2,128 research outputs found

    Mapping regional land cover and land use change using MODIS time series

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    Coarse resolution satellite observations of the Earth provide critical data in support of land cover and land use monitoring at regional to global scales. This dissertation focuses on methodology and dataset development that exploit multi-temporal data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to improve current information related to regional forest cover change and urban extent. In the first element of this dissertation, I develop a novel distance metric-based change detection method to map annual forest cover change at 500m spatial resolution. Evaluations based on a global network of test sites and two regional case studies in Brazil and the United States demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of this methodology, where estimated changes in forest cover are comparable to reference data derived from higher spatial resolution data sources. In the second element of this dissertation, I develop methods to estimate fractional urban cover for temperate and tropical regions of China at 250m spatial resolution by fusing MODIS data with nighttime lights using the Random Forest regression algorithm. Assessment of results for 9 cities in Eastern, Central, and Southern China show good agreement between the estimated urban percentages from MODIS and reference urban percentages derived from higher resolution Landsat data. In the final element of this dissertation, I assess the capability of a new nighttime lights dataset from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) for urban mapping applications. This dataset provides higher spatial resolution and improved radiometric quality in nighttime lights observations relative to previous datasets. Analyses for a study area in the Yangtze River Delta in China show that this new source of data significantly improves representation of urban areas, and that fractional urban estimation based on DNB can be further improved by fusion with MODIS data. Overall, the research in this dissertation contributes new methods and understanding for remote sensing-based change detection methodologies. The results suggest that land cover change products from coarse spatial resolution sensors such as MODIS and VIIRS can benefit from regional optimization, and that urban extent mapping from nighttime lights should exploit complementary information from conventional visible and near infrared observations

    Ground-based hyperspectral analysis of the urban nightscape

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    Airborne hyperspectral cameras provide the basic information to estimate the energy wasted skywards by outdoor lighting systems, as well as to locate and identify their sources. However, a complete characterization of the urban light pollution levels also requires evaluating these effects from the city dwellers standpoint, e.g. the energy waste associated to the excessive illuminance on walls and pavements, light trespass, or the luminance distributions causing potential glare, to mention but a few. On the other hand, the spectral irradiance at the entrance of the human eye is the primary input to evaluate the possible health effects associated with the exposure to artificial light at night, according to the more recent models available in the literature. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of using a hyperspectral imager (routinely used in airborne campaigns) to measure the ground-level spectral radiance of the urban nightscape and to retrieve several magnitudes of interest for light pollution studies. We also present the preliminary results from a field campaign carried out in the downtown of Barcelona.Postprint (author's final draft

    Application of DMSP/OLS nighttime light images : a meta-analysis and a systematic literature review

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    © The Author(s), 2014. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Remote Sensing 6 (2014): 6844-6866, doi:10.3390/rs6086844.Since the release of the digital archives of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Line Scanner (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light data in 1992, a variety of datasets based on this database have been produced and applied to monitor and analyze human activities and natural phenomena. However, differences among these datasets and how they have been applied may potentially confuse researchers working with these data. In this paper, we review the ways in which data from DMSP/OLS nighttime light images have been applied over the past two decades, focusing on differences in data processing, research trends, and the methods used among the different application areas. Five main datasets extracted from this database have led to many studies in various research areas over the last 20 years, and each dataset has its own strengths and limitations. The number of publications based on this database and the diversity of authors and institutions involved have shown promising growth. In addition, researchers have accumulated vast experience retrieving data on the spatial and temporal dynamics of settlement, demographics, and socioeconomic parameters, which are “hotspot” applications in this field. Researchers continue to develop novel ways to extract more information from the DMSP/OLS database and apply the data to interdisciplinary research topics. We believe that DMSP/OLS nighttime light data will play an important role in monitoring and analyzing human activities and natural phenomena from space in the future, particularly over the long term. A transparent platform that encourages data sharing, communication, and discussion of extraction methods and synthesis activities will benefit researchers as well as public and political stakeholders.This work is supported by the 111 project “Hazard and Risk Science Base at Beijing Normal University” under Grant B08008 (Ministry of Education and State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, PRC), the State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology of Beijing Normal University (No. 2013-RC-03), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 201413037)

