540 research outputs found

    Thin Hypervisor-Based Security Architectures for Embedded Platforms

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    Virtualization has grown increasingly popular, thanks to its benefits of isolation, management, and utilization, supported by hardware advances. It is also receiving attention for its potential to support security, through hypervisor-based services and advanced protections supplied to guests. Today, virtualization is even making inroads in the embedded space, and embedded systems, with their security needs, have already started to benefit from virtualization’s security potential. In this thesis, we investigate the possibilities for thin hypervisor-based security on embedded platforms. In addition to significant background study, we present implementation of a low-footprint, thin hypervisor capable of providing security protections to a single FreeRTOS guest kernel on ARM. Backed by performance test results, our hypervisor provides security to a formerly unsecured kernel with minimal performance overhead, and represents a first step in a greater research effort into the security advantages and possibilities of embedded thin hypervisors. Our results show that thin hypervisors are both possible and beneficial even on limited embedded systems, and sets the stage for more advanced investigations, implementations, and security applications in the future

    seL4 Microkernel for virtualization use-cases: Potential directions towards a standard VMM

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    Virtualization plays an essential role in providing security to computational systems by isolating execution environments. Many software solutions, called hypervisors, have been proposed to provide virtualization capabilities. However, only a few were designed for being deployed at the edge of the network, in devices with fewer computation resources when compared with servers in the Cloud. Among the few lightweight software that can play the hypervisor role, seL4 stands out by providing a small Trusted Computing Base and formally verified components, enhancing its security. Despite today being more than a decade with seL4 microkernel technology, its existing userland and tools are still scarce and not very mature. Over the last few years, the main effort has been put into increasing the maturity of the kernel itself and not the tools and applications that can be hosted on top. Therefore, it currently lacks proper support for a full-featured userland Virtual Machine Monitor, and the existing one is quite fragmented. This article discusses the potential directions to a standard VMM by presenting our view of design principles and feature set needed. This article does not intend to define a standard VMM, we intend to instigate this discussion through the seL4 community

    Secure Virtualization of Latency-Constrained Systems

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    Virtualization is a mature technology in server and desktop environments where multiple systems are consolidate onto a single physical hardware platform, increasing the utilization of todays multi-core systems as well as saving resources such as energy, space and costs compared to multiple single systems. Looking at embedded environments reveals that many systems use multiple separate computing systems inside, including requirements for real-time and isolation properties. For example, modern high-comfort cars use up to a hundred embedded computing systems. Consolidating such diverse configurations promises to save resources such as energy and weight. In my work I propose a secure software architecture that allows consolidating multiple embedded software systems with timing constraints. The base of the architecture builds a microkernel-based operating system that supports a variety of different virtualization approaches through a generic interface, supporting hardware-assisted virtualization and paravirtualization as well as multiple architectures. Studying guest systems with latency constraints with regards to virtualization showed that standard techniques such as high-frequency time-slicing are not a viable approach. Generally, guest systems are a combination of best-effort and real-time work and thus form a mixed-criticality system. Further analysis showed that such systems need to export relevant internal scheduling information to the hypervisor to support multiple guests with latency constraints. I propose a mechanism to export those relevant events that is secure, flexible, has good performance and is easy to use. The thesis concludes with an evaluation covering the virtualization approach on the ARM and x86 architectures and two guest operating systems, Linux and FreeRTOS, as well as evaluating the export mechanism

    Master of Science

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    thesisMany of the operating system kernels we use today are monolithic. They consist of numerous file systems, device drivers, and other subsystems interacting with no isolation and full trust. As a result, a vulnerability or bug in one part of a kernel can compromise an entire machine. Our work is motivated by the following observations: (1) introducing some form of isolation into the kernel can help confine the effects of faulty code, and (2) modern hardware platforms are better suited for a decomposed kernel than platforms of the past. Platforms today consist of numerous cores, large nonuniform memories, and processor interconnects that resemble a miniature distributed system. We argue that kernels and hypervisors must eventually evolve beyond their current symmetric mulitprocessing (SMP) design toward a corresponding distributed design. But the path to this goal is not easy. Building such a kernel from scratch that has the same capabilities as an equivalent monolithic kernel could take years of effort. In this work, we explored the feasibility of incrementally isolating subsystems in the Linux kernel as a path toward a distributed kernel. We developed a design and techniques for moving kernel modules into strongly isolated domains in a way that is transparent to existing code, and we report on the feasibility of our approach

    Performance analysis of real-time and general-purpose operating systems for path planning of the multi-robot systems

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    In general, modern operating systems can be divided into two essential parts, real-time operating systems (RTOS) and general-purpose operating systems (GPOS). The main difference between GPOS and RTOS is the system istime-critical or not. It means that; in GPOS, a high-priority thread cannot preempt a kernel call. But, in RTOS, a low-priority task is preempted by a high-priority task if necessary, even if it’s executing a kernel call. Most Linux distributions can be used as both GPOS and RTOS with kernel modifications. In this study, two Linux distributions, Ubuntu and Pardus, were analyzed and their performances were compared both as GPOS and RTOS for path planning of the multi-robot systems. Robot groups with different numbers of members were used to perform the path tracking tasks using both Ubuntu and Pardus as GPOS and RTOS. In this way, both the performance of two different Linux distributions in robotic applications were observed and compared in two forms, GPOS, and RTOS

    Design and analysis of peer 2 peer operating system

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    The peer to peer computing paradigm has become a popular paradigm for deploying distributed applications. Examples: Kadmelia, Chord, Skype, Kazaa, Big Table. Multiagent systems have become a dominant paradigm within AI for deploying reasoning and analytics applications. Such applications are compute-intensive. In disadvantaged networks the ad-hoc architecture is the most suitable one. Examples: military scenarios, disaster scenarios. We combine the paradigms of peer-to-peer computing, multiagent systems, cloud computing, and ad-hoc networks to create the new paradigm of ad-hoc peer-to-peer mobile agent cloud (APMA cloud) that can provide the computing power of a cloud in “disadvantaged” regions (e.g., through RF using a router or GPRS) – To this end we have designed and implemented a peer to peer operating system –PPOS that can leverage the computing power of such a cloud
