55 research outputs found

    On Some Symmetric Lightweight Cryptographic Designs

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    This dissertation presents cryptanalysis of several symmetric lightweight primitives, both stream ciphers and block ciphers. Further, some aspects of authentication in combination with a keystream generator is investigated, and a new member of the Grain family of stream ciphers, Grain-128a, with built-in support for authentication is presented. The first contribution is an investigation of how authentication can be provided at a low additional cost, assuming a synchronous stream cipher is already implemented and used for encryption. These findings are then used when presenting the latest addition to the Grain family of stream ciphers, Grain-128a. It uses a 128-bit key and a 96-bit initialization vector to generate keystream, and to possibly also authenticate the plaintext. Next, the stream cipher BEAN, superficially similar to Grain, but notably using a weak output function and two feedback with carry shift registers (FCSRs) rather than linear and (non-FCSR) nonlinear feedback shift registers, is cryptanalyzed. An efficient distinguisher and a state-recovery attack is given. It is shown how knowledge of the state can be used to recover the key in a straightforward way. The remainder of this dissertation then focuses on block ciphers. First, a related-key attack on KTANTAN is presented. The attack notably uses only a few related keys, runs in less than half a minute on a current computer, and directly contradicts the designers' claims. It is discussed why this is, and what can be learned from this. Next, PRINTcipher is subjected to linear cryptanalysis. Several weak key classes are identified and it is shown how several observations of the same statistical property can be made for each plaintext--ciphertext pair. Finally, the invariant subspace property, first observed for certain key classes in PRINTcipher, is investigated. In particular, its connection to large linear biases is studied through an eigenvector which arises inside the cipher and leads to trail clustering in the linear hull which, under reasonable assumptions, causes a significant number of large linear biases. Simulations on several versions of PRINTcipher are compared to the theoretical findings


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    In this thesis, we focus on radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. We design, implement, and evaluate hardware performance of a secure tag that runs the authentication protocol based on cryptographic algorithms. The cryptographic algorithm and the pseudorandom number generator are required to be implemented in the tag. To realize the secure tag, we tackle the following four steps: (A) decision of hardware architecture for the authentication protocol, (B) selection of the cryptographic algorithm, (C) establishment of a pseudorandom number generating method, and (D) implementation and performance evaluation of a silicon chip on an RFID system.(A) The cryptographic algorithm and the pseudorandom number generator are repeatedly called for each authentication. Therefore, the impact of the time needed for the cryptographic processes on the hardware performance of the tag can be large. While low-area requirements have been mainly discussed in the previous studies, it is needed to discuss the hardware architecture for the authentication protocol from the viewpoint of the operating time. In this thesis, in order to decide the hardware architecture, we evaluate hardware performance in the sense of the operating time. As a result, the parallel architecture is suitable for hash functions that are widely used for tag authentication protocols.(B) A lot of cryptographic algorithms have been developed and hardware performance of the algorithms have been evaluated on different conditions. However, as the evaluation results depend on the conditions, it is hard to compare the previous results. In addition, the interface of the cryptographic circuits has not been paid attention. In this thesis, in order to select a cryptographic algorithm, we design the interface of the cryptographic circuits to meet with the tag, and evaluate hardware performance of the circuits on the same condition. As a result, the lightweight hash function SPONGENT-160 achieves well-balanced hardware performance.(C) Implementation of a pseudorandom number generator based on the performance evaluation results on (B) can be a method to generate pseudorandom number on the tag. On the other hand, as the cryptographic algorithm and the pseudorandom number generator are not used simultaneously on the authentication protocol. Therefore, if the cryptographic circuit could be used for pseudorandom number generation, the hardware resource on the tag can be exploited efficiently. In this thesis, we propose a pseudorandom number generating method using a hash function that is a cryptographic component of the authentication protocol. Through the evaluation of our proposed method, we establish a lightweight pseudorandom number generating method for the tag.(D) Tag authentication protocols using a cryptographic algorithm have been developed in the previous studies. However, hardware implementation and performance evaluation of a tag, which runs authentication processes, have not been studied. In this thesis, we design and do a single chip implementation of an analog front-end block and a digital processing block including the results on (A), (B), and (C). Then, we evaluate hardware performance of the tag. As a result, we show that a tag, which runs the authentication protocol based on cryptographic algorithms, is feasible.電気通信大学201

