16 research outputs found

    Kepuasan Perawat Dengan Kualitas Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan Di Rumah Sakit Bunda Palembang

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    Tuntutan peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan khususnya keperawatan membuat sebagian rumah sakit mulai menerapkan pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan dengan menggunakan SIMRS. Namun masih rendahnya persepsi masyarakat terkait dengan pelayanan administrasi atau waktu pasien terbuang diakibatkan terlalu lama mencari data-data tentang riwayat penyakit pasien.Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk mengetahui hubungan kepuasan perawat dengan kualitas pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan menggunakan SIMRS di Rumah Sakit Umum Bunda Palembang. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling yaitu seluruh perawat rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Bunda Palembang yang berjumlah 81 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa lebih dari separuh perawat (58%) yang menyatakan tidak puas dan lebih dari separuh perawat(96,3%) yang melakukan pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan dengan menggunakan SIMRS kualitas baik. Menurut hasil analisis uji statistik didapatkan tidak ada hubungan antara kepuasan perawat dengan kualitas relevansi nilai p value= 0,420, akurasi nilai p value= 0,580 dan ketepatan nilai p value= 0,334 pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan menggunakan SIMRS di rumah sakit sedangkan untuk kualitas kelengkapan dalam pendokumentasian askep ada hubungan dengan nilai p value = 0,000. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitas pendokumentasian tidak terkait dengan kepuasan perawat, baik perawat yang puas dalam penggunaan SIMRS maupun tidak, cenderung menilai baik kualitas pendokumentasian yang mereka lakukan.Saran/Rekomendasipihak rumah sakit perlu mengembangkan dan meningkatkan sistem informasi yang sudah berjalan menjadi lebih baik dan kualitas pada aspek kelengkapan yang tidak baik dapat ditindak lanjuti dan dilakukan pengawasan untuk kelengkapan pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan

    Critical considerations for a closed-loop medication administration system

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    In recent years, the serious consequences of medical error are realized by both healthcare practitioners and the public because of the critical direct injury towards the involved patients and the high indirect costs subsequently all around the world. The utilization of information and communication technology in this field is recognized to have the potential of improving the quality of clinical treatment and reducing medical errors. To achieve safe and high-quality healthcare service, a closed-loop medication administration is an efficient solution since all the processes are monitored and recorded by the system. Among all the clinical staff, nurses play the most integral role in the whole patient care process in hospitals, including medication administration process with the potential of the medical errors to be recognized, handled and prohibited by nursing staff. Mobile nursing system may have the possibility to improve the efficiency and patient safety through the achievement of closed-loop medication administration

    Electronic Prescribing Usability: Reduction of Mental Workload and Prescribing Errors Among Community Physicians

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    Background: Medical errors are common in hospitals, and research is always needed to find ways of reducing these. This study attempts to address three gaps in this field. First, the factors leading to the reduction of mental workload and its relationship with the reduction of prescribing errors by improving electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) usability have not been empirically examined before. Second, the past research in the field of e-prescribing usability lacks robust theoretical models. Third, there are no existing studies to examine the direct influences of user interface consistency and error prevention with the reduction of mental workload and prescribing errors. Materials and Methods: A quantitative survey method was used to collect data from 188 community physicians. The partial least squares path modeling technique was applied to analyze the data. Results: Prescribing errors were reduced by improving the information quality, user interface consistency, system ease of use, and mental workload reduction. Mental workload is reduced by ease of use, error prevention, and consistency. No significant relationships between prescribing error reduction with error prevention and also between information quality with mental workload reduction were found. Conclusions: The designers of e-prescribing should improve the error prevention and consistency of the system and make it easy to use if they wish for the system to reduce users’ mental workload. They should also improve the system information quality, ease of use, and consistency if they claim that their system reduces physicians’ prescribing errors. The system should also reduce users’ mental workload to meet this objective

    Use of Mobile Devices to Access Resources Among Health Professions Students: A Systematic Review

