1,715 research outputs found

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    Extending ASSERT for HW/SW Co-design

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    Embedded systems are commonly designed by specifying and developing hardware and software systems separately. On the contrary, the hardware/software (HW/SW) co-development exploits the trade-offs between hardware and software in a system through their concurrent design. HW/SW Codevelopment techniques take advantage of the flexibility of system design to create architectures that can meet stringent performance requirements with a shorter design cycle. This paper presents the work done within the scope of ESA HWSWCO (Hardware-Software Co-design) study. The main objective of this study has been to address the HW/SW co-design phase to integrate this engineering task as part of the ASSERT process (refer to [1]) and compatible with the existing ASSERT approach, process and tool, Advances in the automation of the design of HW and SW and the adoption of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [9] paradigm make possible the definition of a proper integration substrate and enables the continuous interaction of the HW and SW design paths


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    Currently, the complexity of embedded LSI system is growing faster than the productivity of system design. This trend results in a design productivity gap, particularly in tight development time. Since the verification task takes bigger part of development task, it becomes a major challenge in LSI system design. In order to guarantee system reliability and quality of results (QoR), verifying large coverage of system functionality requires huge amount of relevant test cases and various scenario of evaluations. To overcome these problems, verification methodology is evolving toward supporting higher level of design abstraction by employing HW-SW co-verification. In this study, we present a novel approach for verification LSI circuit which is called as unified HW/SW co-verification framework. The study aims to improve design efficiency while maintains implementation consistency in the point of view of system-level performance. The proposed data-driven simulation and flexible interface of HW and SW design become the backbone of verification framework. In order to avoid time consuming, prone error, and iterative design spin-off in a large team, the proposed framework has to support multiple design abstractions. Hence, it can close the loop of design, exploration, optimization, and testing. Furthermore, the proposed methodology is also able to co-operate with system-level simulation in high-level abstraction, which is easy to extend for various applications and enables fast-turn around design modification. These contributions are discussed in chapter 3. In order to show the effectiveness and the use-cases of the proposed verification framework, the evaluation and metrics assessments of Very High Throughput wireless LAN system design are carried out. Two application examples are provided. The first case in chapter 4 is intended for fast verification and design exploration of large circuit. The Maximum Likelihood Detection (MLD) MIMO decoder is considered as Design Under Test (DUT). The second case, as presented in chapter 5, is the evaluation for system-level simulation. The full transceiver system based on IEEE 802.11ac standard is employed as DUT. Experimental results show that the proposed verification approach gives significant improvements of verification time (e.g. up to 10,000 times) over the conventional scheme. The proposed framework is also able to support various schemes of system level evaluations and cross-layer evaluation of wireless system.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博甲第328号 学位授与年月日:平成29年6月30日1 Introduction|2 Design and Verification in LSI System Design|3 Unified HW/SW Co-verification Methodology|4 Fast Co-verification and Design Exploration in Complex Circuits|5 Unified System Level Simulator for Very High Throughput Wireless Systems|6 Conclusion and Future Work九州工業大学平成29年

    Modeling and Simulation Methodologies for Digital Twin in Industry 4.0

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 represents an innovative vision of what will be the factory of the future. The principles of this new paradigm are based on interoperability and data exchange between dierent industrial equipment. In this context, Cyber- Physical Systems (CPSs) cover one of the main roles in this revolution. The combination of models and the integration of real data coming from the field allows to obtain the virtual copy of the real plant, also called Digital Twin. The entire factory can be seen as a set of CPSs and the resulting system is also called Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS). This CPPS represents the Digital Twin of the factory with which it would be possible analyze the real factory. The interoperability between the real industrial equipment and the Digital Twin allows to make predictions concerning the quality of the products. More in details, these analyses are related to the variability of production quality, prediction of the maintenance cycle, the accurate estimation of energy consumption and other extra-functional properties of the system. Several tools [2] allow to model a production line, considering dierent aspects of the factory (i.e. geometrical properties, the information flows etc.) However, these simulators do not provide natively any solution for the design integration of CPSs, making impossible to have precise analysis concerning the real factory. Furthermore, for the best of our knowledge, there are no solution regarding a clear integration of data coming from real equipment into CPS models that composes the entire production line. In this context, the goal of this thesis aims to define an unified methodology to design and simulate the Digital Twin of a plant, integrating data coming from real equipment. In detail, the presented methodologies focus mainly on: integration of heterogeneous models in production line simulators; Integration of heterogeneous models with ad-hoc simulation strategies; Multi-level simulation approach of CPS and integration of real data coming from sensors into models. All the presented contributions produce an environment that allows to perform simulation of the plant based not only on synthetic data, but also on real data coming from equipments

    Low-level estimation at high-levels of abstraction in system-level design

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex with shortening time-tomarket demands. System-level modeling and design have been proposed to help embedded system development keep pace with this complexity. In a system-level design environment, a designer is able to delay critical design decisions until late in the design cycle, reducing the risk of making incorrect decisions which could require a costly redesign. New methods of estimating system-level performance must be devised to accommodate these needs.;In embedded systems composed of off-the-shelf parts, performance can be roughly estimated using part documentation. However, this process can provide poor estimates. Additionally, if the design includes a custom part, there may not be detailed documentation from which to gather performance estimates. The exhaustive gathering of estimates is error prone and tedious. In this thesis we present a novel estimation technique called minimal characterization for creating system-level estimation metrics. We show that estimates can be orders of magnitude more accurate, without any loss in fidelity, using a small number of source-level metrics. We show results from applying a source-level performance estimation technique generally used on software systems to a system-level design that is implemented in both software and hardware targets. Finally, we present a categorization of secondary execution factors which can greatly affect the accuracy of system-level estimates but have only been peripherally addressed in other approaches