2,739 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) of a battery home storage system based on primary data

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    While the market for battery home storage systems (HSS) is growing rapidly, there are still few well-modelled life cycle assessment (LCA) studies available for quantifying their potential environmental benefits and impacts. Existing studies mainly rely on data for electric vehicles and often lack a thorough modelling approach, especially regarding the peripheral components. This paper presents a full cradle to grave LCA of a Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery HSS based on primary data obtained by part-to-part dismantling of an existing commercial system with a focus on the impact of the peripheral components. Additionally, alternative battery chemistries (Sodium ion battery (SIB) and two lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxides, (NMC811, and NMC622) are investigated under the consideration of the same periphery. This approach allows a comprehensive com parison between present and emerging cell chemistries that can be potentially considered for an HSS. The total greenhouse gas emissions of the HSS are 84 g CO2eq/KWh of electricity delivered over its lifetime in a residential PV application, or 31 g CO2eq/KWh over lifetime when excluding the use-phase impact. The peripheral components contribute between 37% and 85% to the total gross manufacturing impacts of the HSS, depending on the considered cell chemistry and the impact category. Especially the inverter plays an important role, and its impacts are significantly higher than those obtained when using the standard ecoinvent dataset, indicating that the contribution of power electronics might often be underestimated when using this dataset. In terms of cell chemistries, the considered SIB turns out to be not yet competitive with LIB chemistries due to its lower energy density and lifetime, but might become so when reaching similar lifetimes

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) of a battery home storage system based on primary data

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    While the market for battery home storage systems (HSS) is growing rapidly, there are still few well-modelled life cycle assessment (LCA) studies available for quantifying their potential environmental benefits and impacts. Existing studies mainly rely on data for electric vehicles and often lack a thorough modelling approach, especially regarding the peripheral components. This paper presents a full cradle to grave LCA of a Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery HSS based on primary data obtained by part-to-part dismantling of an existing commercial system with a focus on the impact of the peripheral components. Additionally, alternative battery chemistries (Sodium ion battery (SIB) and two lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxides, (NMC811,and NMC622) are investigated under the consideration of the same periphery. This approach allows a comprehensive comparison between present and emerging cell chemistries that can be potentially considered for an HSS. The total greenhouse gas emissions of the HSS are 84 g CO2eq/KWh of electricity delivered over its lifetime in a residential PV application, or 31 g CO2eq/KWh over lifetime when excluding the use-phase impact. The peripheral components contribute between 37% and 85% to the total gross manufacturing impacts of the HSS, depending on the considered cell chemistry and the impact category. Especially the inverter plays an important role, and its impacts are significantly higher than those obtained when using the standard ecoinvent dataset, indicating that the contribution of power electronics might often be underestimated when using this dataset. In terms of cell chemistries, the considered SIB turns out to be not yet competitive with LIB chemistries due to its lower energy density and lifetime, but might become so when reaching similar lifetimes

    Integration, control and optimization of the solar photovoltaic-battery system in microgrids

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    This document composes the work realised and the research results developed within the scope of electric energy storage at the Renewable Energy Chair of the University of Évora. The current legal and technological framework of electrochemical energy storage technologies is reported, and its framework is demonstrated in the Portuguese and European contexts. Next, the experimental microgrid that comprises several electric energy storage technologies is described. The lithium-ion and vanadium redox flow technologies were tested and characterized for later validation of the electrical models that describe their performance. A state-of-the-art review allowed the experimentation of energy management strategies that fit the technologies studied, allowing smarter management in residential and services sectors. In this thesis, management algorithms, battery models, and an indication of technical, economic and energy parameters were combined in a tool to study the simulation of the operation of these technologies, allowing to define different operating objectives, fine-tune parameters and even join the operation of different technologies. This work was accompanied by national and international projects, attempting to respond to existing problems in the operation of real systems and gaps identified in the design phase, such as a robust dimensioning tool, with the integration of different battery managing methods; Integração, controlo e otimização do sistema solar fotovoltaico-bateria em microrredes Resumo: Este documento compõe o trabalho realizado e respetivos resultados da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do armazenamento de energia elétrica na Cátedra Energias Renováveis da Universidade de Évora. Os atuais enquadramentos legais e tecnológicos das tecnologias eletroquímicas de armazenamento de energia são relatados, nos contextos português e europeu. Seguidamente, uma microrrede experimental que inclui diversas tecnologias de armazenamento de energia elétrica é descrita. As tecnologias de fluxo redox de vanádio e de iões de lítio foram objeto de ensaio e caracterização, para posterior validação dos correspondentes modelos que descrevem a sua performance elétrica. A revisão do estado da arte permitiu a experimentação de estratégias de gestão de energia que se adequam às tecnologias estudadas, que permitam a sua gestão inteligente, no contexto residencial e de serviços. Nesta tese, os algoritmos de gestão, os modelos das baterias, a indicação de parâmetros técnicos, económicos e energéticos foram combinados numa ferramenta para estudo da simulação da operação destas tecnologias permitindo definir diferente objetivos, afinar parâmetros e até operar conjuntamente diferentes tecnologias. Este trabalho foi acompanhado pelo paralelismo de projetos nacionais e internacionais, tentado dar resposta a problemas existentes na operação de sistemas reais, e lacunas identificadas na fase de projeto, tal como uma ferramenta de dimensionamento robusto, com a integração de diferentes formas de gerir baterias

