9 research outputs found

    iGateLink: A Gateway Library for Linking IoT, Edge, Fog and Cloud Computing Environments

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    In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing in popularity, along with the increasingly important role played by IoT gateways, mediating the interactions among a plethora of heterogeneous IoT devices and cloud services. In this paper, we present iGateLink, an open-source Android library easing the development of Android applications acting as a gateway between IoT devices and Edge/Fog/Cloud Computing environments. Thanks to its pluggable design, modules providing connectivity with a number of devices acting as data sources or Fog/Cloud frameworks can be easily reused for different applications. Using iGateLink in two case-studies replicating previous works in the healthcare and image processing domains, the library proved to be effective in adapting to different scenarios and speeding up the development of gateway applications, as compared to the use of conventional methods

    Next Generation Automated Emergency Calls

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) potentials to transform our modern society into smart environments that facilitate living and boost all types of transactions are becoming more and more evident as the number of interconnections between the physical and the virtual world keeps increasing. Cyber-physical systems, wide end-to end connectivity and handling of big data are some of the mainstream concepts brought forth to materialise the IoT umbrella. Yet, emergency services, a domain of paramount importance to society, reveal multiple challenges for the adoption of applications that capitalise on the capabilities of smart devices and the interoperability among heterogeneous platforms. In this paper, we present the continuing work [4] on next generation automated (non- human initiated) emergency calls by specifying the pathway to implementation of NG eCall and sensor-enabled emergency services

    The Transferable Methodologies of Detection Sleep Disorders Thanks to the Actigraphy Device for Parkinson's Disease Detection

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    Due to population aging, society is struggling with an increasing number of patients with neurodegenerative diseases. One of them is Parkinson's disease. Early detection of Parkinson's disease is very important since there is no cure and the treatment is more effective when administered early. Wearable devices can be of great help - they are cheap and reachable, they can last for many days without charging, can provide long time monitoring, and are minimally invasive to human life. In the paper, we briefly desribe the sensors and actigraphs suitable for the analysis of sleep disturbance in Parkinson's patients and noctural symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Moreover, we pointed out how to collect the data and what could have an influence on the final performance of the automatic models. Additionally, as the main aim of this paper, we have analysed and desribed the machine learning algorithms used in the area of analysis accelerometer singla for sleep / awake stages recognition or diseases which manifested in changes in sleep patterns. We though that these algorithms, because of the nature of Parkinon's patients' sleep patterns, will be simultaneously appropriate for the detection of Parkinon's disease

    How 5G wireless (and concomitant technologies) will revolutionize healthcare?

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    The need to have equitable access to quality healthcare is enshrined in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which defines the developmental agenda of the UN for the next 15 years. In particular, the third SDG focuses on the need to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. In this paper, we build the case that 5G wireless technology, along with concomitant emerging technologies (such as IoT, big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning), will transform global healthcare systems in the near future. Our optimism around 5G-enabled healthcare stems from a confluence of significant technical pushes that are already at play: apart from the availability of high-throughput low-latency wireless connectivity, other significant factors include the democratization of computing through cloud computing; the democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing (e.g., IBM Watson); and the commoditization of data through crowdsourcing and digital exhaust. These technologies together can finally crack a dysfunctional healthcare system that has largely been impervious to technological innovations. We highlight the persistent deficiencies of the current healthcare system and then demonstrate how the 5G-enabled healthcare revolution can fix these deficiencies. We also highlight open technical research challenges, and potential pitfalls, that may hinder the development of such a 5G-enabled health revolution