    Trusted SoC Realization for Remote Dynamic IP Integration

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    Heutzutage bieten field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) enorme Rechenleistung und Flexibilität. Zudem sind sie oft auf einem einzigen Chip mit eingebetteten Multicore-Prozessoren, DSP-Engines und Speicher-Controllern integriert. Dadurch sind sie für große und komplexe Anwendungen geeignet. Gleichzeitig führten die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der High-Level-Synthese und die Verfügbarkeit standardisierter Schnittstellen (wie etwa das Advanced eXtensible Interface 4) zur Entwicklung spezialisierter und neuartiger Funktionalitäten durch Designhäuser. All dies schuf einen Bedarf für ein Outsourcing der Entwicklung oder die Lizenzierung von FPGA-IPs (Intellectual Property). Ein Pay-per-Use IP-Lizenzierungsmodell, bei dem diese IPs vor allen Marktteilnehmern geschützt sind, kommt den Entwicklern der IPs zugute. Außerdem handelt es sich bei den Entwicklern von FPGA-Systemen in der Regel um kleine bis mittlere Unternehmen, die in Bezug auf die Markteinführungszeit und die Kosten pro Einheit von einem solchen Lizenzierungsmodell profitieren können. Im akademischen Bereich und in der Industrie gibt es mehrere IP-Lizenzierungsmodelle und Schutzlösungen, die eingesetzt werden können, die jedoch mit zahlreichen Sicherheitsproblemen behaftet sind. In einigen Fällen verursachen die vorgeschlagenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen einen unnötigen Ressourcenaufwand und Einschränkungen für die Systementwickler, d. h., sie können wesentliche Funktionen ihres Geräts nicht nutzen. Darüber hinaus lassen sie zwei funktionale Herausforderungen außer Acht: das Floorplanning der IP auf der programmierbaren Logik (PL) und die Generierung des Endprodukts der IP (Bitstream) unabhängig vom Gesamtdesign. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Pay-per-Use-Lizenzierungsschema vorgeschlagen und unter Verwendung eines security framework (SFW) realisiert, um all diese Herausforderungen anzugehen. Das vorgestellte Schema ist pragmatisch, weniger restriktiv für Systementwickler und bietet Sicherheit gegen IP-Diebstahl. Darüber hinaus werden Maßnahmen ergriffen, um das System vor einem IP zu schützen, das bösartige Schaltkreise enthält. Das „Secure Framework“ umfasst ein vertrauenswürdiges Betriebssystem, ein reichhaltiges Betriebssystem, mehrere unterstützende Komponenten (z. B. TrustZone- Logik, gegen Seitenkanalangriffe (SCA) resistente Entschlüsselungsschaltungen) und Softwarekomponenten, z. B. für die Bitstromanalyse. Ein Gerät, auf dem das SFW läuft, kann als vertrauenswürdiges Gerät betrachtet werden, das direkt mit einem Repository oder einem IP-Core-Entwickler kommunizieren kann, um IPs in verschlüsselter Form zu erwerben. Die Entschlüsselung und Authentifizierung des IPs erfolgt auf dem Gerät, was die Angriffsfläche verringert und es weniger anfällig für IP-Diebstahl macht. Außerdem werden Klartext-IPs in einem geschützten Speicher des vertrauenswürdigen Betriebssystems abgelegt. Das Klartext-IP wird dann analysiert und nur dann auf der programmierbaren Logik konfiguriert, wenn es authentisch ist und keine bösartigen Schaltungen enthält. Die Bitstrom-Analysefunktionalität und die SFW-Unterkomponenten ermöglichen die Partitionierung der PL-Ressourcen in sichere und unsichere Ressourcen, d. h. die Erweiterung desKonzepts der vertrauenswürdigen Ausführungsumgebung (TEE) auf die PL. Dies ist die erste Arbeit, die das TEE-Konzept auf die programmierbare Logik ausweitet. Bei der oben erwähnten SCA-resistenten Entschlüsselungsschaltung handelt es sich um die Implementierung des Advanced Encryption Standard, der so modifiziert wurde, dass er gegen elektromagnetische und stromverbrauchsbedingte Leckagen resistent ist. Das geschützte Design verfügt über zwei Gegenmaßnahmen, wobei die erste auf einer Vielzahl unterschiedler Implementierungsvarianten und veränderlichen Zielpositionen bei der Konfiguration basiert, während die zweite nur unterschiedliche Implementierungsvarianten verwendet. Diese Gegenmaßnahmen sind auch während der Laufzeit skalierbar. Bei der Bewertung werden auch die Auswirkungen der Skalierbarkeit auf den Flächenbedarf und die Sicherheitsstärke berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus wird die zuvor erwähnte funktionale Herausforderung des IP Floorplanning durch den Vorschlag eines feinkörnigen Automatic Floorplanners angegangen, der auf gemischt-ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung basiert und aktuelle FPGAGenerationen mit größeren und komplexen Bausteine unterstützt. Der Floorplanner bildet eine Reihe von IPs auf dem FPGA ab, indem er präzise rekonfigurierbare Regionen schafft. Dadurch werden die verbleibenden verfügbaren Ressourcen für das Gesamtdesign maximiert. Die zweite funktionale Herausforderung besteht darin, dass die vorhandenen Tools keine native Funktionalität zur Erzeugung von IPs in einer eigenständigen Umgebung bieten. Diese Herausforderung wird durch den Vorschlag eines unabhängigen IP-Generierungsansatzes angegangen. Dieser Ansatz kann von den Marktteilnehmern verwendet werden, um IPs eines Entwurfs unabhängig vom Gesamtentwurf zu generieren, ohne die Kompatibilität der IPs mit dem Gesamtentwurf zu beeinträchtigen

