10,243 research outputs found

    Seafloor Characterization Through the Application of AVO Analysis to Multibeam Sonar Data

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    In the seismic reflection method, it is well known that seismic amplitude varies with the offset between the seismic source and detector and that this variation is a key to the direct determination of lithology and pore fluid content of subsurface strata. Based on this fundamental property, amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) analysis has been used successfully in the oil industry for the exploration and characterization of subsurface reservoirs. Multibeam sonars acquire acoustic backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles and the variation of the backscatter with the angle of incidence is an intrinsic property of the seafloor. Building on this analogy, we have adapted an AVO-like approach for the analysis of acoustic backscatter from multibeam sonar data. The analysis starts with the beam-by-beam time-series of acoustic backscatter provided by the multibeam sonar and then corrects the backscatter for seafloor slope (i.e. true incidence angle), time varying and angle varying gains, and area of insonification. Once the geometric and radiometric corrections are made, a series of “AVO attributes” (e.g. near, far, slope, gradient, fluid factor, product, etc.) are calculated from the stacking of consecutive time series over a spatial scale that approximates half of the swath width (both along track and across track). Based on these calculated AVO attributes and the inversion of a modified Williams, K. L. (2001) acoustic backscatter model, we estimate the acoustic impedance, the roughness, and consequently the grain size of the insonified area on the seafloor. The inversion process is facilitated through the use of a simple, interactive graphical interface. In the process of this inversion, the relative behavior of the model parameters is constrained by established inter-property relationships. The approach has been tested using a 300 kHz Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar in Little Bay, N.H., an area that we can easily access for ground-truth studies. AVO-derived impedance estimates are compared to in situ measurements of sound speed and AVO-derived grain-size estimates are compared to the direct measurement of grain size on grab samples. Both show a very good correlation indicating the potential of this approach for robust seafloor characterization

    RV Sonne Cruise 200, 11 Jan-11 Mar 2009. Jakarta - Jakarta

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    All plate boundaries are divided into segments - pieces of fault that are distinct from oneanother, either separated by gaps or with different orientations. The maximum size of anearthquake on a fault system is controlled by the degree to which the propagating rupture cancross the boundaries between such segments. A large earthquake may rupture a whole segmentof plate boundary, but a great earthquake usually ruptures more than one segment at once.The December 26th 2004 MW 9.3 earthquake and the March 28th 2005 MW 8.7 earthquakeruptured, respectively, 1200–1300 km and 300–400 km of the subduction boundary betweenthe Indian-Australian plate and the Burman and Sumatra blocks. Rupture in the 2004 eventstarted at the southern end of the fault segment, and propagated northwards. The observationthat the slip did not propagate significantly southwards in December 2004, even though themagnitude of slip was high at the southern end of the rupture strongly suggests a barrier at thatplace. Maximum slip in the March 2005 earthquake occurred within ~100 km of the barrierbetween the 2004 and 2005 ruptures, confirming both the physical importance of the barrier,and the loading of the March 2005 rupture zone by the December 2004 earthquake.The Sumatran Segmentation Project, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council(NERC), aims to characterise the boundaries between these great earthquakes (in terms of bothsubduction zone structure at scales of 101-104 m and rock physical properties), record seismicactivity, improve and link earthquake slip distribution to the structure of the subduction zoneand to determine the sedimentological record of great earthquakes (both recent and historic)along this part of the margin. The Project is focussed on the areas around two earthquakesegment boundaries: Segment Boundary 1 (SB1) between the 2004 and 2005 ruptures atSimeulue Island, and SB2 between the 2005 and smaller 1935 ruptures between Nias and theBatu Islands.Cruise SO200 is the third of three cruises which will provide a combined geophysical andgeological dataset in the source regions of the 2004 and 2005 subduction zone earthquakes.SO200 was divided into two Legs. Leg 1 (SO200-1), Jakarta to Jakarta between January 22ndand February 22nd, was composed of three main operations: longterm deployment OBSretrieval, TOBI sidescan sonar survey and coring. Leg 2 (SO200-2), Jakarta to Jakarta betweenFebruary 23rd and March 11th, was composed of two main operations: Multichannel seismicreflection (MCS) profiles and heatflow probe transects

    Data report: Seismic structure beneath the North Cascadia drilling transect of IODP Expedition 311

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    Between 1999 and 2004, new seismic data became available for the study of gas hydrates on the northern Cascadia margin. These data consist of multi- and single-channel data with two- and partly three-dimensional subsurface coverage and were acquired and used in support of the proposal for Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 311 carried out in 2005. The working area lies across the continental slope off the coast of central Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, with water depths ranging from 2600 m in the trench to 500 m on the upper slope, where it is well above the minimum depth for gas hydrate stability. This paper gives the details of the data acquisition and conventional processing and then focuses on describing the new data at six individual sites along a transect across the gas hydrate zone. Five of the sites were drilled during the Expedition 311. The transect of sites commences at the almost undeformed incoming sediments seaward of the region where gas hydrates are observed; these ocean basin sediments were drilled at a site 40 km southeast during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 146. The transect continues up the continental slope into the area of hydrate stability, with a site on top of the frontal accretionary ridge where normal faulting indicates margin parallel extension; a site in the first slope basin overlying a buried ridge near a reflectivity wipe-out zone; a site adjacent to Site 889 of Leg 146 and therefore acting as a tie hole; the most landward site at the shallowest end of the hydrate stability field; and a cold vent site at one of several blank zones close to a bright spot region in the seismic records