    Materials impact on the EU’s competitiveness of the renewable energy, storage and e-mobility sectors: Wind power, solar photovoltaic and battery technologies

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    In the context of the decarbonisation of the European energy system and achieving the long-term climate change mitigation objectives, this study assesses the impact of materials on the competitiveness of the EU’s clean energy technology industry, taking into account several factors such as security and concentration of materials supply, price volatility, cost intensity in the technology, etc. These factors, together with the EU’s resilience to potential materials supply disruptions and mitigation possibilities, have been analysed for three technologies, namely wind turbines, solar PV panels and batteries. Wind power was found to be the most vulnerable technology in relation to materials supply, followed by solar PV and batteries. From the materials perspective, several opportunities have been identified to improve the EU’s industrial competitiveness with regard to the deployment of these technologies, such as boosting recycling businesses in the EU, promoting research and innovation, diversifying the supply and strengthening and increasing downstream manufacturing in the EU.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio


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    This dissertation presents a novel comprehensive assessment methodology for using on-board photovoltaic (PV) solar technologies in vehicle applications. A well-to-wheels life cycle analysis based on a unique energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, and economic perspective is carried out in the context of meeting corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards through 2025 along with providing an alternative energy path for the purpose of sustainable transportation. The study includes 14 different vehicles, 3 different travel patterns, in 12 U.S. states and 16 nations using 19 different cost analysis scenarios for determining the challenges and benefits of using on-board photovoltaic (PV) solar technologies in vehicle applications. It develops a tool for decision-makers and presents a series of design requirements for the implementation of on-board PV in automobiles to use during the conceptual design stage, since its results are capable of reflecting the changes in fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emission, and cost for different locations, technological, and vehicle sizes. The decision-supports systems developed include (i) a unique decision support systems for selecting the optimal PV type for vehicle applications using quality function deployment, analytic hierarchy process, and fuzzy axiomatic design, (ii) a unique system for evaluating all non-destructive inspection systems for defects in the PV device to select the optimum system suitable for an automated PV production line. (iii) The development of a comprehensive PV system model that for predicting the impact of using on-board PV based on life cycle assessment perspective. This comprehensive assessment methodology is a novel in three respects. First, the proposed work develops a comprehensive PV system model and optimizes the solar energy to DC electrical power output ratio. Next, it predicts the actual contribution of the on-board PV to reduce fuel consumption, particularly for meeting corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) 2020 and 2025 standards in different scenarios. The model also estimates vehicle range extension via on-board PV and enhances the current understanding regarding the applicability and effective use of on-board PV modules in individual automobiles. Finally, it develops a life cycle assessment (LCA) model (well-to-wheels analysis) for this application. This enables a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of an on-board PV vehicle application from an energy consumption, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission, and cost life-cycle perspective. The results show that by adding on-board PVs to cover less than 50% of the projected horizontal surface area of a typical passenger vehicle, up to 50% of the total daily miles traveled by a person in the U.S. could be driven by solar energy if using a typical mid-size vehicle, and up to 174% if using a very lightweight and aerodynamically efficient vehicle. In addition, the increase in fuel economy in terms of combined mile per gallon (MPG) at noon for heavy vehicles is between 2.9% to 9.5%. There is a very significant increase for lightweight and aerodynamic efficient vehicles, with MPG increase in the range of 10.7% to 42.2%, depending on location and time of year. Although the results show that the plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) do not always have a positive environmental impact over similar gasoline vehicles considering the well-to-wheel span, the addition of an on-board PV system for both vehicle configurations, significantly reduces cycle emissions (e.g., the equivalent savings of what an average U.S. home produces in a 20 month period). The lifetime driving cost (permile)ofagasolinevehiclewithaddingonboardPV,comparedtoapuregasolinevehicle,islowerinregionswithmoresunlight(e.g.,Arizona)evenofthecurrentgasolinepriceintheU.S.( per mile) of a gasoline vehicle with adding on-board PV, compared to a pure gasoline vehicle, is lower in regions with more sunlight (e.g., Arizona) even of the current gasoline price in the U.S. (4.0 per gallon) assuming battery costs will decline over time. Lifetime driving cost (permile)ofapluginEVwithaddedPVversuspurepluginEV(assumingelectricityprice0.18 per mile) of a plug-in EV with added PV versus pure plug-in EV (assuming electricity price 0.18 /kWh) is at least similar, but mostly lower, even in regions with less sunlight (e.g., Massachusetts). In places with low electricity prices (0.13 $/kWh), and with more sunlight, the costs of operating an EV with PV are naturally lower. The study reports a unique observation that placing PV systems on-board for existing vehicles is in some cases superior to the lightweighting approach regarding full fuel-cycle emissions. An added benefit of on-board PV applications is the ability to incorporate additional functionality into vehicles. Results show that an on-board PV system operating in Phoenix, AZ can generate in its lifetime, energy that is the equivalent of what an American average household residential utility customer consumes over a three-year period. However, if the proposed system operates in New Delhi, India, the PV could generate energy in its lifetime that is the equivalent of what an Indian average household residential utility customer consumes over a 33-year period. Consequently, this proposed application transforms, in times of no-use, into a flexible energy generation system that can be fed into the grid and used to power electrical devices in homes and offices. The fact that the output of this system is direct current (DC) electricity rather than alternative current (AC) electricity reduces the wasted energy cost in the generation, transmission, and conversion losses between AC-DC electricity to reach the grid. Thus, this system can potentially reduce the dependency on the grid in third world countries where the energy consumption per home is limited and the grid is unstable or unreliable, or even unavailable

