1,274 research outputs found

    Automatic segmentation and reconstruction of traffic accident scenarios from mobile laser scanning data

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    Virtual reconstruction of historic sites, planning of restorations and attachments of new building parts, as well as forest inventory are few examples of fields that benefit from the application of 3D surveying data. Originally using 2D photo based documentation and manual distance measurements, the 3D information obtained from multi camera and laser scanning systems realizes a noticeable improvement regarding the surveying times and the amount of generated 3D information. The 3D data allows a detailed post processing and better visualization of all relevant spatial information. Yet, for the extraction of the required information from the raw scan data and for the generation of useable visual output, time-consuming, complex user-based data processing is still required, using the commercially available 3D software tools. In this context, the automatic object recognition from 3D point cloud and depth data has been discussed in many different works. The developed tools and methods however, usually only focus on a certain kind of object or the detection of learned invariant surface shapes. Although the resulting methods are applicable for certain practices of data segmentation, they are not necessarily suitable for arbitrary tasks due to the varying requirements of the different fields of research. This thesis presents a more widespread solution for automatic scene reconstruction from 3D point clouds, targeting street scenarios, specifically for the task of traffic accident scene analysis and documentation. The data, obtained by sampling the scene using a mobile scanning system is evaluated, segmented, and finally used to generate detailed 3D information of the scanned environment. To realize this aim, this work adapts and validates various existing approaches on laser scan segmentation regarding the application on accident relevant scene information, including road surfaces and markings, vehicles, walls, trees and other salient objects. The approaches are therefore evaluated regarding their suitability and limitations for the given tasks, as well as for possibilities concerning the combined application together with other procedures. The obtained knowledge is used for the development of new algorithms and procedures to allow a satisfying segmentation and reconstruction of the scene, corresponding to the available sampling densities and precisions. Besides the segmentation of the point cloud data, this thesis presents different visualization and reconstruction methods to achieve a wider range of possible applications of the developed system for data export and utilization in different third party software tools

    Tree instance segmentation and traits estimation for forestry environments exploiting LiDAR data collected by mobile robots

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    Forests play a crucial role in our ecosystems, functioning as carbon sinks, climate stabilizers, biodiversity hubs, and sources of wood. By the very nature of their scale, monitoring and maintaining forests is a challenging task. Robotics in forestry can have the potential for substantial automation toward efficient and sustainable foresting practices. In this paper, we address the problem of automatically producing a forest inventory by exploiting LiDAR data collected by a mobile platform. To construct an inventory, we first extract tree instances from point clouds. Then, we process each instance to extract forestry inventory information. Our approach provides the per-tree geometric trait of “diameter at breast height” together with the individual tree locations in a plot. We validate our results against manual measurements collected by foresters during field trials. Our experiments show strong segmentation and tree trait estimation performance, underlining the potential for automating forestry services. Results furthermore show a superior performance compared to the popular baseline methods used in this domain


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    Realistic forest stand reconstruction from terrestrial LiDAR for radiative transfer modelling

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    Forest biophysical variables derived from remote sensing observations are vital for climate research. The combination of structurally and radiometrically accurate 3D virtual forests with radiative transfer (RT) models creates a powerful tool to facilitate the calibration and validation of remote sensing data and derived biophysical products by helping us understand the assumptions made in data processing algorithms. We present a workflow that uses highly detailed 3D terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to generate virtual forests for RT model simulations. Our approach to forest stand reconstruction from a co-registered point cloud is unique as it models each tree individually. Our approach follows three steps: (1) tree segmentation; (2) tree structure modelling and (3) leaf addition. To demonstrate this approach, we present the measurement and construction of a one hectare model of the deciduous forest in Wytham Woods (Oxford, UK). The model contains 559 individual trees. We matched the TLS data with traditional census data to determine the species of each individual tree and allocate species-specific radiometric properties. Our modelling framework is generic, highly transferable and adjustable to data collected with other TLS instruments and different ecosystems. The Wytham Woods virtual forest is made publicly available through an online repository

    Innovative surveying methodologies through Handheld Terrestrial LIDAR Scanner technologies for forest resource assessment

