126 research outputs found

    Land subsidence over oilfields in the Yellow River Delta

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    Subsidence in river deltas is a complex process that has both natural and human causes. Increasing human activities like aquaculture and petroleum extraction are affecting the Yellow River delta, and one consequence is subsidence. The purpose of this study is to measure the surface displacements in the Yellow River delta region and to investigate the corresponding subsidence source. In this paper, the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS) package was employed to process Envisat ASAR images collected between 2007 and 2010. Consistent results between two descending tracks show subsidence with a mean rate up to 30 mm/yr in the radar line of sight direction in Gudao Town (oilfield), Gudong oilfield and Xianhe Town of the delta, each of which is within the delta, and also show that subsidence is not uniform across the delta. Field investigation shows a connection between areas of non-uniform subsidence and of petroleum extraction. In a 9 km2 area of the Gudao Oilfield, a poroelastic disk reservoir model is used to model the InSAR derived displacements. In general, good fits between InSAR observations and modeled displacements are seen. The subsidence observed in the vicinity of the oilfield is thus suggested to be caused by fluid extraction

    Interseismic and Postseismic Shallow Creep of the North Qaidam Thrust Faults Detected with a Multitemporal InSAR Analysis

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    Understanding the mechanisms by which earthquake cycles produce folding and accommodate shortening is essential to quantify the seismic potential of active faults and integrate aseismic slip within our understanding of the physical mechanisms of the long-term deformation. However, measuring such small deformation signals in mountainous areas is challenging with current space-geodesy techniques, due to the low rates of motion relative to the amplitude of the noise. Here we successfully carry out a multitemporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar analysis over the North Qaidam fold-thrust system in NE Tibet, where eight Mw> 5.2 earthquakes occurred between 2003 and 2009. We report various cases of aseismic slip uplifting the thickened crust at short wavelengths. We provide a rare example of a steep, shallow, 13-km-long and 6-km-wide afterslip signal that coincides spatially with an anticline and that continues into 2011 in response to a Mw 6.3 event in 2003. We suggest that a buried seismic slip during the 2003 earthquake has triggered both plastic an-elastic folding and aseismic slip on the shallow thrusts. We produce a first-order two-dimensional model of the postseismic surface displacements due to the 2003 earthquake and highlight a segmented slip on three fault patches that steepen approaching the surface. This study emphasizes the fundamental role of shallow aseismic slip in the long-term and permanent deformation of thrusts and folds and the potential of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar for detecting and characterizing the spatiotemporal behavior of aseismic slip over large mountainous regions

    Detection threshold estimates for insar time series: A simulation of tropospheric delay approach

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    We present a method for estimating the detection threshold of InSAR time-series products that relies on simulations of both vertical stratification and turbulence mixing components of tropo-spheric delay. Our simulations take into account case-specific parameters, such as topography and wet delay. We generate the time series of simulated data with given intervals (e.g., 12 and 35 days) for temporal coverages varying between 3 and 10 years. Each simulated acquisition presents the apparent noise due to tropospheric delay, which is constrained by case-specific parameters. As the calculation parameters are randomized, we carry out a large number of simulations and analyze the results statistically and we see that, as temporal coverage increases, the amount of propagated error decreases, presenting an inverse correlation. We validate our method by comparing our results with ERS and Envisat results over Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico. Our case study results indicate that Sentinel-1 can achieve ≈1 mm/yr detection level with regularly sampled data sets that have temporal coverage longer than 5 years

    Detection threshold estimates for insar time series: A simulation of tropospheric delay approach

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    We present a method for estimating the detection threshold of InSAR time-series products that relies on simulations of both vertical stratification and turbulence mixing components of tropo-spheric delay. Our simulations take into account case-specific parameters, such as topography and wet delay. We generate the time series of simulated data with given intervals (e.g., 12 and 35 days) for temporal coverages varying between 3 and 10 years. Each simulated acquisition presents the apparent noise due to tropospheric delay, which is constrained by case-specific parameters. As the calculation parameters are randomized, we carry out a large number of simulations and analyze the results statistically and we see that, as temporal coverage increases, the amount of propagated error decreases, presenting an inverse correlation. We validate our method by comparing our results with ERS and Envisat results over Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico. Our case study results indicate that Sentinel-1 can achieve ≈1 mm/yr detection level with regularly sampled data sets that have temporal coverage longer than 5 years

