909 research outputs found

    Instrumentation and control of anaerobic digestion processes: a review and some research challenges

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11157-015-9382-6[EN] To enhance energy production from methane or resource recovery from digestate, anaerobic digestion processes require advanced instrumentation and control tools. Over the years, research on these topics has evolved and followed the main fields of application of anaerobic digestion processes: from municipal sewage sludge to liquid mainly industrial then municipal organic fraction of solid waste and agricultural residues. Time constants of the processes have also changed with respect to the treated waste from minutes or hours to weeks or months. Since fast closed loop control is needed for short time constant processes, human operator is now included in the loop when taking decisions to optimize anaerobic digestion plants dealing with complex solid waste over a long retention time. Control objectives have also moved from the regulation of key variables measured online to the prediction of overall process perfor- mance based on global off-line measurements to optimize the feeding of the processes. Additionally, the need for more accurate prediction of methane production and organic matter biodegradation has impacted the complexity of instrumentation and should include a more detailed characterization of the waste (e.g., biochemical fractions like proteins, lipids and carbohydrates)andtheirbioaccessibility andbiodegradability characteristics. However, even if in the literature several methodologies have been developed to determine biodegradability based on organic matter characterization, only a few papers deal with bioaccessibility assessment. In this review, we emphasize the high potential of some promising techniques, such as spectral analysis, and we discuss issues that could appear in the near future concerning control of AD processes.The authors acknowledge the financial support of INRA (the French National Institute for Agricultural Research), the French National Research Agency (ANR) for the "Phycover" project (project ANR-14-CE04-0011) and ADEME for Inter-laboratory assay financial support.Jimenez, J.; Latrille, E.; Harmand, J.; Robles MartĂ­nez, Á.; Ferrer Polo, J.; Gaida, D.; Wolf, C.... (2015). Instrumentation and control of anaerobic digestion processes: a review and some research challenges. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 14(4):615-648. doi:10.1007/s11157-015-9382-6S615648144Aceves-Lara CA, Latrille E, Steyer JP (2010) Optimal control of hydrogen production in a continuous anaerobic fermentation bioreactor. 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    Development of monitoring and control systems for biotechnological processes

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    The field of biotechnology represents an important research area that has gained increasing success in recent times. Characterized by the involvement of biological organisms in manufacturing processes, its areas of application are broad and include the pharmaceuticals, agri-food, energy, and even waste treatment. The implication of living microorganisms represents the common element in all bioprocesses. Cell cultivations is undoubtedly the key step that requires maintaining environmental conditions in precise and defined ranges, having a significant impact on the process yield and thus on the desired product quality. The apparatus in which this process occurs is the bioreactor. Unfortunately, monitoring and controlling these processes can be a challenging task because of the complexity of the cell growth phenomenon and the limited number of variables can be monitored in real-time. The thesis presented here focuses on the monitoring and control of biotechnological processes, more specifically in the production of bioethanol by fermentation of sugars using yeasts. The study conducted addresses several issues related to the monitoring and control of the bioreactor, in which the fermentation takes place. First, the topic concerning the lack of proper sensors capable of providing online measurements of key variables (biomass, substrate, product) is investigated. For this purpose, nonlinear estimation techniques are analyzed to reconstruct unmeasurable states. In particular, the geometric observer approach is applied to select the best estimation structure and then a comparison with the extended Kalman filter is reported. Both estimators proposed demonstrate good estimation capabilities as input model parameters vary. Guaranteeing the achievement of the desired ethanol composition is the main goal of bioreactor control. To this end, different control strategies, evaluated for three different scenarios, are analzyed. The results show that the MIMO system, together with an estimator for ethanol composition, ensure the compliance with product quality. After analyzing these difficulties through numeric simulations, this research work shifts to testing a specific biotechnological process such as manufacturing bioethanol from brewery’s spent grain (BSG) as renewable waste biomass. Both acid pre-treatment, which is necessary to release sugars, and fermentation are optimized. Results show that a glucose yield of 18.12 per 100 g of dried biomass is obtained when the pre-treatment step is performed under optimized conditions (0.37 M H2SO4, 10% S-L ratio). Regarding the fermentation, T=25°C, pH=4.5, and inoculum volume equal to 12.25% v/v are selected as the best condition, at which an ethanol yield of 82.67% evaluated with respect to theoretical one is obtained. As a final step, the use of Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometric techniques such as Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis is evaluated to develop an online sensor for fermentation process monitoring. The results show that the biomass type involved significantly affects the acquired spectra, making them noisy and difficult to interpret. This represents a nontrivial limitation of the applied methodology, for which more experimental data and more robust statistical techniques could be helpful