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    Precision Forestry is an innovative sector that is currently of great importance for forest and spatial planning. It enables complex analyses of forest data to be carried out in a simple and economical way and facilitates collaboration between technicians, industry operators and stakeholders, thus ensuring transparency in forestry interventions (Corona et al., 2017). The principles of "Precision Forestry" are to use modern tools and technologies with the aim to obtain as much real information as possible, to improve decision-making, and to ensure the current objectives of forest management. Thanks to the rapid technological developments in remote sensing during the last few decades, there have been remarkable improvements in measurement accuracy, and consequentially improvements in the quality of technical elaborations supporting planning decisions. During this period, several scientific publications have demonstrated the potential of the LIDAR system for measuring and mapping forests, geology, and topography in large-scale forest areas. The LIDAR scans obtained from the TLS and HLS systems provide detailed information about the internal characteristics of tree canopys, making them an essential tool for studying stem allometry, volume, light environments, photosynthesis, and production models. In light of these considerations, this thesis aims to expand the current knowledge on the terrestrial LIDAR system applications for monitoring forest ecosystems and dynamics by providing insight on the feasibility and effectiveness of these systems for forest planning. In particular, this study fills a gap in the literature regarding practical examples of the use of innovative technologies in forestry. The main themes of this work are: A) The strengths and weaknesses of the mobile LIDAR system for a forest company; B) The applicability and versatility of the LIDAR HLS tool for sustainable forest management applications; C) Single tree analysis from HLS LIDAR data.   To investigate these themes, we analyzed six cases studies: 1) An investigation of the feasibility and efficiency of LIDAR HLS scanning for an accurate estimation of forest structural attributes by comparing scans using the LIDAR HLS survey method (Handheld Mobile Laser Scanner) to traditional instruments; 2) An examination of walking scan path density’s influence on single-tree attribute estimation by HMLS, taking into account the structural biodiversity of two forest ecosystems under examination, and an estimation of the cost-effectiveness of each type of laser survey based on the path scheme considered; 3) A study of how LIDAR HLS surveys can contribute to fire prevention interventions by providing a quantitative classification of fuels and a preliminary description of the structural and spatial development of the forest in question; 4) An application of a method for assessing and rating stem straightness in tree posture using LIDAR HLS surveys to quantify differences between stands of different log qualities; 5) The identification of features of a Mediterranean old-growth forest using LIDAR HLS surveys according to the criteria established in the literature; 6) The extrapolation of dimensional information for Ficus macrophylla subsp. columnaris to identify the monumental character of the tree by comparing the most appropriate LIDAR HLS point cloud processing methodologies and estimating the total volume of individual trees. In conclusion, the results of these cases studies are useful to determine new research aspects within the system in the forest environment by applying recently published analysis methodologies and indications of relevant terrestrial LIDAR methodologies

