270 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Light Field Capture and Reconstruction

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    This thesis discusses approaches and techniques to convert Sparsely-Sampled Light Fields (SSLFs) into Densely-Sampled Light Fields (DSLFs), which can be used for visualization on 3DTV and Virtual Reality (VR) devices. Exemplarily, a movable 1D large-scale light field acquisition system for capturing SSLFs in real-world environments is evaluated. This system consists of 24 sparsely placed RGB cameras and two Kinect V2 sensors. The real-world SSLF data captured with this setup can be leveraged to reconstruct real-world DSLFs. To this end, three challenging problems require to be solved for this system: (i) how to estimate the rigid transformation from the coordinate system of a Kinect V2 to the coordinate system of an RGB camera; (ii) how to register the two Kinect V2 sensors with a large displacement; (iii) how to reconstruct a DSLF from a SSLF with moderate and large disparity ranges. To overcome these three challenges, we propose: (i) a novel self-calibration method, which takes advantage of the geometric constraints from the scene and the cameras, for estimating the rigid transformations from the camera coordinate frame of one Kinect V2 to the camera coordinate frames of 12-nearest RGB cameras; (ii) a novel coarse-to-fine approach for recovering the rigid transformation from the coordinate system of one Kinect to the coordinate system of the other by means of local color and geometry information; (iii) several novel algorithms that can be categorized into two groups for reconstructing a DSLF from an input SSLF, including novel view synthesis methods, which are inspired by the state-of-the-art video frame interpolation algorithms, and Epipolar-Plane Image (EPI) inpainting methods, which are inspired by the Shearlet Transform (ST)-based DSLF reconstruction approaches

    Using Surfaces and Surface Relations in an Early Cognitive Vision System

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00138-015-0705-yWe present a deep hierarchical visual system with two parallel hierarchies for edge and surface information. In the two hierarchies, complementary visual information is represented on different levels of granularity together with the associated uncertainties and confidences. At all levels, geometric and appearance information is coded explicitly in 2D and 3D allowing to access this information separately and to link between the different levels. We demonstrate the advantages of such hierarchies in three applications covering grasping, viewpoint independent object representation, and pose estimation.European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/IC

    Non-isometric 3D shape registration.

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    3D shape registration is an important task in computer graphics and computer vision. It has been widely used in the area of film industry, 3D animation, video games and AR/VR assets creation. Manually creating the 3D model of a character from scratch is tedious and time consuming, and it can only be completed by professional trained artists. With the development of 3D geometry acquisition technology, it becomes easier and cheaper to capture high-resolution and highly detailed 3D geometries. However, the scanned data are often incomplete or noisy and therefore cannot be employed directly. To deal with the above two problems, one typical and efficient solution is to deform an existing high-quality model (template) to fit the scanned data (target). Shape registration as an essential technique to do so has been arousing intensive attention. In last decades, various shape registration approaches have been proposed for accurate template fitting. However, there are still some remaining challenges. It is well known that the template can be largely different with the target in respect of size and pose. With the large (usually non-isometric) deformation between them, the shear distortion can easily occur, which may lead to poor results, such as degenerated triangles, fold-overs. Before deforming the template towards the target, reliable correspondences between them should be found first. Incorrect correspondences give the wrong deformation guidance, which can also easily produce fold-overs. As mentioned before, the target always comes with noise. This is the part we want to filter out and try not to fit the template on it. Hence, non-isometric shape registration robust to noise is highly desirable in the scene of geometry modelling from the scanned data. In this PhD research, we address existing challenges in shape registration, including how to prevent the deformation distortion, how to reduce the foldover occurrence and how to deal with the noise in the target. Novel methods including consistent as-similar as-possible surface deformation and robust Huber-L1 surface registration are proposed, which are validated through experimental comparison with state-of-the-arts. The deformation technique plays an important role in shape registration. In this research, a consistent as similar-as-possible (CASAP) surface deformation approach is proposed. Starting from investigating the continuous deformation energy, we analyse the existing term to make the discrete energy converge to the continuous one, whose property we called as energy consistency. Based on the deformation method, a novel CASAP non-isometric surface registration method is proposed. The proposed registration method well preserves the angles of triangles in the template surface so that least distortion is introduced during the surface deformation and thus reduce the risk of fold-over and self-intersection. To reduce the noise influence, a Huber-L1 based non-isometric surface registration is proposed, where a Huber-L1 regularized model constrained on the transformation variation and position difference. The proposed method is robust to noise and produces piecewise smooth results while still preserving fine details on the target. We evaluate and validate our methods through extensive experiments, whose results have demonstrated that the proposed methods in this thesis are more accurate and robust to noise in comparison of the state-of-the arts and enable us to produce high quality models with little efforts

