43 research outputs found

    An Optimized Architecture for CGA Operations and Its Application to a Simulated Robotic Arm

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    Conformal geometric algebra (CGA) is a new geometric computation tool that is attracting growing attention in many research fields, such as computer graphics, robotics, and computer vision. Regarding the robotic applications, new approaches based on CGA have been proposed to efficiently solve problems as the inverse kinematics and grasping of a robotic arm. The hardware acceleration of CGA operations is required to meet real-time performance requirements in embedded robotic platforms. In this paper, we present a novel embedded coprocessor for accelerating CGA operations in robotic tasks. Two robotic algorithms, namely, inverse kinematics and grasping of a human-arm-like kinematics chain, are used to prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The coprocessor natively supports the entire set of CGA operations including both basic operations (products, sums/differences, and unary operations) and complex operations as rigid body motion operations (reflections, rotations, translations, and dilations). The coprocessor prototype is implemented on the Xilinx ML510 development platform as a complete system-on-chip (SoC), integrating both a PowerPC processing core and a CGA coprocessing core on the same Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA chip. Experimental results show speedups of 78x and 246x for inverse kinematics and grasping algorithms, respectively, with respect to the execution on the PowerPC processor

    Compiling Geometric Algebra Computations into Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators

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    Geometric Algebra (GA), a generalization of quaternions and complex numbers, is a very powerful framework for intuitively expressing and manipulating the complex geometric relationships common to engineering problems. However, actual processing of GA expressions is very compute intensive, and acceleration is generally required for practical use. GPUs and FPGAs offer such acceleration, while requiring only low-power per operation. In this paper, we present key components of a proof-of-concept compile flow combining symbolic and hardware optimization techniques to automatically generate hardware accelerators from the abstract GA descriptions that are suitable for high-performance embedded computing