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    This systematic review examines types of mobile devices used by health professions students, kinds of resources and tools accessed via mobile devices, and reasons for using the devices to access the resources and tools. The review included 20 studies selected from articles published in English between January 2010 and April 2015, retrieved from PubMed and other sources. Data extracted included participants, study designs, mobile devices used, mobile resources/apps accessed, outcome measures, and advantages of and barriers to using mobile devices. The review indicates significant variability across the studies in terms of research methods, types of mobile programs implemented, resources accessed, and outcomes. There were beneficial effects of using mobile devices to access resources as well as conspicuous challenges or barriers in using mobile devices

    A conceptual model of intention to adopt BYOD among HCP in Pakistan

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    Healthcare facilities and manpower in Pakistan are a generally acute shortage, incompetent. congested and overburden which cannot meet the requirements of the people visiting these facilities. Medical sectors are progressively looking for portable solutions to meet their Information Technology (IT) needs.To identify Healthcare Professionals (HCP) intention in both adopting the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and concerns related to security and privacy of their devices, the researchers propose a conceptual model by integrating the Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) which would impact their behavior intention in both using the device and provide the good understanding of concerns about security and privacy of their devices

    Use of Mobile Devices to Access Resources Among Health Professions Students: A Systematic Review

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    La dĂ©sertification, les changements climatiques et la perte de la diversitĂ© biologique sont des problĂ©matiques cruciales pour les rĂ©gions sĂšches d’Afrique oĂč ils conjuguent leurs effets pour Ă©prouver les efforts de dĂ©veloppement des pays et concomitamment les moyens de vie des populations les plus pauvres de la planĂšte. En effet, nul doute que les Ă©cosystĂšmes ont une influence sur le climat, et  rĂ©ciproquement, les changements climatiques exercent des impacts considĂ©rables sur le climat local, accroissant la dĂ©sertification, la dĂ©gradation des terres et la perte de la diversitĂ© biologique. Aujourd’hui, alors que le concept de changements climatiques est une rĂ©fĂ©rence constante, la dĂ©sertification, en dĂ©pit de nombreuses Ă©tudes scientifiques qui lui sont consacrĂ©es, intĂ©resse peu les dĂ©cideurs politiques. Pourtant, aucune passerelle, ni scientifique, ni politique Ă  travers la synergie des conventions internationales sur l’environnement, n’est rĂ©ellement construite sur les liens Ă©vidents entre dĂ©sertification, changement climatique et diversitĂ© biologique. L’adaptation aux variabilitĂ©s et changements climatiques, question centrale dans les rĂ©cents travaux du Groupe Intergouvernemental sur l’Evolution du Climat (GIEC), constitue un enjeu capital pour les rĂ©gions sĂšches affectĂ©es par la dĂ©sertification et soumises Ă  la variabilitĂ© et aux extrĂȘmes climatiques. Les expĂ©riences de lutte contre la dĂ©sertification et de conservation de la biodiversitĂ© pourraient constituer un point de dĂ©part judicieux pour l’étude et la comprĂ©hension de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques. Le prĂ©sent article propose une analyse conjointe de la dĂ©sertification, du changement climatique et la diversitĂ© biologique Ă  la fois au plan scientifique Ă  travers les dĂ©finitions et les manifestations de ces phĂ©nomĂšnes dans les rĂ©gions sĂšches d’Afrique, mais aussi au plan institutionnel par l’examen des textes, des outils et des dĂ©cisions relatives aux conventions internationales qui leur sont dĂ©diĂ©es.Desertification, climate change and loss of biodiversity, currently the most compelling issues in African drylands, are compromising development efforts and jeopardising the livelihoods of the poor. A growing amount of evidence is confirming the linkages between  desertification and climate change. One illustration of these linkages is that ecosystems influence the climate, and reciprocally the global climate change affects the local climate, thus exacerbating desertification, land degradation and loss of biodiversity. While the concept of climate change is an ubiquitous theme in the international meetings, desertification suffers a chronic lack of interest on the part of decision-makers. Hitherto, there are no scientific and political links through the synergy between the international environmental conventions. Climate change adaptation is crucial to addressing both issues in the context of drylands. The experience gained in combating desertification and biodiversity conservation could be an entry point for studying and understanding adaptation to climate change in Africa. This article aims to propose an integrated scientific analysis of desertification, climate change and biodiversity, in the light of the three phenomena’s definitions and manifestations in Africa’s drylands. At the institutional level, the examination of the tools and decisions taken through the multilateral conventions dedicated to climate change (UNFCCC), desertification (UNCCD) and biodiversity (UNCBD) is required


