117 research outputs found

    Approximate Computing Strategies for Low-Overhead Fault Tolerance in Safety-Critical Applications

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    This work studies the reliability of embedded systems with approximate computing on software and hardware designs. It presents approximate computing methods and proposes approximate fault tolerance techniques applied to programmable hardware and embedded software to provide reliability at low computational costs. The objective of this thesis is the development of fault tolerance techniques based on approximate computing and proving that approximate computing can be applied to most safety-critical systems. It starts with an experimental analysis of the reliability of embedded systems used at safety-critical projects. Results show that the reliability of single-core systems, and types of errors they are sensitive to, differ from multicore processing systems. The usage of an operating system and two different parallel programming APIs are also evaluated. Fault injection experiment results show that embedded Linux has a critical impact on the system’s reliability and the types of errors to which it is most sensitive. Traditional fault tolerance techniques and parallel variants of them are evaluated for their fault-masking capability on multicore systems. The work shows that parallel fault tolerance can indeed not only improve execution time but also fault-masking. Lastly, an approximate parallel fault tolerance technique is proposed, where the system abandons faulty execution tasks. This first approximate computing approach to fault tolerance in parallel processing systems was able to improve the reliability and the fault-masking capability of the techniques, significantly reducing errors that would cause system crashes. Inspired by the conflict between the improvements provided by approximate computing and the safety-critical systems requirements, this work presents an analysis of the applicability of approximate computing techniques on critical systems. The proposed techniques are tested under simulation, emulation, and laser fault injection experiments. Results show that approximate computing algorithms do have a particular behavior, different from traditional algorithms. The approximation techniques presented and proposed in this work are also used to develop fault tolerance techniques. Results show that those new approximate fault tolerance techniques are less costly than traditional ones and able to achieve almost the same level of error masking.Este trabalho estuda a confiabilidade de sistemas embarcados com computação aproximada em software e projetos de hardware. Ele apresenta métodos de computação aproximada e técnicas aproximadas para tolerância a falhas em hardware programável e software embarcado que provêem alta confiabilidade a baixos custos computacionais. O objetivo desta tese é o desenvolvimento de técnicas de tolerância a falhas baseadas em computação aproximada e provar que este paradigma pode ser usado em sistemas críticos. O texto começa com uma análise da confiabilidade de sistemas embarcados usados em sistemas de tolerância crítica. Os resultados mostram que a resiliência de sistemas singlecore, e os tipos de erros aos quais eles são mais sensíveis, é diferente dos multi-core. O uso de sistemas operacionais também é analisado, assim como duas APIs de programação paralela. Experimentos de injeção de falhas mostram que o uso de Linux embarcado tem um forte impacto na confiabilidade do sistema. Técnicas tradicionais de tolerância a falhas e variações paralelas das mesmas são avaliadas. O trabalho mostra que técnicas de tolerância a falhas paralelas podem de fato melhorar não apenas o tempo de execução da aplicação, mas também seu mascaramento de erros. Por fim, uma técnica de tolerância a falhas paralela aproximada é proposta, onde o sistema abandona instâncias de execuções que apresentam falhas. Esta primeira experiência com computação aproximada foi capaz de melhorar a confiabilidade das técnicas previamente apresentadas, reduzindo significativamente a ocorrência de erros que provocam um crash total do sistema. Inspirado pelo conflito entre as melhorias trazidas pela computação aproximada e os requisitos dos sistemas críticos, este trabalho apresenta uma análise da aplicabilidade de computação aproximada nestes sistemas. As técnicas propostas são testadas sob experimentos de injeção de falhas por simulação, emulação e laser. Os resultados destes experimentos mostram que algoritmos aproximados possuem um comportamento particular que lhes é inerente, diferente dos tradicionais. As técnicas de aproximação apresentadas e propostas no trabalho são também utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de tolerância a falhas aproximadas. Estas novas técnicas possuem um custo menor que as tradicionais e são capazes de atingir o mesmo nível de mascaramento de erros

    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016)