    Automatic Reconstruction of Urban Objects from Mobile Laser Scanner Data

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    Aktuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle werden immer wichtiger in verschiedenen städtischen Anwendungsbereichen. Im Moment dienen sie als Grundlage bei der Stadtplanung, virtuellem Tourismus und Navigationssystemen. Mittlerweile ist der Bedarf an 3D-Gebäudemodellen dramatisch gestiegen. Der Grund dafür sind hauptsächlich Navigationssysteme und Onlinedienste wie Google Earth. Die Mehrheit der Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion von Gebäudemodellen von Luftaufnahmen konzentriert sich ausschließlich auf Dachmodellierung. Jedoch treiben Anwendungen wie Virtuelle Realität und Navigationssysteme die Nachfrage nach detaillieren Gebäudemodellen, die nicht nur die geometrischen Aspekte sondern auch semantische Informationen beinhalten, stark an. Urbanisierung und Industrialisierung beeinflussen das Wachstum von urbaner Vegetation drastisch, welche als ein wesentlicher Teil des Lebensraums angesehen wird. Aus diesem Grund werden Aufgaben wie der Ökosystemüberwachung, der Verbesserung der Planung und des Managements von urbanen Regionen immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Gleichermaßen hat die Erkennung und Modellierung von Bäumen im Stadtgebiet sowie die kontinuierliche Überprüfung ihrer Inventurparameter an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die steigende Nachfrage nach 3D-Gebäudemodellen, welche durch Fassadeninformation ergänzt wurden, und Informationen über einzelne Bäume im städtischen Raum erfordern effiziente Extraktions- und Rekonstruktionstechniken, die hochgradig automatisiert sind. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das Wissen über die geometrische Form jedes Objektteils ein wichtiger Aspekt. Heutzutage, wird das Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) vermehrt eingesetzt um Objekte im städtischen Umfeld zu erfassen und es entwickelt sich zur Hauptquelle von Daten für die Modellierung von urbanen Objekten. Eine Vielzahl von Objekten wurde schon mit Daten von MLS rekonstruiert. Außerdem wurden bereits viele Methoden für die Verarbeitung von MLS-Daten mit dem Ziel urbane Objekte zu erkennen und zu rekonstruieren vorgeschlagen. Die 3D-Punkwolke einer städtischen Szene stellt eine große Menge von Messungen dar, die viele Objekte von verschiedener Größe umfasst, komplexe und unvollständige Strukturen sowie Löcher (Rauschen und Datenlücken) enthält und eine inhomogene Punktverteilung aufweist. Aus diesem Grund ist die Verarbeitung von MLS-Punktwolken im Hinblick auf die Extrahierung und Modellierung von wesentlichen und charakteristischen Fassadenstrukturen sowie Bäumen von großer Bedeutung. In der Arbeit werden zwei neue Methoden für die Rekonstruktion von Gebäudefassaden und die Extraktion von Bäumen aus MLS-Punktwolken vorgestellt, sowie ihre Anwendbarkeit in der städtischen Umgebung analysiert. Die erste Methode zielt auf die Rekonstruktion von Gebäudefassaden mit expliziter semantischer Information, wie beispielsweise Fenster, Türen, und Balkone. Die Rekonstruktion läuft vollautomatisch ab. Zu diesem Zweck werden einige Algorithmen vorgestellt, die auf dem Vorwissen über die geometrische Form und das Arrangement von Fassadenmerkmalen beruhen. Die initiale Klassifikation, mit welcher die Punkte in Objektpunkte und Bodenpunkte unterschieden werden, wird über eine lokale Höhenhistogrammanalyse zusammen mit einer planaren Region-Growing-Methode erzielt. Die Punkte, die als zugehörig zu Objekten klassifiziert werden, werden anschließend in Ebenen segmentiert, welche als Basiselemente der Merkmalserkennung angesehen werden können. Information über die Gebäudestruktur kann in Form von Regeln und Bedingungen erfasst werden, welche die wesentlichen Steuerelemente bei der Erkennung der Fassadenmerkmale und der Rekonstruktion des geometrischen Modells darstellen. Um Merkmale wie Fenster oder Türen zu erkennen, die sich an der Gebäudewand befinden, wurde eine löcherbasierte Methode implementiert. Einige Löcher, die durch Verdeckungen entstanden sind, können anschließend durch einen neuen regelbasierten Algorithmus eliminiert werden. Außenlinien der Merkmalsränder werden durch ein Polygon verbunden, welches das geometrische Modell repräsentiert, indem eine Methode angewendet wird, die auf geometrischen Primitiven basiert. Dabei werden die topologischen Relationen unter Beachtung des Vorwissens über die primitiven Formen analysiert. Mögliche Außenlinien können von den Kantenpunkten bestimmt werden, welche mit einer winkelbasierten Methode detektiert werden können. Wiederkehrende Muster und Ähnlichkeiten werden ausgenutzt um geometrische und topologische Ungenauigkeiten des rekonstruierten Modells zu korrigieren. Neben der Entwicklung des Schemas zur Rekonstruktion des 3D-Fassadenmodells, sind die Segmentierung einzelner Bäume und die Ableitung von Attributen der städtischen Bäume im Fokus der Untersuchung. Die zweite Methode zielt auf die Extraktion von individuellen Bäumen aus den Restpunktwolken. Vorwissen über Bäume, welches speziell auf urbane Regionen zugeschnitten ist, wird im Extraktionsprozess verwendet. Der formbasierte Ansatz zur Extraktion von Einzelbäumen besteht aus einer Reihe von Schritten. In jedem Schritt werden Objekte in Abhängigkeit ihrer geometrischen Merkmale gefunden. Stämme werden unter Ausnutzung der Hauptrichtung der Punktverteilung identifiziert. Dafür werden Punktsegmente gesucht, die einen Teil des Baumstamms repräsentieren. Das Ergebnis des Algorithmus sind segmentierte Bäume, welche genutzt werden können um genaue Informationen über die Größe und Position jedes einzelnen Baumes abzuleiten. Einige Beispiele der Ergebnisse werden in der Arbeit angeführt. Die Zuverlässigkeit der Algorithmen und der Methoden im Allgemeinen wurden unter Verwendung von drei Datensätzen, die