    Database System Acceleration on FPGAs

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    Relational database systems provide various services and applications with an efficient means for storing, processing, and retrieving their data. The performance of these systems has a direct impact on the quality of service of the applications that rely on them. Therefore, it is crucial that database systems are able to adapt and grow in tandem with the demands of these applications, ensuring that their performance scales accordingly. In the past, Moore's law and algorithmic advancements have been sufficient to meet these demands. However, with the slowdown of Moore's law, researchers have begun exploring alternative methods, such as application-specific technologies, to satisfy the more challenging performance requirements. One such technology is field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which provide ideal platforms for developing and running custom architectures for accelerating database systems. The goal of this thesis is to develop a domain-specific architecture that can enhance the performance of in-memory database systems when executing analytical queries. Our research is guided by a combination of academic and industrial requirements that seek to strike a balance between generality and performance. The former ensures that our platform can be used to process a diverse range of workloads, while the latter makes it an attractive solution for high-performance use cases. Throughout this thesis, we present the development of a system-on-chip for database system acceleration that meets our requirements. The resulting architecture, called CbMSMK, is capable of processing the projection, sort, aggregation, and equi-join database operators and can also run some complex TPC-H queries. CbMSMK employs a shared sort-merge pipeline for executing all these operators, which results in an efficient use of FPGA resources. This approach enables the instantiation of multiple acceleration cores on the FPGA, allowing it to serve multiple clients simultaneously. CbMSMK can process both arbitrarily deep and wide tables efficiently. The former is achieved through the use of the sort-merge algorithm which utilizes the FPGA RAM for buffering intermediate sort results. The latter is achieved through the use of KeRRaS, a novel variant of the forward radix sort algorithm introduced in this thesis. KeRRaS allows CbMSMK to process a table a few columns at a time, incrementally generating the final result through multiple iterations. Given that acceleration is a key objective of our work, CbMSMK benefits from many performance optimizations. For instance, multi-way merging is employed to reduce the number of merge passes required for the execution of the sort-merge algorithm, thus improving the performance of all our pipeline-breaking operators. Another example is our in-depth analysis of early aggregation, which led to the development of a novel cache-based algorithm that significantly enhances aggregation performance. Our experiments demonstrate that CbMSMK performs on average 5 times faster than the state-of-the-art CPU-based database management system MonetDB.:I Database Systems & FPGAs 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Databases & the Importance of Performance 1.2 Accelerators & FPGAs 1.3 Requirements 1.4 Outline & Summary of Contributions 2 BACKGROUND ON DATABASE SYSTEMS 2.1 Databases 2.1.1 Storage Model 2.1.2 Storage Medium 2.2 Database Operators 2.2.1 Projection 2.2.2 Filter 2.2.3 Sort 2.2.4 Aggregation 2.2.5 Join 2.2.6 Operator Classification 2.3 Database Queries 2.4 Impact of Acceleration 3 BACKGROUND ON FPGAS 3.1 FPGA 3.1.1 Logic Element 3.1.2 Block RAM (BRAM) 3.1.3 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) 3.1.4 IO Element 3.1.5 Programmable Interconnect 3.2 FPGADesignFlow 3.2.1 Specifications 3.2.2 RTL Description 3.2.3 Verification 3.2.4 Synthesis, Mapping, Placement, and Routing 3.2.5 TimingAnalysis 3.2.6 Bitstream Generation and FPGA Programming 3.3 Implementation Quality Metrics 3.4 FPGA Cards 3.5 Benefits of Using FPGAs 3.6 Challenges of Using FPGAs 4 RELATED WORK 4.1 Summary of Related Work 4.2 Platform Type 4.2.1 Accelerator Card 4.2.2 Coprocessor 4.2.3 Smart Storage 4.2.4 Network Processor 4.3 Implementation 4.3.1 Loop-based implementation 4.3.2 Sort-based Implementation 4.3.3 Hash-based Implementation 4.3.4 Mixed Implementation 4.4 A Note on Quantitative Performance Comparisons II Cache-Based Morphing Sort-Merge with KeRRaS (CbMSMK) 5 OBJECTIVES AND ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 5.1 From Requirements to Objectives 5.2 Architecture Overview 5.3 Outlineof Part II 6 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF OPENCL AND RTL FOR SORT-MERGE PRIMITIVES ON FPGAS 6.1 Programming FPGAs 6.2 RelatedWork 6.3 Architecture 6.3.1 Global Architecture 6.3.2 Sorter Architecture 6.3.3 Merger Architecture 6.3.4 Scalability and Resource Adaptability 6.4 Experiments 6.4.1 OpenCL Sort-Merge Implementation 6.4.2 RTLSorters 6.4.3 RTLMergers 6.4.4 Hybrid OpenCL-RTL Sort-Merge Implementation 6.5 Summary & Discussion 7 RESOURCE-EFFICIENT ACCELERATION OF PIPELINE-BREAKING DATABASE OPERATORS ON FPGAS 7.1 The Case for Resource Efficiency 7.2 Related Work 7.3 Architecture 7.3.1 Sorters 7.3.2 Sort-Network 7.3.3 X:Y Mergers 7.3.4 Merge-Network 7.3.5 Join Materialiser (JoinMat) 7.4 Experiments 7.4.1 Experimental Setup 7.4.2 Implementation Description & Tuning 7.4.3 Sort Benchmarks 7.4.4 Aggregation Benchmarks 7.4.5 Join Benchmarks 7. Summary 8 KERRAS: COLUMN-ORIENTED WIDE TABLE PROCESSING ON FPGAS 8.1 The Scope of Database System Accelerators 8.2 Related Work 8.3 Key-Reduce Radix Sort(KeRRaS) 8.3.1 Time Complexity 8.3.2 Space Complexity (Memory Utilization) 8.3.3 Discussion and Optimizations 8.4 Architecture 8.4.1 MSM 8.4.2 MSMK: Extending MSM with KeRRaS 8.4.3 Payload, Aggregation and Join Processing 8.4.4 Limitations 8.5 Experiments 8.5.1 Experimental Setup 8.5.2 Datasets 8.5.3 MSMK vs. MSM 8.5.4 Payload-Less Benchmarks 8.5.5 Payload-Based Benchmarks 8.5.6 Flexibility 8.6 Summary 9 A STUDY OF EARLY AGGREGATION IN DATABASE QUERY PROCESSING ON FPGAS 9.1 Early Aggregation 9.2 Background & Related Work 9.2.1 Sort-Based Early Aggregation 9.2.2 Cache-Based Early Aggregation 9.3 Simulations 9.3.1 Datasets 9.3.2 Metrics 9.3.3 Sort-Based Versus Cache-Based Early Aggregation 9.3.4 Comparison of Set-Associative Caches 9.3.5 Comparison of Cache Structures 9.3.6 Comparison of Replacement Policies 9.3.7 Cache Selection Methodology 9.4 Cache System Architecture 9.4.1 Window Aggregator 9.4.2 Compressor & Hasher 9.4.3 Collision Detector 9.4.4 Collision Resolver 9.4.5 Cache 9.5 Experiments 9.5.1 Experimental Setup 9.5.2 Resource Utilization and Parameter Tuning 9.5.3 Datasets 9.5.4 Benchmarks on Synthetic Data 9.5.5 Benchmarks on Real Data 9.6 Summary 10 THE FULL PICTURE 10.1 System Architecture 10.2 Benchmarks 10.3 Meeting the Objectives III Conclusion 11 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK ON FUTURE RESEARCH 11.1 Summary 11.2 Future Work BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLE

