50 research outputs found

    The Task Scheduling Problem: A NeuroGenetic Approach

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    This paper addresses the task scheduling problem which involves minimizing the makespan in scheduling n tasks on m machines (resources) where the tasks follow a precedence relation and preemption is not allowed.  The machines (resources) are all identical and a task needs only one machine for processing.  Like most scheduling problems, this one is NP-hard in nature, making it difficult to find exact solutions for larger problems in reasonable computational time.  Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches are therefore needed to solve this type of problem.   This paper proposes a metaheuristic approach - called NeuroGenetic - which is a combination of an augmented neural network and a genetic algorithm.  The augmented neural network approach is itself a hybrid of a heuristic approach and a neural network approach.  The NeuroGenetic approach is tested against some popular test problems from the literature, and the results indicate that the NeuroGenetic approach performs significantly better than either the augmented neural network or the genetic algorithms alone.

    A NeuroGenetic Approach for Multiprocessor Scheduling

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    This chapter presents a NeuroGenetic approach for solving a family of multiprocessor scheduling problems. We address primarily the Job-Shop scheduling problem, one of the hardest of the various scheduling problems. We propose a new approach, the NeuroGenetic approach, which is a hybrid metaheuristic that combines augmented-neural-networks (AugNN) and genetic algorithms-based search methods. The AugNN approach is a nondeterministic iterative local-search method which combines the benefits of a heuristic search and iterative neural-network search. Genetic algorithms based search is particularly good at global search. An interleaved approach between AugNN and GA combines the advantages of local search and global search, thus providing improved solutions compared to AugNN or GA search alone. We discuss the encoding and decoding schemes for switching between GA and AugNN approaches to allow interleaving. The purpose of this study is to empirically test the extent of improvement obtained by using the interleaved hybrid approach instead of applied using a single approach on the job-shop scheduling problem. We also describe the AugNN formulation and a Genetic Algorithm approach for the JobShop problem. We present the results of AugNN, GA and the NeuroGentic approach on some benchmark job-shop scheduling problems

    Neural, Genetic, And Neurogenetic Approaches For Solving The 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem

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    The multi-dimensional knapsack problem (MDKP) is a well-studied problem in Decision Sciences. The problem’s NP-Hard nature prevents the successful application of exact procedures such as branch and bound, implicit enumeration and dynamic programming for larger problems. As a result, various approximate solution approaches, such as the relaxation approaches, heuristic and metaheuristic approaches have been developed and applied effectively to this problem. In this study, we propose a Neural approach, a Genetic Algorithms approach and a Neurogenetic approach, which is a hybrid of the Neural and the Genetic Algorithms approach. The Neural approach is essentially a problem-space based non-deterministic local-search algorithm. In the Genetic Algorithms approach we propose a new way of generating initial population. In the Neurogenetic approach, we show that the Neural and Genetic iterations, when interleaved appropriately, can complement each other and provide better solutions than either the Neural or the Genetic approach alone. Within the overall search, the Genetic approach provides diversification while the Neural provides intensification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches through an empirical study performed on several sets of benchmark problems commonly used in the literature

    Relevance and Applicability of Multi-objective Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: Review Article

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    Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is a Non Polynomial (NP) - Hard optimization problem that considers how to assign activities to available resources in order to meet predefined objectives. The problem is usually characterized by precedence relationship between activities with limited capacity of renewable resources. In an environment where resources are limited, projects still have to be finished on time, within the approved budget and in accordance with the preset specifications. Inherently, these tend to make RCPSP, a multi-objective problem. However, it has been treated as a single objective problem with project makespan often recognized as the most relevant objective. As a result of not understanding the multi-objective dimension of some projects, where these objectives need to be simultaneously considered, distraction and conflict of interest have ultimately lead to abandoned or totally failed projects. The aim of this article is to holistically review the relevance and applicability of multi-objective performance dimension of RCPSP in an environment where optimal use of limited resources is important