mit verschiedenen Laserscannersystemen aufgenommen wurden, verifiziert. Die Untersuchung zeigt auch das Potential sowie die Einschränkungen der entwickelten Methoden wenn sie auf verschiedenen Datensätzen angewendet werden. Die Ergebnisse beider Methoden wurden quantitativ bewertet unter Verwendung einer Menge von Maßen, die die Qualität der Fassadenrekonstruktion und Baumextraktion betreffen wie Vollständigkeit und Genauigkeit. Die Genauigkeit der Fassadenrekonstruktion, der Baumstammdetektion, der Erfassung von Baumkronen, sowie ihre Einschränkungen werden diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass MLS-Punktwolken geeignet sind um städtische Objekte detailreich zu dokumentieren und dass mit automatischen Rekonstruktionsmethoden genaue Messungen der wichtigsten Attribute der Objekte, wie Fensterhöhe und -breite, Flächen, Stammdurchmesser, Baumhöhe und Kronenfläche, erzielt werden können. Der gesamte Ansatz ist geeignet für die Rekonstruktion von Gebäudefassaden und für die korrekte Extraktion von Bäumen sowie ihre Unterscheidung zu anderen urbanen Objekten wie zum Beispiel Straßenschilder oder Leitpfosten. Aus diesem Grund sind die beiden Methoden angemessen um Daten von heterogener Qualität zu verarbeiten. Des Weiteren bieten sie flexible Frameworks für das viele Erweiterungen vorstellbar sind.Up-to-date 3D urban models are becoming increasingly important in various urban application areas, such as urban planning, virtual tourism, and navigation systems. Many of these applications often demand the modelling of 3D buildings, enriched with façade information, and also single trees among other urban objects. Nowadays, Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) technique is being progressively used to capture objects in urban settings, thus becoming a leading data source for the modelling of these two urban objects. The 3D point clouds of urban scenes consist of large amounts of data representing numerous objects with significant size variability, complex and incomplete structures, and holes (noise and data gaps) or variable point densities. For this reason, novel strategies on processing of mobile laser scanning point clouds, in terms of the extraction and modelling of salient façade structures and trees, are of vital importance. The present study proposes two new methods for the reconstruction of building façades and the extraction of trees from MLS point clouds. The first method aims at the reconstruction of building façades with explicit semantic information such as windows, doors and balconies. It runs automatically during all processing steps. For this purpose, several algorithms are introduced based on the general knowledge on the geometric shape and structural arrangement of façade features. The initial classification has been performed using a local height histogram analysis together with a planar growing method, which allows for classifying points as object and ground points. The point cloud that has been labelled as object points is segmented into planar surfaces that could be regarded as the main entity in the feature recognition process. Knowledge of the building structure is used to define rules and constraints, which provide essential guidance for recognizing façade features and reconstructing their geometric models. In order to recognise features on a wall such as windows and doors, a hole-based method is implemented. Some holes that resulted from occlusion could subsequently be eliminated by means of a new rule-based algorithm. Boundary segments of a feature are connected into a polygon representing the geometric model by introducing a primitive shape based method, in which topological relations are analysed taking into account the prior knowledge about the primitive shapes. Possible outlines are determined from the edge points detected from the angle-based method. The repetitive patterns and similarities are exploited to rectify geometrical and topological inaccuracies of the reconstructed models. Apart from developing the 3D façade model reconstruction scheme, the research focuses on individual tree segmentation and derivation of attributes of urban trees. The second method aims at extracting individual trees from the remaining point clouds. Knowledge about trees specially pertaining to urban areas is used in the process of tree extraction. An innovative shape based approach is developed to transfer this knowledge to machine language. The usage of principal direction for identifying stems is introduced, which consists of searching point segments representing a tree stem. The output of the algorithm is, segmented individual trees that can be used to derive accurate information about the size and locations of each individual tree. The reliability of the two methods is verified against three different data sets obtained from different laser scanner systems. The results of both methods are quantitatively evaluated using a set of measures pertaining to the quality of the façade reconstruction and tree extraction. The performance of the developed algorithms referring to the façade reconstruction, tree stem detection and the delineation of individual tree crowns as well as their limitations are discussed. The results show that MLS point clouds are suited to document urban objects rich in details. From the obtained results, accurate measurements of the most important attributes relevant to the both objects (building façades and trees), such as window height and width, area, stem diameter, tree height, and crown area are obtained acceptably. The entire approach is suitable for the reconstruction of building façades and for the extracting trees correctly from other various urban objects, especially pole-like objects. Therefore, both methods are feasible to cope with data of heterogeneous quality. In addition, they provide flexible frameworks, from which many extensions can be envisioned