    Mexico City land subsidence in 2014-2015 with Sentinel-1 IW TOPS: results using the Intermittent SBAS (ISBAS) technique

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    Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) can be considered as an efficient and cost effective technique for monitoring land subsidence due to its large spatial coverage and high accuracy provided. The recent commissioning of the first Sentinel-1 satellite offers improved support to operational surveys using DInSAR due to regular observations from a wide-area product. In this paper we show the results of an intermittent small-baseline subset (ISBAS) time-series analysis of 18 Interferometric Wide swath (IW) products of a 39,000 km2 area of Mexico acquired between 3 October 2014 and 7 May 2015 using the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans in azimuth (TOPS) imaging mode. The ISBAS processing was based upon the analysis of 143 small-baseline differential interferograms. After the debursting, merging and deramping steps necessary to process Sentinel-1 IW roducts, the method followed a standard approach to the DInSAR analysis. The Sentinel-1 ISBAS results confirm the magnitude and extent of the deformation that was observed in Mexico City, Chalco, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl and Iztapalapa by other C-band and L-band DInSAR studies during the 1990s and 2000s. Subsidence velocities from the Sentinel-1 analysis are, in places, in excess of -24 cm/year along the satellite line-of-sight, equivalent to over ~-40 cm/year vertical rates. This paper demonstrates the potential of Sentinel-1 IW TOPS imagery to support wide-area DInSAR surveys over what is a very large and diverse area in terms of land cover and topography

    Advanced pixel selection and optimization algorithms for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI)