    ParkingJSON: An Open Standard Format for Parking Data in Smart Cities

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    Data marketplaces and data management platforms offer a viable solution to build large city-scale Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Contemporary data marketplaces and data management platforms for smart cities such as Intelligent IoT Integrator (I3), Cisco Kinetic, Terbine, and Streamr present a middleware platform to help the data owners to provide their data to the application developers. However, such platforms suffer from adoption issues because of the interoperability concerns that stem from heterogeneous data formats. On the one hand, the IoT devices and the software used by the device owners follow either a custom data standard or a proprietary industrial standard. On the other hand, the application developers consuming data from multiple device owners expect the data to follow one common standard to process the data without developing custom software for each data feed. Therefore, a common data standard is desired to enable interoperable data exchange through data marketplace and data management platforms while promoting adoption. We present our experiences from developing a city-scale real-time parking application for a smart city. We also introduce ParkingJSON, a new open standard format for parking data in smart cities, which could help the parking data providers to cover all types of parking infrastructures through a single JSON schema. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first parking data standard proposed that a) covers a wide range of parking spaces and structures, b) integrates spatial information, and c) provides support for data integrity and authenticity

    Sistema Ciber-Físico de Produção Modular usando Raspberry Pi

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    A procura por produtos personalizados cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos o que exigiu profundas alterações nos processos de produção da indústria tradicional, de forma a que passassem a existir linhas de produção adaptadas, dinâmicas e flexíveis, por outras palavras, li-nhas capazes de produzir produtos personalizados em larga escala. A adaptação dos formatos de produção foi um desafio para os produtores cujo os custos elevados e soluções limitadas tornaram-se num problema que vários estudos tentaram resolver. O avanço tecnológico permitiu explorar soluções viáveis mais simples e eficazes. O objetivo deste projeto é desenhar um módulo de produção a um custo reduzido capaz de abstrair um componente de produção e oferecer uma solução de controlo flexível. Isto consegue-se através da integração de tecnologias da informação com a engenharia de controlo nos processos de produção, assentando em IoT e sistemas Ciber-Físicos. Propõem-se a utilização de uma arqui-tetura modular para gerir e controlar descentralizadamente os sistemas de produção com tecnolo-gia Plug&Produce. Concluindo, elegeu-se um Raspeberry Pi 3 (Modelo B) como módulo viável para a imple-mentação de uma arquitetura onde um sistema multiagente é capaz de controlar vários recursos. A solução final foi testada num kit de demonstração que representa uma linha de produção a 24V

    MonografĂ­a Internet de las Cosas: Modelos de ComunicaciĂłn, DesafĂ­os y Aplicaciones.

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    172(10)hojas6.1 Consideraciones de seguridad en IoT. [29] ...................................................... 136 6.2 Principales desafíos de seguridad en el desarrollo de software de ambientes IoT 138 6.2.1 Autenticación ............................................................................................ 138 6.2.2 Control de acceso ..................................................................................... 138 6.2.3 Privacidad ................................................................................................. 139 6.2.4 Interoperabilidad ....................................................................................... 139 6.3 INCIDENTES DE SEGURIDAD IoT ................................................................. 143 6.3.1 Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority (PREPA) (Medidores inteligentes puertorriqueños pirateados en 2009) ...................................................................... 143 6.3.2 Foscam IP baby-cam (Hackeada en 2013) ............................................... 143 6.3.3 TARGET (Robo De Datos en 2013) .......................................................... 144 6.3.4 VTech (robo de datos 2015) ..................................................................... 145 6.3.5 OVH hosting provider (Ataque DDos 2016) .............................................. 146 6.3.6 Cloudpets (Robo de datos 2017) .............................................................. 147QUE ES EL INTERNET, CLASIFICACIÓN DE UNA RED, MODELOS DE COMUNICACIÓNTesis. Programa Ingeniería de sistemas. Universidad de los Llanos. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería., 2018, Resultado para Optar el Titulo de Ingeniero de Sistemas.PregradoIngeniería de Sistema

    Digitising the Industry Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and VirtualWorlds