    Discovering Regularity in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes

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    Despite the apparent chaos of the urban environment, cities are actually replete with regularity. From the grid of streets laid out over the earth, to the lattice of windows thrown up into the sky, periodic regularity abounds in the urban scene. Just as salient, though less uniform, are the self-similar branching patterns of trees and vegetation that line streets and fill parks. We propose novel methods for discovering these regularities in 3D range scans acquired by a time-of-flight laser sensor. The applications of this regularity information are broad, and we present two original algorithms. The first exploits the efficiency of the Fourier transform for the real-time detection of periodicity in building facades. Periodic regularity is discovered online by doing a plane sweep across the scene and analyzing the frequency space of each column in the sweep. The simplicity and online nature of this algorithm allow it to be embedded in scanner hardware, making periodicity detection a built-in feature of future 3D cameras. We demonstrate the usefulness of periodicity in view registration, compression, segmentation, and facade reconstruction. The second algorithm leverages the hierarchical decomposition and locality in space of the wavelet transform to find stochastic parameters for procedural models that succinctly describe vegetation. These procedural models facilitate the generation of virtual worlds for architecture, gaming, and augmented reality. The self-similarity of vegetation can be inferred using multi-resolution analysis to discover the underlying branching patterns. We present a unified framework of these tools, enabling the modeling, transmission, and compression of high-resolution, accurate, and immersive 3D images

    Fotogrametría de rango cercano aplicada a la Ingeniería Agroforestal

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[EN]Since the late twentieth century, Geotechnologies are being applied in different research lines in Agroforestry Engineering aimed at advancing in the modeling of biophysical parameters in order to improve the productivity. In this study, low-cost and close range photogrammetry has been used in different agroforestry scenarios to solve identified gaps in the results and improve procedures and technology hitherto practiced in this field. Photogrammetry offers the advantage of being a non-destructive and non-invasive technique, never changing physical properties of the studied element, providing rigor and completeness to the captured information. In this PhD dissertation, the following contributions are presented divided into three research papers: • A methodological proposal to acquire georeferenced multispectral data of high spatial resolution using a low-cost manned aerial platform, to monitor and sustainably manage extensive áreas of crops. The vicarious calibration is exposed as radiometric calibration method of the multispectral sensor embarked on a paraglider. Low-cost surfaces are performed as control coverages. • The development of a method able to determine crop productivity under field conditions, from the combination of close range photogrammetry and computer vision, providing a constant operational improvement and a proactive management in the crop monitoring. An innovate methodology in the sector is proposed, ensuring flexibility and simplicity in the data collection by non-invasive technologies, automation in processing and quality results with low associated cost. • A low cost, efficient and accurate methodology to obtain Digital Height Models of vegatal cover intended for forestry inventories by integrating public data from LiDAR into photogrammetric point clouds coming from low cost flights. This methodology includes the potentiality of LiDAR to register ground points in areas with high density of vegetation and the better spatial, radiometric and temporal resolution from photogrammetry for the top of vegetal covers.[ES]Desde finales del siglo XX se están aplicando Geotecnologías en diferentes líneas de investigación en Ingeniería Agroforestal orientadas a avanzar en la modelización de parámetros biofísicos con el propósito de mejorar la productividad. En este estudio se ha empleado fotogrametría de bajo coste y rango cercano en distintos escenarios agroforestales para solventar carencias detectadas en los resultados obtenidos y mejorar los procedimientos y la tecnología hasta ahora usados en este campo. La fotogrametría ofrece como ventaja el ser una técnica no invasiva y no destructiva, por lo que no altera en ningún momento las propiedades físicas del elemento estudiado, dotando de rigor y exhaustividad a la información capturada. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan las siguientes contribuciones, divididas en tres artículos de investigación: • Una propuesta metodológica de adquisición de datos multiespectrales georreferenciados de alta resolución espacial mediante una plataforma aérea tripulada de bajo coste, para monitorizar y gestionar sosteniblemente amplias extensiones de cultivos. Se expone la calibración vicaria como método de calibración radiométrico del sensor multiespectral embarcado en un paramotor empleando como coberturas de control superficies de bajo coste. • El desarrollo de un método capaz de determinar la productividad del cultivo en condiciones de campo, a partir de la combinación de fotogrametría de rango cercano y visión computacional, facilitando una mejora operativa constante así como una gestión proactiva en la monitorización del cultivo. Se propone una metodología totalmente novedosa en el sector, garantizando flexibilidad y sencillez en la toma de datos mediante tecnologías no invasivas, automatismo en el procesado, calidad en los resultados y un bajo coste asociado. • Una metodología de bajo coste, eficiente y precisa para la obtención de Modelos Digitales de Altura de Cubierta Vegetal destinados al inventario forestal mediante la integración de datos públicos procedentes del LiDAR en las nubes de puntos fotogramétricas obtenidas con un vuelo de bajo coste. Esta metodología engloba la potencialidad del LiDAR para registrar el terreno en zonas con alta densidad de vegetación y una mejor resolución espacial, radiométrica y temporal procedente de la fotogrametría para la parte superior de las cubiertas vegetales