    Traçage de systèmes embarqués hétérogènes

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    RÉSUMÉ Pouvoir analyser et comprendre les interactions entre les composants d’un système embarqué hétérogène est essentiel pour détecter les fautes, trouver la cause de latences et optimiser les ressources. Bien souvent, des solutions propriétaires d’analyse sont directement fournies par les distributeurs. Cependant, ces solutions sont souvent incomplètes ou insuffisantes : elles nécessitent parfois de mettre le système en pause, ne sont pas adaptées pour plus d’une dizaine de processeurs analysés ou induisent des baisses de performance trop importantes. Le traçage est une technique répandue qui consiste à enregistrer des évènements, associés à des estampilles de temps, à certains points de l’application. Tracer un système permet d’obtenir toutes les informations imaginables, avec une granularité de l’ordre de la nanoseconde. Cela permet entre autres d’effectuer des débogages complets et de diagnostiquer les problèmes de performance, que ce soit sur une machine isolée ou dans un système distribué. Néanmoins, si le traçage est très utilisé dans les systèmes « classiques », il n’en reste pas moins marginal pour les systèmes embarqués, qui offrent souvent des caractéristiques techniques bien différentes. L’objectif de ce travail est de montrer comment il est possible de surmonter les difficultés techniques introduites par les systèmes embarqués hétérogènes (processeurs spécialisés, absence de système d’exploitation, peu de mémoire disponible, architectures exotiques…) pour produire une solution de traçage universelle sur de tels systèmes. Nous espérons ainsi démontrer que toute plateforme hétérogène embarquée peut être tracée avec les mêmes outils et dans le même format, généralisant ainsi le traçage de ces systèmes et facilitant par le fait même le travail des développeurs. Nous montrons ainsi comment l’utilisation de barectf, un outil python produisant du code C destiné à générer des points de trace CTF dans des applications tournant sans système d’exploitation (bare-metal), permet de tracer virtuellement n’importe quelle plateforme. La carte Parallella et le système sur puce Keystone 2 de TI seront nos deux modèles d’expérimentation. Nous verrons ensuite comment la synchronisation de traces peut être généralisée à de telles plates-formes pour permettre l’analyse de traces provenant d’un environnement multi-coeurs hétérogène. Finalement, nous démontrerons à travers un cas d’étude que les méthodes et solutions proposées sont valides, fonctionnent et permettent bien de répondre aux besoins spécifiques de ces plates-formes, leur apportant une solution de traçage générique, portable et efficace.----------ABSTRACT Being able to analyze and understand interactions between all the components of a heterogeneous embedded system is mandatory to detect bugs, find the causes of latencies and optimize the resources. Proprietary solutions are often directly shipped by the producing companies. However, such solutions are rarely sufficient: they sometime require the system to be paused, are not suitable for more than a few cores and might impact the overall performances. Tracing is a well-known technic which goal is to record timestamp-matched events. Tracing a system allows a deep understanding of the system as a whole and brings information at a nanosecond rate. This allows, among other things, to debug complete systems and diagnose performances issues, on a single machine as well as on a distributed system. Nevertheless, even if tracing is well-used in classical systems, it is still marginal on embedded systems, which are often a lot different. The goal of this work is to show how it is possible to overcome the difficulties induced by heterogeneous embedded systems (specialized processors, no operating system, few available memory, exotic architectures…) and to have a generic tracing solution for such devices. We hope to demonstrate that every heterogeneous embedded platform can be traced with the same tools and the same output format, thus generalizing the tracing solutions on those devices and easing the developers’ work. To do so, we show how barectf, a python tool generating C code providing CTF tracepoints on devices with no operating system (bare-metal), allow the tracing of virtually any platform. The Parallella board and the System-on-Chip Keystone 2 from TI will be our two experimenting devices. We will then see how traces synchronization can be generalized on such platforms and allow traces analysis on many-cores heterogeneous environments. Finally, we will demonstrate through a use-case that the proposed solutions and methods are valid and are well-suited for those platforms, thus bringing a generic, portable and efficient tracing solution

