10,413 research outputs found

    RePos : relative position estimation of UHF-RFID tags for item-level localization

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology brings tremendous applications in location-based services. Specifically, ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID tag positioning based on phase (difference) of arrival (PoA/PDoA) has won great attention, due to its better positioning accuracy than signal strength-based methods. In most cases, such as logistics, retailing, and smart inventory management, the relative orders of the objects are much more attractive than absolute positions with centimetre-level accuracy. In this paper, a relative positioning (RePos) approach based on inter-tag distance and direction estimation is proposed. In the RePos positioning system, the measured phases are reconstructed based on unwrapping method. Then the distances from antenna to the tags are calculated using the distance differences of pairs of antenna's positions via a least-squares method. The relative relationships of the tags, including relative distances and angles, are obtained based on the geometry information extracted from PDoA. The experimental results show that the RePos RFID positioning system can realize about 0.28-meter ranging accuracy, and distinguish the levels and columns without ambiguity

    AoA-aware Probabilistic Indoor Location Fingerprinting using Channel State Information

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    With expeditious development of wireless communications, location fingerprinting (LF) has nurtured considerable indoor location based services (ILBSs) in the field of Internet of Things (IoT). For most pattern-matching based LF solutions, previous works either appeal to the simple received signal strength (RSS), which suffers from dramatic performance degradation due to sophisticated environmental dynamics, or rely on the fine-grained physical layer channel state information (CSI), whose intricate structure leads to an increased computational complexity. Meanwhile, the harsh indoor environment can also breed similar radio signatures among certain predefined reference points (RPs), which may be randomly distributed in the area of interest, thus mightily tampering the location mapping accuracy. To work out these dilemmas, during the offline site survey, we first adopt autoregressive (AR) modeling entropy of CSI amplitude as location fingerprint, which shares the structural simplicity of RSS while reserving the most location-specific statistical channel information. Moreover, an additional angle of arrival (AoA) fingerprint can be accurately retrieved from CSI phase through an enhanced subspace based algorithm, which serves to further eliminate the error-prone RP candidates. In the online phase, by exploiting both CSI amplitude and phase information, a novel bivariate kernel regression scheme is proposed to precisely infer the target's location. Results from extensive indoor experiments validate the superior localization performance of our proposed system over previous approaches

    Space-Time Hierarchical-Graph Based Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    It has been shown that cooperative localization is capable of improving both the positioning accuracy and coverage in scenarios where the global positioning system (GPS) has a poor performance. However, due to its potentially excessive computational complexity, at the time of writing the application of cooperative localization remains limited in practice. In this paper, we address the efficient cooperative positioning problem in wireless sensor networks. A space-time hierarchical-graph based scheme exhibiting fast convergence is proposed for localizing the agent nodes. In contrast to conventional methods, agent nodes are divided into different layers with the aid of the space-time hierarchical-model and their positions are estimated gradually. In particular, an information propagation rule is conceived upon considering the quality of positional information. According to the rule, the information always propagates from the upper layers to a certain lower layer and the message passing process is further optimized at each layer. Hence, the potential error propagation can be mitigated. Additionally, both position estimation and position broadcasting are carried out by the sensor nodes. Furthermore, a sensor activation mechanism is conceived, which is capable of significantly reducing both the energy consumption and the network traffic overhead incurred by the localization process. The analytical and numerical results provided demonstrate the superiority of our space-time hierarchical-graph based cooperative localization scheme over the benchmarking schemes considered.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, accepted to appear on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Sept. 201

    Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall : the lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition

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    The Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) conference holds an annual competition in which indoor localization systems from different research groups worldwide are evaluated empirically. The objective of this competition is to establish a systematic evaluation methodology with rigorous metrics both for real-time (on-site) and post-processing (off-site) situations, in a realistic environment unfamiliar to the prototype developers. For the IPIN 2018 conference, this competition was held on September 22nd, 2018, in Atlantis, a large shopping mall in Nantes (France). Four competition tracks (two on-site and two off-site) were designed. They consisted of several 1 km routes traversing several floors of the mall. Along these paths, 180 points were topographically surveyed with a 10 cm accuracy, to serve as ground truth landmarks, combining theodolite measurements, differential global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and 3D scanner systems. 34 teams effectively competed. The accuracy score corresponds to the third quartile (75th percentile) of an error metric that combines the horizontal positioning error and the floor detection. The best results for the on-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 11.70 m (Track 1) and 5.50 m (Track 2), while the best results for the off-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 0.90 m (Track 3) and 1.30 m (Track 4). These results showed that it is possible to obtain high accuracy indoor positioning solutions in large, realistic environments using wearable light-weight sensors without deploying any beacon. This paper describes the organization work of the tracks, analyzes the methodology used to quantify the results, reviews the lessons learned from the competition and discusses its future