    Mapping optimization techniques in project management

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    An important function of the project management is to optimize the project in various phases and at different levels. From sourcing and allocation to scheduling and even dealing with uncertainties, the science of operation research (OR) has played an important role in this area. So far, many papers have been published using the optimization science to make various decisions regarding the project management. This study aims to investigate all papers published on the application of optimization in the project management from 1940 to 2019 and shows: a) how the trend has changed over this 79 years period, b) to what direction the trend has changed, c) determines the interesting topics of the recent years, and d) which subjects are more attractive as future studies as the applications of the optimization techniques in the project management

    Scientific Production about Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: A Bibliometric and Bibliographic Study

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    Um dos principais problemas de alocação de recursos humanos na execução de projetos está associado ao Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. Nesse contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um cenário sobre a produção acadêmica sobre o tema, apresentando os autores clássicos, as revistas científicas com maiores publicações, os constructos mais utilizados, as áreas de interesses mais referenciadas e as obras mais recentes dos autores com maior número de publicações no tema. Os resultados demonstram que o tema se mantém relevante além de permitir identificar os pontos que ainda podem ser explorados por novos autores. One of the major problems of human resource allocation in project execution is associated with the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. In this context, this article aims to present a scenario about the academic production on the topic, presenting the classic authors, the scientific journals with the largest publications, the most used constructs, the most referenced areas of interest and the most recent works of the authors with Number of publications in the theme. The results show that the theme remains relevant as well as identifying the points that can still be explored by new authors

    Towards Merging Binary Integer Programming Techniques with Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper presents a framework based on merging a binary integer programming technique with a genetic algorithm. The framework uses both lower and upper bounds to make the employed mathematical formulation of a problem as tight as possible. For problems whose optimal solutions cannot be obtained, precision is traded with speed through substituting the integrality constrains in a binary integer program with a penalty. In this way, instead of constraining a variable u with binary restriction, u is considered as real number between 0 and 1, with the penalty of Mu(1-u), in which M is a large number. Values not near to the boundary extremes of 0 and 1 make the component of Mu(1-u) large and are expected to be avoided implicitly. The nonbinary values are then converted to priorities, and a genetic algorithm can use these priorities to fill its initial pool for producing feasible solutions. The presented framework can be applied to many combinatorial optimization problems. Here, a procedure based on this framework has been applied to a scheduling problem, and the results of computational experiments have been discussed, emphasizing the knowledge generated and inefficiencies to be circumvented with this framework in future

    Modeling and Solution Procedure for a Preemptive Multi-Objective Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Model in Resource Investment Problems

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    In this paper, a preemptive multi-objective multi-mode project scheduling model for resource investment problem is proposed. The first objective function is to minimize the completion time of project (makespan);the second objective function is to minimize the cost of using renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are also considered as parameters in this model. The preemption of activities is allowed at any integer time units, and for each activity, the best execution mode is selected according to the duration and resource. Since this bi-objective problem is the extension of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP), it is NP-hard problem, and therefore, heuristic and metaheuristic methods are required to solve it. In this study, Non-dominated Sorting Genetic AlgorithmII (NSGA-II) and Non-dominated Ranking Genetic Algorithm (NRGA) are used based on results of Pareto solution set.We also present a heuristic method for two approaches of serial schedule generation scheme (S-SGS) and parallel schedule generation scheme (P-SGS) in the developed algorithm in order to optimize the scheduling of the activities.The input parameters of the algorithm are tuned with Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Finally, the algorithms are implemented on some numerical test problems, and their effectiveness is evaluated.  </em

    Using Deep Neural Networks for Scheduling Resource-Constrained Activity Sequences