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    This book provides an overview of the current Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ranging from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies in a global context. A successful deployment of IoT technologies requires integration on all layers, be it cognitive and semantic aspects, middleware components, services, edge devices/machines and infrastructures. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment. The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster and the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT-EPI) and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in the next years. The IoT is bridging the physical world with virtual world and requires sound information processing capabilities for the "digital shadows" of these real things. The research and innovation in nanoelectronics, semiconductor, sensors/actuators, communication, analytics technologies, cyber-physical systems, software, swarm intelligent and deep learning systems are essential for the successful deployment of IoT applications. The emergence of IoT platforms with multiple functionalities enables rapid development and lower costs by offering standardised components that can be shared across multiple solutions in many industry verticals. The IoT applications will gradually move from vertical, single purpose solutions to multi-purpose and collaborative applications interacting across industry verticals, organisations and people, being one of the essential paradigms of the digital economy. Many of those applications still have to be identified and involvement of end-users including the creative sector in this innovation is crucial. The IoT applications and deployments as integrated building blocks of the new digital economy are part of the accompanying IoT policy framework to address issues of horizontal nature and common interest (i.e. privacy, end-to-end security, user acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues) for providing trusted IoT solutions in a coordinated and consolidated manner across the IoT activities and pilots. In this, context IoT ecosystems offer solutions beyond a platform and solve important technical challenges in the different verticals and across verticals. These IoT technology ecosystems are instrumental for the deployment of large pilots and can easily be connected to or build upon the core IoT solutions for different applications in order to expand the system of use and allow new and even unanticipated IoT end uses. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Introduction• Digitising industry and IoT as key enabler in the new era of Digital Economy• IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda• IoT in the digital industrial context: Digital Single Market• Integration of heterogeneous systems and bridging the virtual, digital and physical worlds• Federated IoT platforms and interoperability• Evolution from intelligent devices to connected systems of systems by adding new layers of cognitive behaviour, artificial intelligence and user interfaces.• Innovation through IoT ecosystems• Trust-based IoT end-to-end security, privacy framework• User acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues• Internet of Things Application

    Digitising the Industry Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and VirtualWorlds

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    This book provides an overview of the current Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ranging from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies in a global context. A successful deployment of IoT technologies requires integration on all layers, be it cognitive and semantic aspects, middleware components, services, edge devices/machines and infrastructures. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment. The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster and the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT-EPI) and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in the next years. The IoT is bridging the physical world with virtual world and requires sound information processing capabilities for the "digital shadows" of these real things. The research and innovation in nanoelectronics, semiconductor, sensors/actuators, communication, analytics technologies, cyber-physical systems, software, swarm intelligent and deep learning systems are essential for the successful deployment of IoT applications. The emergence of IoT platforms with multiple functionalities enables rapid development and lower costs by offering standardised components that can be shared across multiple solutions in many industry verticals. The IoT applications will gradually move from vertical, single purpose solutions to multi-purpose and collaborative applications interacting across industry verticals, organisations and people, being one of the essential paradigms of the digital economy. Many of those applications still have to be identified and involvement of end-users including the creative sector in this innovation is crucial. The IoT applications and deployments as integrated building blocks of the new digital economy are part of the accompanying IoT policy framework to address issues of horizontal nature and common interest (i.e. privacy, end-to-end security, user acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues) for providing trusted IoT solutions in a coordinated and consolidated manner across the IoT activities and pilots. In this, context IoT ecosystems offer solutions beyond a platform and solve important technical challenges in the different verticals and across verticals. These IoT technology ecosystems are instrumental for the deployment of large pilots and can easily be connected to or build upon the core IoT solutions for different applications in order to expand the system of use and allow new and even unanticipated IoT end uses. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Introduction• Digitising industry and IoT as key enabler in the new era of Digital Economy• IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda• IoT in the digital industrial context: Digital Single Market• Integration of heterogeneous systems and bridging the virtual, digital and physical worlds• Federated IoT platforms and interoperability• Evolution from intelligent devices to connected systems of systems by adding new layers of cognitive behaviour, artificial intelligence and user interfaces.• Innovation through IoT ecosystems• Trust-based IoT end-to-end security, privacy framework• User acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues• Internet of Things Application