    Tracking Human Mobility using WiFi signals

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    We study six months of human mobility data, including WiFi and GPS traces recorded with high temporal resolution, and find that time series of WiFi scans contain a strong latent location signal. In fact, due to inherent stability and low entropy of human mobility, it is possible to assign location to WiFi access points based on a very small number of GPS samples and then use these access points as location beacons. Using just one GPS observation per day per person allows us to estimate the location of, and subsequently use, WiFi access points to account for 80\% of mobility across a population. These results reveal a great opportunity for using ubiquitous WiFi routers for high-resolution outdoor positioning, but also significant privacy implications of such side-channel location tracking

    The path inference filter: model-based low-latency map matching of probe vehicle data

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing vehicle trajectories from sparse sequences of GPS points, for which the sampling interval is between 10 seconds and 2 minutes. We introduce a new class of algorithms, called altogether path inference filter (PIF), that maps GPS data in real time, for a variety of trade-offs and scenarios, and with a high throughput. Numerous prior approaches in map-matching can be shown to be special cases of the path inference filter presented in this article. We present an efficient procedure for automatically training the filter on new data, with or without ground truth observations. The framework is evaluated on a large San Francisco taxi dataset and is shown to improve upon the current state of the art. This filter also provides insights about driving patterns of drivers. The path inference filter has been deployed at an industrial scale inside the Mobile Millennium traffic information system, and is used to map fleets of data in San Francisco, Sacramento, Stockholm and Porto.Comment: Preprint, 23 pages and 23 figure

    Localization from semantic observations via the matrix permanent

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    Most approaches to robot localization rely on low-level geometric features such as points, lines, and planes. In this paper, we use object recognition to obtain semantic information from the robot’s sensors and consider the task of localizing the robot within a prior map of landmarks, which are annotated with semantic labels. As object recognition algorithms miss detections and produce false alarms, correct data association between the detections and the landmarks on the map is central to the semantic localization problem. Instead of the traditional vector-based representation, we propose a sensor model, which encodes the semantic observations via random finite sets and enables a unified treatment of missed detections, false alarms, and data association. Our second contribution is to reduce the problem of computing the likelihood of a set-valued observation to the problem of computing a matrix permanent. It is this crucial transformation that allows us to solve the semantic localization problem with a polynomial-time approximation to the set-based Bayes filter. Finally, we address the active semantic localization problem, in which the observer’s trajectory is planned in order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the localization process. The performance of our approach is demonstrated in simulation and in real environments using deformable-part-model-based object detectors. Robust global localization from semantic observations is demonstrated for a mobile robot, for the Project Tango phone, and on the KITTI visual odometry dataset. Comparisons are made with the traditional lidar-based geometric Monte Carlo localization

    Active SLAM for autonomous underwater exploration

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    Exploration of a complex underwater environment without an a priori map is beyond the state of the art for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Despite several efforts regarding simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and view planning, there is no exploration framework, tailored to underwater vehicles, that faces exploration combining mapping, active localization, and view planning in a unified way. We propose an exploration framework, based on an active SLAM strategy, that combines three main elements: a view planner, an iterative closest point algorithm (ICP)-based pose-graph SLAM algorithm, and an action selection mechanism that makes use of the joint map and state entropy reduction. To demonstrate the benefits of the active SLAM strategy, several tests were conducted with the Girona 500 AUV, both in simulation and in the real world. The article shows how the proposed framework makes it possible to plan exploratory trajectories that keep the vehicle’s uncertainty bounded; thus, creating more consistent maps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Location-Verification and Network Planning via Machine Learning Approaches

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    In-region location verification (IRLV) in wireless networks is the problem of deciding if user equipment (UE) is transmitting from inside or outside a specific physical region (e.g., a safe room). The decision process exploits the features of the channel between the UE and a set of network access points (APs). We propose a solution based on machine learning (ML) implemented by a neural network (NN) trained with the channel features (in particular, noisy attenuation values) collected by the APs for various positions both inside and outside the specific region. The output is a decision on the UE position (inside or outside the region). By seeing IRLV as an hypothesis testing problem, we address the optimal positioning of the APs for minimizing either the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) or the cross entropy (CE) between the NN output and ground truth (available during the training). In order to solve the minimization problem we propose a twostage particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. We show that for a long training and a NN with enough neurons the proposed solution achieves the performance of the Neyman-Pearson (N-P) lemma.Comment: Accepted for Workshop on Machine Learning for Communications, June 07 2019, Avignon, Franc
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