    End-of-Life management of wind turbines, PV modules and Lithium-Ion batteries: Current practices and closing the circular economy gap

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    Renewable energy generation and increased electrification are pivotal to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Consequently, global deployment of wind turbines, PV modules and electric vehicles has soared, and the trend is expected to continue. These technologies have only recently started reaching the end of their design lives, and rapid escalation of end-of-life (EoL) waste volumes are projected. This study responds to the imminent waste issue by researching current EoL management practices, initiatives and regulations of these three technologies in Canada and globally. Through extensive literature review and communications with select experts in the EoL field, it also seeks to identify factors that impede current EoL management efforts to close the circular economy gap and those that can support the overall sustainability of deploying these technologies. The EoL management of these technologies is in the early stages and many innovative initiatives are being explored and developed. There are currently few proven business cases, and barriers to the EoL strategies’ profitability and effectiveness include insufficient waste feedstock, inadequate collection infrastructure and second-life markets, and uncertainty about the assets’ remaining useful life. Designing for circularity, collaboration between supply chain stakeholders, circular business models and technology-specific regulations that incorporate extended producer responsibility, second-life targets and circular solutions can help progress the technologies toward improved sustainability. The research found that EoL management is a complex but necessary undertaking that needs to consider multiple, often conflicting factors. Additionally, the technologies and their EoL management practices are dynamic and fast-changing. Hence this study's findings are best viewed as compelling evidence of the increasing need for robust EoL management and a demonstration of potential solutions rather than absolute conclusions

    Manufacturing of Photovoltaic Devices, Power Electronics and Batteries for Local Direct Current Power Based Nanogrid