    Development of software sensors for on-line monitoring of bakers yeast fermentation process

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    Software sensors and bioprocess are well-established research areas which have much to offer each other. Under the perspective of the software sensors area, bioprocess can be considered as a broad application area with a growing number of complex and challenging tasks to be dealt with, whose solutions can contribute to achieving high productivity and high-quality products. Although throughout the past years in the field of software sensors and bioprocess, progress has been quick and with a high degree of success, there is still a lack of inexpensive and reliable sensors for on-line state and parameter estimation. Therefore, the primary objective of this research was to design an inexpensive measurement system for on-line monitoring of ethanol production during the backers yeast cultivation process. The measurement system is based on commercially available metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors. From the bioreactor headspace, samples are pumped past the gas sensors array for 10 s every five minutes and the voltage changes of the sensors are measured. The signals from the gas sensor array showed a high correlation with ethanol concentration during cultivation process. In order to predict ethanol concentrations from the data of the gas sensor array, a principal component regression (PCR) model was developed. For the calibration procedure no off-line sampling was used. Instead, a theoretical model of the process is applied to simulate the ethanol production at any given time. The simulated ethanol concentrations were used as reference data for calibrating the response of the gas sensor array. The obtained results indicate that the model-based calibrated gas sensor array is able to predict ethanol concentrations during the cultivation process with a high accuracy (root mean square error of calibration as well as the percentage error for the validation sets were below 0.2 gL-1 and 7 %, respectively). However the predicted values are only available every five minutes. Therefore, the following plan of the research goal was to implement an estimation method for continues prediction of ethanol as well as glucose, biomass and the growth rates. For this reason, two nonlinear extensions of the Kalman filter namely the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) were implemented separately for state and parameter estimation. Both prediction methods were validated on three different cultivation with variability of the substrate concentrations. The obtained results showed that both estimation algorithms show satisfactory results with respect to estimation of concentrations of substrates 6 and biomass as well as the growth rate parameters during the cultivation. However, despite the easier implementation producer of the UKF, this method shows more accurate prediction results compared to the EKF prediction method. Another focus of this study was to design and implement an on-line monitoring and control system for the volume evaluation of dough pieces during the proofing process of bread making. For this reason, a software sensor based on image processing was designed and implemented for measuring the dough volume. The control system consists of a fuzzy logic controller which takes into account the estimated volume. The controller is designed to maintain the volume of the dough pieces similar to the volume expansion of a dough piece in standard conditions during the proofing process by manipulating the temperature of the proofing chamber. Dough pieces with different amounts of backers yeast added in the ingredients and in different temperature starting states were prepared and proofed with the supervision of the software sensor and the fuzzy controller. The controller was evaluated by means of performance criteria and the final volume of the dough samples. The obtained results indicate that the performance of the system is very satisfactory with respect to volume control and set point deviation of the dough pieces.Softwaresensoren und Bioprozese sind gut etablierte Forschungsgebiete, die sich gegenseitig viel befruchten können. Unter dem Blickwinkel der Softwaresensorik kann