    Fast algorithm for real-time rings reconstruction

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    The GAP project is dedicated to study the application of GPU in several contexts in which real-time response is important to take decisions. The definition of real-time depends on the application under study, ranging from answer time of ÎĽs up to several hours in case of very computing intensive task. During this conference we presented our work in low level triggers [1] [2] and high level triggers [3] in high energy physics experiments, and specific application for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [4] [5] and cone-beam CT [6]. Apart from the study of dedicated solution to decrease the latency due to data transport and preparation, the computing algorithms play an essential role in any GPU application. In this contribution, we show an original algorithm developed for triggers application, to accelerate the ring reconstruction in RICH detector when it is not possible to have seeds for reconstruction from external trackers

    Programming Languages for Data-Intensive HPC Applications: a Systematic Mapping Study

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    A major challenge in modelling and simulation is the need to combine expertise in both software technologies and a given scientific domain. When High-Performance Computing (HPC) is required to solve a scientific problem, software development becomes a problematic issue. Considering the complexity of the software for HPC, it is useful to identify programming languages that can be used to alleviate this issue. Because the existing literature on the topic of HPC is very dispersed, we performed a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) in the context of the European COST Action cHiPSet. This literature study maps characteristics of various programming languages for data-intensive HPC applications, including category, typical user profiles, effectiveness, and type of articles. We organised the SMS in two phases. In the first phase, relevant articles are identified employing an automated keyword-based search in eight digital libraries. This lead to an initial sample of 420 papers, which was then narrowed down in a second phase by human inspection of article abstracts, titles and keywords to 152 relevant articles published in the period 2006–2018. The analysis of these articles enabled us to identify 26 programming languages referred to in 33 of relevant articles. We compared the outcome of the mapping study with results of our questionnaire-based survey that involved 57 HPC experts. The mapping study and the survey revealed that the desired features of programming languages for data-intensive HPC applications are portability, performance and usability. Furthermore, we observed that the majority of the programming languages used in the context of data-intensive HPC applications are text-based general-purpose programming languages. Typically these have a steep learning curve, which makes them difficult to adopt. We believe that the outcome of this study will inspire future research and development in programming languages for data-intensive HPC applications.Additional co-authors: Sabri Pllana, Ana Respício, José Simão, Luís Veiga, Ari Vis

    NFComms: A synchronous communication framework for the CPU-NFP heterogeneous system

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    This work explores the viability of using a Network Flow Processor (NFP), developed by Netronome, as a coprocessor for the construction of a CPU-NFP heterogeneous platform in the domain of general processing. When considering heterogeneous platforms involving architectures like the NFP, the communication framework provided is typically represented as virtual network interfaces and is thus not suitable for generic communication. To enable a CPU-NFP heterogeneous platform for use in the domain of general computing, a suitable generic communication framework is required. A feasibility study for a suitable communication medium between the two candidate architectures showed that a generic framework that conforms to the mechanisms dictated by Communicating Sequential Processes is achievable. The resulting NFComms framework, which facilitates inter- and intra-architecture communication through the use of synchronous message passing, supports up to 16 unidirectional channels and includes queuing mechanisms for transparently supporting concurrent streams exceeding the channel count. The framework has a minimum latency of between 15.5 μs and 18 μs per synchronous transaction and can sustain a peak throughput of up to 30 Gbit/s. The framework also supports a runtime for interacting with the Go programming language, allowing user-space processes to subscribe channels to the framework for interacting with processes executing on the NFP. The viability of utilising a heterogeneous CPU-NFP system for use in the domain of general and network computing was explored by introducing a set of problems or applications spanning general computing, and network processing. These were implemented on the heterogeneous architecture and benchmarked against equivalent CPU-only and CPU/GPU solutions. The results recorded were used to form an opinion on the viability of using an NFP for general processing. It is the author’s opinion that, beyond very specific use cases, it appears that the NFP-400 is not currently a viable solution as a coprocessor in the field of general computing. This does not mean that the proposed framework or the concept of a heterogeneous CPU-NFP system should be discarded as such a system does have acceptable use in the fields of network and stream processing. Additionally, when comparing the recorded limitations to those seen during the early stages of general purpose GPU development, it is clear that general processing on the NFP is currently in a similar state