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    Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de les TICGround deformation measurements can provide valuable information for minimization of associated loss and damage caused by natural and environmental hazards. As a kind of remote sensing technique, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) SAR is able to measure ground deformation with high spatial resolution, efficiently. Moreover, the ground deformation monitoring accuracy of PSI techniques can reach up to millimeter level. However, low coherence could hinderthe exploitation of SAR data, and high-accuracy deformation monitoring can only be achieved by PSI for high quality pixels. Therefore, pixel optimization and identification of coherent pixels are crucial for PSI techniques. In this thesis, advanced pixel selection and optimization algorithms have been investigated. Firstly, a full-resolution pixel selection method based on the Temporal Phase Coherence (TPC) has been proposed. This method first estimates noise phase term of each pixel at interferogram level. Then, for each pixel, its noise phase terms of all interferograms are used to assess this pixel’s temporal phase quality (i.e., TPC). In the next, based on the relationship between TPC and phase Standard Deviation (STD), a threshold can be posed on TPC to identify high phase quality pixels. This pixel selection method can work with both Deterministic Scatterers (PSs) and Distributed Scatterers (DSs). To valid the effectiveness of the developed method, it has been used to monitor the Canillo (Andorra) landslide. The results show that the TPC method can obtained highest density of valid pixels among the employed three approaches in this challenging area with X-band SAR data. Second, to balance the polarimetric DInSAR phase optimization effect and the computation cost, a new PolPSI algorithm is developed. This proposed PolPSI algorithm is based on the Coherency Matrix Decomposition result to determine the optimal scattering mechanism of each pixel, thus it is named as CMD-PolPSI. CMDPolPSI need not to search for solution within the full space of solution, it is therefore much computationally faster than the classical Equal Scattering Mechanism (ESM) method, but with lower optimization performance. On the other hand, its optimization performance outperforms the less computational costly BEST method. Third, an adaptive algorithm SMF-POLOPT has been proposed to adaptive filtering and optimizing PolSAR pixels for PolPSI applications. This proposed algorithm is based on PolSAR classification results to firstly identify Polarimetric Homogeneous Pixels (PHPs) for each pixel, and at the same time classify PS and DS pixels. After that, DS pixels are filtered by their associated PHPs, and then optimized based on the coherence stability phase quality metric; PS pixels are unfiltered and directly optimized based on the DA phase quality metric. SMF-POLOPT can simultaneously reduce speckle noise and retain structures’ details. Meanwhile, SMF-POLOPT is able to obtain much higher density of valid pixels for deformation monitoring than the ESM method. To conclude, one pixel selection method has been developed and tested, two PolPSI algorithms have been proposed in this thesis. This work make contributions to the research of “Advanced Pixel Selection and Optimization Algorithms for Persistent Scatterer InterferometryLes mesures de deformació del sòl poden proporcionar informació valuosa per minimitzar les pèrdues i els danys associats causats pels riscos naturals i ambientals. Com a tècnica de teledetecció, la interferometria de dispersors persistents (Persistent Scatter Interferometry, PSI) SAR és capaç de mesurar de forma eficient la deformació del terreny amb una alta resolució espacial. A més, la precisió de monitorització de la deformació del sòl de les tècniques PSI pot arribar a arribar a nivells del mil·límetre. No obstant això, una baixa coherència pot dificultar l’explotació de dades SAR i el control de deformació d’alta precisió només es pot aconseguir mitjançant PSI per a píxels d’alta qualitat. Per tant, l’optimització de píxels i la identificació de píxels coherents són crucials en les tècniques PSI. En aquesta tesi s¿han investigat algorismes avançats de selecció i optimització de píxels. En primer lloc, s'ha proposat un mètode de selecció de píxels de resolució completa basat en la coherència temporal de fase (Temporal Phase Coherence, TPC). Aquest mètode estima per primera vegada el terme de fase de soroll de cada píxel a nivell d’interferograma. A continuació, per a cada píxel, s'utilitzen els termes de la fase de soroll de tots els interferogrames per avaluar la qualitat de fase temporal d'aquest píxel (és a dir, TPC). A la següent, basant-se en la relació entre el TPC i la desviació estàndard de fase (STD), es pot plantejar un llindar de TPC per identificar píxels de qualitat de fase alta. Aquest mètode de selecció de píxels es capaç de detectar tant els dispersors deterministes (PS) com els distribuïts (DS). Per validar l’eficàcia del mètode desenvolupat, s’ha utilitzat per controlar l’esllavissada de Canillo (Andorra). Els resultats mostren que el mètode TPC pot obtenir la major densitat de píxels vàlids, comparat amb els mètodes clàssics de selecció, en aquesta àrea difícil amb dades de SAR de banda X. En segon lloc, per equilibrar l’efecte d’optimització de fase DInSAR polarimètrica i el cost de càlcul, es desenvolupa un nou algorisme de PolPSI. Aquest algorisme proposat de PolPSI es basa en el resultat de la descomposició de la matriu de coherència per determinar el mecanisme de dispersió òptim de cada píxel, de manera que es denomina CMD-PolPSI. CMDPolPSI no necessita buscar solucions dins de l’espai complet de la solució, per tant, és molt més eficient computacionalment que el mètode clàssic de mecanismes d’igualtat de dispersió (Equal Scattering Mechanism, ESM), però amb un efecte d’optimització no tant òptim. D'altra banda, el seu efecte d'optimització supera el mètode BEST, el que te un menor cost computacional. En tercer lloc, s'ha proposat un algoritme adaptatiu SMF-POLOPT per al filtratge adaptatiu i l'optimització de píxels PolSAR per a aplicacions PolPSI. Aquest algorisme proposat es basa en els resultats de classificació PolSAR per identificar primer els píxels homogenis polarimètrics (PHP) per a cada píxel i, alhora, classificar els píxels PS i DS. Després d'això, els píxels DS es filtren pels seus PHP associats i, a continuació, s'optimitzen en funció de la mètrica de qualitat de la fase d'estabilitat de coherència; els píxels classificats com PS no es filtren i s'optimitzen directament en funció de la mètrica de qualitat de la fase DA. SMF-POLOPT pot reduir simultàniament el soroll de la fase interferomètrica i conservar els detalls de les estructures. Mentrestant, SMF-POLOPT aconsegueix obtenir una densitat molt més alta de píxels vàlids per al seguiment de la deformació que el mètode ESM. Per concloure, en aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat i provat un mètode de selecció de píxels, i s’han proposat dos algoritmes PolPSI. Aquest treball contribueix a la recerca en "Advanced Pixel Selection and Optimization Algorithms for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry"Postprint (published version

    State-of-the-art in studies of glacial isostatic adjustment for the British Isles: a literature review