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    Pada penelitian ini, penulis membahas Pemodelan Motif CinCin dan Perhiasan dengan Fraktal Tiga Dimensi (3D). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan fakta bahwa kearifan lokal untuk motif cincin emas dan perak serta perhiasan lainnya dari Kota Gede Yogyakarta dan Kendari Sulawesi nampak sudah diatur dan berpola tetap. Walaupun motifnya beragam, namun desain kurang bervariasi, sehingga Nampak monoton. Untuk itu, diperlukan desain motif yang lebih unik, menarik dan bernilai jual tinggi. Pemodelan motif 3D ini menggunakan OpenGL dan bahasa pemrograman C. Pemodelan telah diuji dengan menggunakan sistem Operasi Windows. Pada penelitian ini telah dihasilkan 340 desain cincin unik yang bernuansa tradisional dan modern. Secara keseluruhan, luaran yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini pada tahun ke dua adalah (i) aplikasi mobile untuk pembuatan model 3D untuk cincin (iii) satu makalah yang diseminarkan di 2015 The Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology di Nagoya Jepang pada 4-6 Nov 2015 (iv) draft buku ajar: “Pemodelan Fraktal 3D untuk Cincin dan Perhiasan Lainnya”

    A Study of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Learnability for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Command and Control

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    The operation of sophisticated unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) involves complex interactions between human and machine. Unlike other areas of aviation where technological advancement has flourished to accommodate the modernization of the National Airspace System (NAS), the scientific paradigm of UAS and UAS user interface design has received little research attention and minimal effort has been made to aggregate accurate data to assess the effectiveness of current UAS human-machine interface (HMI) representations for command and control. UAS HMI usability is a primary human factors concern as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) moves forward with the full-scale integration of UAS in the NAS by 2025. This study examined system learnability of an industry standard UAS HMI as minimal usability data exists to support the state-of-the art for new and innovative command and control user interface designs. This study collected data as it pertained to the three classes of objective usability measures as prescribed by the ISO 9241-11. The three classes included: (1) effectiveness, (2) efficiency, and (3) satisfaction. Data collected for the dependent variables incorporated methods of video and audio recordings, a time stamped simulator data log, and the SUS survey instrument on forty-five participants with none to varying levels of conventional flight experience (i.e., private pilot and commercial pilot). The results of the study suggested that those individuals with a high level of conventional flight experience (i.e., commercial pilot certificate) performed most effectively when compared to participants with low pilot or no pilot experience. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) computations for completion rates revealed statistical significance for trial three between subjects [F (2, 42) = 3.98, p = 0.02]. Post hoc t-test using a Bonferroni correction revealed statistical significance in completion rates [t (28) = -2.92, p\u3c0.01] between the low pilot experience group (M = 40%, SD =. 50) and high experience group (M = 86%, SD = .39). An evaluation of error rates in parallel with the completion rates for trial three also indicated that the high pilot experience group committed less errors (M = 2.44, SD = 3.9) during their third iteration when compared to the low pilot experience group (M = 9.53, SD = 12.63) for the same trial iteration. Overall, the high pilot experience group (M = 86%, SD = .39) performed better than both the no pilot experience group (M = 66%, SD = .48) and low pilot experience group (M = 40%, SD =.50) with regard to task success and the number of errors committed. Data collected using the SUS measured an overall composite SUS score (M = 67.3, SD = 21.0) for the representative HMI. The subscale scores for usability and learnability were 69.0 and 60.8, respectively. This study addressed a critical need for future research in the domain of UAS user interface designs and operator requirements as the industry is experiencing revolutionary growth at a very rapid rate. The deficiency in legislation to guide the scientific paradigm of UAS has generated significant discord within the industry leaving many facets associated with the teleportation of these systems in dire need of research attention. Recommendations for future work included a need to: (1) establish comprehensive guidelines and standards for airworthiness certification for the design and development of UAS and UAS HMI for command and control, (2) establish comprehensive guidelines to classify the complexity associated with UAS systems design, (3) investigate mechanisms to develop comprehensive guidelines and regulations to guide UAS operator training, (4) develop methods to optimize UAS interface design through automation integration and adaptive display technologies, and (5) adopt methods and metrics to evaluate human-machine interface related to UAS applications for system usability and system learnability