    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022

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    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022 is a creative-commons ebook that provides a unique 360 degrees overview of quantum technologies from science and technology to geopolitical and societal issues. It covers quantum physics history, quantum physics 101, gate-based quantum computing, quantum computing engineering (including quantum error corrections and quantum computing energetics), quantum computing hardware (all qubit types, including quantum annealing and quantum simulation paradigms, history, science, research, implementation and vendors), quantum enabling technologies (cryogenics, control electronics, photonics, components fabs, raw materials), quantum computing algorithms, software development tools and use cases, unconventional computing (potential alternatives to quantum and classical computing), quantum telecommunications and cryptography, quantum sensing, quantum technologies around the world, quantum technologies societal impact and even quantum fake sciences. The main audience are computer science engineers, developers and IT specialists as well as quantum scientists and students who want to acquire a global view of how quantum technologies work, and particularly quantum computing. This version is an extensive update to the 2021 edition published in October 2021.Comment: 1132 pages, 920 figures, Letter forma

    Gestion efficace et partage sécurisé des traces de mobilité

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    Nowadays, the advances in the development of mobile devices, as well as embedded sensors have permitted an unprecedented number of services to the user. At the same time, most mobile devices generate, store and communicate a large amount of personal information continuously. While managing personal information on the mobile devices is still a big challenge, sharing and accessing these information in a safe and secure way is always an open and hot topic. Personal mobile devices may have various form factors such as mobile phones, smart devices, stick computers, secure tokens or etc. It could be used to record, sense, store data of user's context or environment surrounding him. The most common contextual information is user's location. Personal data generated and stored on these devices is valuable for many applications or services to user, but it is sensitive and needs to be protected in order to ensure the individual privacy. In particular, most mobile applications have access to accurate and real-time location information, raising serious privacy concerns for their users.In this dissertation, we dedicate the two parts to manage the location traces, i.e. the spatio-temporal data on mobile devices. In particular, we offer an extension of spatio-temporal data types and operators for embedded environments. These data types reconcile the features of spatio-temporal data with the embedded requirements by offering an optimal data presentation called Spatio-temporal object (STOB) dedicated for embedded devices. More importantly, in order to optimize the query processing, we also propose an efficient indexing technique for spatio-temporal data called TRIFL designed for flash storage. TRIFL stands for TRajectory Index for Flash memory. It exploits unique properties of trajectory insertion, and optimizes the data structure for the behavior of flash and the buffer cache. These ideas allow TRIFL to archive much better performance in both Flash and magnetic storage compared to its competitors.Additionally, we also investigate the protect user's sensitive information in the remaining part of this thesis by offering a privacy-aware protocol for participatory sensing applications called PAMPAS. PAMPAS relies on secure hardware solutions and proposes a user-centric privacy-aware protocol that fully protects personal data while taking advantage of distributed computing. For this to be done, we also propose a partitioning algorithm an aggregate algorithm in PAMPAS. This combination drastically reduces the overall costs making it possible to run the protocol in near real-time at a large scale of participants, without any personal information leakage.Aujourd'hui, les progrès dans le développement d'appareils mobiles et des capteurs embarqués ont permis un essor sans précédent de services à l'utilisateur. Dans le même temps, la plupart des appareils mobiles génèrent, enregistrent et de communiquent une grande quantité de données personnelles de manière continue. La gestion sécurisée des données personnelles dans les appareils mobiles reste un défi aujourd’hui, que ce soit vis-à-vis des contraintes inhérentes à ces appareils, ou par rapport à l’accès et au partage sûrs et sécurisés de ces informations. Cette thèse adresse ces défis et se focalise sur les traces de localisation. En particulier, s’appuyant sur un serveur de données relationnel embarqué dans des appareils mobiles sécurisés, cette thèse offre une extension de ce serveur à la gestion des données spatio-temporelles (types et operateurs). Et surtout, elle propose une méthode d'indexation spatio-temporelle (TRIFL) efficace et adaptée au modèle de stockage en mémoire flash. Par ailleurs, afin de protéger les traces de localisation personnelles de l'utilisateur, une architecture distribuée et un protocole de collecte participative préservant les données de localisation ont été proposés dans PAMPAS. Cette architecture se base sur des dispositifs hautement sécurisés pour le calcul distribué des agrégats spatio-temporels sur les données privées collectées