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    Understanding the effects of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) of the British Isles is essential for the assessment of past and future sea-level trends. GIA has been extensively examined in the literature, employing different research methods and observational data types. Geological evidence from palaeo-shorelines and undisturbed sedimentary deposits has been used to reconstruct long-term relative sea-level change since the Last Glacial Maximum. This information derived from sea-level index points has been employed to inform empirical isobase models of the uplift in Scotland using trend surface and Gaussian trend surface analysis, as well as to calibrate more theory-driven GIA models that rely on Earth mantle rheology and ice sheet history. Furthermore, current short-term rates of GIA-induced crustal motion during the past few decades have been measured using different geodetic techniques, mainly continuous GPS (CGPS) and absolute gravimetry (AG). AG-measurements are generally employed to increase the accuracy of the CGPS estimates. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) looks promising as a relatively new technique to measure crustal uplift in the northern parts of Great Britain, where the GIA-induced vertical land deformation has its highest rate. This literature review provides an in-depth comparison and discussion of the development of these different research approaches

    Innovative Techniques for the Retrieval of Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere Geophysical Parameters: Spaceborne Infrared/Microwave Combined Analyses

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    With the advent of the first satellites for Earth Observation: Landsat-1 in July 1972 and ERS-1 in May 1991, the discipline of environmental remote sensing has become, over time, increasingly fundamental for the study of phenomena characterizing the planet Earth. The goal of environmental remote sensing is to perform detailed analyses and to monitor the temporal evolution of different physical phenomena, exploiting the mechanisms of interaction between the objects that are present in an observed scene and the electromagnetic radiation detected by sensors, placed at a distance from the scene, operating at different frequencies. The analyzed physical phenomena are those related to climate change, weather forecasts, global ocean circulation, greenhouse gas profiling, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, soil subsidence, and the effects of rapid urbanization processes. Generally, remote sensing sensors are of two primary types: active and passive. Active sensors use their own source of electromagnetic radiation to illuminate and analyze an area of interest. An active sensor emits radiation in the direction of the area to be investigated and then detects and measures the radiation that is backscattered from the objects contained in that area. Passive sensors, on the other hand, detect natural electromagnetic radiation (e.g., from the Sun in the visible band and the Earth in the infrared and microwave bands) emitted or reflected by the object contained in the observed scene. The scientific community has dedicated many resources to developing techniques to estimate, study and analyze Earth’s geophysical parameters. These techniques differ for active and passive sensors because they depend strictly on the type of the measured physical quantity. In my P.h.D. work, inversion techniques for estimating Earth’s surface and atmosphere geophysical parameters will be addressed, emphasizing methods based on machine learning (ML). In particular, the study of cloud microphysics and the characterization of Earth’s surface changes phenomenon are the critical points of this work

    Ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GBSAR) interferometry for deformation monitoring

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    Ph. D ThesisGround-based synthetic aperture radar (GBSAR), together with interferometry, represents a powerful tool for deformation monitoring. GBSAR has inherent flexibility, allowing data to be collected with adjustable temporal resolutions through either continuous or discontinuous mode. The goal of this research is to develop a framework to effectively utilise GBSAR for deformation monitoring in both modes, with the emphasis on accuracy, robustness, and real-time capability. To achieve this goal, advanced Interferometric SAR (InSAR) processing algorithms have been proposed to address existing issues in conventional interferometry for GBSAR deformation monitoring. The proposed interferometric algorithms include a new non-local method for the accurate estimation of coherence and interferometric phase, a new approach to selecting coherent pixels with the aim of maximising the density of selected pixels and optimizing the reliability of time series analysis, and a rigorous model for the correction of atmospheric and repositioning errors. On the basis of these algorithms, two complete interferometric processing chains have been developed: one for continuous and the other for discontinuous GBSAR deformation monitoring. The continuous chain is able to process infinite incoming images in real time and extract the evolution of surface movements through temporally coherent pixels. The discontinuous chain integrates additional automatic coregistration of images and correction of repositioning errors between different campaigns. Successful deformation monitoring applications have been completed, including three continuous (a dune, a bridge, and a coastal cliff) and one discontinuous (a hillside), which have demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the presented algorithms and chains for high-accuracy GBSAR interferometric measurement. Significant deformation signals were detected from the three continuous applications and no deformation from the discontinuous. The achieved results are justified quantitatively via a defined precision indicator for the time series estimation and validated qualitatively via a priori knowledge of these observing sites.China Scholarship Council (CSC), Newcastle Universit
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