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    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016) Timisoara, Romania. February 8-11, 2016.The PhD Symposium was a very good opportunity for the young researchers to share information and knowledge, to present their current research, and to discuss topics with other students in order to look for synergies and common research topics. The idea was very successful and the assessment made by the PhD Student was very good. It also helped to achieve one of the major goals of the NESUS Action: to establish an open European research network targeting sustainable solutions for ultrascale computing aiming at cross fertilization among HPC, large scale distributed systems, and big data management, training, contributing to glue disparate researchers working across different areas and provide a meeting ground for researchers in these separate areas to exchange ideas, to identify synergies, and to pursue common activities in research topics such as sustainable software solutions (applications and system software stack), data management, energy efficiency, and resilience.European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COS

    A portable and low-cost electroencephalography device with automated autism diagnosis

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    Capstone Project submitted to the Department of Engineering, Ashesi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, May 2021Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in speech and communication, impairment in social skills, and repetitive behavior. Autistic children in Africa have very severe symptoms of autism due to the lateness in the diagnosis and treatment of autism on the continent. This work explores the use of a portable, low-cost electroencephalography (EEG) device with automated diagnosis as a means of expediting the process of autism diagnosis in Africa. This work compares two instrumentation amplifier designs for the EEG system. It also compares k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, decision tree, and random forest as classifiers for providing automated diagnosis for the EEG system. The resulting design was a portable EEG system that can be interfaced with a smartphone for real-time visualization of the EEG signals and automated diagnosis with an accuracy of 85.1%.Ashesi Universit

    Navigating the Landscape for Real-time Localisation and Mapping for Robotics, Virtual and Augmented Reality

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    Visual understanding of 3D environments in real-time, at low power, is a huge computational challenge. Often referred to as SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping), it is central to applications spanning domestic and industrial robotics, autonomous vehicles, virtual and augmented reality. This paper describes the results of a major research effort to assemble the algorithms, architectures, tools, and systems software needed to enable delivery of SLAM, by supporting applications specialists in selecting and configuring the appropriate algorithm and the appropriate hardware, and compilation pathway, to meet their performance, accuracy, and energy consumption goals. The major contributions we present are (1) tools and methodology for systematic quantitative evaluation of SLAM algorithms, (2) automated, machine-learning-guided exploration of the algorithmic and implementation design space with respect to multiple objectives, (3) end-to-end simulation tools to enable optimisation of heterogeneous, accelerated architectures for the specific algorithmic requirements of the various SLAM algorithmic approaches, and (4) tools for delivering, where appropriate, accelerated, adaptive SLAM solutions in a managed, JIT-compiled, adaptive runtime context.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE 201

    Profile-directed specialisation of custom floating-point hardware

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    We present a methodology for generating floating-point arithmetic hardware designs which are, for suitable applications, much reduced in size, while still retaining performance and IEEE-754 compliance. Our system uses three key parts: a profiling tool, a set of customisable floating-point units and a selection of system integration methods. We use a profiling tool for floating-point behaviour to identify arithmetic operations where fundamental elements of IEEE-754 floating-point may be compromised, without generating erroneous results in the common case. In the uncommon case, we use simple detection logic to determine when operands lie outside the range of capabilities of the optimised hardware. Out-of-range operations are handled by a separate, fully capable, floatingpoint implementation, either on-chip or by returning calculations to a host processor. We present methods of system integration to achieve this errorcorrection. Thus the system suffers no compromise in IEEE-754 compliance, even when the synthesised hardware would generate erroneous results. In particular, we identify from input operands the shift amounts required for input operand alignment and post-operation normalisation. For operations where these are small, we synthesise hardware with reduced-size barrel-shifters. We also propose optimisations to take advantage of other profile-exposed behaviours, including removing the hardware required to swap operands in a floating-point adder or subtractor, and reducing the exponent range to fit observed values. We present profiling results for a range of applications, including a selection of computational science programs, Spec FP 95 benchmarks and the FFMPEG media processing tool, indicating which would be amenable to our method. Selected applications which demonstrate potential for optimisation are then taken through to a hardware implementation. We show up to a 45% decrease in hardware size for a floating-point datapath, with a correctable error-rate of less then 3%, even with non-profiled datasets