    Realistic forest stand reconstruction from terrestrial LiDAR for radiative transfer modelling

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    Forest biophysical variables derived from remote sensing observations are vital for climate research. The combination of structurally and radiometrically accurate 3D "virtual" forests with radiative transfer (RT) models creates a powerful tool to facilitate the calibration and validation of remote sensing data and derived biophysical products by helping us understand the assumptions made in data processing algorithms. We present a workflow that uses highly detailed 3D terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to generate virtual forests for RT model simulations. Our approach to forest stand reconstruction from a co-registered point cloud is unique as it models each tree individually. Our approach follows three steps: (1) tree segmentation; (2) tree structure modelling and (3) leaf addition. To demonstrate this approach, we present the measurement and construction of a one hectare model of the deciduous forest in Wytham Woods (Oxford, UK). The model contains 559 individual trees. We matched the TLS data with traditional census data to determine the species of each individual tree and allocate species-specific radiometric properties. Our modelling framework is generic, highly transferable and adjustable to data collected with other TLS instruments and different ecosystems. The Wytham Woods virtual forest is made publicly available through an online repository

    The Burning Bush: Linking LiDAR-derived Shrub Architecture to Flammability

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    Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) sensors are powerful tools for characterizing vegetation structure and for constructing three-dimensional (3D) models of trees, also known as quantitative structural models (QSM). 3D models and structural traits derived from them provide valuable information for biodiversity conservation, forest management, and fire behavior modeling. However, vegetation studies and 3D modeling methodologies often only focus on the forest canopy, with little attention given to understory vegetation. In particular, 3D structural information of shrubs is limited or not included in fire behavior models. Yet, understory vegetation is an important component of forested ecosystems, and has an essential role in determining fire behavior. In this dissertation, I explored the use of TLS data and quantitative structure models to model shrub architecture in three related studies. In the first study, I present a semi-automated methodology for reconstructing architecturally different shrubs from TLS LiDAR. By investigating shrubs with different architectures and point cloud densities, I showed that occlusion, shrub complexity, and shape greatly affect the accuracy of shrub models. In my second study, I assessed the 3D architectural drivers of understory flammability by evaluating the use of architectural metrics derived from the TLS point cloud and 3D reconstructions of the shrubs. I focused on eight species common in the understory of the fire-prone longleaf pine forest ecosystem of the state of Florida, USA. I found a general tendency for each species to be associated with a unique combination of flammability and architectural traits. Novel shrub architectural traits were found to be complementary to the direct use of TLS data and improved flammability predictions. The inherent complexity of shrub architecture and uncertainty in the TLS point cloud make scaling up from an individual shrub to a plot level a challenging task. Therefore, in my third study, I explored the effects of lidar uncertainty on vegetation parameter prediction accuracy. I developed a practical workflow to create synthetic forest stands with varying densities, which were subsequently scanned with simulated terrestrial lidar. This provided data sets quantitatively similar to those created by real-world LiDAR measurements, but with the advantage of exact knowledge of the forest plot parameters, The results showed that the lidar scan location had a large effect on prediction accuracy. Furthermore, occlusion is strongly related to the sampling density and plot complexity. The results of this study illustrate the potential of non-destructive lidar approaches for quantifying shrub architectural traits. TLS, empirical quantitative structural models, and synthetic models provide valuable insights into shrub structure and fire behavior