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    To meet the current and future demands of electrical power for household, industrial, commercial and transport sectors, the energy infrastructure has to undergo changes in terms of generation, distribution and consumption. Due to the shortcomings of nuclear and fossil fuel based power generation, the emergence of renewable energy has provided a very lucrative option. With the advent of low-cost photovoltaics (PV) panels and our ability to generate, store and use electrical energy locally without the need for long-range transmission, the world is about to witness transformational changes in electricity infrastructures. For local nano-grids, direct current (DC) -based system has several distinct advantages that are demonstrated through theoretical and experimental results. A PV- powered and local DC power based nano-grids can be more efficient, reliable, cyber secured, and can easily adopt internet of things (IoT) platforms. With DC generation, storage and consumption, significant amount of energy can be saved that are wasted in back and forth conversion between AC and DC. In case of geomagnetic disturbances, such nano-grids will be more resilient compared to centralized distribution network. Free-fuel, i.e. sunlight, based local DC nano-grid can be the sustainable and cost effective solution for underdeveloped, developing and developed economies. To take advantage of this, the manufacturing of PV, power electronics and batteries have to follow the best practices that aid process control, quality improvement and potential cost reduction. Without proper process control, the variation will result in yield loss, inferior performance and higher cost of production. On many instances, these issues were not considered, and some technology such as perovskite solar cell, received a lot of attention as a disruptive technology. Through detailed technical and economic assessments, it was shown that the variability and lack of rigorous process control will result in a lower efficiency when perovskite thin film solar cells are connected together to form a module. Due to stability and performance reasons, it was showed the perovskite solar cell is not ideal for 2-terminal or 4-terminal multi-junction/tandem configuration with silicon cells. Power electronics also play a vital role in PV systems. The challenges and design rules for silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) based power device manufacturing were analyzed. Based on it, advanced process control (APC) based single wafer processing (SWP) tools for manufacturing SiC and GaN power devices are proposed. For energy storage, batteries play an important role in PV installation. Li-ion technology will become the preferred storage due to its capabilities. Incorporation of advanced process control, rapid thermal processing, Industrial IoT, etc. can reduce variability, improve performance and reduce quality-check failures and bring down the cost of electrochemical batteries. The combined approaches in manufacturing of PV, power electronics and batteries will have a very positive impact in the growth of PV powered DC –based nano-grids

    Flexible active power control for PV‐ESS systems:A review

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    The penetration of solar energy in the modern power system is still increasing with a fast growth rate after long development due to reduced environmental impact and ever-decreasing photovoltaic panel cost. Meanwhile, distribution networks have to deal with a huge amount and frequent fluctuations of power due to the intermittent nature of solar energy, which influences the grid stability and could cause a voltage rise in the low-voltage grid. In order to reduce these fluctuations and ensure a stable and reliable power supply, energy storage systems are introduced, as they can absorb or release energy on demand, which provides more control flexibility for PV systems. At present, storage technologies are still under development and integrated in renewable applications, especially in smart grids, where lowering the cost and enhancing the reliability are the main tasks. This study reviews and discusses several active power control strategies for hybrid PV and energy storage systems that deliver ancillary services for grid support. The technological advancements and developments of energy storage systems in grid-tied PV applications are also reviewed


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    Participation of distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) generation in the organized electricity wholesale market is expected to increase under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order 2222 announced in 2020. Our understanding about the technical, economic, and environmental tradeoffs and co-benefits of solar PV adoption on both building and regional scales remains limited, especially considering the complexity of varied distributed solar PV-battery system designs and operation strategies as well as the dynamic interactions of these distributed generations with the centralized grid. This dissertation therefore aims to investigate the grid load reduction, life cycle cost, and life cycle environmental (e.g., carbon, water, and energy footprints) performances of typical distributed PV systems considering their dynamic interactions with the centralized grid. This dissertation intends to examine the possible scenarios in which future adoption of PV systems can facilitate economic saving, reduce environmental footprints, relieve centralized grid stress, and supplement differential electricity demands of residential energy users on both building and city scales. To this end, a modeling framework was developed consisting of a stochastic residential electricity demand model, a system dynamics model of solar energy generation, energy balance, storage, and selling, and life cycle economic and environmental assessment model. The stochastic residential electricity demand simulation considered five typical types of household occupants and eight types of households. The generated solar energy, grid supply, and residential demand were balanced for each residential building using energy balance model. This model was further scaled up to a city level using Boston, MA as a testbed. On the building level, we found a clear tradeoff between the life cycle cost and environmental savings when sizing the PV systems differently. Moreover, installing a solar PV-battery system but without an effective control strategy can result in sub-optimized peak-load reduction, economic, and environmental outcomes. Installing solar PV-battery systems with proper controls can achieve the highest on-peak load reductions and economic benefits under the time-of-use utility rate design. However, they do not necessarily provide the highest environmental benefits, indicating a potential technical, environmental, and economic tradeoff. Our regional analysis found a large penetration of solar PV systems may result in a steeper ramp-up of the grid load during winter days, but it may provide load-shedding benefits during summer days. Large buildings may perform the best technically and environmentally when adopting solar PV systems, but they may have higher life cycle costs