131 research outputs found

    ClustGeo: an R package for hierarchical clustering with spatial constraints

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    In this paper, we propose a Ward-like hierarchical clustering algorithm including spatial/geographical constraints. Two dissimilarity matrices D0D_0 and D1D_1 are inputted, along with a mixing parameter α∈[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1]. The dissimilarities can be non-Euclidean and the weights of the observations can be non-uniform. The first matrix gives the dissimilarities in the "feature space" and the second matrix gives the dissimilarities in the "constraint space". The criterion minimized at each stage is a convex combination of the homogeneity criterion calculated with D0D_0 and the homogeneity criterion calculated with D1D_1. The idea is then to determine a value of α\alpha which increases the spatial contiguity without deteriorating too much the quality of the solution based on the variables of interest i.e. those of the feature space. This procedure is illustrated on a real dataset using the R package ClustGeo

    Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering: An Overview, II

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    We survey agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms and discuss efficient implementations that are available in R and other software environments. We look at hierarchical self-organizing maps, and mixture models. We review grid-based clustering, focusing on hierarchical density-based approaches. Finally we describe a recently developed very efficient (linear time) hierarchical clustering algorithm, which can also be viewed as a hierarchical grid-based algorithm. This review adds to the earlier version, Murtagh and Contreras (2012)

    Fuzzy clustering with spatial-temporal information

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    Clustering geographical units based on a set of quantitative features observed at several time occasions requires to deal with the complexity of both space and time information. In particular, one should consider (1) the spatial nature of the units to be clustered, (2) the characteristics of the space of multivariate time trajectories, and (3) the uncertainty related to the assignment of a geographical unit to a given cluster on the basis of the above com- plex features. This paper discusses a novel spatially constrained multivariate time series clustering for units characterised by different levels of spatial proximity. In particular, the Fuzzy Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm with Dynamic Time Warping dissimilarity measure and spatial penalization terms is applied to classify multivariate Spatial-Temporal series. The clustering method has been theoretically presented and discussed using both simulated and real data, highlighting its main features. In particular, the capability of embedding different levels of proximity among units, and the ability of considering time series with different length

    Image inpainting based on self-organizing maps by using multi-agent implementation

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    AbstractThe image inpainting is a well-known task of visual editing. However, the efficiency strongly depends on sizes and textural neighborhood of “missing” area. Various methods of image inpainting exist, among which the Kohonen Self-Organizing Map (SOM) network as a mean of unsupervised learning is widely used. The weaknesses of the Kohonen SOM network such as the necessity for tuning of algorithm parameters and the low computational speed caused the application of multi- agent system with a multi-mapping possibility and a parallel processing by the identical agents. During experiments, it was shown that the preliminary image segmentation and the creation of the SOMs for each type of homogeneous textures provide better results in comparison with the classical SOM application. Also the optimal number of inpainting agents was determined. The quality of inpainting was estimated by several metrics, and good results were obtained in complex images

    Spatial Optimization Methods And System For Redistricting Problems

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    Redistricting is the process of dividing space into districts or zones while optimizing a set of spatial criteria under certain constraints. Example applications of redistricting include political redistricting, school redistricting, business service planning, and city management, among many others. Redistricting is a mission-critical component in operating governments and businesses alike. In research fields, redistricting (or region building) are also widely used, such as climate zoning, traffic zone analysis, and complex network analysis. However, as a combinatorial optimization problem, redistricting optimization remains one of the most difficult research challenges. There are currently few automated redistricting methods that have the optimization capability to produce solutions that meet practical needs. The absence of effective and efficient computational approaches for redistricting makes it extremely time-consuming and difficult for an individual person to consider multiple criteria/constraints and manually create solutions using a trial-and-error approach. To address both the scientific and practical challenges in solving real-world redistricting problems, this research advances the methodology and application of redistricting by developing a new computational spatial optimization method and a system platform that can address a wide range of redistricting problems, in an automated and computation-assisted manner. The research has three main contributions. First, an efficient and effective spatial optimization method is developed for redistricting. The new method is based on a spatially constrained and Tabu-based heuristics, which can optimize multiple criteria under multiple constraints to construct high-quality optimization solutions. The new approach is evaluated with real-world redistricting applications and compared with existing methods. Evaluation results show that the new optimization algorithm is more efficient (being able to allow real-time user interaction), more flexible (considering multiple user-expressed criteria and constraints), and more powerful (in terms of optimization quality) than existing methods. As such, it has the potential to enable general users to perform complex redistricting tasks. Second, a redistricting system, iRedistrict, is developed based on the newly developed spatial optimization method to provide user-friendly visual interface for defining redistricting problems, incorporating domain knowledge, configuring optimization criteria and methodology parameters, and ultimately meeting the needs of real-world applications for tackling complex redistricting tasks. It is particularly useful for users of different skill levels, including researchers, practitioners, and the general public, and thus enables public participation in challenging redistricting tasks that are of immense public interest. Performance evaluations with real-world case studies are carried out. Further computational strategies are developed and implemented to handle large datasets. Third, the newly developed spatial optimization method is extended to solve a different spatial optimization problem, i.e., spatial community structure detection in complex networks, which is to partition networks to discover spatial communities by optimizing an objective function. Moreover, a series of new evaluations are carried out with synthetic datasets. This set of evaluations is different from the previous evaluations with case studies in that, the optimal solution is known with synthetic data and therefore it is possible to evaluate (1) whether the optimization method can discover the true pattern (global optima), and (2) how different data characteristics may affect the performance of the method. Evaluation results reveal that existing non-spatial methods are not robust in detecting spatial community structure, which may produce dramatically different outcomes for the same data with different characteristics, such as different spatial aggregations, sampling rates, or noise levels. The new optimization method with spatial constraints is significantly more stable and consistent. In addition to evaluations with synthetic datasets, a case study is also carried out to detect urban community structure with human movements, to demonstrate the application and effectiveness of the approach

    Visualization of Jacques Lacan’s Registers of the Psychoanalytic Field, and Discovery of Metaphor and of Metonymy. Analytical Case Study of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter”

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    We start with a description of Lacan’s work that we then take into our analytics methodology. In a first investigation, a Lacan-motivated template of the Poe story is fitted to the data. A segmentation of the storyline is used in order to map out the diachrony. Based on this, it will be shown how synchronous aspects, potentially related to Lacanian registers, can be sought. This demonstrates the effectiveness of an approach based on a model template of the storyline narrative. In a second and more comprehensive investigation, we develop an approach for revealing, that is, uncovering, Lacanian register relationships. Objectives of this work include the wide and general application of our methodology. This methodology is strongly based on the “letting the data speak” Correspondence Analysis analytics platform of Jean-Paul BenzĂ©cri, that is also the geometric data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative analytics, developed by Pierre Bourdieu