der Bioprozess als ein breites Anwendungsgebiet mit einer wachsenden Zahl komplexer und anspruchsvoller Aufgabenstellungen betrachtet werden, deren Lösung zur Erzielung hoher ProduktivitĂ€t und qualitativ hochwertiger Produkte beitragen kann. Obwohl in den letzten Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Softwaresensoren und des Bioprozesses rasch und mit großem Erfolg Untersuchung erzielt wurden, fehlt es immer noch an kostengĂŒnstigen und zuverlĂ€ssigen Sensoren fĂŒr die Online-Zustands- und ParameterschĂ€tzung. Daher war das primĂ€re Ziel dieser Forschung die Entwicklung eines kostengĂŒnstigen Messsystems fĂŒr die Online-Überwachung der Ethanolproduktion wĂ€hrend des Kultivierungsprozesses von Backhefe. Das Messsystem basiert auf kommerziell erhĂ€ltlichen Metalloxid-Halbleiter-Gassensoren. Die Headspace-Proben des Bioreaktors werden alle fĂŒnf Minuten fĂŒr 10 s an der Gassensor-Anordnung vorbeigepumpt und die SpannungsĂ€nderungen der Sensoren werden gemessen. Die Signale des Gassensorarrays zeigten eine hohe Korrelation mit der Ethanolkonzentration wĂ€hrend des Kultivierungsprozesses. Um die Ethanolkonzentrationen aus den Daten des Gassensorarrays vorherzusagen, wurde ein Hauptkomponenten-Regressionsmodell (PCR) verwendet. FĂŒr das Kalibrierungsverfahren ist keine Offline-Probenahme notwendig. Stattdessen wird ein theoretisches Modell des Prozesses genutzt, um die Ethanolproduktion zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt zu simulieren. Die kinetischen Parameter des Modells werden im Rahmen der Kalibration bestimmt. Die simulierten Ethanolkonzentrationen wurden als Referenzdaten fĂŒr die Kalibrierung des Ansprechverhaltens des Gassensorarrays verwendet. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das modellbasierte kalibrierte Gassensorarray in der Lage ist, die Ethanolkonzentrationen wĂ€hrend des Kultivierungsprozesses mit hoher Genauigkeit vorherzusagen (der mittlere quadratische Fehler der Kalibrierung sowie der prozentuale Fehler fĂŒr die ValidierungssĂ€tze lagen unter 0,2 gL-1 bzw. 7 %). Die vorhergesagten Werte sind jedoch nur alle fĂŒnf Minuten verfĂŒgbar. Daher war der folgende Plan der Untersuchung die Implementierung einer SchĂ€tzmethode zur kontinuierlichen Vorhersage von Ethanol sowie von Glukose, Biomasse und der Wachstumsrate. Aus diesem Grund wurden zwei nichtlineare Erweiterungen des Kalman Filters, nĂ€mlich der erweiterte Kalman Filter (EKF) und der unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), getrennt fĂŒr die Zustands und ParameterschĂ€tzung implementiert. Beide 8 Vorhersagemethoden wurden an drei verschiedenen Kultivierungen mit VariabilitĂ€t der Start substratkonzentrationen validiert. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass beide SchĂ€tzungsalgorithmen zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der SchĂ€tzung der Konzentrationen von Substraten und Biomasse sowie der Parameter der Wachstumsrate wĂ€hrend der Kultivierung ermitteln. Trotz der einfacheren Implementierung des UKF zeigt diese Methode jedoch genauere Vorhersageergebnisse im Vergleich zur EKF-Vorhersagemethode. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchung war der Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Online-Überwachungs- und Regelungssystems fĂŒr die Volumenauswertung von TeigstĂŒcken wĂ€hrend des GĂ€rprozesses bei der Brotherstellung. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein auf Bildverarbeitung basierendes Überwachungssystem zur Messung der Teigvolumenauswertung entworfen und implementiert. Das Regelsystem besteht aus einem Fuzzy-Logic-Controller, der das gemessene Volumen fĂŒr die Regelung nutzt. Die Regelung ist so ausgelegt, dass das Volumen der Teiglinge mit Werten des Volumens eines Teiglings unter Standardbedingungen wĂ€hrend des GĂ€rprozesses vergleicht und die Temperatur der GĂ€rkammer entsprechend anpasst. Teiglinge mit unterschiedlichen Hefemengen in den Zutaten und verschiedenen Temperaturstartwerten wurden vorbereitet und unter Anwendung des Fuzzy-Reglers gegĂ€rt. Der Regler wurde anhand von Leistungskriterien und dem Endvolumen der Teigproben bewertet. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Leistung des Systems in Bezug auf die Volumenregelung und die Sollwertabweichung der TeigstĂŒcke sehr zufriedenstellend ist