    MEDIN Feasibility Study : archiving oil and gas industry site survey data

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    This report was commissioned by the Marine Environmental and Information Network (MEDIN) to investigate the feasibility of collecting oil and gas industry site surveys conducted on the UKCS (UK Continental Shelf) for archive in the MEDIN DAC (Data Archive Centre) network. The archive of three principle data types is explored; information about legacy site surveys, catalogues of information about data products associated with site surveys and actual site survey data, which may include a survey report and enclosures and/or a selection of data e.g. side-scan or multibeam, sample descriptions and seismic profiles. The merits of the collection of these data types are explored alongside the cost implications, from both an oil and gas industry contractor’s and a marine geoscientist’s perspective, thereby enabling MEDIN to better understand and make decisions as to which data to concentrate on. The principles and proposed procedures for carrying out the collection of these data types are outlined however the practical details of these will require agreement should any decision be made to proceed. At this stage a further thorough detailed scope will be required in order to formulate procedures, qualify numbers, define activities, identify resources and plan timescales. The time period for the collection of legacy site surveys will require consideration i.e. how far back it is feasible to collect this information, and whether requests should be phased to include surveys acquired within predetermined time intervals. The size of the actual site survey data holdings, the storage capacity required to archive these and the amount of work involved in processing this data into useable and useful formats will require review. Some of these issues may need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The procedures themselves will require regular review dependent on the response i.e. the volume, types and condition of data received

    A case study on swell correction of Chirp sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data using multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) data

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    High-resolution marine seismic data acquisition and subsequent analyses are highly influenced by sea conditions, directly affecting data quality and interpretation. Traditional swell effect correction methods are effective in improving reflector continuity; however, they are less useful for enhancing travel time consistency at intersection points of crossing lines. To develop a robust swell-removal technique for a set of crossing lines multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) data and Chirp sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data were acquired. After generation of a time structure map of the sea-bottom converted from the final processed multi-beam data, a moving average was used to improve the event continuity of the sea-bottom reflection of the Chirp SBP data. Using the position of the Chirp SBP data, the difference between the travel time of the sea-bottom from the smoothed map and the original travel time of the sea-bottom is calculated as a static correction. The static correction method based on the MBES data was compared and verified using three different cases: (i) simple 2D swell effect correction on a line-by-line basis, (ii) comparing the swell corrections at the crossing positions of 2D lines acquired from different dates, and (iii) comparison of ties of intersection points between 2D lines after new swell correction applied. Although a simple 2D swell correction showed great enhancement of reflector continuity, only the full static correction using the newly proposed method using MBES data produced completely corrected reflection events especially at the crossing points of 2D lines

    Shape of the ocean surface and implications for the Earth's interior: GEOS-3 results

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    A new set of 1 deg x 1 deg mean free air anomalies was used to construct a gravimetric geoid by Stokes' formula for the Indian Ocean. Utilizing such 1 deg x 1 deg geoid comparisons were made with GEOS-3 radar altimeter estimates of geoid height. Most commonly there were constant offsets and long wavelength discrepancies between the two data sets; there were many probable causes including radial orbit error, scale errors in the geoid, or bias errors in altitude determination. Across the Aleutian Trench the 1 deg x 1 deg gravimetric geoids did not measure the entire depth of the geoid anomaly due to averaging over 1 deg squares and subsequent aliasing of the data. After adjustment of GEOS-3 data to eliminate long wavelength discrepancies, agreement between the altimeter geoid and gravimetric geoid was between 1.7 and 2.7 meters in rms errors. For purposes of geological interpretation, techniques were developed to directly compute the geoid anomaly over models of density within the Earth. In observing the results from satellite altimetry it was possible to identify geoid anomalies over different geologic features in the ocean. Examples and significant results are reported

    3D Processing, Imaging and Interpretation of Dense Sub Bottom Profile Data Acquired in Avaldsnes and Hafrsfjord

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    This thesis addresses the challenges associated with conducting archaeological seismic surveys in shallow water and nearshore environments, focusing on the effects of dynamic elements such as wind, tide, and waves. These environments are known to contain a wealth of submerged archaeological remains, yet they are often overlooked due to the difficulties posed by their dynamic nature. While seismic geophysical methods are the preferred approach for archaeological prospection and investigations, the presence of dynamic elements hinders the acquisition of data in a regular grid pattern. The methodology employed to tackle these challenges involves creating a 3D grid of various sizes, tidal correction, interpolation and migration of the seismic dataset using the 3D grid. The proposed methodology was tested in Avaldsnes and Hafrsfjord - historically significant areas in Norway known to have shipwrecks. These locations serve as ideal test sites for evaluating the effectiveness of the methodology in addressing the problems posed by dynamic elements in shallow water and nearshore environments. Three 3D grid sizes were tested – 0.1 by 0.1 m, 0.25 by 0.25 m and 0.5 by 0.5 m - and two interpolation methods – cubic and Shepard’s interpolation – were tested. Results showed 0.1 by 0.1 m 3D grid size interpolated with Shepard’s method and migrated after showed the best seismic image and detail making identifying the shipwreck straightforward. The overall conclusion is that a 3D grid with small sizes, preferably 0.25 by 0.25 m or less, interpolated with Shepard’s method show the best seismic image for interpretation eliminating most of the problems caused by dynamic elements
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