    Control Plane Hardware Design for Optical Packet Switched Data Centre Networks

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    Optical packet switching for intra-data centre networks is key to addressing traffic requirements. Photonic integration and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) can overcome bandwidth limits in switching systems. A promising technology to build a nanosecond-reconfigurable photonic-integrated switch, compatible with WDM, is the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). SOAs are typically used as gating elements in a broadcast-and-select (B\&S) configuration, to build an optical crossbar switch. For larger-size switching, a three-stage Clos network, based on crossbar nodes, is a viable architecture. However, the design of the switch control plane, is one of the barriers to packet switching; it should run on packet timescales, which becomes increasingly challenging as line rates get higher. The scheduler, used for the allocation of switch paths, limits control clock speed. To this end, the research contribution was the design of highly parallel hardware schedulers for crossbar and Clos network switches. On a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), the minimum scheduler clock period achieved was 5.0~ns and 5.4~ns, for a 32-port crossbar and Clos switch, respectively. By using parallel path allocation modules, one per Clos node, a minimum clock period of 7.0~ns was achieved, for a 256-port switch. For scheduler application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) synthesis, this reduces to 2.0~ns; a record result enabling scalable packet switching. Furthermore, the control plane was demonstrated experimentally. Moreover, a cycle-accurate network emulator was developed to evaluate switch performance. Results showed a switch saturation throughput at a traffic load 60\% of capacity, with sub-microsecond packet latency, for a 256-port Clos switch, outperforming state-of-the-art optical packet switches

    A Scalable and Adaptive Network on Chip for Many-Core Architectures

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    In this work, a scalable network on chip (NoC) for future many-core architectures is proposed and investigated. It supports different QoS mechanisms to ensure predictable communication. Self-optimization is introduced to adapt the energy footprint and the performance of the network to the communication requirements. A fault tolerance concept allows to deal with permanent errors. Moreover, a template-based automated evaluation and design methodology and a synthesis flow for NoCs is introduced

    Heterogeneity-aware scheduling and data partitioning for system performance acceleration

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    Over the past decade, heterogeneous processors and accelerators have become increasingly prevalent in modern computing systems. Compared with previous homogeneous parallel machines, the hardware heterogeneity in modern systems provides new opportunities and challenges for performance acceleration. Classic operating systems optimisation problems such as task scheduling, and application-specific optimisation techniques such as the adaptive data partitioning of parallel algorithms, are both required to work together to address hardware heterogeneity. Significant effort has been invested in this problem, but either focuses on a specific type of heterogeneous systems or algorithm, or a high-level framework without insight into the difference in heterogeneity between different types of system. A general software framework is required, which can not only be adapted to multiple types of systems and workloads, but is also equipped with the techniques to address a variety of hardware heterogeneity. This thesis presents approaches to design general heterogeneity-aware software frameworks for system performance acceleration. It covers a wide variety of systems, including an OS scheduler targeting on-chip asymmetric multi-core processors (AMPs) on mobile devices, a hierarchical many-core supercomputer and multi-FPGA systems for high performance computing (HPC) centers. Considering heterogeneity from on-chip AMPs, such as thread criticality, core sensitivity, and relative fairness, it suggests a collaborative based approach to co-design the task selector and core allocator on OS scheduler. Considering the typical sources of heterogeneity in HPC systems, such as the memory hierarchy, bandwidth limitations and asymmetric physical connection, it proposes an application-specific automatic data partitioning method for a modern supercomputer, and a topological-ranking heuristic based schedule for a multi-FPGA based reconfigurable cluster. Experiments on both a full system simulator (GEM5) and real systems (Sunway Taihulight Supercomputer and Xilinx Multi-FPGA based clusters) demonstrate the significant advantages of the suggested approaches compared against the state-of-the-art on variety of workloads."This work is supported by St Leonards 7th Century Scholarship and Computer Science PhD funding from University of St Andrews; by UK EPSRC grant Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Manycore Systems (EP/P020631/1)." -- Acknowledgement
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