    A Mobile Nursing Information System Based on Human-Computer Interaction Design for Improving Quality of Nursing

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    [[abstract]]A conventional Nursing Information System (NIS), which supports the role of nurse in some areas, is typically deployed as an immobile system. However, the traditional information system can’t response to patients’ conditions in real-time, causing delays on the availability of this information. With the advances of information technology, mobile devices are increasingly being used to extend the human mind’s limited capacity to recall and process large numbers of relevant variables and to support information management, general administration, and clinical practice. Unfortunately, there have been few studies about the combination of a well-designed small-screen interface with a personal digital assistant (PDA) in clinical nursing. Some researchers found that user interface design is an important factor in determining the usability and potential use of a mobile system. Therefore, this study proposed a systematic approach to the development of a mobile nursing information system (MNIS) based on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (M-HCI) for use in clinical nursing. The system combines principles of small-screen interface design with user-specified requirements. In addition, the iconic functions were designed with metaphor concept that will help users learn the system more quickly with less working-memory. An experiment involving learnability testing, thinking aloud and a questionnaire investigation was conducted for evaluating the effect of MNIS on PDA. The results show that the proposed MNIS is good on learning and higher satisfaction on symbol investigation, terminology and system information

    An Investigation into Users’ Perceptions of Value Towards Telemedicine Systems Over Time

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    Users’ perceptions can affect how telemedicine systems are utilised. This study examined how users’ perceptions of value change over time, and explored underlying influencing factors. A customised telemedicine system built to the preferences of medical, nursing and administrative staff was introduced to the Nepean Outreach Service (NOS), Nepean Hospital, Australia. Perceptions of value towards the system were assessed using the System Usability Scale (SUS). Underlying influencing factors were explored using thematic analysis of interview questions based on the SUS. 10 mobile nurses (Mean age = 44.4 years old, SD = 13.13 years, 1 male) with an average of 3.05 years (SD = 2.31 years) of experience with similar technology initially used the system in October 2013. Each completed the SUS and interview immediately afterwards. The system was implemented for regular use by all NOS staff in November 2013. 18 months later, 8 of the original 10 nurses answered the SUS and interview questions again. The findings were compared. SUS scores significantly declined from 84.69 (SD = 9.01), indicating excellent usability, to 64.00 (SD = 14.25), indicating OK usability (p < 0.05, 95% CI). Over time, nurses had less desire to use the system frequently (p < 0.05, 95% CI), found it more complex (p < 0.05, 95% CI), felt the functions to be not as well integrated (p < 0.05, 95% CI) and felt it featured greater inconsistency (p < 0.05, 95% CI). Interview analysis revealed that perceptions were influenced over time by whether preformed expectations were satisfied, how the system met occupational demands, and the ease of integration into the workplace. In conclusion, perceptions of value towards telemedicine systems can significantly decline over time, and be influenced individual, technological and contextual factors. This study recommends that new telemedicine systems should be continuously adapted to changing user expectations, occupational demands and workplace characteristics