    Urban nighttime leisure space mapping with nighttime light images and POI data

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    Urban nighttime leisure spaces (UNLSs), important urban sites of nighttime economic activity, have created enormous economic and social benefits. Both the physical features (e.g., location, shape, and area) and the social functions (e.g., commercial streets, office buildings, and entertainment venues) of UNLSs are important in UNLS mapping. However, most studies rely solely on census data or nighttime light (NTL) images to map the physical features of UNLSs, which limits UNLS mapping, and few studies perform UNLS mapping from a social function perspective. Point-of-interest (POI) data, which can reflect social activity functions, are needed. As a result, a novel methodological UNLS mapping framework, that integrates NTL images and POI data is required. Consequently, we first extracted high-NTL intensity and high-POI density areas from composite data as areas with high nightlife activity levels. Then, the POI data were analyzed to identify the social functions of leisure spaces revealing that nighttime leisure activities are not abundant in Beijing overall, the total UNLS area in Beijing is 31.08 km(2), which accounts for only 0.2% of the total area of Beijing. In addition, the nightlife activities in the central urban area are more abundant than those in the suburbs. The main urban area has the largest UNLS area. Compared with the nightlife landmarks in Beijing established by the government, our results provide more details on the spatial pattern of nighttime leisure activities throughout the city. Our study aims to provide new insights into how multisource data can be leveraged for UNLS mapping to enable researchers to broaden their study scope. This investigation can also help government departments better understand the local nightlife situation to rationally formulate planning and adjustment measures

    Nighttime Lights as a Proxy for Economic Performance of Regions

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    Studying and managing regional economic development in the current globalization era demands prompt, reliable, and comparable estimates for a region’s economic performance. Night-time lights (NTL) emitted from residential areas, entertainment places, industrial facilities, etc., and captured by satellites have become an increasingly recognized proxy for on-ground human activities. Compared to traditional indicators supplied by statistical offices, NTLs may have several advantages. First, NTL data are available all over the world, providing researchers and official bodies with the opportunity to obtain estimates even for regions with extremely poor reporting practices. Second, in contrast to non-standardized traditional reporting procedures, the unified NTL data remove the problem of inter-regional comparability. Finally, NTL data are currently globally available on a daily basis, which makes it possible to obtain these estimates promptly. In this book, we provide the reader with the contributions demonstrating the potential and efficiency of using NTL data as a proxy for the performance of regions

    The urbanization impact in China: A prospective model (1992-2025)

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    The gradual spread of urbanization, the phenomenon known under the term urban sprawl, has become one of the paradigms that have characterized the urban development since the second half of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The arrival of electrification to nearly every corner of the planet is certainly the first and more meaningful indicator of artificialization of land. In this sense, the paper proposes a new methodology designed to identify the highly impacted landscapes in China based on the analysis of the satellite image of nighttime lights. The night-lights have been used widespread in scientific contributions, from building human development indices, identifying megalopolis or analyzing the phenomenon of urbanization and sprawl, but generally they have not been used to forecast the urbanization in the near future. This paper proposes to study the urbanization impact in China between 1992 and 2013, and models a hypothesis of future scenarios of urbanization (2013-2025). For this purpose, the paper uses DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights (1992 – 2013). After obtaining a homogeneous series for the whole period 1992- 2013, we proceed to model the spatial dynamics of past urbanization process using thePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Utility of High Resolution Human Settlement Data for Assessment of Electricity Usage Patterns