    Facial analysis with depth maps and deep learning

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência e Tecnologia Web em associação com a Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, apresentada à Universidade AbertaA recolha e análise sequencial de dados multimodais do rosto humano é um problema importante em visão por computador, com aplicações variadas na análise e monitorização médica, entretenimento e segurança. No entanto, devido à natureza do problema, há uma falta de sistemas acessíveis e fáceis de usar, em tempo real, com capacidade de anotações, análise 3d, capacidade de reanalisar e com uma velocidade capaz de detetar padrões faciais em ambientes de trabalho. No âmbito de um esforço contínuo, para desenvolver ferramentas de apoio à monitorização e avaliação de emoções/sinais em ambiente de trabalho, será realizada uma investigação relativa à aplicabilidade de uma abordagem de análise facial para mapear e avaliar os padrões faciais humanos. O objetivo consiste em investigar um conjunto de sistemas e técnicas que possibilitem responder à questão de como usar dados de sensores multimodais para obter um sistema de classificação para identificar padrões faciais. Com isso em mente, foi planeado desenvolver ferramentas para implementar um sistema em tempo real de forma a reconhecer padrões faciais. O desafio é interpretar esses dados de sensores multimodais para classificá-los com algoritmos de aprendizagem profunda e cumprir os seguintes requisitos: capacidade de anotações, análise 3d e capacidade de reanalisar. Além disso, o sistema tem que ser capaze de melhorar continuamente o resultado do modelo de classificação para melhorar e avaliar diferentes padrões do rosto humano. A FACE ANALYSYS, uma ferramenta desenvolvida no contexto desta tese de doutoramento, será complementada por várias aplicações para investigar as relações de vários dados de sensores com estados emocionais/sinais. Este trabalho é útil para desenvolver um sistema de análise adequado para a perceção de grandes quantidades de dados comportamentais.Collecting and analyzing in real time multimodal sensor data of a human face is an important problem in computer vision, with applications in medical and monitoring analysis, entertainment, and security. However, due to the exigent nature of the problem, there is a lack of affordable and easy to use systems, with real time annotations capability, 3d analysis, replay capability and with a frame speed capable of detecting facial patterns in working behavior environments. In the context of an ongoing effort to develop tools to support the monitoring and evaluation of human affective state in working environments, this research will investigate the applicability of a facial analysis approach to map and evaluate human facial patterns. Our objective consists in investigating a set of systems and techniques that make it possible to answer the question regarding how to use multimodal sensor data to obtain a classification system in order to identify facial patterns. With that in mind, it will be developed tools to implement a real-time system in a way that it will be able to recognize facial patterns from 3d data. The challenge is to interpret this multi-modal sensor data to classify it with deep learning algorithms and fulfill the follow requirements: annotations capability, 3d analysis and replay capability. In addition, the system will be able to enhance continuously the output result of the system with a training process in order to improve and evaluate different patterns of the human face. FACE ANALYSYS is a tool developed in the context of this doctoral thesis, in order to research the relations of various sensor data with human facial affective state. This work is useful to develop an appropriate visualization system for better insight of a large amount of behavioral data.N/

    Correspondence matching in unorganized 3D point clouds using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This document presents a novel method based in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to obtain correspondence matchings between sets of keypoints of several unorganized 3D point cloud captures, independently of the sensor used. The proposed technique extends a state-of-the-art method for correspondence matching in standard 2D images to sets of unorganized 3D point clouds. The strategy consists in projecting the 3D neighborhood of the keypoint onto an RGBD patch, and the classi cation of patch pairs using CNNs. The objective evaluation of the proposed 3D point matching based in CNNs outperforms existing 3D feature descriptors, especially when intensity or color data is available.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    3d Face Reconstruction And Emotion Analytics With Part-Based Morphable Models