    Current State and Perspective in the Models Applicable to Oenology

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    Modeling, simulation, and control of the alcoholic fermentation of grape juice into wine are still not a totally resolved problem. A model that makes it possible to predict alcoholic fermentation development would be a valuable instrument to its technical and economical implications. Considering the field of bioprocess used in food production at the industrial scale, the chapter will be centered on models applicable to oenology. On the first part, the chapter proposes the different approaches that have been taken: “knowledge-based” models, non-physiological mathematical descriptions, behavior prediction models, and empirical models. The second part will deal with a nonlinear model for white wine alcoholic fermentation process which, besides the detailed kinetic model, involves equations corresponding to the physiological phases of yeast cells, the inhibitory effect of ethanol, heat transfer equations, and the dependence of kinetic parameters on temperature

    Nonlinear model of leachate anaerobic digestion treatment process

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    In this report a continuous adaptive high−gain observer method is presented for the estimation of state variables that could not be measurable online and unknown time−varying parameters of leachate anaerobic digestion treatment process. The high−gain observer is a variant of the Luenberger extended observer and involves an adjustable gain parameter. It is characterized by easy implementation and calibration, is stable and exhibit exponential convergence. The observer is based on a simplified mathematical model of the system. Calibration of the model was performed with real data from the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor for landfill leachate treatment in open loop under normal operational conditions. The model performance is evaluated via numerical simulations showing adequate results. The criteria used for considering the model as acceptable is to calculate the values of Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE) and Prediction at level l.Peer reviewe

    IMBIOTOR:control oriented investigation of tissue engineering of cartilage

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    The Sensitivities-Enhanced Kriging method

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    A review on anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) focused on modelling and control aspects

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    [EN] The use of anaerobic membrane bioreactor technology (AnMBR) is rapidly expanding. However, depending on the application, AnMBR design and operation is not fully mature, and needs further research to optimize process efficiency and enhance applicability. This paper reviews state-of-the-art of AnMBR focusing on modelling and control aspects. Quantitative environmental and economic evaluation has demonstrated substantial advantages in application of AnMBR to domestic wastewater treatment, but detailed modelling is less mature. While anaerobic process modelling is generally mature, more work is needed on integrated models which include coupling between membrane performance (including fouling) and the biological process. This should include microbial factors, which are important to generation of specific foulants such as soluble and particulate inert organics. Mature and well-established control tools, including better feedback control strategies are also required for both the process, and for fouling control.This work has been carried out under the umbrella of the Task Group on Membrane Bioreactor Modelling and Control of the International Water Association (IWA) (http://www.iwa-network.org/groups/membrane-bioreactor-modelling-and-control/). The authors also want to acknowledge the support from Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science & ICT (2017R1A2B4007804).Robles Martínez, Á.; Ruano García, MV.; Charfi, A.; Lesage, G.; Heran, M.; Harmand, J.; Seco Torrecillas, A.... (2018). A review on anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) focused on modelling and control aspects. Bioresource Technology. 270:612-626. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2018.09.049S61262627

    IMBIOTOR:control oriented investigation of tissue engineering of cartilage

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    Nonlinear model of leachate anaerobic digestion treatment process

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    In this report a continuous adaptive high-gain observer method is presented for the estimation of state variables that could not be measurable online and unknown time-varying parameters of leachate anaerobic digestion treatment process. The high-gain observer is a variant of the Luenberger extended observer and involves an adjustable gain parameter. It is characterized by easy implementation and calibration, is stable and exhibit exponential convergence. The observer is based on a simplified mathematical model of the system. Calibration of the model was performed with real data from the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor for landfill leachate treatment in open loop under normal operational conditions. The model performance is evaluated via numerical simulations showing adequate results. The criteria used for considering the model as acceptable is to calculate the values of Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE) and Prediction at level l.Preprin