    Implementação em software de cifradores autenticados para processadores ARM

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    Orientador: Julio César López HernándezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Algoritmos de cifração autenticada são ferramentas usadas para proteger dados, de forma a garantir tanto sigilo quanto autenticidade e integridade. Implementações criptográficas não possuem apenas exatidão e eficiência como seus principais objetivos: sistemas computacionais podem vazar informação sobre seu com- portamento interno, de forma que uma má implementação pode comprometer a segu- rança de um bom algoritmo. Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de estudar as formas de implementar corretamente algoritmos criptográficos e os métodos para optimizá-los sem que percam suas características de segurança. Um aspecto impor- tante a ser levado em consideração quando implementando algoritmos é a arquitetura alvo. Nesta dissertação concentra-se na família de processadores ARM. ARM é uma das arquiteturas mais utilizadas no mundo, com mais de 100 bilhões de chips vendidos. Esta dissertação foca em estudar e implementar duas famílias de cifradores auten- ticados: NORX e Ascon, especificamente para processadores ARM Cortex-A de 32 e 64 bits. Descrevemos uma técnica de optimização orientada a pipeline para NORX que possui desempenho melhor que o atual estado da arte, e discutimos técnicas utilizadas em uma implementação vetorial do NORX. Também analisamos as características de uma implementação vetorial do Ascon, assim como uma implementação vetorial de múltiplas mensagensAbstract: Authenticated encryption algorithms are tools used to protect data, in a way that guar- antees both its secrecy, authenticity, and integrity. Cryptographic implementations do not have only correctness and efficiency as its main goals: computer systems can leak information about their internal behavior, and a bad implementation can compromise the security of a good algorithm. Therefore, this dissertation aims to study the forms of correctly and efficiently implementing crypto- graphic algorithms and the methods of optimizing them without losing security char- acteristics. One important aspect to take into account during implementation and opti- mization is the target architecture. In this dissertation, the focus is on the ARM family of processors. ARM is one of the most widespread architectures in the world, with more than 100 billion chips deployed. This dissertation focus on studying and implementing two different families of au- thenticated encryption algorithms: NORX and Ascon, targeting 32-bits and 64-bits ARM Cortex-A processors. We show a pipeline oriented technique to implement NORX that¿s faster than the current state-of-art; and we also discuss the techniques used on a vectorial implementation of NORX. We also describe and analyze the characteristics of a vectorial implementation of Ascon, as well as a multiple message vectorial imple- mentationMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Hardware Design and Implementation of Role-Based Cryptography

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    Traditional public key cryptographic methods provide access control to sensitive data by allowing the message sender to grant a single recipient permission to read the encrypted message. The Need2Know® system (N2K) improves upon these methods by providing role-based access control. N2K defines data access permissions similar to those of a multi-user file system, but N2K strictly enforces access through cryptographic standards. Since custom hardware can efficiently implement many cryptographic algorithms and can provide additional security, N2K stands to benefit greatly from a hardware implementation. To this end, the main N2K algorithm, the Key Protection Module (KPM), is being specified in VHDL. The design is being built and tested incrementally: this first phase implements the core control logic of the KPM without integrating its cryptographic sub-modules. Both RTL simulation and formal verification are used to test the design. This is the first N2K implementation in hardware, and it promises to provide an accelerated and secured alternative to the software-based system. A hardware implementation is a necessary step toward highly secure and flexible deployments of the N2K system

    Design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms

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    Survey on Lightweight Primitives and Protocols for RFID in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies is becoming widespread in all kind of wireless network-based applications. As expected, applications based on sensor networks, ad-hoc or mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) can be highly benefited from the adoption of RFID solutions. There is a strong need to employ lightweight cryptographic primitives for many security applications because of the tight cost and constrained resource requirement of sensor based networks. This paper mainly focuses on the security analysis of lightweight protocols and algorithms proposed for the security of RFID systems. A large number of research solutions have been proposed to implement lightweight cryptographic primitives and protocols in sensor and RFID integration based resource constraint networks. In this work, an overview of the currently discussed lightweight primitives and their attributes has been done. These primitives and protocols have been compared based on gate equivalents (GEs), power, technology, strengths, weaknesses and attacks. Further, an integration of primitives and protocols is compared with the possibilities of their applications in practical scenarios