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    Eines der bekanntesten Planungsprobleme stellt die Planung von Aktivitäten unter Berücksichtigung von Reihenfolgenbeziehungen zwischen diesen Aktivitäten sowie Ressourcenbeschränkungen dar. In der Literatur ist dieses Planungsproblem als das ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanungsproblem bekannt und wird im Englischen als Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem oder kurz RCPSP bezeichnet. Das Ziel dieses Problems besteht darin, die Bearbeitungszeit einer Aktivitätsfolge zu minimieren, indem festgelegt wird, wann jede einzelne Aktivität beginnen soll, ohne dass die Ressourcenbeschränkungen überschritten werden. Wenn die Bearbeitungsdauern der Aktivitäten bekannt und deterministisch sind, können die Startzeiten der Aktivitäten à priori definiert werden, ohne dass die Gefahr besteht, dass der Zeitplan unausführbar wird. Da jedoch die Bearbeitungsdauern der Aktivitäten häufig nicht deterministisch sind, sondern auf Schätzungen von Expertengruppen oder historischen Daten basieren, können die realen Bearbeitungsdauern von den geschätzten abweichen. In diesem Fall ist eine reaktive Planungsstrategie zu bevorzugen. Solch eine reaktive Strategie legt die Startzeiten der einzelnen Aktivitäten nicht zu Beginn des Projektes fest, sondern erst unmittelbar an jedem Entscheidungspunkt im Projekt, also zu Beginn des Projektes und immer dann wenn eine oder mehrere Aktivitäten abgeschlossen und die beanspruchten Ressourcen frei werden. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue reaktive Planungsstrategie für das ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanungsproblem vorgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Literaturbeiträgen, in denen exakte, heuristische und meta-heuristische Methoden zur Anwendung kommen, basiert der in dieser Arbeit aufgestellte Lösungsansatz auf künstlichen neuronalen Netzen und maschinellem Lernen. Die neuronalen Netze verarbeiten die Informationen, die den aktuellen Zustand der Aktivitätsfolge beschreiben, und erzeugen daraus Prioritätswerte für die Aktivitäten, die im aktuellen Entscheidungspunkt gestartet werden können. Das maschinelle Lernen und insbesondere das überwachte Lernen werden für das Trainieren der neuronalen Netze mit beispielhaften Trainingsdaten angewendet, wobei die Trainingsdaten mit Hilfe einer Simulation erzeugt wurden. Sechs verschiedene neuronale Netzwerkstrukturen werden in dieser Arbeit betrachtet. Diese Strukturen unterscheiden sich sowohl in der ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Eingabeinformation als auch der Art des neuronalen Netzes, das diese Information verarbeitet. Es werden drei Arten von neuronalen Netzen betrachtet. Diese sind neuronale Netze mit vollständig verbundenen Schichten, 1- dimensionale faltende neuronale Netze und 2-dimensionale neuronale faltende Netze. Darüber hinaus werden innerhalb jeder einzelnen Netzwerkstruktur verschiedene Hyperparameter, z.B. die Lernrate, Anzahl der Lernepochen, Anzahl an Schichten und Anzahl an Neuronen per Schicht, mittels einer Bayesischen Optimierung abgestimmt. Während des Abstimmens der Hyperparameter wurden außerdem Bereiche für die Hyperparameter identifiziert, die zur Verbesserung der Leistungen genutzt werden sollten. Das am besten trainierte Netzwerk wird dann für den Vergleich mit anderen vierunddreißig reaktiven heuristischen Methoden herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse dieses Vergleichs zeigen, dass der in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Ansatz in Bezug auf die Minimierung der Gesamtdauer der Aktivitätsfolge die meisten Heuristiken übertrifft. Lediglich 3 Heuristiken erzielen kürzere Gesamtdauern als der Ansatz dieser Arbeit, jedoch sind deren Rechenzeiten um viele Größenordnungen länger. Eine Annahme in dieser Arbeit besteht darin, dass während der Ausführung der Aktivitäten Abweichungen bei den Aktivitätsdauern auftreten können, obwohl die Aktivitätsdauern generell als deterministisch modelliert werden. Folglich wird eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt, um zu prüfen, ob die vorgeschlagene reaktive Planungsstrategie auch dann kompetitiv bleibt, wenn die Aktivitätsdauern von den angenommenen Werten abweichen