreten können. Die für die Untersuchungen verwendeten Daten sind ausschließlich entfernungskomprimierte Radardaten. Da das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis von Flugzeugradar-Daten im Allgemeinen sehr hoch ist, benötigen die neuentwickelten Algorithmen keine vollständig fokussierten Radarbilder. Dies reduziert die Gesamtverarbeitungszeit erheblich und ebnet den Weg für zukünftige Echtzeitanwendungen. Der entwickelte neuartige Schiffsdetektor arbeitet direkt im Entfernungs-Doppler-Bereich mit sehr kurzen kohärenten Verarbeitungsintervallen (CPIs) der entfernungskomprimierten Radardaten. Aufgrund der sehr kurzen CPIs werden die detektierten Ziele im Dopplerbereich fokussiert abgebildet. Wenn sich die Schiffe zusätzlich mit einer bestimmten Radialgeschwindigkeit bewegen, werden ihre Signale aus dem Clutter-Bereich hinausgeschoben. Dies erhöht das Verhältnis von Signal- zu Clutter-Energie und verbessert somit die Detektierbarkeit. Die Genauigkeit der Detektion hängt stark von der Qualität der von der Meeresoberfläche rückgestreuten Radardaten ab, die für die Schätzung der Clutter-Statistik verwendet werden. Diese wird benötigt, um einen Detektions-Schwellenwert für eine konstante Fehlalarmrate (CFAR) abzuleiten und die Anzahl der Fehlalarme niedrig zu halten. Daher umfasst der vorgeschlagene Detektor auch eine neuartige Methode zur automatischen Extraktion von Trainingsdaten für die Statistikschätzung sowie geeignete Ozean-Clutter-Modelle. Da es sich bei Schiffen um ausgedehnte Ziele handelt, die in hochauflösenden Radardaten mehr als eine Auflösungszelle belegen, werden nach der Detektion mehrere von einem Ziel stammende Pixel zu einem physischen Objekten zusammengefasst, das dann in aufeinanderfolgenden CPIs mit Hilfe eines Bewegungsmodells und eines neuen Mehrzielverfolgungs-Algorithmus (Multi-Target Tracking) getrackt wird. Während des Trackings werden falsche Zielspuren und Geisterzielspuren automatisch erkannt und durch ein leistungsfähiges datenbankbasiertes Track-Management-System terminiert. Die Zielspuren im Entfernungs-Doppler-Bereich werden geokodiert bzw. auf den Boden projiziert, nachdem die Einfallswinkel (DOA) aller Track-Punkte geschätzt wurden. Es werden verschiedene Methoden zur Schätzung der DOA-Winkel für ausgedehnte Ziele vorgeschlagen und anhand von echten Radardaten, die Signale von echten Schiffen beinhalten, bewertet

    Efficient Contact Modeling using Compliance Warping

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    International audienceContact handling is the key of deformable objects simulation, since without it, objects can not interact with their environment nor with the user. In this paper, we propose a novel and very efficient approach for precise computation of contact response between various types of objects commonly used in computer animation. Being constraint based, this method ensures physical correctness, and respects Singorini s law. It can be used with any deformation model, and is based on the use of the initial compliance matrix and contact warping. Thus, the contact response can be computed efficiently, and the object deformation can still be done in a physically plausible way provided the underlying model is physical

    A Novel Method for the 3-D Reconstruction of Scoliotic Ribs From Frontal and Lateral Radiographs

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    Among the external manifestations of scoliosis, the rib hump, which is associated with the ribs' deformities and rotations, constitutes the most disturbing aspect of the scoliotic deformity for patients. A personalized 3-D model of the rib cage is important for a better evaluation of the deformity, and hence, a better treatment planning. A novel method for the 3-D reconstruction of the rib cage, based only on two standard radiographs, is proposed in this paper. For each rib, two points are extrapolated from the reconstructed spine, and three points are reconstructed by stereo radiography. The reconstruction is then refined using a surface approximation. The method was evaluated using clinical data of 13 patients with scoliosis. A comparison was conducted between the reconstructions obtained with the proposed method and those obtained by using a previous reconstruction method based on two frontal radiographs. A first comparison criterion was the distances between the reconstructed ribs and the surface topography of the trunk, considered as the reference modality. The correlation between ribs axial rotation and back surface rotation was also evaluated. The proposed method successfully reconstructed the ribs of the 6th-12th thoracic levels. The evaluation results showed that the 3-D configuration of the new rib reconstructions is more consistent with the surface topography and provides more accurate measurements of ribs axial rotation.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and MENTOR, a strategic training program of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research