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    Electricity is vital for modern human civilization, and its demands are expected to significantly rise due to urban growth, transportation modernization, and increasing industrialization and energy accessibility. Meeting the present and future demands while minimizing the environmental degradation from electricity generation pathways presents a significant sustainability challenge. Urban areas consume around 75% of global energy supply yet urban energy statistics are scarce all over the world, creating a severe hindrance for the much-needed energy sustainability studies. This work explores the scope of geospatial data-driven analysis and modeling to address this challenge. Identification and measurements of human habitats, a key measure, is severely misconceived. A multi-scale analysis of high, medium, and coarse resolution datasets in Egypt and Taiwan illustrates the increasing discrepancies from global to local scales. Analysis of urban morphology revealed that high-resolution datasets could perform much better at all scales in diverse geographies while the power of other datasets rapidly diminishes from the urban core to peripheries. A functional inventory of urban settlements was developed for three cities in the developing world using very high-resolution images and texture analysis. Analysis of correspondence between nighttime lights emission, a proxy of electricity consumption, and the settlement inventory was the conducted. The results highlight the statistically significant relationship between functional settlement types and corresponding light emission, and underline the potential of remote sensing data-driven methods in urban energy usage assessment. Lastly, the lack of urban electricity data was addressed by a geospatial modeling approach in the United States. The estimated urban electricity consumption was externally validated and subsequently used to quantify the effects of urbanization on electricity consumption. The results indicate a 23% lowering of electricity consumption corresponding to a 100% increase in urban population. The results highlight the potential of urbanization in lowering per-capita energy usage. The opportunity and limits to such energy efficiency were identified with regards to urban population density. The findings from this work validate the applicability of geospatial data in urban energy studies and provide unique insights into the relationship between urbanization and electricity demands. The insights from this work could be useful for other sustainability studies

    Urban expansion and agricultural land loss in China: A multiscale perspective

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    China’s rapid urbanization has contributed to a massive agricultural land loss that could threaten its food security. Timely and accurate mapping of urban expansion and urbanization-related agricultural land loss can provide viable measures to be taken for urban planning and agricultural land protection. In this study, urban expansion in China from 2001 to 2013 was mapped using the nighttime stable light (NSL), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and water body data. Urbanization-related agricultural land loss during this time period was then evaluated at national, regional, and metropolitan scales by integrating multiple sources of geographic data. The results revealed that China’s total urban area increased from 31,076 km2 in 2001 to 80,887 km2 in 2013, with an average annual growth rate of 13.36%. This widespread urban expansion consumed 33,080 km2 of agricultural land during this period. At a regional scale, the eastern region lost 18,542 km2 or 1.2% of its total agricultural land area. At a metropolitan scale, the Shanghai–Nanjing–Hangzhou (SNH) and Pearl River Delta (PRD) areas underwent high levels of agricultural land loss with a decrease of 6.12% (4728 km2) and 6.05% (2702 km2) of their total agricultural land areas, respectively. Special attention should be paid to the PRD, with a decline of 13.30% (1843 km2) of its cropland. Effective policies and strategies should be implemented to mitigate urbanization-related agricultural land loss in the context of China’s rapid urbanization

    Spatiotemporal Variations of City-Level Carbon Emissions in China during 2000–2017 Using Nighttime Light Data

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    China is one of the largest carbon emitting countries in the world. Numerous strategies have been considered by the Chinese government to mitigate carbon emissions in recent years. Accurate and timely estimation of spatiotemporal variations of city-level carbon emissions is of vital importance for planning of low-carbon strategies. For an assessment of the spatiotemporal variations of city-level carbon emissions in China during the periods 2000–2017, we used nighttime light data as a proxy from two sources: Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) data and the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite’s Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (NPP-VIIRS). The results show that cities with low carbon emissions are located in the western and central parts of China. In contrast, cities with high carbon emissions are mainly located in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (BTH) and Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Half of the cities of China have been making eorts to reduce carbon emissions since 2012, and regional disparities among cities are steadily decreasing. Two clusters of high-emission cities located in the BTH and YRD followed two dierent paths of carbon emissions owing to the diverse political status and pillar industries. We conclude that carbon emissions in China have undergone a transformation to decline, but a very slow balancing between the spatial pattern of high-emission versus low-emission regions in China can be presumed
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