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    3D face reconstruction and facial expression analytics using 3D facial data are new and hot research topics in computer graphics and computer vision. In this proposal, we first review the background knowledge for emotion analytics using 3D morphable face model, including geometry feature-based methods, statistic model-based methods and more advanced deep learning-bade methods. Then, we introduce a novel 3D face modeling and reconstruction solution that robustly and accurately acquires 3D face models from a couple of images captured by a single smartphone camera. Two selfie photos of a subject taken from the front and side are used to guide our Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) induced part-based face model to iteratively reconstruct an initial 3D face of the subject. Then, an iterative detail updating method is applied to the initial generated 3D face to reconstruct facial details through optimizing lighting parameters and local depths. Our iterative 3D face reconstruction method permits fully automatic registration of a part-based face representation to the acquired face data and the detailed 2D/3D features to build a high-quality 3D face model. The NMF part-based face representation learned from a 3D face database facilitates effective global and adaptive local detail data fitting alternatively. Our system is flexible and it allows users to conduct the capture in any uncontrolled environment. We demonstrate the capability of our method by allowing users to capture and reconstruct their 3D faces by themselves. Based on the 3D face model reconstruction, we can analyze the facial expression and the related emotion in 3D space. We present a novel approach to analyze the facial expressions from images and a quantitative information visualization scheme for exploring this type of visual data. From the reconstructed result using NMF part-based morphable 3D face model, basis parameters and a displacement map are extracted as features for facial emotion analysis and visualization. Based upon the features, two Support Vector Regressions (SVRs) are trained to determine the fuzzy Valence-Arousal (VA) values to quantify the emotions. The continuously changing emotion status can be intuitively analyzed by visualizing the VA values in VA-space. Our emotion analysis and visualization system, based on 3D NMF morphable face model, detects expressions robustly from various head poses, face sizes and lighting conditions, and is fully automatic to compute the VA values from images or a sequence of video with various facial expressions. To evaluate our novel method, we test our system on publicly available databases and evaluate the emotion analysis and visualization results. We also apply our method to quantifying emotion changes during motivational interviews. These experiments and applications demonstrate effectiveness and accuracy of our method. In order to improve the expression recognition accuracy, we present a facial expression recognition approach with 3D Mesh Convolutional Neural Network (3DMCNN) and a visual analytics guided 3DMCNN design and optimization scheme. The geometric properties of the surface is computed using the 3D face model of a subject with facial expressions. Instead of using regular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn intensities of the facial images, we convolve the geometric properties on the surface of the 3D model using 3DMCNN. We design a geodesic distance-based convolution method to overcome the difficulties raised from the irregular sampling of the face surface mesh. We further present an interactive visual analytics for the purpose of designing and modifying the networks to analyze the learned features and cluster similar nodes in 3DMCNN. By removing low activity nodes in the network, the performance of the network is greatly improved. We compare our method with the regular CNN-based method by interactively visualizing each layer of the networks and analyze the effectiveness of our method by studying representative cases. Testing on public datasets, our method achieves a higher recognition accuracy than traditional image-based CNN and other 3D CNNs. The presented framework, including 3DMCNN and interactive visual analytics of the CNN, can be extended to other applications


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    The prevalence of wireless networks and the convenience of mobile cameras enable many new video applications other than security and entertainment. From behavioral diagnosis to wellness monitoring, cameras are increasing used for observations in various educational and medical settings. Videos collected for such applications are considered protected health information under privacy laws in many countries. Visual privacy protection techniques, such as blurring or object removal, can be used to mitigate privacy concern, but they also obliterate important visual cues of affect and social behaviors that are crucial for the target applications. In this dissertation, we propose to balance the privacy protection and the utility of the data by preserving the privacy-insensitive information, such as pose and expression, which is useful in many applications involving visual understanding. The Intellectual Merits of the dissertation include a novel framework for visual privacy protection by manipulating facial image and body shape of individuals, which: (1) is able to conceal the identity of individuals; (2) provide a way to preserve the utility of the data, such as expression and pose information; (3) balance the utility of the data and capacity of the privacy protection. The Broader Impacts of the dissertation focus on the significance of privacy protection on visual data, and the inadequacy of current privacy enhancing technologies in preserving affect and behavioral attributes of the visual content, which are highly useful for behavior observation in educational and medical settings. This work in this dissertation represents one of the first attempts in achieving both goals simultaneously
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